The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 23, 1921, Page FOUR, Image 4

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regular duck dinner and the trimmnig.
The gue.ts were Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Rhein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. John
con and Miss Katherine Kleagle.
Miss Grace Spacht, university stu
dent, arrived from Lincoln Thursday
morning for the Christmas vacation
She will fill a vacandy at the superin
tendent's office during the holidays.
Mr. M. S. Hargraves received word
that her father, H. M. Dietrick of
York, had suffered a stroke of paraly-
lert ftionuay
The wedding of Thomas W. Gee to
Miss Vera tiene Broderick took place
1 the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Broderick, 815 Laramie, at 8:30
clock Thursday evening, Rev. Steph
a J. Epler officiating. Following the
ceremony, a wedding supper was serv
ed to a few reatives and intimate
The bride was gowned in white mes
caline and carried a bouquet of white
see and lilies of the valley. Her
father, Roy Hackett, gave her away.
The sincrle rinir ceremony was used.
The bride is an Alliance girl, who sis. Mrsv Hargraves
PM g-rown to womanhood in this city, night for York.
She attended the Alliance high school,! .
and for the past two years has been a Mrs. C H. Jones has been on the
ttudent at the Chadron state normal, sick list since Sunday. She has
Far a cart of last vear she was priv- naralysis in the lawer part of her
t secretary to Superintendent W. K. body, but ii improving nicely now,
Mr. Geo hus been well known in Al
liance for several years. He is now
employed as a representative of the
International Harvester company. He
has been very active in Scottish Rite
Masonry, being now acting venerable
toaster of the Lodge of Perfection.
Mr. and Mrs. Gee have taken up
their residence at No. 11, at the Flora
(Continued from Tag 1.)
to meet federal funds for road con-
ifnirllnn for A ruriru nf . turn ViniB.
Christmas, This was at the rate of $l,5Gft,h70 a
year. A tax of one cent a gallon tn
gasoline would raise a fund of $729.
763 according to the biennial report
of the state department of agricul
ture." That department inspected 153,
933,650 gallons of gasoline in the two
years ending December 31, 1920.
One of the proposed change in the
nranty law proposed by SecTetaiy
I. Hart of the Nebraska depart
ment of trade and commerce, of wh.;ch
Governor McKelvie is the heid, is one
to await the conversion of a failed
bank's assets Into money and the col
lection of stockholders' liability before
paying depositors. He would place a
reasonable time limit in which this
must lie done, probably six months.
The original law called for immediate
not'mAnt nf f nrn ui t nra A a if. nmtf
Miller; Miss Mehitable Mason, Gladys Btam8 depositors must wait a month
Sturgeon; Tommy Lawson, Sherman! or B0 untii ciaims filed and approv-
nmx: jmis cuinpuii, i",fll.,."ied bv the district court and receiver
Frances McKenzie, Glen Merk. Pauline
Recitat on, "Christmas Chimes
Freida Tully.
Duet Mariam Harris and Margaret
Recitation. "Bessie s
Dream" Vera Watson.
Song. "Hear the Ringing Bells '
Junior Boys.
Recitation, "My Uiu Lucy inert
Solo J. Cantlin.
IVnlosru. "The Gi't and the Giver"
Father Time and Junior Boys.
Humorous Christmas Play, "Christ-
mas at the Crossroads." Cast of char
acters: i V
Hannnh Bascom, Theodore Benson:
Elijah Bascom, Edmand Yarter; Mr.
Williams, J. H. Vance; Miss Elvina
Morton, Lulu Benson; Hiram Jones,
Oilver Overman; Emaline Jones. Mar
iellen Beagle; Josiah Johnson, Frank
Mounts; Fannie Lawson, Mcbel Stur
geon; Molly Mason, f lora tpencer;
Mr. Jenkins, J. Cantlin; Mr. Thomp-
on, Dean larter; Mrs. Lawson, lrma
Schill: Betty. Irene Snedeker; Delia,
Laura Sturgeon; Jennie, Helen Eberly;
Katie, Dorothy Stanton.
Mrs. J. S. Rhein entertained the
Fortnightly club Tuesday evening at a
Christma sparty. The mests cme
dressed as small children and fcpent
the evening playing kid games'. .The
dainty two-course luncheon was rerved
on a small table, decorated with a
Christmas tree with lighted cindles,
nnd the guests were seated in 'iny j-ed
chairs. At each plate was pi -iced a
lighted candle, and in the napkins the
guests found stick candy. After the
luncheon they were visited by Santa
Viaus wim nia pncn on m u.iviv, :un
taining a "grab for each guest. Those
S resent wore Mesdames Joe O'Connor,
ames Rhcin, B. G. Bauman, J. 1. I oe,
A. J. Kearns, F. J. Petersen and the
Misses Edna Benedict, Mamie Collins,
Alta Young and Avis Jodcr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman will
leave tonight for Nebraska City to
spend the holidays with Mr. Mohr
man's mother, Mrs. J. H. Mohrman.
Machinist Lundeman was called to
Denver Tuesday nighb on account of
the Ulnem of his father-in-law. He
will spend Christmas in Denver.
Mrs. S. J. Epler and daughter, Irene,
will leave tonight for Lincoln to spend
Christmas with Mrs. Epler's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Horn.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hurst and
daughter, Dorothy, left Wednesday for
Long Beach, Cal., to speTdd tne Holidays
with, relatives.
Lester Hashman, who was operated
on at the hospital some time ago, has
recovered sufficiently to be able . to
leave the. hospital.
Mrs." C' L. Finch, who lias been in
the hospital for the past two vecV,
has recovered sufficiently to ret .an to
her hotne.
Mrs. J. A. Dillon will leave tonight
for Central City, Neb., for Christmas
J - ...IlL I HfM ' n-nA
Henry Wyatt, wealthy resident and vacat'on with her parents, Mr. and
hotel owner, or Casper, wyo., was Mrs. uarK.
nuiptlv mnrried to Miss Alberta Glau. I
by the Rev. C. A. Wilson of that Charley DeMoss of Walcot, Wyo., is
place. Miss Glau is the daughter of spending the Christmas holidays with
H. A. Glau well known rancher and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. vv. ue
cattle man of Morrill county who. re- Moss.
t;idea at Angora. It will be remem- .
Wti-nv thnf Mica Hlon ntlondfvl srhnnl MUs FfViol flnrv. rlpnutv rmmtv
In Alliance in 1917, and has been re- clerk, left Wednesday night for . two
riding with her sifter, Mrs. J. W. Per- weeks' vacation in Lincoln and fra
kins, while in Casper. Mr. Wyatt is
u-ell known throughout central Wvom- Mrs. James Rhein and little ron
ing and in addition to major interests William, arrived Saturday to spend ne
in the Wyatt Hotel has other extea
eive holdings. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt
expect to make their home in Boulder,
Christmas holidays with relatives. ,
Miss Maude Wilcox left this after
noon for Elgin. Neb., for a two weeks
vacation with her parents.
Mrs. Ed Eldred and daughter, Mrs. -
James Rhein, who with her babe is1 Mrs. M. J. Baskm left today for
here from Ravenia, S. D., on a visit, Denver to spend the holidays with, her
entertained Wednesday evening a f.-.ther, I. Weber.
Saturday evening at 7 o'clock a
children's program will be rendered.
Christmas carols will be sung and the
Christmas gtoYy recited by the chil
dren. This service is in English.
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock we
have another service with Holy Com
munion. This service is in German.
An opportunity will be given ne
Sunday morning for members of ur
congregation to join the White Cross,
The membership for children is 23
cents and for adults one dollar. Thi
money is used for the free work in the
Omaha Methodist hospital.
The Christmas nrocram by the Sun
day school will be given tonight at the
church, at 7:30.
M. C. SMITH, Tastor.
Many are the words of praise heard
about the December number of the
Alliance Baptist. It is a special Christ
"ias number, including the picture of
the pastor and family on the inside
front page.
I The need of more room is pressing
and upon us for every service, and it is a
First National
Wins a Suit In
County Court
The case of the FirFt National bank
vs. r. A. Dalu was heard in county
court Tuesday afternoon. The case was
a suit brought by the tirst National
bank against the defendant to recover
785, the amount of a promissory
note originally given by Mr. Bald to
the A. H. Jones company in partial
payment on the purchase of ah auto
mobile, and later purchased Dy tne
bank. Eald did not dispute the note,
but contended that he should have had
a credit for the full amount of the note
or more. $800. for damage done to
the car while in the possession of the
A. IL Jones company. After hearing
the testimony Judge Tafh allowed the
plaintiffs judgment for the full amount
of the note, less ,$I4U allowed
lor damasre to the car. In the tes
timony it was brought out that Bald
valued the car at $1,500 before it was
damaged and afterward Eold it for
$1,300, so Judge Tash based his rieci-
lon on that tact luither deducting a
carace bill of $60.
The nanlc was represented Dy uoyd,
Meta & Meyer, while Burton & Red
dish appeared for the defendant.
She wa the sweetest, most inno
cent little girl he had ever seen, and
he watched her sympathetically as she
stood knee-deep in the snow, fumbling
in her handbag with teai-3 of vexa
tion in her eves.
"May I help you?" he asked gently,
not wishing to frighten her.
She smiled shyly.
"Yes," she ansyered, "will you
roll thy Cigarette for me."
Merry Christmas, Folks
To close our books at the end of the year without
expressing our appreciation for the business you have
entrusted to us would leave a debt unpaid.
We thank you and send our best wishes for a Merry
Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The Guardian State Bank' and
Trust Company V
Alliance, Nebraska ( .
and an order issued by the eo'u-t for
the drawing of guaranty funds.
Five Per Cent Salary Cut.
The first step towards reduced state
expenditures and taxation by the spe
cial session of the legislature to be
called by Governor McKelvie in Feb
ruary was taken luesday afternoon
when the governor met with thirty
five heads of expending departments.
While the meeting was a prelimi
nary step it was almost definitely con
cluded that there- shall be a & per
cent reduction in all salaries on all
amounts over $1,000 in the case of all
officers and employees whose pay is
set by the legislature. I his cut as
planned will reduce $164,000 annual
ly. Secretary of Finance Phil Bross pro
duced the figures showing how much
money each department has spent so
far this biennium in proportion to the
appropriation. The report showed till '
departments have expended $8(10,000 j
les than was appropriated.
The state university, the largest,
sintrle item of expense, was represent
ed by I K. Gunderson, chief account-
, .11. I Al -
ant. uunderson said u any reuueuuns
are made they must be in the commer
cial activities. The salary cut, he said,
would hit the university hardest of any
The state board ot control declared
that it could effect little reduction.
A. E. Allyn, representing the board,
declared five new buildings are badly
needed. I
Nearly all the other departments
signified that they could effect re
ductions to some extent, except the
state normal schools, represented by
Colonel T. J. Majors, Tern, who said
he could not volunteer a definite state-1
ment. I
Secretary Antles, department of
public welfare, said he could continue
cutting under his appropriation.
Herald " V ant Ads Ilesults.
We Thank You
"The Heavenlv Svmphonv"
"God's Spirit to the World." are the problem to arrange our Sunday school
irmon subjects for next Lord's day. but we welcome more new pupils, as
This being Christmas .the sermons and we can, (if we must) use at leat one
the music will harmonize with the more room In the parsonage. The
spirit of the day. Special music by men's class has some new members,
the choir and a male fiuartet in the and we are expecting to see more at
morning and in the evening besidei the first of the year when we begin
the anthems, Mr. Shellenberger will to study the special lessons for men,
sing. This will be a great day in every the pastor is now preparing. It is
department for worship and service. surprising how little professing Chris
The Bible school will give its program t'ans know about the real fundamental
tonight (Friday). The program with doctrine of the churches. The pastor
the beautiful decorations will be im- has another new story lecture that he
pressive and interesting. I will soon deliver.
This past year has been a very in- J T,he Christmas program will be giv
teresting and pleasing one in number- en tonight, and a treat for every child
less ways. The many new friends who will be given. First come first seated,
have been added to our list have therefore come early. The young peo
made our sojourn in this city worth pie have prepared a fine program, and
hile. We appreciate the cooperation have certainly worked hard. No adult
f the many in our endeavor to serve, had anything to do with it, and we
not only through the avenues of the believe all will say it is one of the
churches but in others as well. We are best that has ever been given here,
grateful for the many courtesies which Sunday sermons will both be Christ
have been extended to us. People of mas sermons, the morning being "The
all classes have been very kind to the Coming of the Savior." Evening, "The
minister and his family. For nearly Purpose, and Result of The Birth of
five years we have tried to serv e Alii- J Christ." Its bearing upon the burning
ance and community in the spirit of i questions of the day; its power of solu
Him who came to this earth over 1900 1 tion, its source of blessing to the least,
years ago to bring good tidings to all etc.
people. With generous thoughts andj Come, men and join the growing
Kindly impulses we wish for all a mens class taught by the pastor.
for the generous patronage accorded us dur- J
ing the past year, our first year in Alliance,
and trust we will merit its continuance dur- i
f ing the coming year. 1
. . . . . i
We wish all our patrons and friends a
Merry Christmas.
All 4 v 3
Alliance tsaKery f
Merry Christmas and a Happy New!
lear. it is in this spirit that we in
vite you to come to the church with a
message and a welcome to all.
S. J. EPLER, Minister.
Statements will be sent out next
week by the financial secretary for the
first four months of the church year.
He will appreciate it if all subscribers
can bring their offering up to date by
next Sunday.
Since making the announcement that
Miss Mary Baker would speak in our
church next Sunday, word has been
received that it will be impossible for
her to be here.
Sunday morning the pastor will de
liver the Christmas message. Sun
day evening, on account of the com
munity Christmas tree, there will be
no evening service.. . . .
OT only because it is the season for j
remembrances but because of the sin-
cerity of our appreciation of past favors, we
wish at this time to thank the people of Alii-1
ance and Box Butte county for their patron
age and express our wish that they enjoy a )
Men's lessons for men, taught and ft
o4 us) i aI tt tvton'd ctotiilrwunt W
Welcome to the church where men
love to go; and where the unvarnished g
truth is preached. Special music by
the choir at all sen-ices. v
B. J. MINORT, Pastor. f
A Merry Christmas to all, and here ff
it is, the Christmas program of the g
Sunday school to be given Christmas C
h,ve, Saturday, December 24, at 7:30
p. m. Everyone is invited:
Song, "Joy is Everywhere" Pri
mary Class.
Recitation, "Christmas Wish"
Tommy Tully.
Exercise, "Little Joy J3ells"-Junior
Rowe, Robert Overman,-Warren Bald
j i 1 1
tnn minaia jaqua.
Recitation Marion sturgeon. V '
I Horace Bogue Stores
An - Old Battery
Is Worse Than None If It Does Not Deliver
100 Efficiency.
You are masting time and money if you are worrying
along with a Battery hat does not do the work it should.
Now, if ever, you must get service from the battery.
If you are not getting it, then you will be more than inter
ested in the
Absolutely NewGuaranteed One Year
Built in Alliance.
Model 6A11B, for use on Fords, Chevrolets and small
cars, at special price $19.50.
Model 6A13B, for use on Bujck, Hudson, Paige, Reo and
Sturebaker and Essex, at special price $22.50.
Model 12A7B, for use on Dodge, Maxwell, and Franklin,
at special price $30.00.
Let us look it over. If it has any life left, we will re
pair it or take it in on a trade. Do this NOW before the old
battery becomes worthless from over use.
Auto Electric Service
Phone 21
BEN W. KEACH, Manager
At Buick Garage
7VT V, T?
TMA8) I W V 1;
1 1 1 i 4 I W X u.
An Appreciation
THE SEAOSN is at hand when we gladly
welcome the opportunity to extend to our
patrons in Alliance and Box Butte county
and to express our appreciation of that intangible
and invaluable asset
that you have so kindly and generously bestowed
on us during the past year and which we fully re
ciprocate. We will do our best to foster this feeling
through our future dealings.
Forest Lumber Co,
i WM. BEVINGTON, Manager.