, , . Tllk aLlIANCET I iERAlil ItUD AY, JANUARY 6? 1922. Fivn City Manager's Corner (By N. A. KEMMISII) Alliance Odd Fellows had planned for a public installation of officers at the awnory next Tuesday evening, but this has been postponed for one week. On this occasion the Hemingford Odd Fellows were coming to Alliance un der the leadership of V. L. Clark, recently appointed district t'eputy grand master, but Mr. Clark's com nii.ion failed to arrive in time for completing: arrangement. The Het.i ingiord lod!,-e members have developed a burlesque in'tiation stunt, entitled "The Society for Emancipated Hus band" and this will I presented fol lowing the installation ceremonies. day night from ScottsblufT, where she has been visiting with friends for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Cutts left Thursday noon for Los Angeles, Cal., for a few weeks" visit with relatives. Mrs. Chiu-les Kathburn was operat ed on Pis. S!ag!e and Wryrens th's week. She? is roiwitod as doing nicely. Tuesday we receive! a sworn state- II ment of the operating revenues and J operating expense of the Northwestern Bell Telephone company for the year ending isovemoer 30, ivzi as provided ror in article 6 of the franchise. The report is too voluminous to fro into de tail here but we will give a few of the high spots in it as follows. Anyone wishing to go more into detail can call at the office as the report is here for your inspect ion. W'e oie going over the report nnalj zing a number of the various items. The toal plr-nt in .mice pr.d grn-C'-; 1 C(;u!umrnt as shown by he book ro.' ts of the company as of November SO, 15121 is $7!:!.'3.07. Operating revenues ?r?,C()3.or M'ss Harriet Wrgnr ret re. day from Ed far. Neb., where spei.t the holidays with her parents. Operattntr expenses 2ri.S0S.firt urncd Wed- Net operating revenues 7,854.31) ho i ! 10m this is dedurte I the Rev. Stop-hen J. Epler received word this inornnig fiom W. C. Crubbs, of York, telling-of the death of h's son, William, thiitcn yeirs of are. The boy was out hunting with a claim en December iiO, rrd v.r.s nec'dc-it lv : hot with a .'SI calibre ri;!e, the bullet en-' tering the left fide of the head and penetrating the b'-ain. The. wound paralyzed h"m so he never spohe. u.r.in .Miid died the following nfternoon' lit 4:10. Mr. Griibbs formerly lived in Alliance, and was two yer.rs .-go, sales man in this territory for the Ma.:-h Grocery company of Onif.ha a year. Little Miss Irene Epler, who with her mother, Mrs. S. J. Epler, has been visiting at Bethany, Nelv, with Mrs. 1 Epler's parents, returned to Alliance this morning in company with Rev. C. V. Cooper, evangelist for western Ne braska. Rev. Cooper left this noon for ' Bayard. Miss Maude Wilcox, Alliance teacher who has been spending the holidays at her home in Elgin, Neb., I stopped off at Bethany on her return ' to Alliance. for a few days visit with Mrs. Epler and other friends, and will accompany Mrs. Epler home Sunday morning. FMn:i Bene 1 ct spert the New Year's holidays with her sister, Sirs. Hurry Lcomis, at Bcrea. Mrs. E. C. Drake :c(;tt-:Hu.T on profe. eft Tuesdav for ional business. 2,770.70 n;:i 2 517.19 various non-0) eraiiiig ex penses such as tr'.xev Uncollected revenues Rent compensation Ron!, deductions for loi.-e cf te!e,-ho.ie oir.'ce Al -n a few nv'nor ded ictions leaving a b;.!;iire for in terest, dividend-, rurplus, etc. 3,4.-7.7S Ihev odd W'.'r of the total plant in service and gen eral equipment as working c.i;iitul which gives a b ok co.-l of plant anil equip ment as of Nov. GO, I'.iiM, plus this 3 Co working capital as 81,073.02 Balance, for interest, dividends, sur plus, etc. to book costs of plant and equipment plus estimated amount for working capital is 4.23. These figures are for the Alliance T umni 1.1' II 1 11 lb ill" Mr. and Mrs. John Beach entertained ?X ' fl?&??C a lew friends at a mx o'c ock tlinner 1" V T t s V V- , . We,inia "inner custoniers the investment of which is She is expected home today. Mi.--s rirr.nor Re!!amo:-o of Morrill is in the hospital here after an opera tion lor appendicitis. j Mrs. George Potior entertained the N. W. Bridge club at her home Wed nesitay evening. Mrs. J. M. M;Ilcr of ti e hotel returned this morning two days' trip to Omaha. A'liance from u Miss Madeline Zediker, who his been very i!l for the past week, is reported as mucn improved pose is not asmmed, we quote from a convenwt!on that ensued later in the day, when the dump kid was in structed to watch the girls and keep them from putting the right pages in the wrong place. "I ought to get extra money for it," he sighed. The Herald has received, a letter from a man signing himself as "A ix, a K""" leuer, in sonv TP C IW f c an. I 4 Vi a m M . 1 a vllc nmvi jiiutca mat ne was mistuoted by a publication not over a million miles awny. But it was rot printed. This new paper prints no communication from men who do not sign their names. Incidentally, we pay al out ns much r.ttent'on to anonymous Utters as we ('o to commands over the phone to leave police court news out of the col umns of this great family newspaper. I Usually, the vict;m of publicity has something to ho thankful for. Suppo-o (he e. tor pimte l all the damaging details. A rimoliT was bemoaning the ar rest of Ji.ck Woods, on the' Emmet t John on p'.'ce, bv ti'o !l'ic"rs la-t Monday. 'Il.-.ng it all." said the rime her, "that man ma th? only whi-kv :-i this tcrr'lory that was fi't to drink." And poor Tom's in j.u'l, where he can"; re. eat such a claim. A black cnt took up is nhodo in the sliop this morninr. Wonder who dropped it at our back door. Attorneys for Krausc Estate Wins a Victory District Judge V. H. Westover, at Rushville, Wednesday issued a tem porary order enloinino- Pai. I I and his attorneys from taking steps to collect a judgment for $75,000 given by the Douglas county tbtiict court some months ago. This iniunction represents a victory for the attorneys for Herman J. Krause and K-nu'se estate in a struggle which has ex '.end ed over several month. The action arw-e out of the m le by Long of his home; te id in JSher'daii county in Decemler, l!)i,r., to Krause. Tl!.re was a hike on the land and I.onT. some time i.fter-inl si .... the claim that Krauze knew of the prcsenre of potash in the lake and de- trr.uled him by conceiding it. About' two years after the s.de, wliile Krau.e was in Omaha, a summons was served on him in a suit for u m llion dollars dam.iires. Tbe e:se was tried to a-Ponu-las county jury, hh awarded! L-.nrr a ?7.".,000 verdiit. Appeal was : taken to the su;re.ne court, where the verdict was aliirmed. Kr aue's attor neys then asked Judge Wostov; r for n temjtoi-i'.ry restrainia-; order to pre vent collection of the judgment. a! temporary re.-t rainiiifr onier to Janu- i nry l!22, was granted. Long's at-i toireys tlien biou..-ht mandamus nct;.n j in supreme court to comptl Judge' Wctover to lismiss his restraining' order, but failed. Tin; l;c:irme e.-ler-. lay wa for the isstvine of .a tnv "horary Injunction, which was granted. The hearing on a permanent injunc tion will be held at the next' term of district court. : f Ixng's attorneys indicate' tha they, may bring a mandamus action to com pel Judge Westover. to dismiss . tho case in Sheridan county, contending the court has no jurisdiction because) it sets aside the Douglas county judg ment. Attorneys for the Krause estate contend that the care is one of in junction and quiet title of tho Kraiua lands ami the only court with jurisdic tion is in Sheridan county, because tha lands arc situated in that county. Judce Westover hel l that the case was properly bi ought in Sheridan county, and granted a temporary injunction. Judce Wcs-tover's ruling followed tho decision of the supreme ourt in a sim ilar case tried bofore him in Dawes county. The Krauze e.-tate was represented by Su'livan, Wright Si Thummel, nn.I Arthur Mullen of Omaha, and Le Basye of Alliance. Long's attorneys weio Byron G. Burba nk and Th-xniia Lynch of Oiv.r.ha. H.tvvcy Meyer will pay fpll valsi? for Furs of all kinds, at Mm noon's (larage. IJring them in Saturdays. Complete line of pastries nt the Ahr.u'.c? Cafe for jour lunch. Great thoughts loiil-th. s have their a. e, but plain old comm. m fe-n :e rules the world. M-wi:hirto has one thing in comrnn with the old article. It doesn't seem to mix with gasoline, either In IS 12 the first American bathtub was installed. Since then countless hordes have slipped on the Foap. I Miss Grace Johnson of the country At the regular meeting of the Mod em Brotherhood of America last night, 1 three candidates were admitted to the oreler. Following the initiation, there was a short program of readings and week. music with an oyster supper after ward. Those initiated were the Rev. Stephen J. Epler, Charley DeMoss and Wilfred Lawler. I more than $7,000 and upon which thev i receive a return of uhout. $4,000 a . 4 1 . e . 1 , . ! ia nnm!;r.. f'-.n ..L. i aii: ...uu n ''" amouni oi ems nas r.oi. friendV """.been collect!. These farm lines re-j J quire a high amount of maintenance. Mrs. J. L. Roe entertained the fort- Operating expenses consist I nightly ken.,ington at her home Wed-' of depreciation $ 5,128.23, nesdav. .Current maintenance ex- - pense Mrs. Ode Black of T.nkps-dn nn.lnr- Traffic expense went an operation at the hospital this Commercial expense Mayor R. M. Hampton spent Thurs elay in Rushville attending to business. Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman and Mrs. Cora Lewis will entertain the Young Feople's Missionary society of the Christian church nt eight o'clock Mon elay evening at the home of Mrs. Mohrman. The topic for discussion is, "Japan", with Mrs. Lewis as leader. , Saturday evening a large number of friends and neighbors gathered at the R. H. Lockman home for a New Year's party. Amusement for the evening inclueled games, singing and dancing. A eleliciou3 supper was served at midnight. I LEGION AUXILIARY NOTICE. General and miscellaneous expense 4,781.87 10,519.77 i 4,340.09 ; 1,032.70 ' Total operating expense - $25,808.GG I Harvey Meyer will pay full value for Furs of all kinds, at Since the charter for the Auxiliary Sturgeon's Garage. Bring them will not be received until the latter :n cIlr(invE fe part of the month some time, the act- m 'uuluays ing president of the Legion Auxiliary! wishes to call the attention of the! Complete line of pastries at charter members to the fact that a- the Alliance Cafe for your lunch, meeting before the charter comes would be of no avail. For this, reason1 f there will be no meeting held Monday . niht, which is the night set for a RANDOM SHOTS monthly meeting, and notice of a,' HilWUM OllUlO meeting for Januarv will be nnsted v . later. j Mrs. N. J. Fletcher entertained at' New Year's eve dinner Saturday even-' ing at six o'clock. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. De Moss, Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman, Miss Gladys Wagar, Charles De Moss and Samuel Norbeck. NOTICE The dump kid, it develops, is a con firmed woman hater. Yesterday, wnne ine force was putting the fm Word came of the arrival of a baby daughter during the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Keister, of St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Keister was formerly Miss Inez Beck, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Beck of Alliance.; The pdioumed annual meeting of ishing touches on the program for the j the stockholders of the Masonic Tern- Legion show, it was necessary to im-l pic association of Alliance, will be port three girls to assist with the fold-j held at the Mafonic Temple in Alii- in?- The dump kid instructed the ance, Nebraska, on January 21, 1922 bookkeeper, early in the morning, to j at 7:30 o'clock P. M. 11-12 notify him as the damsels approached, JAMES. II. II. HEWETT, so he could betake himself to the back President. Do your business with "The Old Reliable" Alliance National Bank. 10-15 room. "How come the shyness? in quired the bookkeep. "Aw," said the dump kid, "those: girls will make a fool out of a man." The Daughters of the American Revolution will meet at the home of Miss Vera Spencer Saturday afternoon at three o clock with Miss fcpencer and Miss Madge Graham as hostesses. Paper, "Old Trails," by Mrs Beck. At that, a lot of men have had to live a good many years to find out The I'alm ltoom at the A11I-, thls trutn- Fortunate is he who gets ance Hotel will be open every Sunday, beginning January 8. it early in life, To show that this woman hating -Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mounts and fam ily, Mrs. E .S. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Lowry and family, and Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Kearns were entertain ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reddish at dinner Thursday. Miss Gladys Lockman returned to Chadron Monday to take up her elev enth grade work at the normal, after spending a pleasant Christmas vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lockman. I Miss Zelma Smith, teacher in the Antioch schools, and sister, Esther, returned Thursday evening from Glen da, Wyo., where they spent the Christ mas vacation on the former's homestead. Mica rtliol flaro A&mitv eountv iUIDil JWIV. Vl"p ' f ' J w ' J clerk, returned . Wednesday . morning, from a two weeks' trip to Lincoln, Pom arwl RrnuTiviU. where she visited . her mother and other relatives. The Christian endeavor of the Pres byterian church will give an old fash ioneel taffy pull social at the church basement tonight at eight o'clock. Mrs. George J. Burr, jr., returned the first of the week from Aurora and Kearney, where she has been for the past week visiting relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman re turned last Friday from Nebraska. City, where they spent the holidays, with Mr. Mohrman's parents. Mr. and Mr3. M. J. Baskin returned ! Saturday from Denver, where they! spent New Year's with Dr. Baskin's parents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houser and little' granddaughter of Craw-ford spent the New Year's holidays wiui nir. aim iur. W. D. Zediker. Mrs. Frank Shreve is spending a few days in Scottsbluff, visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. James O born. ( V . ' MiM Lila Graham returned Thurs- 50 c -.-Reduction on Coal Per Ton , Lower costs enables us to make this lower retail price on the-r Best Grades of Coal Well Screened and Delivered Colorado Lump, ton. ....... .$15.00 Colorado Nut, ton .'. $14.00 KIRBY OR OWL CREEK Lump, ton $12.50 EgffNut, ton $12.00 Pea, ton $ 8.50 75c Per Ton Less at the Bins We have a good supply on hand now, but we urge you not to wait until the last minute before ordering. . Alliance Creamery Co. THE SPINAL COLUMiN THE SAFE. SANE AND SURE WAY YOUR INCOME Your income depends upon your output. Your output de pends upon your health. As long as you have a fifty per cent efficient human machine you nee'd not expect your em ployer to pay you lor a one hundred per cent output. Build your body up lo perfe-ct health, and you will find that your men tal power, your general efficiency and your daily output of work will rapidly grow greater and that your income will increase. Ninely per cent of the plodders only need better health to put them into the progressive clans. Ho your Chiropractor, i'ind out how simple attainment of good health is. Consultation without charge or obligation. DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractic Health Service. Over Harper's Dept. Store. Thick's Thiclc'a He Lost His Job lie was working for a big railroad company, a concern which required that all its employees carry accur'to time. lie had been told that his watch was not keeping good timo and to have it cleaned and rvgulated. liut he kept putting it off until tne day his train was late a terrible wreck was the result he was fired. When we repair your watch you are guaranteed satisfaction. Our prices are right, bring it in. Why make your wife prepare your noonday lunch when you can get it at Thiele's for a very nominal cost? It's real food too. -TRY US- 12 PRICE Saturday January 8 Special assortment of ladies LEATHER PURSES' THIELE'S Tht Store With a Cuaranite Without Rid Tat jpmmmtmtffitrmntttt i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : i ; tmtmttmmuuuiim!fflmmitmmnn;mnmwmtttntgnttttt:t Phone 545 101 Cheyenne Health Giving Bread Young America is full of vitality always on the go never still a minute. We won der how he does it. Mother's careful to see that he is properly nourished. That he eats such foods as will build him up and keep him healthy an l happy. - , Our bread is just such food for the act e youngsters. Baked by experts wha use only the purest and best of materials, our b oad is in truth the staff of life for them. Grown-ups also find It w holesome and tast the kind that makes them ask for more. ALLIANCE BAKERY "HOME OF EATMORE BREAD" 4illli;iimiiimiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiMini'iminiiiiii:iiiimiMm m inn. H'llllHllllllllHiimiiiillllllllllHimi