TEN CHIMMES LUTHERAN CHURCH. Sunday afternoon nt 2:30 the Luth eran church has English services. Sunday whool alter the services. F. DROEGEMUELLER, Tastor. PAIRVIEW CHURCH. There will be services at Fairview Sunday afternoon. Sunday school at 2 p. m and Preaching: and Commun ion service at 3:00, Rev. Mearl C. Smith in eharre. It Is expected that the Fairview choir and orchestra will furnish music. The public Is invited to attend, whether they happen to be members of this church or not. METHODIST CHURCH With the organization of our Men's class with Mr. Tate in charge, we now have classes for all who will at tend our Sunday school. We expect a wore or more of men next Sunday, There are two large classes for ladies which will be glad to welcome new comer. We will be favored next Sunday mominR with an address by Mrs. Anna Bowers, who represents the Woman's Home Missionary society. In the evening the pastor will speak on "What Is Sin?" We wish to inform the members of our confrrefration that a large stove has been placed in the church auditor ium to take the place of the front fur nace which Is worn out. The last two Sundays the church wa3 too cold for comfort,'but with this addition, we can assure you a well heated build- MEARL C. SMITH, Pastor. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Someone Bald, "A church-going peo ple are apt to be a law-abiding peo ple." We hope this i3 true. If it is the many who are regular in church attendance are the gainers. The sermon subject for the Sunday morning service is, "The Purpose of Church Attendance." we pieau lor THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRipAY, DECEMBER 9 1021. reverence and whole hearted worship. At the evening hour the minister will present the subject, "Opposites. Peo ple nave teen very Kiml in tneir ex pression of the helpfulness of the ser mons. If you desire 'to make youi ife count for the most, these sermon: will help you to make the upward step. - ihe Bible school welcomes you to b one of the 300 in attendance. We hope .o be able to take care of that nun.be. next lord's day. The carpenters, plasterer and painters under the di ection of Mr. Mote will have nenrlj ill of the repair work done. This hat been quite a tedious job, but in spit of that the workmen nave done faith ful work and but little effects of tht fire are noticeable. The C. E. which meets at 6:30 In tht jvening is having a healthy growth ii numbers and efficiency. You will bt benefited by coming to this praye; rvice. Ijots of helps are given a each service Come to the church with a message and a welcome. S. J. EPLER, Minister. BAPTIST CHURCH. Ahnn r.n attended nraver meeting. led by Harold Clark. After prayei nuuitinir the rhnir nracticed. and aftei that Alta Young led the crowd to tht parsonage where, unknown to her, sht was to oe the guest of hoipr at ar, n.tiii mimior. A f tfT the MUDDCT the choir presented her with a three-piece silver set, as an appreciation for liei service as cnonsier. ine emue m fair was a surptlse to her. The services next ounuay prun.at k. wui htorh nnints in the history of the church. Many of the railroac ififf in nd their children or bring them to Sunday school, and in the evening tne pasior win ue a lecture interpreting the. wonderful play given at the Imperial last week, f'The Inside of the Cup," under the title of "Churchiamty vs. cnnsiian- !. U olnima that the picture showed the evils existing in churches all over the land, ana nere in Alliance. He claims that it is true as pictured, that the church catering to moneyed people have little use for the poorei classes. He claims that there Is pre it need of a general cleaning out of the churche3 today. He claims that that - - - right now, while the Roads Are Passable is the best time to get in a supply of COAL. Our patrons living in the country are urged to see that they are not caught unprepared for the next time the snow comes. Plenty of Coal in Stock KIRBY LUMP. OR NUT COLORADO LUMP OR NUT MONARCH LUMP Take Time NOW Don't Get Caught Again Farmers' Union R. J. TRABERT, Manager 212 Laramie Ave. rhone 501 imitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiismmum The Heaping Clothesbasket LOOMS BIG ON WASHDAY ; . c.i sSWCvn When the housewife looks at the famliy clothesbasket on wash day, she must often wonder how she will ever get them all cleaned. It is a big task. OUR WET WASH DEPARTMENT Relieves Her of the Hard Work. by taking the soiled clothes and bringing them back ready to dry and iron. They are sorted into two lots and these lota washed separately but not mixed with other clothes. We wrap the colored clothes separately for delivery. ' $1.00 a Bundle, plus 5c a lb. over 20 lbs. ' Just call phone 1G0. Orders received before 8:30 are delivered same day; after 8:30 the following day. Please mention "Wet Wash", when phoning. WE ALSO DO ROUGH DRV AT 10c LB. ' T Alliance Steam Laundry Takes the "Wash" Out of Wash Day. - i picture is one that every man who Itves the square deal should see. And he is planning to get a return engage ment at the Imperial under' the aus pices of the unions of Alliance some day. Every wage earner should see it. It is the greatest argument for their cause I have ever seen. But come to the church Sunday and you will be thrilled with the message. The young people are doing excel lent work with the program for Christmas. Welcome to the church where Feats are at a premium at 7:30, and where here is something doing all the time, if you are afraid of the truth, please tay away, for it will be preached. Florence Fhipps will give the story of her conversion preceding the lecture in the evening. B. J. MINORT, Pastor. I PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. So much interest was manifest at the mid-week meeting In the study of the last chapter of the book, "The Unfinished Business of the Presbyter ian Church," regarding the church and children that requests were unan imous to continue the study of this particular work. The practical sug gestions on the Week day church school are opening up a new field of service to the church and a definite means of meeting the challenge of the needs of religious education of the children and youth of America. The Week Day Church school is the com ing enterprise or the frotestant churches of this country. It is being worked out in cooperation with the public . school authorities in many places and is meeting a long felt heed. As a result of the visit of Rev. Walter A. Squires, director of week day reli gious instruction of the board of pub lication, to the Synod of California 35 schools of week day religious instruc tion have been organized in that Synod. Special bulletins on this type of work were distributed and will form the basis of our study next Wednes day flight at the home of Mr. Over man. . , Education week has been called to everybody's attention and we will speak on "Education in America and the Church's Part" Sunday morning. In the evening we will take up an other line of thought on the character of Jesus. Sunday evening the 18th the cho'.r will have charge with a spe cial service of Christmas music. The children's Christmas exercises are planned for Christmas eve, Satur day, December 24 at 7:30. Santa Claus is expected. - For Christmas Sunday we are plan- linir one biar service for children and toirents and all taking the place of the Sunday school and the morning service and meeting at 10:30 a. m. instead oi 11:00. Not good if detached, says your railroad ticket. A Christian cannot do his best work apart from his church. Do not become detached. Come regu larly. A welcome awaits you. Ihe church of Fellowshio. A. J. K EARNS, Pastor. JnUBe Tonight's attraction at the Imperial , 13 bniriey Aiason m rwing loy , an interesting film story with the scenes laid in New York's Chinatown. Shir ley, it is said, Bolely out of a desire to play her part well, has had her hair bobbed so that she may more closely resemble the Chinese maiden. The famous ''Peck'a Bad JW." with Jackie Coogan, is the Saturday feat ure. It's a fine old nlnv and will enable any man to remember his boy- iioou uays anu enjoy me memories. Sunday's photoplay is "The Claim," with Alice Lake. Miss Lake plays the part of Mary Smith, the Follies beau ty, married by young and r. ealthy "Chuck" Everard. The latter is kid napped by his irate father and shipped to sea, and Mary takes to Broadway's cabaret life, in revenge. Then hsr child, through strange circumstances, becomes adopted into its grandfather's home, where it proves the means of re ccnciliation, but only after a Ehrewd Solomon's choice foils the intrigue of two adventurers. "The Shiek," a picture based on the most widely discussed novel of the year, is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday. Agnes Ayres has the effec tive role of Diana Mayo, a head strong but brave and spirited English girl who encounters the Shiek in the desert and learns finally to love him after a somewhat harrowing exper ience and complete subjugation to his indomitable will. He is a veritable master of men and women. None can stand against his power which in his empire of sand is almost invincible. wua ruling ana nghting, gripping scenes in desert sandstorms, action piled on action such are the ingredi ents of this photoplay. The million-dollar production of the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," one of the biggest features in years. will be bhown in Alliance Monday, De cember 19. This will be the first showing here of the screen version of Vicente Blasco Ibanez's novel that has been acdaimd in New York, Chicago, Boston, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Los Angeles as marking a new epoch in the development of motion : pictures. At its New York opening people paid $10 a seat. Critics said the picture had finally established the screen not only as capable of rivalling the stage at its best, but of surpassing it in its grip upon the emotions. "The Four Horsemen" is the supreme expression of the Great War. Certainly no novel has stirred theuniversal appeal creat ed by the Ibanez masterpiece. The book, now in its one hundred and Blxty- sixin ctimon, has been read through out the world. FOR RENT Modern house; rooms, large bath; full basement; lot lOOx 130; good location will lease 1, 2 or 8 years; prefer to rent to parties wko will buy the furniture. Must have references. Apply at THE HERALD or Phone 011. 4tf 9 ere s An Idea That You Can "Bank" On Everyone nowadays is inter ested in "How to Save On Meats." The Model Market has already reduced the selling price of meat as low as it can be, and still maintain its standard 'of quality. Now we have hit upon a new way literally to t Save on Meats We will give yon a A a(?x, . ism. ' Savings Account With Every $10 in Trade We need not tell you the value of a savings account, and you can figure your own saving. Buy a $10.00 Coupon Book or save your tickets as you buy meat. THAT'S THE PLAN THINK If OVER AND THEEf COME IN N Remember We Sell Only Quality Meats and Deliver Them Order Your Christmas Turkey or Chicken Early. The MODEL MARKET Next to 4th St. Market j E. K. JONES. Prop. Phone 30 Full Line of PIES CAKES PASTRY ROLLS of all Kinds ASK FOR EAT MORE Bread Our Quality Product Mother Every Holiday Season Is a Busy Time For nin i?f mther's time at Christmas is taken up with the & cfv! bym? a?,d maklnS of Presents for all the family and rela tives, bhe is not able to spend her usual time in the kitchen baking During this season we offer her the facilities of our modern bakery and experienced corps of bakers. ' For the Busy Days Before Christmas We Offer Our Line of CAKES, PIES, CREAM PUFFS; PARKER HOUSE, BUTTER & HARD ROLLS- CINNA MON ROLLS, DOUGHNUTS, CUP CAKES, JELLY ROLLS iriISA' COOKIES, RYE AND VIENNA BREAD. SPECIAL FOR THIS SATURDAY Deliriously browned, rich in flavor, our Fruit Cake makes an ideal dessert for any Christmas Dinner. Get them NOW and be sure you have them. Fruit Cake at 80c a pound The Alliance Bakerv PRMUPRTHV .P, mil renin r ... 321 Box Butte Ave ' Phone 649 P ' lbbb Alliance, Neb. J