The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 20, 1922, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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"V hu? "tlilBt Run.
or peopU araQ mae Want
A cplumBi lookltir for what you
!!!. .? erVhTV oflr-
raaalta by advrt)atnir la Tha
Heraid Want Ad department
RATES One can per word per
ina&rtlon. Coala no mora than
athar newspapera and we prunr
ntea that uu reach aayeral hua
ar4 mora readera. Buy circular
oa, not hot air.
FOR SALE3 Black Galloway fur over
coat, fine for outdoor work, good
condition, cheap if taken at once, can
be seen at Fowler Lumber Co. 16p
FOR SALE Registered French draft
stallion, register No. 22270, volume
i, iNationai Kegister or French Draft
Horses; 13 years, in good condition;
will sell for S125: sure foal rotter.
Ed Schulti, Hemingford, Neb. Fri. tf
FOR SALE Modern 8 rocm bunga
low, wAh garage; 916 Toluca; reas
onable terms. Phone 175. W. M. Fin
Began. 7tf
FOR SALE Big type Chester White
boars; best of breeding. Phone
801F11. D. E. PURINTON. 71-tf
FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H.
JONES Co., 8rd and Cheyenne, tf
FOR RENT Furnished 7-room house;
close in; modern except heat; will
rent all or in separate apartments.
See party at 224 Big Horn. 16-tf
FOR RENT 6-room modern house;
either furnished or unfurnished.
Call G8. 16-tf
FOR RENT Furnished rooms for
light housekeeping. Telephone 022.
FOR RENT A modern sleeping
room. Phone 219. Ji-tf
WANTED Clean, white cotton rags.
WANTED Young man or lady; 21 or
25; to join our sales force in acci
dent and sickness protection. Salary
$100 per month and 20 commission.
C. N. ROGERS, Agency Director, Box
354, Gering, Neb. 9-17
Estate of Adolph D. Brost, deceased,
in the County Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska, Box Uutte
County, ss.: To all persona interested
in said estate, take notice that a peti
tion has been filed for probate of the
Last Will and Testament of said
Adolph D. Brost, deceased, and for the
appointment of Frank Trenkle as
executor thereof which has been set
for hearing on January 21, 1922 at 2
AVlnrlr n. m
Dated this 27th dayof December,
fSiened) IRA E. TASH.
(Seal) County Judge
Boyd. Metz & Meyer. Attorneys.
Taken up by the subscriber on his
enclosed lands in Box Butte county,
Nebraska, on the 16th day of Decem
ber, 1921: four (4) bay horses, age
rot known, one sorrel horse, age not
known, one (1) brown horse, age not
known, one (1) roan horse, age not
known, one (1) buckskin horse, age
not known, and one ( 1 ) bay pony, age
not known; none of which animals bear
any brand or mark of identification.
La ted December 31st, 1921.
12-21 E. C. HANING.
In the Matter of the Estate of Nellie
M. Covalt, deceased, in County Court
of Box Butte County, Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said estate, Take
Notice, that a petition has been filed
for probate of the last will and testa
ment of said deceased, and for appoint
ment of Victor E. Covalt as Executor
thereof, which ha3 been set for hear
ing therein, on February bth, 1922, at
10 o'clock A. AI.
SEAL County Judge
Goldie Farrell has been very sick
for the past week but is improving
A number from this neigh borhood
attended the funeral of Mr. Sampy
Itst Thursday.
Vincent Murphey is suffering from
a frozen knee, which he received last
Thursday while going to town.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roes visited
at the Cal Leis home Friday evening.
Cal Leis' and Ivor Meeker's spent
Sunday at the Grosse home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grosse and chil
dren and Harry Grosse attended the
dance at Ejner Christesson's Satur
day night.
Roy Grosse and Ed Dyer were Al
liance callers Friday.
Mrs. Aarons of Scottsbluff came out
to visit this neighborhood Sunday and
pot to Canton when her car gave out.
She returned home Monday.
We are the posterity our forefathers
prayed for can you blame them?
Evansville Courier.
"The lungs are best expanded by
deep breathing," says one of our most
brilliant medical men. This is much
better than using a glove-stretcher for
the same purpose. Punch,
Incompatibility is given as the
cause of half the divorces in Switzer
land. Income inability is the chief
trouble in the United States.
In the Distr.ct Court of Box Butte
county, iSebraska.
. . r,'aUe.r of th Application of
LODOl.lHcS M. HAMl'iUN, Admin-
rAViv" ,, I" s INon 01 lne rotate rf
JOHN H. hRAUSE. DeCOa.-d. for l.i -
cense to Seii Keal Estate,
OKLd.R lO SHOW CATSr. VVllVuhiHv.c-.. K r,.ir ivi.
J' fV'r h n iNoT BK a," the south half (S'a) of the south
i'KAmLD ADMINISTRATOR DE cast quarter (SK'4) of soction thirty
T atp yL:LL liLAL -y-1 three (33); the east half (E'i) and
v ,f ... L i . . ' 'southwest quarter (SW'4) of section
..won, ,ay.of January, thirty-four (34); all of section thirty-
A. II. V)Z. Ivodoluhus M. Hamilton. 1 f;,o v, ... Voir i.m r ,k
administrator de bonis non, of the ea -
late of John II. krause. deceased.
. j. . -t
presented to me his petition under
oain, stating that there was not a
sufficient amount of money or person
al property in his possession for the
payment of the debts outstanding
against said estate, in the sum cf
$59,530.51 together with an allowance
tor the costs of administration and
other expenses of administering said
estate and that it is necessary to sell
the real estate of said decedent, or a
sufficient amount thereof for the pay
ment of said outstanding indebtedness,
costs and expenses of administration,
and praying lor a license to be grant
ed him as such administrator to t ell
an undivided one-half interest in ard
to the following described real estate
belonging to the estate of said deceas
ed, to-wit: An undivided one-half in
terest in and to the following describ
ed lands situated in Sheridan Count':,
Nebraska. The south half of th
half (SVa) of (SVa) of section twenty
nine (29); the south half (SVs) of the
southwest quarter (SWVi) of section
twenty-eight (28); the south half
(SVa) and the northeast quarter
(NEVi) of section thirty-one (31);
the north half (NVs) and southeast
quarter (SEVi) of section thirty-two
(32); the west hair (WVa); the north
west quarter (NW'i ) of the northeast
quarter (NEVi ), and the south half
(iVa) of the southeast quarter (SEVi )
township twenty-seven (27) north of
ranire lortv-six (4fil: ,
oi section uiirty-tnree (33); all in
All of section four (4); the north
half (NVa) and southeast ouarter
(SE',4) of the quarter (NE
U), and the east one-half (EVa) and
bouthwest (uarter (SWVi) of tlie
southeast quarter (bEVi); also the
west half (WVa) and
quarter (SE'iJ of the
Knot hue-it i
. - - . w .
) of the northeast quarter (
V4) the southeast quarter (SEVi); and
the east half (EVa) of the southwest
quarter (SW'i), of section ten (10);
the south half (SVs); and the south
half (S'AV of the north half (NU) of
section eleven (11); the west half
(WV4) of the west half (WVa); also
the southeast quarter (SEVi) of the
southwest quarter (SWV4) of section
twelve (12); the east half (EVa) also
the east half (EVa) of the west half
(WVa) and the southwest quarter
(SWV4) of the northwest quarter
(NWV4) of section thirteen (18); the
north half (NVa) also the north half
(NVi) of the southwest quarter (8W
V4) and the northwest quarter (NW
V4 ) of the southeast quarter (SLV4)
of section fourteen (14); the northeast
quarter (NEVi); the east half (EVa )
of the northwest quarter (NWVi);
the northeast quarter (NEVi) of the
southeast quarter (SEVi) of section
fifteen (15); all of section seventeen
(17); all of section eighteen (IS); all
of section nineteen (19); the north
half (NVa) also the west half (WVa)
of the southwest quarter (SWV4) of
section twenty (20); the west one-h ilf
(WVa) and the southeast quarter
(SEVa) of section twenty-one (21):
all of section twenty-two (22); all of
section twenty-three (23); the north
half (NVa); the north half (NVa) of
the south half (S'4) and the south
east quarter ( SE Vi ) of section twenty-
lour (Z4); tne south hair (5V4); also
the northeast quarter (NEVi ); and the
southeast quarter (SEVi ) of the nort'i
west quarter (NWVi) of section twen
ty-five (25); the south one-half (SVs)
and northwest quarter (NWVi); also
the west half (WVa) of the northeast
quarter (NEVi) of section twenty-six
(ZD); the east half (EVa) and the
northwest quarter (NWVi) of section
twenty-seven (27); the north one-half
the southeast iuarter (SE'i) of sec- ha,f 0V1J anl the wcst half
tion six (C); the south one-half (SVa) W.' F&i??' (KuO
and northeast quarter (NE'i) of sec- the east half (LVa ) of the north-
tion seven (7); all of section eight f:is 1 fr (NL' , !" VTi?"
(8); the west half (WVa); also the l' J?' the Ht ,hMa l , of
east half (E'a) of the northeast quar- northeast quarter (NLV4); the south-
ter (NEVi ) of section nine (9); vhe east c,uarr St of he northwest
northwest quarter (NWVi) the west lasier xl' T1 6 no,,'t.neasft
half (W) and southeast quarter er of th?.
Gene byruea avs:- . . .tiC
r HOSBfsH0.rV6CT OVER. T- ( t . . ' SHour .
.f4 JTfetS? .-l-WVSrSst T ADVICE J ,. .
m ifiiiim.aT v . ;,. . - -t . j ...... m ar.- i- -
(NVi) and southwest quarter (SW'i)
'also the north half (N's) of the south-
east quarter (SE1) of soction twen-
I ty-eight (2,N); the southeast quarter of
! the southeast Uarter (SE'4SE'i) of
i section thirtv-one (31); the east half
i (r,'a) also the south half (S'a) and
! nnrlho.ivt mini-trr V.'i: i f ),
southwest quarter (SW'i) of soction
UTst half (W't) and the west half
1 m i -i uit: tit unit yi ,i vi f" .
, tion thh-tv-siv lar.i! nil in tnwnKhit
twenty-six (2G) north of range forty-
six (46);
All of section two (2); the east half
(h1); also the northwest quarter
(NWVi) of the northeast quarter
(Mh'4) and the northeast quarter
(NE"4) of the northwest quarter
(NWVi) of section three (3); the
south half (S'i) of the southwest
quarter (SWVi) of section four (4);
the southeast quarter (SEU) of the
southeast quarter (SE4) of section
five (5); all of section eight (8);
the north half of the northwest
quarter (NViNW4); and the south
west quarter (SW4) of the south
west quarter ( S W M ) of section nine
(9); the east half (Ei) of the east
half (E4); also the southeast quar
ter (SEU) of the southwest quarter
(SW'i) of section ten (10); the west
half (W'i), also the west half (WVi)
of the east half (EVa) and the north
east quarter (NE'4) of the northeast
quarter (NE) of section eleven (11);
the north hnlf (NVa) of the northwest
quarter (NW4) and the northwest
quarter (NW'i) of the northeast
quarter (NEU ) of section twelve ( 12) ;
the north one-half (N'i) of the north
west quarter (NWVi) and the north
west quarter (NW'i) of the northeast
quarter (NE'i) of section fourteen
(14); the northeast quarter (NhU);
the St "ivU- ll tlT
quarter (NW '4 ) ; the north half
(N'a) and southwest quarter (SWli)
of the southeast quarter (SE'i); and
the northeast quarter (NE'i) of the
southwest quarter (SW'i) of section
fifteen (15); the south half (S'i) of
the south half (S'a) of section six-
teen (lfi); all of sect-'on seventeen
l "i Ul wiivn t-Kiiieen yioj, an
. - . s.rti. i
oi section nineteen iini; vne
one (21); the west half (WVa) or the
northeast quarter (NEVi); the north
west quarter (NWVi ) of the southeast
quarter (SEV4); and the northeast
quarter (NEVi) of the southwest
quarter (SWVi) of section twenty
eight (28); the west half (WVa) and
southeast quarter (SEVi) also the
west half (WVa) and southeast quar
ter (SEVi) of the northeast quarter and place fixed for said hearing by
(NEVi) of section twenty-nine (29); publication of this order for three suc
the southeast quarter (SEVi); the fs've weeks prior to said date of
south half (SVs) and northeast quar- bearing, in the Alliance Herald, a
ter (NEVi) of the northeast quarter I .
(NEVi); the west half (WVa) of thel
northwest quarter (NWVi) of section
thirty (30); the east half (EVa) of the
east half (EVi), the northwest quar
ter (NWVi) of the northeast quarter
(NEVi); the southwest quarter
(SWVi) of the southeast quarter j
(SEVi), and the southeast quarter;
(SEVi) of the southwest quarter
(SWVi) of section thirty-one (31);
all of section thirty-two (32); all in
township twenty-six (26), north of
range forty-five (45);
The southwest quarter (SWVi) of
the southwest quarter (SWVi) of sec
tion nineteen (19) in township twenty-six
(26), north of range forty-four
tu;; i
The north half (NVs), the west half
(WVa) of the southeast quarter
(SEVi), and the south half fSVil of
the southwest quarter (SWVi) of sec
tion five (5): the north half (NVii.
the west half (WVa) of the southwest
quarter (SWVi) of soction six (6);
the northwest ouarter (NWVi of the
northwest quarter (NWVi) of section
seven an or section eight (8);
the north half (NVa), the north half
(NVa) of the south half (SVa) of sec-'
tion seventeen (171: the hutf
(EV3) the east half (K(. nf th u,cf
half (WVi) of section twpntv.nno .
Kt.ii; me wesi nair w a j 0f the west
OI. il a ....... . - . J
.- II n ...l. 7- V -
FnlDAV, JANUARY 20, 1022.
half (W'a) of section twenty-two
yaii mi in townsh p twenty-live (2.i),
north of range forty-five (4);
All of section one (1); the eust half
(E'i) of east half (K'); the north
west quarter (NW') of section two
(2); the north half (N') of mtion
three (3); the northeast quarter ( N V.
'i) nrl the north half (N1) of the
northwe-t quarter (NV'4) of section
four (4); the north half (N'a) and
the southwest quarter (SW4) of the
northeast quarter (N'E'i) also the
east half (E'a) of the northwest
quarter (NW4) of section five (5);
the north half (N'a) of section
twelve (12); the south half (S'a) of
the southeast ouarter (SEU) of sec
tion eleven (11); the southeast quar
ter (SK'i) of section ten (10); the
west half (W'i) of the northwest
quarter (NWVi) of section thirteen
(13)5 the north half (N4) of the
north half (N4); and the routheast
quarter (SE'i ) of the northeast quar
ter. (NE'i) of section fourteen (14);
the north half (NVa) of the north
east quarter (NEVi) of Fection fif
teen (15); all in township twenty
five (25), north of range forty
six (46);
It is therefore ordered that all per
sons interested in said estate appear
before me at chambers in the city of
Rushville in Sheridan County. Nebras
ka, on the 4th day of March, A. D.,
1922, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M.
to show cause if any there be, why a
license should not be granted to the
said Rodolphus M. Hampton, Admin
istrator de bonis non of said estate
to sell so much of the above described
real estate of said decedent as shall
be necessary to pay said debts, costs
of administration and expenses.
It is further ordered that a copy of
thi3 order be served on all persons
interested in said estate by causing
the same to le published for four suc
cessive weeks in the Alliance Herald,
a weekly newspaper printed, pub
lished and of general circulation in
said Box Butte County, Nebraska.
Dated this lith day of January. A.
D- 1922.
Judge of the District Court.
Attorney. Jan20-Feb24
In the County Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska:
In the Matter of the Estate of JOSE
SANCHF.Z. Deceased:
TRIBUTION: Notice is hereby given to all per
sons interested in the estnte of Jose
Sanchez, deceased, that Glen Miller,
administrator of said estate, has filed
in said court, his final account anil
letition for distribution of the resi
due of said estate and that a hearing
has been ordered on said account and
petition lefore said court ort the 11th
day of February, A. D, 1922, when
all persons interested therein may ap
pear and contest the same.
It Is further ordered that. the said
administrator give notice of the time
Each burial service planned and executed by us is mark
ed by the distinction that our good taste makes possible.
Our undertaking wisdom solves every burial problem. Local
or shipping funerals attended to in a manner that warrants
your confidence.
Miller Mortuary
Phones: Day, 311
Night, 522 or 535
m wspaiK-r printed, published
oral of genial circulation in Box
Butte County, Nebraska.
Uatod this ISth day of January, A.
P., 1!.
County Judge.
(SKA I.)
"I'lay Square," with Edna Murphy
nnd Johnny Walker, as co-stars, is the
Imperial attraction for tonight. Miss
Murphy is seen as a dainty small town
girl, and Walker as a youth from the
same town who, after falling into evil
ways in the city, has returned, bent
upon reiorm in denance of his city
pals. It is at thi.s point that the pair
become sweethearts. The itory pre
sents a fine moral lesson, but it is
never "preachy" and never dry.
Saturday there will be five acts of
vaudeville, and in addition Hoot Gib
son in "Sure Fire." The story is the
fighting drama of a man who makes
good a vagabond cowpuncher, who
shows his worth for something more
than riding the range. In many
respects it is even a better picture
than "Action" and "Red Courage,"
uioson s two previous successes.
Sunday's bill is featured by "The
Sky lilot,' adapted from the novel by
Ralph Connor. The sky pilot, who
comes unsolicited into the Canadian
hills, is quite an unpopular person at
first, and the best they can do for him
in the way of a house to worship is to
rather reluctantly allow him permis
sion to hold services in "The Stop
ping Place," the local saloon. How
ever, the Pilot wins out, with the result
that the boys surprise him on Christ
mas morning with a quaint little frame
church which they have financed and
built without hi.s knowledge. And
nailed to the pulpit are a couple of
Monday nnd Tuesday of next week
conies "Mickey," the picture you will
never forget, with Muble Normand in
the title role. A tear-stained world is
laughing with "Mickey" the naughty
little tomboy from the mountain coun
try, with her pranks, her mischievous
quick eyes, her magnetic smile. Just
dusting, nnd dusting, for this mis
chievous little tomboy from the faro!T
mountain country. But when they did
find out she owned a gold mine, how
"What do you like best, Elsie?" he
asked as they sat together in the porcl
"Ice cream," she answered promptly.
"Screami your head off. I'm going
to kiss you anyway."
If the knickerbocker girl survives
she will settle for once and for all the
age-long question regarding the prop
per length of skirts.
123 West
Third Street
I Harvrv Mever will nnv full
1 ,.ni .. ,. ., . . , .
i talue for urs of all kinds, at
, MuTRCOn R garage. IJling them
in r n days or Saturdays. No
furs bought after Feb. 25, 13-22
Family Doctor Alliance, Neb.
Country cases attended, day or night,
regardless of weather. Come with your
car and carry me, until I learn your
Office in Res., 712 Hatte Avenue
Sign illuminated at night.
Wholesale Fruits .
210 W. 3rd
"When If Your Mot
Let Ua Know"
Office Phone, 15; Res. 88 1 and Blk. 73i
Office in Reddish Ulock
Let Me Cry Your Sulea
Auctioneer 1232 Missouri
Telephone 384
Drake & Drake
Doctors of Optometry
Glasses Accurately Fitted
Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteepatkl
Chiropractors Palmer School
Phone 865 Over narnera
Real Estate, Loans and 1
. Reddish Block tf
Pkona 614 AllUaai
Harry P. Coursey
Lite Stock and General Farm Sale
Transfer and
7- V I J i '
iv?" VV-T
ii i
r- x 1 k IL$- r ' v VX;v