The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 20, 1921, CHRISTMAS EDITION, Image 10

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Mrs. Harry PuBuque, who wu 1
called to Mitchell, S. I)., last week on Wayne Zedikcr left Monday noon
Account of the erious illness of her for Los Angles, Cal., where he ex-
nister, Mrn. J. C Lehman, wired her pects to make his home.
husband thin morning that her niftier
had passed away suddenly, although
phe had at first seemed to be out of
danger. Mrs. Lehman was one of five
sisters, three of whom were at her
bedside when death came.
Mrs. D. L. Sturgeon entertained
Thursday evening at bridge. She
nerved a delicious two-course luncheon
during the evening. High score wai
won by Mrs. P. L, Griffith. The guests
were Mesdames P. L. Griffith, George
Potter, H. Patrick, A. E. Nelson, J. B.
Irwin, C. L. Young and A. W. New
berg. Klnunka campfire girls will enter
tain Thurwiay evening from 4 to 8
at the home of Kathryn Harris at
their usual Christmaa party. Each
rirl brings a gift for the Christmas
tree. The girls are also filling bask
et for several families the Red Cross
are assisting.
G. A. Fowler, special traveling util
ity man for. Burke, Donaldson & Tay
lor company of Denver, is spending a
few days with R. M. Baker, local trav
eling representative of the company.
The two men are making a special trip
over this territory. . ,
Kinunka Campfire Girls held a bus
iness meeting at the home their guar
dian, Mrs. George I Burr, jr., Thurs
day evening of last week. Commit
tees were formed for filling Christmas
baskets for several families the girls
intend to remember..
County Commissioner George Dun
can left Tuesday noon for Boise, Ida.,
to spend the Christmas holidays with
relatives. He also expects to visit
with his daughter at Twin Falls, Ida.,
and will probably be gone about a
John Carlson has been ill for the
past few days, but is now able to be
out on the street.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cook of Lake
side were shopping in Alliance Mon
day. Mrs. Glen Sanders went to Gordon
last week on a short business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Brice of Lakeside
were Alliance shoppers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Johnson of An
.ioch visited Alliance Monday.
Operator J. S. Young of Ellsworth
was in Alliance Monday.
H. H. Giles returned from- Lincoln
Thursday of last week.
Those wishing to contribute to the
Christmas baskets for the Womans
club, or give, second-hand toys, -pleas-
phone some one of the following com
mittee: Mrs. W. E. Spencer, Mis. M
E. Johnson or Mrs. B. Ponath.
You'll find many beautiful gift
things at very reasonable prices at
Program for the
V. C. T. U. Meetings
For the Year 1922
The following program for the Al
liance W. C. T. U. for the year 1922
has been announced:
January 12 Business meeting. Roll
call, Legislation. Hostess, Mrs. V'ance.i
January 26 Mothers meeting. Mis.
Sanders, leader. Hostess, Mrs. Griegg.
February 10 Business meeting.
Roll call, Legislation. Hostess, Mrs.
February 24 Topic, "Americaniza
tion," leader, Mrs. Barker, Hcr-tets,
Mrs. Fuller.
March 9 Business meeting. Roll
call. Hostess, Mrs. Beans.
March 23 Topic, "Parliamentary
Usage," leader, Mrs. Cutts. Hosters,
Mrs. Franklin.
April 13 Business meeting. Roll
call. Hostess, Mrs. Mailey.
April 27 Topic, "Scientific Tem
perance," leader, Mrs. Keegan. Hos
tess, Mrs. Shopp.
May 11 Business meeting. Roll
call. Hostess Mrs. Hacker.
May 25 Social meeting. Red let
ter day. Leader, Mrs. Barkhurst
Hostess,' Mrs. Williams.
June 8 Business meeting. Roll
call. Hostess. Mrs. Lunn.
June 22 "Flower Missions," leader,
Mrs. Lurin. Hostess, Mrs. Walmer.
Julv 13 Business meeting, lioll
call. Current Topics. Hostess, Mrs.
A. A. Wrieht.
July 27 Mothers' meeting. Leader,
Mrs. Sanders. Hostess. Mrs. . oker.
August 10 Business meeting. Elec
tion oi onicers. " Hostess, Mrs. r-eue
Au mist 24 Tonic. "Women in In
dustry," leader,- Mrs. Beck; hostess,
Mrs. Frank Rows.
Sentember 14 Business meeting,
Roll call, Hints on Health. Hostess,
Mrs. Carpenter.
Miss Elsie Simpson, who has been
taking private instruction in voice in
Omaha, will not come come home for
her Christmas vacation but will visit
a girl friends, Miss Gurnet Lunsford,
in Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Holpbringer left
Friday morning for the western coast.
Mr. Helpbringor plans for a vacation
of two weeks, but his wife expects
to make a more extended stay.
(Editorials by Our Readers.)
Mrs. Nellie Wilson and daughters.
.InunnUliiA anil VHvutmlh U'ill Ihdva'
Friday nijrht for Omaha, where they
will six-nd the Christmas vacation
with Mrs. Dorothy Hershman.
Lento" Hashman, son of Mr. and
Alliance, Neb., Dec
Editor of The Herald:
It is a significant coincident per
haps, that both local papers of last is
sue contained a defense of the public
schools, from that Old Fogy of Gering.
The writer was on the platform com
mittee of the new party when an effort
was made to include a plank striking
at the appropriatoin for our schools,
which would throw us back twenty
years. He, in common with another
member threatened to carry the fight
on the floor of the convention, and thus
succeeded to keep it off of the plat
form. The main instigator of that
proposed criem was an editor from
Blue Hill, Neb. This man vowed he
would renew his fight next July. The
point and purpose of this letter is to
express my appreciation for the atti
tude both local papcr.5 take on the
school question. Alliance ought to be
proud of its editors in this respect. In
a meeting of railroad men, the men
expressed their willingness to strive
for a decrease in taxes, but not in a
way that would interfere with the in-
September 28 Topic, "Child Wei-
farV trader. Mrs. Wills. Hostess.
Mrs. Dow.
I October 12 Business meeting. Roll
call. Hostess, Mrs. C..L. Powell.
October 26 Institute. Mrs. Ryck
man at the church.
November 9 Business meeting. Roll
19 To . the call. Hostess, Mrs. Pate.
December 14 lopic, "social Moral
itv." Leaders. Mrs. Pate and Mr3.
Dole. Hostess, Mrs. Bacon. -
Many foreign countries are clamor
ing for Tanlac. It's fame is world
wide. F. E. Holsten.' ;
l rV iv'Vv Tnt wa"Ppraon. I creased efficiency of our school;
uu; tliFT-ujiii iiumlu tiiu him. anther
of last week. He is reported to be
making a nice recovery.
Dorothy Reynolds returned Friday
morning from her school at Nebras
ka Wcsleyan to spend her vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Reynolds of the Drake hotel.
All five bands of Alliance camp fire
girls will make popcorn balls for the
community Christmas tree. The pop
corn and sugar is to be furnished by
the Elks lodge.',
Mr. and Mrs. George L. Burr, Jr.,
and Edwin M. Burr leave Friday noon
for Aurora, Neb., to spend the holi
days with Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Burr, Sr.
Charles Moracck
Wins Suit Over
Sale of Potatoes
The case of Charles Moracei, no;th-
east of Alliance, vs. Jacob Schlung,
the Nebrasga Land Co. J. C. and N
A. McCorkle, came to trial in county
court Wednesday morning before
Judge Tash, and the trial thereof
occupied practically the entire clay,
ihe testimony showed that Moracek
sometime in the fall, entered Into s
contract with the Nebraska Land com
pany wherein he agreed to deliver und
they to purchase 1,200 bushels of No. 1
Rod Triumph seed potatoes at a price
of $1 per bushel. Under the terms of
this agreement the spuds were to be
they were willing to increase
taxes if thereby the teachers are given
a better salary, and thus enabled to 'sorted before delivery.
do hotter work. . Apparently Mr. Moracek did not
We are proud of the fact that our J relish the job of sorting the potatoes,
local board saw fit td let the salaries 'for he called Mr. McCorkle and Jake
Miss Woolis, who has been attend
ing Hastings college, returned Satur
day noon for the Christmas vacation
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. L.
Herold Gavin, Royal Irwin and
Ivan Wong will spend the holidays
with their parents. The boys have
been attending school at the university.
Miss Erma Ellis will arrive Friday
from the University of Nebraska at
Lincoln to spend the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ellis.
Miss Matilda Frankle is expected to
arrive Friday from Lincoln to ?pend
the Christmas vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Frankle.
Ixiuis Griggs will leave Friday night
for a two weeks' vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Griggs
of Beardstown, III.
Miss Thressa Morrow Is expected
home Friday from Lincoln to spend
the holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Morrow.
Russell Mann arrived Friday from
Colorado Springs to spend the holi
days with hit: parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Mann.
The Fortnightly club will be enter
tained this evening at the home of
Mrs. J. S. Rhein at a Christmas
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Potarf will leave
Friday night to spend the holidays
with Mrs. Potarfs parents in Lincoln.
Miss Ethel Clary, deputy in the
county clerk's office, will take a two
weeks' vacation beginning Tuesday.
James P. Thomas, cashier of the
Fot&cih State bank of Antioch, was an
Alliance visitor over Sunday. .
It is astonishing how quickly Tanlac
will produce results. You usually feel
better from the very first dose. F. E.
Holsten. , ,
remain as they are, teachers are the
poorest paid people in tho world. The
common laborer receives more than the
average teacher. The teacher draws a
salary, but a part ofthe year, but is
expected to live the entire year, tnd
take special courses beside.
To use the words of one of the rail
road men, "Let us not pass the cost of
the war to our children, let us not
make them pay for the war, by depriv
ing them or the best that money can
get from an educational standpoint.
It is the only thing that the poor man's
child has, that he can get the same s
the rich man's child."
Let us seek ways of decreasing
takes if we can, but for goodness take,
let us let the school alone. If any
thing, let us spend more money upon
our schools. The money we spend
upon our schools, in the way of bet
ter education, brings a greater return
than any other money spent. As long
as Alliance editors take this attitude
on the school question, we may well
be proud of them.
You'll find many beautiful gift
bines at very reasonable prices at
Schlank, the latter being a spud buver,
to his cellar and proposed that they
take the spuds on a cave run basis.
Another contract was made, wherein
Mr. Moracek agreed to deliver 1,200
bushels of Red Triumph spuds at a
price of 75 cents, nothing being said
about the quality of the tubers. The
sum of $120 was paid on the contract,
When half of the potatoes were de
livered to Schlank, who purchased
through the Nebraska Land company,
he refused to pay any of the balance
due, claiming that the potatoes were
or inferior quality, and afflicted with
stem rot, making them unsuitable for
use as seed potatoes. Moracek brought
suit for the balance.
The court, basing its decision on
the wording of the contract, allowed
the plaintiff the balance due under the
contract. ISO cents a bushel for SI
bushels delivered and accepted above
the amount named in the contract, to
gether with costs of ?20 and interest
from November 15.
"We have sold 97,000 bottles of Tan
lac and have never had a single com
plaint." Jacobs Pharmacy, Atlanta,
Ga. Sale by F. E. Holsten. 7
(Continued from Page 1.) I
We believe thin the onlv location for
the future satisfaction of all concerned
and want to urge the co-operation of
your department in securing a recon
sideration by the Morrill county board
to this position in their resoution.
The first cost per mile may be
slightly more than the proposed route
and will caus Morrill county a little
we are sure will more than overcome
Frankly, the sentiment in the
meeting above referred to strongly
favors a connection via Broadwater in
preference to any further detour
westward in order to have the Bridge
port connection and this based purely
on mileage.. It was suggested that
this might be ironed out if possible for j
Mr. Johnson to meet the two board
in joint session at an early date.
We anxiously await word from
you. Yours truly,
Just Arrived a new line of Madeira,
Silk and Wool Hose, Bloomers, Silk
Underwear and Kimonos. Everything
fur half what VnU tin Id foT it lftt
year. Special for this week, at the
)riental Store, 115 Box Butte. 7
iet Y our Grocer
Everything You Want in Groceries
We Wish You
a Very
Foutrh Street Market
Everything in Groceries
This Is a Year
For Practical Gifts
A PRACTICAL gift that men always appreciate is
l- some good shirts.
, ' . . . .
And when the shirts bear the Earl & Wilson label
you add a touch of distinction to a useful present. For
E.&W. "Quality Shirts are just like custom-made shirts
-in appearance, fit, workmanship and wearing qualities.
Our new Christmas stock of ties, scarfs handker
chiefs and other articles of wearing apparel will also
help you clear up your Christmas list in jig time.
E & W'
Earl & Wilson, Troy N. Y.
Enjoy New Footwear
for the Holidays
0 This store is now showing a great variety of
smart modes, especially designed for the
many occasions of holiday time.
No matter what you
do or where you go,
here are dress boots,
walking boots, ox
fords and slippers
that will enable you
to step out in correct
I If,-
1 Mw
z- -mm 1
Alliance, Nebraska.