TWELVE THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1921. A GREAT SALE P' TT T O O H TTr O i Till TMfl , tl LB OF .. w XAJS I AV 3. ft ! iff Mens $10. Fancy Black I Bath Robes Gray, blue, oxford and tan, brown and macaroon all beautifully trimmed and tailored : all sizes. $7.50 S From Our Own Peerless Stock j WE OFFER A GREAT SALE OF H Men's and Young Men's I Suits and Overcoats $40 AND $45 VALUES GIFTS FOR THE MEN MEN'S $1.25 KNIT TIES in a wonderful assortment of fancy patterns and plain colors ; choice , 50c MEN'S $2.00 OPEN -END FOUR-IN-HANDS in gift boxes; rich, heavy siiks, in beautiful patterns, at f l.uu f ' MEN'S 50c COLORED IN ITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS packed three in a box; very . 1 attractive ; . special by the box of 3, for $L50 MEN'S $3.50 CAPE DRESS GLOVES, brown, gray and sand shades, all sizes .$2.5 'ENR $3.50 LINED Dress GLOVER black, brown and . -ay; all sizes $-0 MEN'S $4.50 BLACK Horse Hide AUTO GLOVES and MITTENS, either . gauntlet or wrist length, strap wrist at MEN'S $8.50 and $10.00 PURE SILK SHIRTS, in crepes, jerseys and broad cloths, fancy patterns and plain white; sizes 14 to 17, each -r-$o.00 MEN'S 75c HALf HOSE, all colors, sizes 9 1-2 to 12 , special, 6 pairs for single pair, at ZdC MEN'S $1.00 SILK HALF HOSE, black, white and col ors; sizes 9 1-2 to 11 1-2; special, single pair 9c WOMEN'S $2.00 Silk HOSE in black, brown and gray; sizes 8 1-2 to 10; pair $1.59 WOMEN'S $3.50 MOCHA GLOVES, black, brown and gray; sizes 5 1-2 to .7 1-2; pair .'82.48 $50, $55 and $60 Suits We court comparison of this splendid array of suits and overcoats at twenty-nine dollars with those sold else where at forty and f orty fiVe dollars. ' Every conceiv able shade, of brown, gray, blue and olive included. BATH ROBES for Gifts You will find here a very complete selection of La dies Bathrobes, and our prices will convince you that you will get most for the least money in our Bathrobe Department. Spe cial, at $3.75 to $11.75. BOYS' $1.50 ONE-PIECE CROWN NORFOLK Pleat CAPS, in solid colors and mixtures, at -98c GIRLS' $5.00 and $6.00 HAND TAILORED HATS, at - - $2.95 BOYS and GIRLS' $2.50 HATS, cloth Middy and Rah rah styles, at ........75c WOMEN'S $7.50 FANCY WORSTED SWEATERS, Tuxedos, shawl and Byron collar styles; sizes 36 to 46; choice at - $4.98 WALKING & TALKING DOLLS $10.00 DOLL, 19-inch, full jointed, composition body, at ... $4.98 $5.00 DOLLS, 2 J-inch, full jointed, crying doll, at $2.25 $.425 MADAME IIEND-' DREN DOLL fully dressed tand lace trimmed, at $2.25 $1.93 DOLL, fully dressel hood, stockings and shoes at $1.25 $1.23 DOLL, hood, dress and undergarments 93c Walking and Talking Dolls Demonstration from 4:30 to 5:30 Every Evening South Window. We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS Deautiful tan, brown, olive, gray and blue mixtures, herringbones, pencil , stripes and club checks are all includ ed in this wonderful array of strict ly hand-tailored suits we now offer at this price. There are sizes for men and young men of- every proportion. ' ,. HATS AND CAPS MEN'S $8.00 BLACK AND BROWN FUR CAPS, silk lined - :$5.85 ' . .. ...j MEN'S GENUINE Velouq HATS, all colors and shapes at . J $654 MEN'S $6.00 AND $7.00 SOFT HATS, newest mid winter styles, at 2 L$3.45 ,-. .- ; MEN'S $3.00 one-piece; UHUWIN UUL,' CAPS, solid colors and mixtures, at$l.$& MEN'S GOLF CAPS in' sol id colors and fancy tweeds at . $1.98 WOOL KNIT CAPS for boys and children $2.00 BOYS' $1.23 and $1.00. ITl HOCKEY CAPS, assorted patterns, choice 75c MEN'S SILK SHIRTS- $8.50 and $10.00 values. The most beautiful patterns and the widest variety of color ings ; all at $3.00 RIG STORE ' $65, $70 and 47 The foremost foreign and domestic looms have all contributed their choic est products in cassimeres, cheviots. homespuns and worsteds to this be wildering array of the highest class clothing known to the Men and young -men of every proportion can, be properly fitted. GIFTS FOR BOYS Boys' PulljOver Sweaters $4.50 .values, 'J-: -$2.98 .." i . v . Little Tots' Bathrobes $4 values 1 to 4 yrs..-ir-$3.75 Boys 63c Wide Rib Hose all' colors, at X. -48c Boys' Initial Handkerchiefs box of six-.: $1.00 .Boys Corduroy Knicker -Suits Two pants; ages 8 to 17 $7.98 I Hoys'. $1.30 Lined Gauntlet 'Gloves Tan or gray 95c Little Fellows Overcoats 2 to 10 years, $7.50 values, at .$4.98 Boys' Two Pants All-Wool , Knicker Suits Latest col ors and patterns, ages 6 to 17, at . $7.98 -iHiCiHii.iJ $75 Suits trade From Our Own Peerless Stock JVE OFFER A GREAT SALE OF Suits and Overcoats You will be truly astonished at the beautiful all-wool fabrics, the attractive pat terns, the clever models, and the high v standard of tailoring in these suits and overcoats we offer at this popular price. .... SHOES FOR ALL Men's $7.00 Shoes Black and brown leathers, all shapes, at $1.65 Glen's $9.00 Shoes Late styles, all leathers $6.85 Women's $5.00 Pumps and Oxfords In all leathers, black brown and tan .$4.98 Women's $9.00 . Pumps Dress and street styles, all leathers, at $6.85 ' i BOYS' STORM BOOTS In brown, 1 to 6 at $5; 10 to 13, at $4,98 BOYS' $6.50 SHOES In Black calfskin $4.85 AU-WOOL BLANKETS Beautiful Plaid Blankets, large size, made of pure long staple Oregon virgin wool and manufactured in Oregon; a wonderful value at, pair $10.00 1 We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS Boys' $8.50 All Wool Msckinaws . f v Full cut, roomy coats, . double breasted, full belted, side and muff pockets, fancy plaid color combinations- in an endless variety. Ages 8 to 17 , .$6.98 - JJ $30 AND $35 VALUES SLIPPERS FOR ALL Women's $3.00 Felt Slippers All colors and soft comfy soles - .-.$1.75 Women's $3.00 High-Grade Comfy Slippers All colors, at . . ..$1.98 Women's $3.50 Black Kid Boudoir Slippers Soft, flexible soles $2.48 Men's $3.00 Comfy Slippers Gray and brown ...$2.43 Men's $5.00 Hyio Slippers All colors, high-grade felt, at , $3.50 Men's $3.75 Kid Slippers Full shaped toes and leather soles, at .$2.48 Men's $5.00 Leather Slip pers High grade kid, with flexible soles $2.50 Men's $3.00 Felt Slippers, in oxford gray felt $1.98 HANDKERCHIEFS For gifts and' personal ' needs at prices lower than these qualities have sold at in many years. Buy now. Women's embroidered, silk, linen and sport; men's plain or colored border and ini tialed Handkerchiefs un to 30c, at 25c Boxes Women's handsome ly embroidered Handker chiefs at, box .l 43c Boes Women's beautifully embroidered Handkerchiefs at, box 75C Boxes Women's attractively embroidered Handkerchiefs at, box,- $1.23 and $1.50 V' 4 1 i- i 1 if:, t . w . w VL' Kv" L