MX 20-Day Low Price Gleaning Event These Are Our Bargain Days We Want You to Get the Benefit From Them Until January 31 wc arc going to give you (he opportunity to et your Cleaning and Pressing done at lowest possible prices. If you liave soiled clothing belonging to any member of the family bring them in now and get this reduction. You can't afford to let them go without it. And remember these prices arc in effect only until January 31. These Lowest Prices Are In Effect From January 11 to January 31, Inclusive, Only a rttttmn k T mi nftnTf1 Tiff A tXT A ftnni 1 Mr VS SUITS I MEN'S OVERCOATS I HUitS' bull's I i.Ami Mjnr i-laiw i hAuina iiuib-iwiw Cleaned Bid Pressed .51.00 Cleaned and pressed -1.00 Cleaned and pressed ...90c Cleaned and pressed..$1.00 Clewed and Pressed only . - .50 Pressed only 50 Presse : j 40c Pressed only oO Pressed 50c LADIES' FURS Cleaned and renovated $2.00 and up S PHONE 18 203 BOX BUTTE MODEL CLEANERS & TAILORS SUITS MADE TO ORDEK ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. I Nebraska News Notes GUARANTY FUND HAS $2,316,470.93 LINCOLN J. K. Hart, secretary of Iho, tlepartment of tnule and com merce, announced mai mere was companion, F.ilmund McNulty. McNulty had an old pattern 22-cali-hre rifle and was shooting at a tin can. lie started to take aim and the rjfle I ir harmed. The bullet entered the Cofvey hoy'H cheek, followed me lower ami lodged m me - m . m r n A. .1 ! . . 1 4 itn.l 1 liLW. MM llllt I 1 1 1 K. Ill local physician made an incision oac of the boy's ear, but could not remove the bullet, which will be allowed to re main where lodged. At the time the rifle was discharged the boy threw his right hand up to his head and the bullet first went through the first joint of the Index finger, caus ing an injurv which may leave a stiff joint It is expected the boy will re cover. . . ''This total, built up in the two se' from the previous total on nana of S734,235.5fi, is the result of a spe cial assessment of $1,456,201.92, neces sary because of the heavy drain of 'numerous bank failures, and the regu lar 1-20 of 1 per cent assessment on the average daily deposits, which vonvronted to "$109,3!M.C3, and also cer tain adjustment funds. The average daily balance of deposits in state banks for the last six months, on which the iOs;sjimrnr: were made, was $219,031, V6Q.309. The number of banks assessed were ii8C BLOOMFIELD VOTES TO CONTINUE STRIKE BLOOMFIELD Bloomfield and Jams Burlington, jr., travel ng salesman for the Morris Packing Co. was in town Saturday. II. 8. Fullerton was in town Satur day after a load of coal. Victor Hunsakcr was an Alliance visitor Saturday and Sunday, having tome dental work done. A. W. Tyler and daughter, Bertha, were shopping here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Green were in town Saturday afternoon. George Lindley was in Alliance Sat urday. t ,. .l i Kverytning oi tne nature in hub mj community are til standing pat with- J Vn t out of busincs8 nml sim ! Har action will be taken at Lewellen IIHM.-1.II1K IIVIU 1 " " i ......... , . , jnously to turn down the rates granted ana "hCU' COUNTY STARTS FIGHT AGAINST GAMBLING OSHKOSH Sheriff Smith and deputies have begun a campaign m Motft a(, AHce gchl returned Sunday vnis county against pumn uuoiibp iii machines and other gambling devices. Everything of the nature in thm city fcvn. In We Douglas MacLean and Doris May, who made such a tremendous hit dur ing the war with "Twenty-three and a Half Hours Leave," will appear at the Imperial tonight in another photoplay that is said to bo just as good, al though it isn't, properly speaking, a Wnr ctntV Of oil TlkA trimr .lanln ...Ul. iuisaivjMui.Bwi wv- tnals of an American doughbov Ellsworth visitors Saturday and Sun- who on hi3 return from France finds -t day . , , .. , , .. difficult to adjust himself to his new A number from here attended the environment, especially after he comeF dance at Antioch Friday rught. into a fortune and has to deai with the Mrs. Sid Iwin returned Sunday Pervant probiem. Doris May who from a few days visit at Alliance. i pay8 opposite the star, heads a clever Jake eig drove in from the ranch PUpporting company. There are many Sunday to bring William, . who was re- humorous situations, turning to school at Alliance, after. There's a special vaudeville attrac epending his vacation With his parents. tion tonight, too, direct from the Or- Ode Black was m Alliance on bus!- pheum at Denver "Sawing a Woman ness the latter port of the week. fn Two " !-. IT T !..: 4 I O 1.... 1 i'liaa mac IjIviiiks iciunieu ouiuuif 1 from a two weeks' visit with her rela tives nt Tlnvpnnnrt. Mph. and lias' protected by the guarantee law of the feet for the coming vear. State of Nebraska. J We take this manner of informing The First State Bank has been using the public that the Guardian State" this same calendar since its organiza-1 Bank of Alliance is now under the tion, and, as is the custom in ordering guarantee law, and its deposits enjoy this class of advertising matter, placed the same full protection as those of our order for 1922 calendars last Janu- The First State bank . ary by duplicating our order of pre-1 vious years, without taking into ac- THE FIRST STATE BANK count the changes that would be in ef-J Alliance, Nebraska. tives at Davenport, Neb., and has taken up her work again as principal .of our school. The Misses Wilma from Alliance and are again busy as teachers here, after spending two .....1.. ...!U knw.. ntlxi I Vt?eili3 dttillun nun uuhk; iviaat s . . . m r v DL.t iJi.n..nt mi iuuk ul vuiiimeroe. me uiuuutuuu una lie "Nobody," with pretty Jewel Car men taking the part of "Little Mrs. Smith," will be shown Wednesday. Opening in Palm Beach, where the idle rick try to find recreation and pleas ure, the story moves to New York and to the palatial home of John Rossmore, -4 1 . V... . n t A wi.iluinit AAm, ne company uy ui rw v... crvYTTCm ITITP TH VOTE mission and which became effective SCOTTSItLUi' 1U l.m February 1, and a motion prevailed, ON SCHOOL BOND ISSUE tnt notrnna wnillil Tint t?ko the tele-. i Phones back except at the rates that SCOTTSBLUFF The Scottsbluff away to attend the were in effect prior to April 1, 1921. board of education has called a special grandmother. rh rnmnanv was granted a 23 ter -hool bond election of $300,000 for the ; Joe Warrpn is selling his household nnpmtion nt the St. Joseoh's hosnital been staged with a lavish hand last week, returned to her home here H"11" of Rossmore in his luxurious Sunday. Her many friends are glad to lrary; a storm-tossed yacht in the . " u. .. "ii .;,n i Atlantic, and realistic scenes in a jury Edward Jameson was a westbound room vnth twelve men juggling the. passenger nrtay. He was canea zr' ..r ,." 717. :,-"' . m m if nun niirn iiiriu u in niu l ry rix . lunerai oi nis. -o" Thursday and Friday will be shown The company was granted a per school bond election oi uu.uuu xor w. , ue .iu.-..y. No Woman Knows." written original- cent raise by the railway commission, purpose of building a new high school, goads and preparing to leave Lakeside utV. Wrh KmA ..iTnctive Atril 1. last At the same time the board began ne- for western points irt the near future. " iv- a" which became effective April 1, last At the same time the board began ne iur nnH npnrlv 700 natrons went on tmtintinnn with William Frank for the; v . .' ., . f" : - - . . . .-.' "strike , rerusing to pay me raise purchase oi au acres oi lanu m hj yind ordering their telephones out. northwestern part of the city as a site Since that time almost without excep- for the proposed school. The election tion they have stood by their guns and will be held in February. The voters the company now has but 70 subscrib- J have already approved bonds of $125, ers, including those who failed to go" OOO, but these will not be issued If the ut with the rest. The sentiment of new bonds carry. Superintendent L. the meeting was unanimous and there ' L. Rouse recently completed a tour of were at least 500 present. A move is J inspection that took him as far east as rntu nn tmt for t.h ni-iranizatinn of a Plovolnnil when different tvpe8 of jrnutual company. schools were studied for the guidance of the board. The enrollment of the hiirh school has doubled in four years IN SENSATIONAL CASE 1uL,XftM,B in tVUV0 f " ( "WOMAN WINS DIVORCE NELIGH Possibly the most sensa tional divorce case ever tried in the .Antelope county district court was be fore District Judge W. V. Allen last "week, Helen Payne suing Raymond A. 1'ayne, both prominently known in Miss Esthel Quist who has been a guest at the R. A. Westover home a few days, was a westbound passenger TSunday. The Lakeside ueveioping company received two carloads of casing for the oil well Sunday. Drilling will be gin the first oi this weeic Do your business with "The Old Reliable" Alliance National Bank. 10-15 1001 no result of the state compensa JMeligh and fcijpn, on charges or non- , 8CCording to the annual re tupport, cruelty and infatuation for ; J0" B : Kp1 nodv state labor lhor r 0 .7t .( Ih, . nature tl', W. Payne, for two days each montn twiou vear nd the defendant is allowed to visit i T?5!fl a., h VMv STATE SETTLES 11.000 ACCIDENT CLAIMS T ivrnt .N The courts of Nebraska - .t nrn 11 nnn lawsuits in lv. weifl saicu num - . - . , Ann mus a pieasani evtning paaseu quickly. NOT HINTING AT ALLIANCE "Whnt shall we do?" she asked. bored to the veree of tears. "Whatever you wish," he replied c-nllantlv. "If you do i ll scream, sne said coy- is son any time. Ten dollars yer v AriLJTifift on lobs and nnnth ulimony for support or the child . Z Z ' xvr ; e- n'c l. The subject of perma- -67 women nci t a!ir.wr.y was taken under advise- jw nt. The I'aintlff la a daughter of Mr. 1). L. Shenefeldt of this city, who secured a divorce from her husband more than a year ago. UNES MORE THAN PAY DRY AGENTS EXPENSES LAKESIDE ber and read by thousands in the Am erican Magazine. It's the story of a family in a typical middle-western town; of the mother who dies of a broken heart and of Fanny herself, the dauehter who gives to the limit to keep her brother in comfort and finally breaks her family ties and becomes a modern business woman ; or her strug gles to keen her true self subdued until finally her heart is v re-awakened by true love and happiness. ANNOUNCEMENT In Correction. We wish to announce to the public that the small advertisement on our calendar for 1922. which reads: "We are the only bank in town which is under the state guarantee law", is not correct, as the Guardian State Bank of Alliance came under this law last July, 1921, which makes that bank's deposits REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST STATE BANK of Alliance. Nebraska, Charter No. 1229 in the State of Nebraska at the close of business December 31, 1921. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Herman and daughter drove up from the ranch Friday. I Ed Boan returned from a trip to Alliance Friday. Mrs. Ed Eldred of Alliance and her daughter. Mrs. E. J. Rhein. and little I Csiittl. TluVna wam in 1 jkVestita OMAHA Fines collected from Friday on their way to Alliance after xnior convictions in the last six months a few day3 visit at tne jgjte Herman since he took office will more than pay ranch for the cost of maintaining the prohi-1 Bert Blair was In from out north of Lition department in Nebraska for a nere Saturday vhole year, U. S. Rohrer. federal pro- Mr and Mr3, jake Herman enter hibiUoa enforcement officer, announced .tained the ladies of the Kensington JYiday. Iclub and tneir husbands at a card He enumerated 50.000 collected in art , Bt their rah home five miles tines in federal court here; $6,000 of here Thursday night Re- more in Lincoln and other districts in fretihments were served and a dandy he state; $6,000 in taxed paid to the gowi time reported. Those who at irHI? nX?nyi dpartments, and tended from ;cre were Mr. and Mrs. $20,000 pending in forfeited bonds he Geo, Lindley, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Berry, expects to collect. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGinnis, Mr. and "Besides this we have dozens of m, t i fr u, Ho-u pending on which we are sure of Graybill, Mr: and Mrs. A. S. Morris, convictions and fines, but which have Mrs Bergy Reynolds, and Bruce Hun iot been tried for want of a judge, , 6ai(er. aid Rohrer. Frank Westover was in town the He states it costs about $30,000 an- latter part of the week. ually to maintain bis department. Mrs. I B. Dillard and children re .v.r . -... . w turned to their home at Halsey Fri- .BOY ACCIDEITALLY day after a few weeks' stay at the SHOT BY COMPANION Geo. Pollard home here. Miss Ruth Pollard accompanied them home for a : TECU M S EH Norman Coirey, io, few days' visit. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Coffey of J. S. Brice was in town on business this city, was accidentally shot by a Friday. RESOURCES IO an s and discounts $ Overdrafts . Bonds, securities, judgments, claims etc., including all government bonds Banking house, furniture and fixtures ' -v m TJ t 1 OA - A 1 . Due irom iNauonai ana aiaie names Checks and items of exchange Gold coin ... . Silver nickels and cents I T r i Total - LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund . Undivided profits Individual deposits subject to check Time certificates of deposit Savings Account . . i Cashier's checks outstanding Due to National and State banks Bills payable Depositor's guaranty fund 81.44&S0 1,470.68 4,495.00 2,135.00 2,070.79 t $550,699.63 4,109.09 4,427.37 10,595.00 91,617.67 227,217.49 258,607.76 57,088.70 7,676,02 28,815.32 $661,448.76 35,000.00 30,000.00 179.93 679,405.29 15,000,00 1,863.54 - - $661,448.76 Total - - - - - State of Nebraska, County of Box Butte, ss: ' I, J. 0. Walker, cashier of the above named bank do hereby swear that the above statement is a correct and true copy of the report made to the State Bureau of Banking. J. O.WALKER. Attest: i ; p H A. COPSEY, Director ; '!':! FRED W. HAYES, Director. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of January, 1922. BEATRICE O'BRIEN, Notary Public If The public whom we serve have shown that they appre ciate the unfailing courtesy shown by everyone employed by this establishment. We command everyone's respect for the satisfactory manner in which we ponduct funeral services. We are equipped in a twentieth century manner as to equip age and experience. Miller Mortuary MORTICIANS Phones: Day, 311 Night, 522 or 535 123 West Third Street A fUTENSILS COOK books help to make good cooks. Light, sanitary cooking utensils help more. When you use "Universal"Seamless Aluminum Ware there is satisfying certainty that food well prepared will be well cooked. "Universal" Aluminum utensils never absorb odors of food. They cannot impart to soups, stews or roasts the taint of rusty, unclean metal. "Universal" Aluminum Ware has no cracks, seams, sharp corners or holes to . hold grime. It is clean, bright, strong and light. Call for "Unlveml' Cook Book FREE When you get the book take a look at "Univcwal' Utenails ALUMINUM. WAHE WHITE LINE on Knobs and Handles the Mark of Genuine Universal Aluminum IMPERIAL THEATRE Thursday and Friday JANUARY 12th & 13th "No Woniaii Knows REDUCED ADMISSION ON THIS SPECIAL. 13 and 40c