I I " !"1 THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1921 jmiUSTMAS EDITION WHITE G00D3 x (Continued from preceding page) CH home. Tmtrie lead you upstairs.1 Tbejr turned In and up and through 1 toRZf length of long hallway. At tbe last and third landing an empty ttml-scuttle stood Jtint outside a door S If turning fur entrance. "Watch out, Iee Dee, the scuttle. (Lemme go In first. Geet It'a cold In . floors and warm out, ain't It T Walt Oil I light np. There I" "limine alone. Iunn tee." Too, with your feet on your library fender, stupefied with contentment and your soles arorclilng, your heart In not black; It la only fut. How can It know the lean formality of the furnished toon? Chatubenualda know It when they knock thrice and only the faint And nauseous fumes of escaping Kits nswer them through the plugged key bole. Coroners know It. Sadie Rarnet and Edith Worte knew It, too, and put out a hand here and there to alluy It. A comfurtlng spread of gsy chlnts covered the sag In their UrMte Iron bed ; a photograph or tw tuck upright between the dreamer mir ror and Its frame, and tacked full flare gainst the. wall was a Japanese fan, autographed many times over with the (my personnel of the Titanic store's an eual picnic. Ulss Worte dropped her dork cape from he shoulders, hung It with her hat on a door peg and sat heavily on the edge of the bed.' "God I my feet." "Soak 'era." Hiss Daniet peeled off her shirt mtlst. Her bosom, strong and fiat as a bey's, "rose white from her cheaply dainty under-bodlce ; at her shoulders the flesh began to deepen, and her inns were round and full of curves. "Here, Dee Dee. I'm so nervous when I hurry.. You sew In this ruche; you got time before the supper-bell. See, right along the edge like that." Hiss Worte aimed for the eye of the needle, moistening the end of the thread with her tongue and her flut tering Angers close to her eyes.- Ml 1 , V . .... A . A ...A viou j i i jufi tun i E"i ejea no more. I can't see, Sadie; I can't find the needle." Sadie Unmet paused In the act of brushing out the cloud of her durk balr, and with a strong young gesture tun the thread through the needle, knotting Its end with a quirk of thumb and forefinger. "It's the drops, Dee Dee, and this gss light, all blurry from the curling Iron in the flume, makes you see hnd." Miss Worte nodded and closed her yes as If he would press back thf tears and let them drip Inwurd. "Yes, I know. 1 know." "Sure! Here, letnine do It, Dee Dee. I wou't May out lute, dearie, If youi yes aie bud. We're only going out foi t little spin." XHhs Worte lay buck on the cltlr.-. bedspread and turned her face to tin wall. "I should worry if you come home or ilf you don't all the comfort you are (to me r "You sny that to mo many more (times and you wutch and see what I do ; tfon watch and see." "The sooner the better." i In the act of fluting the soft ruche ifcbout her neck, so that her fresh little face rose like a bud from Its cnlyx. Hiss Pa met turned to the full length ef back which fuced her from the bed. "That's the way I feel about it the sooner tbe better." j "Then we think alike." "You ain't been such a holy saint to ,tne that I got to pluy up to you for it 11 tny ll.'e. You only rulsed me be cause you hud to. I been working for taj own living' ever since I was so lit tle I had to lie to the inspectors about my age." "That's the thanks I get; that's the" "Aw, I know all that line of talk by heart, so you don't need to rum It down me. You gotta quit inslnuuting bout my ways to me. I'm as Btrulght a you are and " "You you tuke bff that ivory-bund breast-pin; Uiut ain't jours." "Sure I'll take it off, and thhj ruche you gimme the money to buy, and this red bracelets you glniuie and every Id thing you ever gimme. Sure I'll take 'em all cff. I wish I could take off these gVny-top shoes you puld a dollar towurd, and 1 would, too, If I didn't huve to go hurefoot. It's the lust time I borrow from " "Aw, you commenced that line of talk when you was ten." "I mean It" "Well, if you do, take off them gloves that I bought for myself and you begged right off my hands. Just take em off and go barehanded with your little-heuded friend; maybe he cun buy" "You Oh, I; wish I was dead 1 I I'll go barehanded to a snowball feast rather than weur your duds. There's your old gloves there 5" Teurs were streaming and leaving their ravages ou the smooth surface of ber cheeks. "I Just wish I I was dead." "Aw, no, you don't I There's him Bow, with a horu on his auto that makes a noise like the devil yelling 1 There's your little rat-eyed, low-lived fellow, now. You don't wUu you wus dead now, do your Go to him and his 1 two divorces and his little round hend. I That's where you belong ; thut's w here girls cm the road to the devil belong J with them kind. There he Is now, w sit ing to ride you to the devil. He don't ' ueea to honk-honk so loud; he knows you're ready and waiting for him." Miss Uaruet fastened on her little bat with fingers that fumbled. "Gimme the key." . . , . i., nigiit key Business use last time. I knew you was lying to me about the clock." "You Jlmme that key. I don't want you to have to get up, with all your kicking, to open the door for me. You gimme the key." , "If you wanna get In this room when you come home tonight, you i knock like any self-respecting girl I ain't nfrald to do." "You oh you I" With a shivering Intake of breath Miss Unmet flung wide the door, slamming it after her until the windows and the blue-glass vase on the mantelpiece and Miss Worte, stretched full length on the bed, shivered. Two flights down she flung open the front door. There came from the curb the bleat of a siren, wild for speed. She stood for a moment In the em brasure of the door, scenting. "Do I need my heavy cout, Jerry T" The dim figure In the tonneau, with his arms flung out their length across the buck of the seat, moved from the center to the side. ' "No, you don't. Hurry up. I'll keep yon warm if you need a coat Climb in here right next to tne, Peachy. Now didn't I say I was going to keep you warm? Quit your squirming, Touchy. I won't bite. Heady, George. Up to the I'allsade Inn, and let out some miles there." "Gee I Jerry, you got the limousine top off. Ain't this swell for summer?" CHAPTER III. Mr. Jerome Beck settled back In the roemy embrasure of the seat and ex haled loudly, his shoulder and shoe touching hers. '' She settled herself out of their range. t "Now, now, snuggle up a little, Peachy." She shifted to her first position. "Well, l'eachy, how are you? Peachy Is Just the nnine for you, eh? 'Cause I'd like to take a bite right out of you eh, l'eachy? How are you?" "Fine and and dundy." "Look at me." "Aw!" "Look at me, I say, you pretty little Peach with them devilish black eyes of yours and them lips Hint's got cher ry on 'em, Little devil 1" z "Quit calling me that." But she col ored as If his tribute had been a sheuth of lilies. They veered a corner sharply, skid ding on the wet usphalt and all but grazing the rear wheels of a recreant taxlcab. "Hut, suh, I" "None of your black back-tnlk." "Jerry 1" SShe was shivering, and a veil of tears formed over her hot. mor tified eyes. "Gee I What are you made of? Y-a seen he couldn't help It when thnt taxi turned Into lis so sudden." He relaxed against her. "Aw, did I tcare the little Peachy? Thut's tbe wsy they gottn be handled. I ain't ready by a long Rhot to let a black devil spill niy brains." "Shh h. He couldn't" "Sure he could. If he watched, ne's a bargain I picked up cheap, anyways, cause he's lume and can't hold down heavy work. And bargains don't al ways pay. Put I'll break his black back for him If Aw, now, now, did I scare the little Poach? Gee I I couldn't do nothing but kill you with kindness If you wns driving for me. Pd Just let you run me right off this road into the Hudson ocean If you was driving for me." She smiled, but as If her Hps were bruised. "It ain't none of my put-in. but he couldn't help it, and I hate for you to yell at anybody like that, Jerry." "Aw, aw, did I scare the little Peachy? Watch me show the little Tootsle how nice I can be when I want to. Aw aw I" "Quit." She blinked back the ever-recurring tears. "All tired, out, too; all tired out. vvalt till you see what Ira going to buy you tonight. A great big beef steak with mushrooms as big as dollar and plplng-hot German fried potatoes and onions. M-m-in-ml And more bubbles than you can wink your eye at Aw aw, such poor cold little hands, and no gloves to warm 'era Wouldn t I Just love to wrap a little Peachy like you up in a big, fur coot and put tl em little cold tands in a great big muff and hang some great big headlight earrings In them little bltsle ears. Wouldn't I, though. M-m-m-m. Poor little hands I" Her wraith of a smile dissolved in a spurt of hot tears which flowed over her words. "Gee I Ain't I the nut to to cry? I I'll be all right in a minute." "What's hurting you, Tootsle? Been bounced? You should worry. I'm going to steal you out of that cellar, anyways. Been bounced?" . "N-no." "The old hog ain't been making It hot for you, has she?" "Sh-she " "God I That old hag gets my fur up. I had a mother-in-law once tried them tricks on me till I learned her they wouldn't . work. But the old hag of yourn " "Jt's her eyes ; the doctor must have scared her up again today. When she gets scared like that about 'em she acts up so, honest, sometimes I I Just wish I was dead. She don't think a girl oughtta have no life." "Forget H. Just you wait She's going to wake up some morning soon and find a little surprise party for her self. I know Just how to handle an old bird like her. We're going to give her a little surprise party." Beneath the lap robe his hnnd slid .toward hers. She could feel the movement of the arm that directed it and her own shrank awny. "But oln't I the limit, Jerry airing my troubles to you, like you was a pollcenn-.n." "Now, now " "Quit I J-oggo my hand." He leaned forward suddenly, en veloping her. "I got It. Why don't you lemme kid nap you, klddo?" "What" ' ' "Lemme kidnap you tonight and give the old hag the surprise of her life when she wakes up and finds you stolen. I'm some little kidnaper when It comes to kidnaping. I nm, klddo. Say, wouldn't I like to take you riding all wrapped up In a fur coat with noth ing but your cute little face sticking out." "Aw, you're Just fooling me." "Fooling I Lemme prove It, tonight. Leniiiie kidnap you this very night. I" "Is Is thnt what you mean by by kidnaping me?" I "Sure. There ain't nothing I'd rath er doc Are you on, Pcuthes? A sen sible little queen like you knows which tilde her bread Is buttered on. There uln't nothing I want more than to see you all bundled up in u fur cout with headlights lu your little blttsle pink ears." "You What kind of a girl do ou think I am? Tuke me home take me What kind of a girl do you think am?" He leaned toward her with a quick readjustment of tone. "Just what I said, Peachy. What I meant was I'd marry you tonight If we (Continued on Next Page) a sw affair a SB I rata m taiT& a-tt-raar&ir a swt ara ara ja ur-a sr-a w ... .. ... .... .. lit Takes Music ! TO MAKE A .Merry Xmas From the earliest times the gladsome Christmas spirit has sought expression in music. And today as of yore, it takes music to provide an outlet for our merry feelings. A PLAYER PIANO OR PHONOGRAPH makes a splendid gift for the hom.e We still have a nice selection of Victor records and player rolls. CHILDREN'S BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS I Mann Music & Art Co. ! Gold Weather Is COAL WE A THER It's time when you want to make every shovelful give the most in heat for the home. There's a difference in coal, and it s most ap parent when the colder days come. Use care in selecting the coal you use: Tell us just what use you have for fuel and we will ad vise you how to get the most value from it. Good Grades It Stock READY FOR INSTANT DELIVERY OWL CREEK COAL Egg and Lump COLORADO COAL Lump and Nut CHRISTMAS GREETING Not only because it is an honored custom, but because of the sin cerity of our appreciation, we take this opportunity to thank our pat rons and friends for the part they have played in our busines pros perity during the past twelve months, and we wish you a good old Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. N Dierks Lumber & Coal Company F. W. HARGARTEN, Manager f f f ttvnwvt vsrixK sw Bra ma Jtft mm S I I i i I i i ! it I h I I I I i X t I r it i 4 OuifStore Will Be Closed All Day Monday May we have j'our order for your Christ mas neeas in things to eat at your earliest convenience We suggest that you order your Christmas Turkey early. They will be very scarce. 2 Set ft ft rff Christmas Tree stock is running low. Do not delay buying beyond a &' Wednesday. 3& Holly, Holly Wreaths, Mistletoe, Candles, Tree Decorations. . (s if. Black Walnuts, lb 8c Fancy Mixed Nuts Pecans, Almonds, Brazils, Eng lish Walnuts, Filberts, Peanuts Woodward's Fancy Christmas Candies Imported Figs Stuffed Dates Sugared Dates Ferndell Hollowed Dates Booth's Oysters, Fish, Shrimp Ducks, Springs, Hens, Geese, Turkeys Try Our Homemade Pure Pork Sausage for Christmas Breakfast Try a Ferndell'Fruit Salad and Save Time and Expense 2fe Ferndell Imported Roquef ort Cheese All Fruits and Fresh Vegetables in Season for Christmas We thank you for your patronage during the past year and wish you all a Merry Christmas. MALLERY GROCERY 4 i ' i if I if sfc It It it I, h if h I ; !.; in U U h h ji: s , i u h U u u u u I: u h QUALITY GROCERS aw, no, you dou t. When you comt fcojneoulght you k oocknu more tip- 2 "Ml""'