The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 03, 1922, Image 5

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    Ui ALiiiini'l
i lluiuluif. II ' jiimii-i n in .iinii.i. ..,. iimr mi iJli li
r . . - - , w a i im- ' 1 '
II . ' v -
A letp received by Rev. Mearl C." The M. E. choir will meet Thursday
bmith lrorn Kev. J. li. Cams, former evening at the J. C. McCorkle home,
pastor of the u-Ft Methodist church o? Mrs. Frank Smith, hostess. After
tnis city, contains a Christmas greet- practice they will adjourn to the Frank
ing to old friends in Alliance and has Smith home where a social hour will
pome iletads concerning the city of enjoyed.
lidoxi, Miss., where Mr. and Mrs.1
Larns now reside: j The ladies of the Kpiconal mi'1,1
f.Son yCa" 01,1, ?' P0U- '.'"y ernoon, with Airs T oward S-
i, U?,00 ,nc8T0?s5 weI1 churched, dish as hostess. A large attend nee i
X " vTL!- ffi?" officer, will bclcSa't
. nuu .-iiijiiiji van-, una iHCCiing
.aiiimiB H'vra inousand barrels
(Editorials by Our Readers.)
Irrigation Theories,
ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. 2.To the
rxnior or ine Herald.- Dear Sir: I
fear the Hemingford people will be
, 'jtr-rr.
t via ijn '.
--, in" m uie long
mnV- Look at the corkscrew.
The Alliance TsJitionarrLiilk is
the strongest bank in western
Nebraska. V 10-15
pf oysters daily. The JelF Davis home
Miss Lucille Scott, Mitchell teacher
is lust m,t Z t Z,r"t," e' Hf l-ucille Scott,
rounded by twentv hVi f " tXX ?'n.?,,,as bcfn "JndftiR the Christmas
with confederates, the teldiel ed wit ffg ffl, foTV fo?0"' l'i,,,t
home. Ther Christmas dinner cost .1 , 1 r lucn(ls f? few hours Mon
ger $300. and a woman "to feS"' tnU"S' U hcr Way t0
buy the old boys and old girls candy.' illcncn'
1 lie superintendent went down to New tv. i i- "1 T - .
Orleans and bought $500 worth of t J I, S,ld F0CJct of,.th RaP
Chiistmas presents. They are all wcH r rf, will meet with Mrs. J. S.
cared for by Mississippi? C" JnS S'tf N ,? "esday after
4. "I am enjoying my first real vaca- Sins T W1" b a blltlu,ay
tion. I lecture at the home tomor-; S
Anrfe Wilson of Lead, S. D.,
Is in better h?nlTh MlS' C"" S .SS j'pf lhc hom1 f
"A Happy New Year for charge, Raven7a l T' ' "'""r t0
pastor and all Alliance." i.aema, b. P., where she is teaching.
r Group No. 1 of the Lodcka cWUelw o f
fro rri..i,. t .,..: i .i v, ... ' "cuior stoics, one of which is tn ha
..... sni.i c-iiicz taiiicu u:e camp r in ay tvt-111 ;1-i.-,t i 1 1 : .
right at six o'clock at a delicious r I U V" A m' Js sfend-three-course
dinner at the home of. a " Allla"cc'
Miss Dorothy Hampton. The Misses i y1Mu n vUrZT i- ah- ,
Dorothy Hampton, Mariellcn Beagle.' Mhs A'arv AtrTntn h 1 ?noe
Bernice Wilson and Estella Larbough ma.riel' f L?ween
served the dinner under the direction County JudS ?T eVeni"S by
of the assistant guardian, Miss Verai y S Tafeh'
Spencer. The menu consisted of vege- Mr at,., t n A i
table soup, roast pork and browned Fh iVv itA froJT' rtt-rneti
potatoes, parker house rolls, cranberry iCjoAoW RS-L-lHmi n i'S tnp bt
nauce. annlo nliv-P, . Vwr li0rtlon Kuse Omaha.
. . . .7"-" V"
ipar me nemingiora people will be r pcs Jt like a genuim
waiting a long time to get irrigation re,v'. was the comment of a broth
im a Ki InliA 4 r CT last Siltiiloo ....
the waters of the Platte river, as their !T''ico he id, "Jt is a revival "
country is a little over one hundred A' 'l whcn ou insider that Iei
feet hie-her than th Plntfa rivm. f innn a vear aim wo ri ......... ",
" ..... . . v. . n. . l - ' " .vit IWVIIV K O0l
the narrows above Guemsev. the rro- 10 naye a hundred at Sumlnv
posed intake of irrigation ditches. eventy-ne at church, and now
ib wiiuiii rtMiiiii p hi (inwT 'ii iAot - .W4 hi una thni nu i t.
-an.v me wmer as iar as nem
ingford, so it would require pumping
the water over 20(1 tent in hoio-ht
get it into the proposed reservoir.
However, it can possibly con
veyed to Alliance at a grade of a lit
tle less than one foot per mile, as
Alliance is 173 feet below the prob
able intake of such an Jrrignthn ditch.
u ,T "v wiuit? Fcr.ooi an the
iuTin'thl " CV- ry liP,'vicp' "'
X , ? t eve",nK8 ovcr where to put
; u .'"",l rave come into the
trial , V pCr Cf,rt' Hml the imluii-
Lr ejUlI,Ce an-hilateil until our
au. e,.cns are !0 per cent laboring
men and w.ves r.nd children, we l,;,ve
reason o say. "It is a revival." Kot
the haphaw, d kind that goe. awav
with the visiting evangelist, but the
In.. lw? 0U,'K inl
and wafers. Those present were the
Misses Dorothy Hampton, Mariellcn
Leagie, Bennce Wilson, Estella Lar
bough. Mary Wollis, Dorothy Reynolds,
Ruth Stanton, Flora Spencer, Margaret
Schill and Guardian Avis Joiier.
Harry Thiele has received a ship
ment of the famous Restall flower
beads, manufactured in England from
pressed flower pulp. These are espe
cially desirable beads, and come in an
extra light weight. Mr. Thiele saw
the advertisement for these beads in
Arthur Groves returned to Lincoln
Suuiiuj, wneie jie is attending the Ne
braska university.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Sward entertain
ed a few friends and relatives tit din
ner Sunday.
The fortnightly club will bo enter
tained this evening at the home of
Mrs. J. L. Roe.
Bruee Barton.) . ,0Ws i;avc confide I to iia th tw
Hero is a curious thing: John D. make 11,0 ministry their life's work
Brown, farmer, spends his life putting f"" '011 eat it? At least two young
in crops and digging up trees in one ,a"-s vow they will go to a mission
Dart of his farm HTirl mnvinor flinin tn ary tiaininif school whon 11,,,,,, 1,
arothor part. , hlKh school. ln order to meet this
John D. Rockefeller, with n billion Philological condition the pastor is
find a half, finds nothing that enter- preparing a special sermon. "Advan-
A . 1 . . I'll it, a J A I. . l
lains mm so mucn as putting in crops l i"e niintry and Missionaiy
and digging up trees on one part of his "'l'k 0vt"r All Other Callings."
place at Pocantico Hills and moving Many were making favorable re-!
them to another part. .marks alniut that fine ten-minute tulk
Henry Smith works all day and goes ma,le ''' lister Tibblts last Sund iy
home at night and takes off his shoes fv'.n;". H was grand, both in ma
and sits in his stocking-foot. tenal and method. Her remarks
Henry Ford, so some one told me in about a young girl's need of stromr
fuuiuuin, iiuiNs un (my ami pons nome .v (,i reunion were especially
and takes oir his shoes and sits in his f,nc- I'loicnce Phipps will be the
stocking feet. ' I ne-t lay preacher. She will be fol-
Henry Smith, looking at Henrv ,owc'' b Betlv Waldron.
Ford, sees only an income of several . 11,e woman's Bible class will have
thousand dollars a day. And it never lts monthly business meeting Thurs
occurs to him that about all you can I:,V ut -:30 at the home of Mrs. J. s
buy with an income of several thou- j CvV at the Central school. The worn
sand dollars a day is the satisfaction a" society will meet at the same
or going nome at night and taking oil i'iace Wednesday,
your shoes and sitting in your stock-1 Choir practice will bo held at the
ing feet and contemplating a good nome of Mrs. Charles Fuller Thurs
day's work. ,day at 7:30. Several new members
.11.1 .;... l . iv! will I
umi v tvK v jiMAtrw uj uu uiis, " - mftcn in u uiat time, l nc
I Atr--& -
v 1
jo ....
Start 1922 With a
Reliable Timepiece
Every man need? an nc
curato watch. And besides
being accurate our Watches
have that handsome modem
appearance folks associate
with success. All the relia
ble makes.
$15 to $150
Russell Ma
Coorado Springs, Col., where he is at-
the Rotarian, with the notice that they tjj0 .X",1
would be sold only to Uotarians. He I lcnamff cno1
immediately sent in an order, and the Dr and Mrs AT T v?
bill, which was received this week, is' Jzfj: dJl " i: i SaAm
made out in pounds, shillings and Sules the-hoIldays m Denvor Wlth
pence. ' "
. n, ,i . n . , I John Carry retumed to Lincoln Sun-
M the 'Tlf lorrr .D? to resume his studies at the uni-
phonograph held at Thiele s Monday verrfty.
night there were ten numbers drawn '
was not present, but Mrs. Herb Robin-1 r w xewh4,,. w;u pntertain
z ihrJ fvoztle rrirK that'ata i-sdii
she had the number, but hasn t pre- j
.sented it yet. The second number is rpi nni'tnl cm-nine mrl nr.
held by Miss Belle Averv; and in case . P suPj,US a"H un'
iurs. uooinson uoesn i present ine nrsi, i" niavc
f " . ItiAnq I '..Mir- n.. VTl-Jfl finfl ff
miostion of work, nnvwnu?
How does it happen that the man
who has so little money that he must
work, regards work as a servitude,
while the man who has so much money
that he does not need to work, can find
no other pleasure so satisfying?
It all goes back to the first chapters
of Genesis, I imagine. In those chap
ters, Adam is represented as being
very much pleased when he had noth-
ing 10 do out loai m me uarden ot
Eden, and very much penalized when
preparations for the new orchestra are
coming along fine.
, B. J. MINORT, Pastor.
If you're looking fr a friend and you can't find her,
she will probably be at Thicle's listening to the new
Victor records.
7 hi Start With a Guaranttt Without Red Taft
Avery will receive the machine.
' City Manager N. A. Kemmish, who
Tlnna tr rtitfnA flip mpfifiTicr tlit
league of Nebraska municipalities at
Omaha in the latter part of the month,
where he is scheduled for an address
on the city manager plan of municipal j
government, has received from thei
Kiwanis club of Council Bluffs and the
chamber of commerce at Beatrice an
invitation to address them on the same
Mrs. J. S. Rhein entertained at aj
theatre party followed by a delicious
n rnic 1 i i n Vi urn Cnfr n vrloxr o 't-oi
noon in honor of Mrs. E. J. Khein and
Miss Angie Wilsojn, of Lead, S. D.
The guest list included Mesdame3 E.
J. Rhein, C. J. Schafer, Ray Hoag, E.
J. Peterson, J. F. 0"Connor and the!
Misses Angie Wilson and Avis Joder.
Dr. C. E. Slagle has purchasd the
vacant lot lying between the homes of
F. W. Harris and William Mitchell on !
Laramie avenue, and plans the erec
tion of a two-story residence. It is
probable that the work, of excavation
for the basement will be completed at
once, and that building operations will
begin as soon as possible in the spring:. ,
The regular, meeting of the Alliance
'Woman's club will be held at the club
rooms at the City library Friday after- j
noon at 2:45 d. m.. with Mesdarts
Minelle Smith, E. R, Myers and &&1 H
Reddish as hostesses. buDject, cnar- j
ter Members Day, Mrs.. Lester, Mrs.'
Highland, Mrs. Zella Johnson, Mrs.
Ida Johnson and Mrs. Delia Mallery. !
National Dank are $130,000.00.
. The audiences ami- results of the
first day of the new year were very
pleasing to us. If this an earnest of
what we can expect each Sunday then
this will be a greater year than last.
A steady growth is what we desire.
TV...-. ..L.' a 1 t i - .
: ". L t-- v : '-mg me oiu Jerusalem Gospel
hp was mvfm a rnnnpp t n trot nnf rf i:..: . ... .
i T 1 i "ving vne v.nnsuan uie wii bring
the Garden and work :wuIts in ony community. So let us
The ancient error that work is bit- endeavor to be more faithful to our
ter and the escape from work is joy high calling in Christ Jesus not per
is responsible for very many of our mitting one thing to sidetrack us from
present problems. the main issue.
Life would be tolerable if it were The minister would like to meet all
not for the pleasures," Sir George the otficers ami teachers of the Bible
Cornwall Lewis said. ! school at the church Wednesday even-
That rpmavlf la nnt no pt-nT"il na !f ; - , -
i i xT wig ut ociock ior our mont Uy con-
sounds. What agomes people do sulTerfeemce. .This will mecede the nr.iv
.Anplps for sole 50 bushels,
good sound Winesap apples.
$1.75 bushel. Brine: your sack.
II. W. Deal, Corner Second and
Laramie. 11 'work?"
in their set determination to have a
good time. What a tasteless dish
pleasure becomes, when you have it
ior every meal!
Nero discovered that. With unlim
ited moaey and power at his command,
he advertised a rich reward for any
one who could inymt a new pleasure.
No one answered his advertisement.
lie should have received a brief.
meeting service. Each Wednesday
evening louowing the prayer period,
the minister delivers a Bible lecture
on some important theme. There are
interesting and full of information.
The many vriio ntttnd are receiving
whp.t other, fire lacking.
t We have received a check from the
irt.sUranee company throutrh its local
agents, Snoddy and Graham. The
!. j " " II!- ' " ""V. agents.
''inntw. ;,; ''iC,. i nmount "'lowed for damages was
1 htvJ 5. "hv ',U t WCF sh0U l 5918.01. While this does not pay all
nave mad, why don t vou eo to :n ... u i .
" I lll Vill, an K 11:411 i-UHlP t?MIU WU1 K
Each European nation would find it
easier to keep ahead of the wolf if it
didn't try so hard to keep ahead of its
The 1920 motor casualty statistics
say nothing about the people who died
of envy when a neighbor drove a new
car home. I
Special meeting Wednesday,
evening January 4, at 7:30 in
the Masonic Temple. Your
presence is requested.,
The Woman's Christian Temperance
Union conference will be held in Alli
ance January 14 and 15. There will
be national and state workers here and
something new and interesting and a
good time is assured. Full announce
ment will be made later.
50c Reduction
on Coal Per Ton
I-ower costs enables us to make this
lower retail price on the
Best Grades of Coal
Tha lafliAd' niH of the Methodist
church will meet at the home of Mrs.
H. B. Alter, 932 Box Butte. Wednes-!
day afternoon at 2:30, with Mrs. J. H.
Standard as assisting hostess. This:
will be a regular business meeting and
a full attendance is desired. I
Miss Edna Newland, teacher in the
Scottsbluff schools, who has been
spending the holidays with her parents
in Crawford, passed through Alliance
Monday returning to Scottsbluff. She
visited with friends here between.
Greydon Nichols, law student at the
Nebraska university who i3 returning
after spending the holidays with his
parents at Chadron, visited in Alli
ance with friends and relatives for a
few minutes Monday.
Miss Grace Spacht, University stu
dent, who has been spending ine
Christmas vacation with her parents
in Alliance, returned to Lincoln Sun-j
day night.
Well Screened and Delivered
Colorado Lump, ton ....$15.00
Colorado Nut, ton ..$14.00
Lump, ton .$12.50
Egg Nut, ton $12.00
Pea, ton $ 8.50
75c Per Ton Less at the Bins
We have a good supply on hand now, but we urge you
not to wait until the last minute before ordering.
Alliance Creamery Co.
Phone 545
101 Cheyenne
done, yet we are pleaded with the fair-
ft ti
ness oc ;ir. onoauy ana me company
in the settlement. They did just what
they claimed they would do by repair
ing on the building all the damage
done by the fire and nllowing on fur
nishings damaged. They have been
just and fair in every wav. We are
nnw fnlv to Rpttle nil billa. i
W ..... T. t . I
o. i. r.r.L.fc.n, Minister.
Notice to Patrons
Mrs. Cults arid myself are leaving to
visit our children in Los Angeles, to bo
gone several weeks. While gone our
daughters, Mrs. Glass and Mrs. Atz, will
have charge of our business here.
ThanTdng everyone of you for your
past patronage and favors and wishing
each of you a Happy and a Prosperous
New Year, we are
Very Truly Yours,
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cutts
m m t wui v m ti" ,. ,
, The Ford Sedan Is the favorite family car, seats five comfortably While an
enclosed car with permanent top, it has Large windows, and may in a minute be
changed to a most delightful open car with always a top protecting against the
sun. In inclement weather it is a closed car, dust-proof, water-proof, cold-ro&f
Finely upholstered. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system and
demountable rims with 3J-inch tires all around. A real family car. Anybody can)
safely drive it. It has all the conveniences of an electric car with the economy
which goes with Ford cars, low cost of purchase price, small cost of operation
and maintenance. Won't you come in and look at it?
. u
Alliance, Nebraska "