The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 20, 1921, CHRISTMAS EDITION, Image 17

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You'll Be Surprised !
OF COURSE, the little folks are on
their very best behavior Just be
fore Christmas, but it is rather
ft strain on the poor dears to be Rood,
with all the attendant excitement of
preparing gifts and keeping secret. So
why not let them help decorate ' the
house and make some of the Christmas
decorations. It will keep them from
becoming bored, and still more impor
tant, from getting into mischief.
There are many things tbey can
make for the tree as well as for the
- house. Even the little folks can
string popcorn and make paper chains,
or many bright colors. Popcorn in
Jink and white can be made to hang
rom branches, and the older children
can use their ingenuity in creating
pretty things with colored picture on
which tinsel backgrounds are pasted.
For an out-of-doors excursion in
which old and young will be keenly
Interested there is the trip to the
woods to gather exergreena. Pine
banches, especially the white pine are
graceful for use anywhere in the
house, as are also hemlock twigs with
tiny-cones hanging from them. Ground
Jiine lends itself to garlands nicely,
f an old dead evergreen can be found
which is shedding its bark, an armful
of this will be found very fragrant
when burned in the fireplace.
If these evergreens are brought ii
many days before Christmas, cart
must be taken to keep them verj
wet, so that they will not drop theii
A garland of pine decorated with reo
apples will gfve a different effect an
yet carry the Christmas colors.
Among other plants available for
use are the lovely flaming poinsettlas,
and the graceful branches of the
bitter-sweet. , This latter can be kept
all winter. Tvy makes a different
household decoration, growing up on
light trellises of wood or iron.
The children will be interested in
the growing of bulbs, but this must
be started well ahead of Christmas
at least six weeks. They can gather
pebbles for filling small bowls. The
bulbs are planted on top of the stones
and put away in the dark lor two
weeks. Oh yes, this part is very
necessary so as to make the little
roots grow long and firm. Then the
bowls may be brought out into the
Paper white'narcissus, the Chinese
sacred lily and hyancinths can be
grown in this way, and made to
blossom in time for Christmas. There
is a fascination about these growing
things that few can resist.
Before discussing Christmas can-
Our Extraordinary Special
Christmas Offer
Fill In Your Own First Payment. ' W
We Will Deliver to You Any NEW EDISON f
Phonograph in Stock. j
Positively No Strings to This Offer.
Jli imiuuii
Come In and Talk It Over
With Us.
Let Us Show You
Genuine Edison Phonographs f
Cost No More Than Ordinary
Talking Machines.
Geo. D. Darling
115-117 West Third Street
Alliance, Nebr.
lies let as mention the well known
and ever-present (at Christmas) holly
and mistletoe. It would never do to
attempt to get along without them.
Wreaths of holly with bright sashes
of scarlet ribbon just must hang in the
winuows, ana mistletoe must be surely
hung where it will do the most harm.
Ail the regular candles through the
house must be put away in tissue
paper and Christmas candles substitut
ed. Cherry red will be found becoming
to some rooms, while others will feel
happier with the lovely green bay
berry candles tied with red ribbons.
For the window, if one is fortunate
enough to possess such a thing, . a
seven-branched candlestick can be
used, its fi I agreed sticks all wound
about with holly. I can assure yo, it
makes quite a "landscape."
Now as to mantlepieces and the
table itself. Here's where the chil
dren can be the craftsmen again
uisnes piled witn fruit are what we
recommend for each mantleshelf.
What shall we use for the dish T Why
not a scooped out pumpkin? How do
you like that for an idea? First one
must make sure the pumpkin will
stand quite nrrnly, and 11 necessary a
slice should be cut of? to insure this.
Then part of the top should be re
moved, and the inside cleaned very
caretuiiy and lined witn waxed paper,
The fruit can be piled in, and piled
high above it too, with all the colors
one can find. Red, yellow, and green
apples, bananas, and oranges should be
A green squash, with its irreeular
shape makes an equally attractive
dish and can be scooped out the same
For the center piece of the table
a little scene can be worked out, which
will give the children much pleasure.
A mirror will make a pretty lake with
its edges concealed under cotton 'snow'
kled with mica. At one" side of
where it will reflect in the
water, a little cardboard house can
stand. Its roof must be covered with
snow, too, and it just must have a very
generous chimney. Because that is
where Santa comes in as we very well
know. A red cotton Santa can sit atop
the chimney or be in it with his little
black boots sticking out. Trees made
of the evergreens can stand about the
house and the lake. If the children
feel very ambitious, they can make a
little cardboard sleigh for Santa and a
pair of cardboard reindeer with stands
so they will stay upright.
I hen with appropriate place cards
tied to sprigs of holly, or to tiny pack
ages with foolish trifles in them, the
table, will look and feel as Chnstmasy
as the rest of the house.
the, lake
Surprised at the way I can wield
a tape measure. Next to the ma
terials and the making, the use of
the, tape measure is the most im
portant thing in clothes.
If you are measured right and ,
your clothes are made in a con
scientious tailor shop, the suit will
be so good you will never want to
throw it away. My specialty is
measuring you right and then see
ing to it down to the very last de
tail that your clothes are exactly
as you want them.
Let me measure you for a suit
for this winter. You will find low
prices here long service splendid
style and perfect fit. If you do not
get all of these in Chicago Kahn
Bros. clothes (the kind I am stak
ing my all on), you can't keep them
even if you want them.
I wouldn't have a bad looking
Chicago Kahn Bros.' suit on the
streets, and Chicago Kahn Bros,
wouldn't allow it either. Their
guarantee of absolute. satisfaction
protects you and me.
I'd like to see your face come
through my doorway so that I can
fix you up for Winter. You will
be delighted. at my very low prices.
$35 : $50 t
Made to Your Individual Measure
Here is the b'g
Kahn Bros,
daylight tailor
shop where
clothes are made
to your indi
vidual measure.
I am proud of
Kahn Bros.
but I am
for my
first. No
fit no keep.
P. E. Romig Talks to
Alliance Lions on
Commerce Commission
No Faint Letters
Are Possible If You Have a New
Typewriter Ribbon
If your typewriter letters are not clean
cut, distinct, and easy to read, the chances
are your machine needs a new ribbon. Clean
faces on the type, striking against a brand .
new ribbon will surprise you.
L. C Smith, Remington, Underwood, Royal
and Oliver. Ribbons in Stock.
We have just received a new shipment
of ribbons, assuring you of longest service.
Price, $1.00 per ribbon.
Burr Printing Co.
Publishers of The Alliance. Herald.
Masonic Temple Bldg. Phone 340
Attorney P. E. Romig addressed the
members of the Alliance Lions club at
their weekly dinner at the Alliance
Hotel last Thursday evening.
Mr. Romig discussed the in-1
terstate commerce commission and the
completeness of the control which they
exercise over railroad rates, both:
freight and passenger. This control.)
the speaker said, is exceedingly irk-'
some to railroad officials, who say that
the commission enforces rates which,
while a protection to the smaller and
weaker roads, work an injustice upon
their stronger competitors. I
Mr. Romig gave it as his opinion
based on his years of experience in
railroad work and his knowledge of
railway officials and management, that
railway officials would welcome a
lessening of the extent of the control
exercised by the commission. He gave
as an example of the way in which the I
commission's control was objectionable'
the fact that since July 1, nearly six
months, the roads of the country
have been attempting to get permis
sion to reduce rates 25 per cent for
the two weeks over the Christmas and
New Year's holidays. Just a few days
ago, the permission was granted, after
this long a delay. j
Railroad officials are generally ,
agreed Mr. Romig said, that passen
ger and freight rates are too high and
that adjustment is needed. It would,
be a big thing for the country, he de-'
clared, if the rate making powers were
taken from the commission and the
railroads allowed to return to the old
competitive basis. Such a step, he
declared, would bring rates down
speedily. I
The Lions club adopted a resolution
heartily endorsing the action of the
local bankers in allying themselves'
with the Nebraska branch of the war
finance corporation, which is to furnish
loans to farmers and fitnrkraisirs. Tha
resolutions were drawn up and taken'
into the Palm Room by a delegation,
where they were read to a group of
bankers meeting to discuss the propo
sition. The delegation was received
most cordially and the bankers expres
sed their tha.ika for the appreciation.
Holiday Headquarters
of Gifts for Men
'HEN YOU are troubled with selecting a present for Father,
Brother or your Sweetheart, let us suggest a nice pipe, a box
of cigars or cigarettes, leather cigar or cigarette case. It's
something he will appreciate to the fullest extent.
"I want," said the very plain girt, "a
book entitled 'Cultivate Your Natural
Beauty.' "
"Here it Is," said the clerk, who
wanted to be sociable. "Are you get
ting it for a friend?"
And the very plain girl put her
purse back into her bag and went right
out. Philadelphia Retail Ledger.
IN THE CITY in Xmas Sizes
Makes selection easy. Come in, we'll A11 the leading brands of Cigars and
help you. Cigarettes, best of condition, and in the
1-3 OFF ON PIPES amounts you wish.
PocketlxKjlcs Cigar and Cigarette
Cases bring lasting pleasure. A good se- SuUiuii;.
lection, priced reasonably. J1.U0 per LOX
i .
Joe Smith's Confectionery
Box Butte and Second
: On the Corner