The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 06, 1922, Image 6

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    - Z i
ynnmnnnnmmll,l mttmmttiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMtttiHiMiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitmmmmm nmtptinfflmiHmimHHm m
l Wnt Over BigBetter See It Tonight
Last Performance Tonight at 8:00 Be There
Nebraska News Notes
j'i:ii;kal iiomzk hound
OM II A Federal prohibition offi
cers "followed their instructions" in
not arresting Now Year's eve cole
lirators at the Hotel Fontenelle, the
jlrandris restaurant and Athletic club,
when those celcbrators tipcd hip
flanks with a whisky odor over their
lips or cup, U. S. Kohrer, chief agent
JTor Nebraska, declaretl the morning
.after the night befote.
Kohrer was a.sked why his men
made no arrests of pwple celebrating
Hew Year's in the old-fashioned way.
"Was anybody drinking?" Kohrer
"They had Itottles with liquor labels
and the liquid smclled like liquor," he
was reminded.
"That's just the point," Rohrer Raid.
"Here in one of the newspapers it
ays there was a bottle on the table
labeled 'Gordon Gin.' How were my
anen to know there was Gordon Gin
1 t rl, J at home 'Woman's club occurred at the Legion
Sn i PrJS de foolish arrest' hall on Thumlay evening of this week.
i i.y. w irMmitw the les of the club were to
ilvTthe MSr'w? ell" ITrinks ' bring their husband and most of
than to make a laughing stock out of
the federal prohibition service by ar
resting celebrators with cold tea."
' LINCOLN E. P. Beach, former
chairman of the state republican com
mittee, and on of the war horses in
the proposed special session of the leg
islature as planned by Governor Mc
Kelvie. Discussing, in brief, his ideas,
3ie says: .,...
."If the republicans of Nebraska
permit their representatives in the
coming special session of the legisla
ture, to pass a law putting a tux on
gasoline, for the people to pay, or any
additional tax on anything, they will
have wiped out the last hope the party
may have had for carrying a single
county in the state election this yea.
"Sammy R. McKelvie, now in the
Governor's office, has led the last
two legislatures around by the nose
and in addition to jumping state ex
penses from $9,000,000 to $30,000,000,
a biennium, the limit formerly placed
on local taxation has either been rais
ed or removed entirely.
"It is not expected that the gover
nor, who has no sense of political de
cency or respect for the rights of
others, will do anything to lessen the
tax burden that he is largely respon
:ma fnr. The 100.000 republicans
who repudiated McKelvie in 1920 could
c-asily be multiplied by two at this
limn. nd if anv more schemes are
1 etched out to increase taxes which are
t.-jw in pome cases confiscatory, the
' fiances of a republicau candidate this
' xr will be about as good as the
proverbial now-ball in Hades,
I GRAND ISLAND Five cases of a
itrange and new malady, of a mild and
nf coi-inn nature have recently been
treated at the St. Francis hospital in
ritv. They are called aporotri-
chosis and it ia claimed that 123 cases
4 fnnMr ftm-man colonies in Africa
nd seventy-three cases m the United
States comprise the number known to
In the German health
department appointed a commission
cf scientists to investigate a new dis-
noco at blood Or tlSSUC aD-
giearing among the settlers of her Af
rican colonies. The scientists found
Vat th diaAAse started below the
4RaOT-inila. rill A to M. scratch OT thoiTi
an infection being thus carried to the
lymphatic septum, where, in about six
email noduls. similar to buck
shot, became visible, centraliiing under
the arilli, or covering of the Iungu3,
due to the spore formation. In a
research work by Dr. Schenck, Johns
Hopkins university, the origin and de
velonment were more clearly outlined,
AH the five case3 came from Greeley
county and are attributed to contact
with some dried vegetable matter.
Fire destroyed another beautiful
Salina mohpH .eap
Salina home. Happened while husband
was away caused from soot . in 'the
chimney. Why take the chance, think
cf your wife and babies at home. Have
them inspected repaired and cleaned.
Fron an ad in the Salina Union.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Johnson drove
over to the latter's brother, Mr. Alii -
son, twenty miles east of here on
Tuesday of this week.
A large number of Hemingfordites
drove to Alliance Tuesday to hear the
trial proceeding in the booze cases of
the men arrested here on New Year's ,
eve. Unly one or two or them were
disposed of. In the case of Clayton
Krskine and Sanfonl Saling they were
fined $100 and co.ts and the fine sus
lended on condition of their good be
havior. Rev. Dr. Baker came home Monday
of this week.
The ladies aid of the M. E. church
me tat the home of Mrs. Fred Hucke
on Wednesday of this week and there
was a large number present though
there was lota cf snow. Mrs. Hucke
served a Fplendid lunch which was
highly appreciated.
The (third number of the Lyceum
course 'is to be given on Friday of this
i week at the opera hou ;e. A musical
Mrs. Civile Graham left on Thurs
day night for California, where she
them came for they knew the good
times this occasion brings. The even
ing was epent in a social way with
games and music and of course the
big end of it all was the big feed.
Th I. O. O. F. had an unusual meet
ing on Wednesday of this week with
an initiation had a feed afterward all
of which lasted until about 11:30. The
arranged to go to Alliance on Tuesday
night, January' 17, and install the of
ficers of Alliance lodge and put on the
plav that was given here in Heming
ford some time aco. They were to go
next Tuesday night but as W. L. Clark
is appointed district deputy grand
master and hail not as yet received
his commission had to delay the date
one week.
There is a noticeable stillness this
week specially in the still industry
probably on account of the bad weath
er. The Stills"
On account of the disturbance that
has recently occurred in the communi
ty some have decided to keep still
that is not talk too much witn tneir
mouth, while still others, who are in
the still business and have decided to
keep still, so long as they can still keep
out of the still quiet places Kepi ior
people who still persist in keeping still
even though they try ' to keep still
about such said stills.
The trouble seems to be that the
who try to keep it still by hiding it
away, in such an upset condition that
they can't keep still. It smells strong,
it sounds so loud and draws together
so that officers iust drop in to see
what the excitement is for fun and
well everybody ia so surprised and
trouble ensues. Some funny stories
are then told.
"Little drops of water ' ,
Litua raisins too:
There's lots of things we'd like to tell
But Uncle Sam says it won t do."
"Forward March"
Mrs. Newrich (to small son)
James, have you whispered . today
without permission T .
James Unly wunst.
Mrs. Newrich (to nurse) Jane,
should James have said 'wunst 7
Jane No, ma'am, he should have
said twict.
"I believe." said the cheery philo
sopher, "that for every single thing
you give away two come back to you."
That's my experience, agreed
Phambley. "Last March I gave away
my daughter, and she and her husband
came back in August."
Well, if London has been passed in
population by New York the British
capital at least can turn we con versa
tion to some ouier suDjecu
No monster sea serpents have been
reoorted of late. It may be because
they have been banished to beyond
the three-mile limit.
People who can't get into Russia
to study the situation might try going
over Niagara in a barrel.
The nonexplosive dirigible is about
in the same stage of development as
the nonsinkable ship.
Mr. Coe returned to hia home at
; Holyoke, Col., recently after spending
a few weeks at the home of his
(daughter, Mrs. Andrew Strick.
Mrs. Jack Craven went to Antioch
Monday on business,
i Tom Gorman arrived from the east
Charles Hitt spent the first of the
week here visiting friends.
Miss Belle Weibling has returned to
Lincoln after a short visit with rela
tives here.
Fred Speer and Glen House drove
in from the Debord home Momlay.
Jim Wilson went to Antioch Mon
day to visit relatives.
Colonel West and wife and Mrs.
Warren, who for the past few weeks
have been visiting at the Joe Warren
home in East Lakeside, were west
bound passengers Monday.
I. D. Whaley, George Pollard and
son, Dale, were Antioch visitors Mon
day afternoon.
Lon Trester and son, Ralph, drove
in from their ranch home Monday to
do some shopping and to bring Bill
Pollard home, who had spent several
days at the ranch.
A. W. Tyler was in lakeside on
business Tuesday.
Henry Bond, traveling salesman for
Paxton-Gallairher. was in Lakeside
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
Elmr Koch, from over southeast,
was in town Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. bid Irwin and daugh
ter drove in from their home near the
DeFrance ranch Tuesday. Mrs. Irwin
and daughter went to Alliance, where
Miss Virginia is attending school at
the academy.
Willard Richardson and Claude Hud
son drove to Antioch Monday after a
wagon the former had purchased from
a party at that place.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lindiey enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wilson of
Antioch and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson
at a turkey dinner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. UlacK were ai-
iance visitors the first of the week.
This part of the sandhills was vis
ited by a snowstorm Tuesday and
throughout the night there was quite
a drop in temperature. However, the
sun wa3 shining again Wednesday
James Hoffland returned to Belmont
C. H. McGee was down from Alli
ance Friday looking after business in
terests. William Shepherd was an Antioch
visitor Friday, coming down from
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Nippell arrived
in Antioch Wednesday for a short
visit with friends. Mr. Nippell i3 as
sistant chief construction engineer for
Woods Bros, of Lincoln. He was for
merly superintendent of the Union
potash plant. Many friends warmly
welcomed these old friends during
their brief stay.
Wednesday evening or last weeic,
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Naber
was the scene of a merry party, the oc
casion being the second anniversary
or their, wedding;- uancing was in
dulged in until a very late hour, when
delicious lunch was served, lhis
was the paper anniversary and many
pretty and useful gifts were received
along this line. Guests present were
Mr. and Mrs. 11 U. won. a. rJ. Mil
ler, D. A. Nirpell, L Rogers, William
Smith, F. M. Broome, Miss Anna Hoff
land and James P. "Phomas. Mrs. Har
rington furnished music for the eve
ning. .25
.. . Via
JANUARY 15, 16, 17
Final Return Limit Jan. 25
Thursday night Messrs. Lliteras and
Wolf entertained at a dancing party
for Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Nippell, to
which the public was invited. A good-l
ly number, who attended, declared this
to have been the best dance of the
Mrs. II. A. Williams arrived Sun
day morning from Des Moines, la.,
where she has spent the past five
weeks visiting friend3 and relatives.
The dance given by the Odd Fellows
at their hall New Year's eve was a
success. About fifty couples were
Ruth and Donald Wilson are spend
ing their vacation at the home of W.
G. Wilson.
Paul Dietlein and Louis Vastine,
who are attending the Sacred Heart
convent at Denver, are home for the
Mrs. Dewey Donovan of Allianci
and little daughter, Mary Anne, have
spent the past week with her parents,
Mr. and Mr3. William Smith.
Pnf nrwl MiVi were workin? on the
section. An extra frieght train came
unexpectedly around a curve. Mike
jumped from the track, but Pat
dropped his shovel and took to his
heels in front of train. Th engi
neer whistled, but Pat kept running
and finally rolled off the rails just as
the train was about to run him down.
"Why didn't you git off the track, ye
blamed fool?" demanded Mike j
"Well, ye see," panted Pat, "It was
better runnin' on the track."
Gentlemen may cry "Peace, peace!" j
but with cheap German alarm clocks .
Coming into tnis country wiero ttu w
no peace at getting-up time.
The Player Piano
that is all but hu
man. Come In
Play it Yourself
Mann Music &
Art Company
We will offer you for a
short time
i .
Fresh candled storage Oft
Eggs, per doz DUG
Special, one lb. pkg. Of
Lennox Soap, 10 bars
Oregon Red Salmon, 1 1V
lb. tins IDC
Oregon Red Salmon, OC
1 lb. cans . dC
Cooking Apples, K(m
per peck vUC
Enzo, small Milk, r
per can uC
Hebe Milk, small
can, at : vC
Fruit Salad, in one OCp
lb. cans - OuL
Fruit Salad, in two tfn
lb. cans wwU
Mosquitoes are reported to have
been "unusually prevalent" this year.
They always were.
Reports from Russia indicate that
the ruble is worth a little more, al
though still worthless.
Virgil Lehr, now owner of the Fourth Street Market and
II. Hirst, former owner, have entered into a partnership and
will, about February 15, open a brand new
Cash and Carry Store
"Box Butte Market"
the building formerly occupied by the Morgan Grocery Co.
By conducting the two stores, we will be able to buy our
goods for less money and to handle some items for less
money and to handle some items in carload lots. The same
prices will be maintained at both stores as far as possible
and the new store will be arranged the same as the Fourth
Street' Market, so any customer so desiring can wait upon
themselves. The same policies, as in the past, will be carried
out in each store. Cash for all we buy Cash for all we sell
a large volume of business on a small margin of profit.
These stores will not be controlled by any organization
nor wholesale house, but owned and conducted by Lehr and
Hirst. We will try to give courteous treatment and the
best of service to each and every customer and will be glad
to have you visit our stores whether you buy or not.
Fourth Street Market
Make this your New Year's Resolution.
Save part of your salary each week.
You'll find it easy to do after you once
start, and just a little saved at a time will
soon aggregate a surprising amount.
And remember this the smaller your
salary, the greater your need to save. .
First National Bank
Almost any time is a good time not
to call a strike or a lockout.
"What is the best way to "milk a
cow?" asks a contemporary. Why not
the Milky Way?
Very respectfully,
to Save