' int. ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922. January Clearance Every Ciing Is in Read iness for the Mightiest Value-Giving Event in the Store's Career. Start the year right buy for Cash and save the Cot of Charging. Money Saving Bargains Await You at the Cash Store Sale EXCLUSIVE SUITS Striking creations, carefully tailored of such popular materials as Wool Velour, Tricotine and Serge, exquisitely embroid ered. Many Fur Trimmed; all are Silk lined. Suits made to Retail at CI C 7C $15 and $50, choice at piU.I J MEN'S UNION SUIT'S Wool mixed, pray ribbed, medium and win ter weight garments. Improved form-fitting makes. Regular j1 Oft $3.00 values, at piOJ Fnrm-fittinor crnrments in natural color. These splendid $1.00 values specially priced, at . ill natuioi .u.cl $2.89 WOMEN'S PUMPS AND OXFORDS $6.00 to $7.00 Values No economical woman should fail to take advantage of this splendid opportunity to purchase the season's smartest style pumps and oxfords in every new OA (0 shape at this low clearance price--y '0 WOOL BLANKETS Nassau plaid colored blankets, er.ch $5.00 Part-wool blanket comfortables, each $5.95 and $7.30 100 pairs of the best all-wool plaid blankets in the U. S., at, pair $7.93 All-wool blankets priced $10.00 and up wards at 20'Disccunt Cotton plaid' blankets, good weight, as sorted colors, sizes 66x80, pair .-$2.95 70x80, pair $3.73' Wool finished plaid blankets, in assorted colors sizes 6-1x76, pair $3.50 70x80, pair ...$4.50 COMFORTABLES ' The greatest comfort value offered in Alliance. Home-made comforts filled with felted cot ton, weight 4 pounds, covered with good quality silkoline ; has two rows of stitching on edge with scroll stitched centers; each 5 W fcVI14Aif $2.95 : i Great After-Inventory SALE OF HOSIERY Children's Stockings, cotton and lisle, for merly priced up to 35c, only a limited quan tity we are going to close out, at pair J.; LOZ Infants' 35c and 45c Mercerized Stockings in black. Sale price, , or pair . LDZ Women's Silk Stockings, all sizes, in black, brown. They are easily worth dou- d ble the sale price, Clack Cat, pair yl Women's $2 and $2.50 Thread Silk Stock ings Beautiful heavy lustrous quality in black and brown at a worth-while 'CI QO saving;, pair ylajO SUITS AND OVERCOATS Conservative single and double-breasted suits, also young men's models in plain and fancy colored cheviots, cassimeres, and worsteds. Ulster and ulsterette over coats in heavy cheviots, shetlands, and other wear-resisting fabrics ; Qt)li beautiful colorings $35 and $38 Values. NO ALLIANCE MAN CAN AFFORD TO MISS THIS REMARKABLE SALE OF Suits and Overcoats It'sjhe kind of gale you've been waiting for. Offering garments of exceptional quality and dependable style. Made to sell at $35 nnd $40. There's a wonderful assortment of Suits to choose from, single and double breasted models for men and young men. Tailored of choice materials in distinctive patterns. 1 7JG You'll get the winter overcoat you wrmt in this sale. Medium and heavy weight, Welled and semi-belted"; ul?ter and ulster ette models in popular colorings. No matter what your clothing needs may b'e, you can satisfy them here tomorrow at substantial savings. . ,v; WE ARE EXCLUSIVE ALLIANCE .AGENTS FOR KINKAID-KIMBALL CLOTHES ' EXTRA--Boys' Suits Not a Suit in the Lot Worth Less Than $12.00 Your Unrestricted ChoiceOnly $7.98 Here is boys' clothing news that will make every parent happy. Just thing of it! Boys' good quality novelties : $7.98 Why, it has been years since any store has announced such a sensational offer. Carefully tailored in up-to-the-minute styles. Sizes 7 to 17 only ; while they last, choice at $7.9S Save On Fine Quality Silks TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE EXTREMELY LOW SALE PRICES 40-inch Crepe de Chine At $2.25 Yard 40-inch all silk crepe de xhine. in afull range of new and staple colorings . Former ' price $3.00 and $4.00. $2.50 black Taffeta, at yard $1.19 $3.75 36-in. black Satin Brilliant, yd$2.48 40-inch Charmeuse ,' At $2.48 Yard "iJIeavy quality satin charmeuse, beautiful lustrous -finish; black, brown, find navy. Former price $4.00 and $5.00. j . $4 40-in. "crepe-back" Satin, yard $2.98 $2.2532-in. tub Silk Shirting, at l9Sc Sale of Women's and Children's Shoes WOMEN'S LOW SHOES $8.00 to $10.00 Values $4.98 Pumps and Oxfords, in brown and black leathers as well as satins. All made on the season's style lines. Every pair a real bargain ; all sizes in. the lot, bu not in each style. ' Women's Pumps, Oxfords and High Shoes Broken sizes but excellent values per pair , . $6.98 Children's SCHOOL SHOES $2.50 Children's Shoes Odd lots taken from our regular stock and placed in one group for this special selling. Fpr Wednesday, per pair $2.50. ' - : , " ' '- ' Shoes for Growing Girls per pair .... i .... . ... . . $3.95 ' v : . . . Black Kid and Calf Walking Boots Sizes 2 to 6; $6.00 values, for $3.95 - . v v ' Women's and Misses' Winter Suits Made to Retail at $35 to $50 While They Last, Choice at $16.75 Finger-tip length belted models of ALL-WOOL VELOUR, TRICOTINES and SILVER TONES; Self and Fur Trimmed; SILK, LINED, at a price that would not cover the cost of making alone. Hurry for these record-breaking bargains, at $16.75. MEN'S FURNISHINGS Priced at Decided Reductions M?n's Union Suits Wool mixed, gray ribl)ed medium and winter weight gar ments. Improved form fitting (J1 OTK makes. Regular $3.00 values, at pIOJ Men's Union Suit Form-fitting gar ments in natural cdor3. These snlendH $1.00 values are . Q) nr specially priced T y.f s Men's Half Hose DouMe heel and toe; Hack and full range of colors. Real 35c values, sale price. 1 Q pair UC Men's Wool Sweaters Coat and pull-over styles in -solid colors and desireable com binations. Unusual $5 and $6 CO QC values, sale priced at yuJj Msn's Cape Gloves Splendid quality gloves in brown and tan. You'd consider them good values at $2.50. Aft Our sale price, pair Men's Two-Piece Underwear Flat weave, fleece lined shirts and drawers. Full cut, well-made garments. Regularly priced at $1.25, special sale price, 7Kt er.ch lJv r HATS AND CAPS . Men's $5 and $6 Fine Felt Hats ffO QC specially priced at : $uJU Men's $7 Extra Quality Silk Lined J0 QC Felt Hats, sale priced at y 0J 0 Men's $3 Ail-Wool Caps In tweeds and newest light and dark colors. Every wanted style and shape. Specially priced at pl.JD A Continuance of the Half Price Sale of MEN'S TROUSERS Blue, black and gray serges, green and brown flannels, fancy mixed worsteds, golf . pants. . . . i . . Men's Trousers $3 values, at $1.50 Men's Trousers $3.50 values, at $1.75 Men's Trousers, $5 values, at $2.50 Men's Trousers $6.00 values, at $3.00 Men's Trouiers $7.50 values, at $3.75 Men's Trousers $8 values, at $4.00 Men's Trousers $10 values, at $5.00 SHOE SPECIALS Men's $6 and $7.50 Shoes High grade, black and brown calfskin and kid leathers in a wide range of styles from the conser vative to the English shaped , PQ nr toe; choice at yJjD Men's "Foot Schultz" Shoes 21 complete lines of this famous bench made shoe, in all jeatners and styles, regular $10 to $11 values, at January Clearance Sale HUNDREDS OP DRESSES Dresses that sold up to $35 and $ 15, all sizes, every style $16.75 One big lot of beautiful dresses made ud in me jjujmicir materials oi urepes, Geor gettes, Satins, Serges and Tricotines every style decidedly popular-regardless of cost, they will go at one price Dresses that sold up to $50 and fior $35, a big lot, choice $2!J) Quite an assemblage of dresses in the dod ular materials of Canton Crepes, Crepe Satins, Ponet Twills pvpi-v rmA ; u ii of high-grade workmanship and materials OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WOMEN'S, MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S APPAREL REMARKED AT A PRICE THAT WILL INSURE THE SPEEDIEST CLEARANCE SUCH VALUES WE OFFER WERE NEVER KNOWN IN THE STORE'S HISTORY. We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS HIT. STORE gT TUtffrV.Vtf Ul:!!! We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS