THE! ALLIANCE HEKALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1921. FIVE ll fV ELLSWORTH. Mrs. Kenneth Mohrman entertained a few relatives anil friends at a Thankspivinp dinner end birthday party for her husband Thursday. Be pUles all the other good thinRs hat ro with a turkey dinner, there was a larjro f rait cake sent from Nebraska City by Mr. Mohrman's mother, Mrs. J. H. Mohrman. The table" was beautifully decorated and at each plate was placed a little orange basket filled with fruit jeuo anu wmppeu cream, inose pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeMoss, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jones and family, ' and Mrs. J. B. Yowell and daughter, ray aline of Marshall, Mo. Mrs. xowell expects to leave for her home tomor row. " Noah T. Shawver, well known Bur lington engineer, and Mrs. Nettie M. Campbell were joined in holy matri mony at the home of the bride 424 Big Horn, at nine o'clcok a. m. Thurs day, Judge I. E; Tash officiating. Only the immediate relatives and a few close friends of the contracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. Shawver left on 44 for Seward and other east ern Nebraska "and Iowa points for a two weeks' wedding trip. Mr. and Mrs. Shawver have a large circle of friends in Alliance who wish them happiness. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mounts enter tained, relatives' anil friends at a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bledsoe, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson and Henry Nelson. G. A. McGannon, well known ranch man of Chadron, came Wednesday to take his three children, who are going to school at the St. Agnes Academy, home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atz who have been spending a two weeks' wedding trip in Colorado, are expected home to day. Mrs. V. A. Glass entertained the Cutts family at a Thanksgiving dinner Thursday. m , t a 1 tl jacK uonnors. macninisi in me aiii an shops, has been transferred to the phot of Greybull, Wyo., as foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Connors expect to leave immediately for their new home. Glen Jcder went to Bingham Thurs day to spenl the week-end at the home of W. E. Lotspeich. The ladies' auxiliary of the Presby terian church will hold a bazaar and cafeteria lunch at the church Thurs day, December 1. All articles must be in by Monday. Royal Erwin, son of Mr., and Mrs. J. B. Erwin, who has been attending the University of Nebraska, is spend ing the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents in Alliance. Clinton Brennan, university student, is spending the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents in Alliance. Harold Gavin, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Gavin and student at the univer sity of Nebraska, returned for the Thanksgiving holidays. The Misses Inez Duncr.n and Velma Griffith are visiting school at disttrict No. 38 with Miss Harriett Wagra. Mr. and Mrs. M. Reynolds of Sterl ing, Col., spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhein. Miss Thelma Wesley went to Bing ham Thursday to spend Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lotspeich. Miss Elizabeth Wilson, teacher near Bayard, is s pending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Wilson. Miss Ruth Stanton, of the Chadror State normal, is spending the holiday? with her mother, Mrs. Stella Stanton. Miss Maude Wilcox, Alliance er, is spending the Thanksgiving holi days with Mr. and Mr3. Edgar Wright at Harrison, ,Neb. Merle Trice of Pocatello, Idaho, is visiting here during the holidays with relatives and friends. Mrs. Charles Larking returned Wed nesday from a two months' visit at Galcsburg, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hickey of Mars land are visiting at the home of Mrs. Hickey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mettlan. in thi part of the Mind hills Saturd.iv i and Sunday by a report" that oil had Mr. and Mrs. r.llsl.ury spent Tues-'. Vf" rufJ" Lk,silc oi "ell. lay n'Kht at the Moore home south of ,,3"' h h "I'ort wa well Ellsworth. The Kllfburv'n having rent- (n '?' ,rame from ?d a home in Alliance left Wednesday , rh.h1":' fte" p lor there, Mr. LIUbury will soon take . 0 'c,aJ ' ,0 ,h' lecn P"1 up his portion in the fre:ght depart-Z,'tin t 117 gas pocket? mcnt 06 the Burlington. Dillon Dona- fc't 'a'n f" '""' . ,ut il fif,ms hoe ami Wm. Tolbert assi,ted in mov-1 "fy prevails around the intr the hnuhnM .mn.U Jn. I '." un('. n ' lne ormii.n oi many ---- - - r. . . iintiT n than kih-rT.J. M.irr..fnrPiPi-lvof the Projects mere are a great deal rijuuiiiK uiui-rw. now ii ansici i m lu G. F. McFall, rancher living south east of Antioch, was in the city Wed nesday on business. Roy Hoffland, Mrs. William Connor and Miss Anna Hoffland of Antioch were Alliance visitors Wednesday afternoon. The ladies' auxiliary of the Presby terian church will hold a bazaar and cafeteria lunch at the church Thurs day, December 1. All articles must be turned in by Monday. 104 Yarn for Sale. A good quality of red yarn left from Red Cross work will be old at 25c per hank. Phone Mrs. George L. Burr at 412. - 104 , DE MOLAY NOTICE. Regular meeting of the Alliance Chapter Monday, Nov. 28 at 7:30 p. m. Gering Troupe of "Midnight Uelles" Real Treat Tonight Alliance theatergoers are to have a real treat tonight in the opportunity to see "The Midnight Belles'' of Gering in action at the Imperial. The show is staged under auspices of the Alli ance Volunteer Fire department. Ihe Gering Midwest, edited by a man of rare truth-telling proclivities, gives the following send-off to . the troupe from his home town: " 'Midnight Follies," as presented by local talent, and for the benefit of the Gering Volunteer Fire department, waa undoubtedly the biggest amu.-e ment hit in Gering's history. "Some people have expressed sur prise that Gering could present to much musical and dancing talent, but it was no surprise to The Midwest. It has known for a long time that Gering had a lot of it just waiting to tie brought out 'Midnight Follies' ap peared in two parts, the first part rep resenting a cabaret scene well after midnight. The stage setting was the. prettiest ever seen in the city, and the costuming left nothing to be desired. Mayor. Baker as a midnight rcunkr slightly under the influence, staged a dancing number that won him repeat ed encores, and he fjuit only when he was out of breath. Earl Neeley and Roderick Dhu MacDonald, female im- Bui'wcll, visited at the J. B. Kennedy home Monday and Tuesday. Father Murray will stop off at Ajntioch and Alrance before his return to Burwell Friday morning. Dr. J. M. Simpron. federal veterin- nry of Alliance had charge of the dip'p'ng at the Spade ranch the latter part of the week. Dr. W. A. Moore of Antioch while calling professionally near here Fri day became Ftuck in the loose wet J sand east of here and after several at i tempts was pulled out only to find that the engine head and become frozen and busted. Chas. Jenny of Ashby f assisted in making and ordering re- pairs. Dr. Moore was forced to leave his car in bllsworth going on to hi home in Antioch Sunday morning. . C. C. Jameson returned Tuesday ironi atou-:ine::s trip which took him to M'nneapolis via Omaha, stopping or on the return trip in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Young entertain ed at a 6 o'clock dinner Tuesday even ing followed by whist. The fol'owir.i were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ken nedy, Misses Margaret and Mabel Kennedy,. Father Mnrray, Gene Ken nedv, S. E. Stewart ami Miss Ruth Crofutt. P. E. Law end S. E. Stewart were Alliance business visitors Sunday night and Monday. No. 44 being late on account of heavy snow on the Sheridan division, most convenient connections were made saving staying all night in Alliance. Walter Wightman was a Lakeside business visitor Tuesday. C. L. Murphy spent several hours in Alliance Monday returning on No. 44 which was several hours late. Several carloads of J0 pound steel are being unloaded by the Burlington here, also two cars of angle irons and other track repair materi:.!. New steel er than is generally sumiosed at me present time by the public. F. P. Kennedy, nephew of J. B. Ken nedy, who is spending a month here, ha been staying at the C. H. Fields ranch south of town. Mr. Fields is nearly recovered from his accident about two weeks previous, although the severe blow on the head cau.ed much trouble and hig mind is not yet entirely cleared up. The recent change in temperature afforded local skaters an opportunity to get out' the old skates and enjoy that good old sport. Several from here were Fkatipg on the Fields' lake Sun day and Monday. Tonight's attraction at the ImDoiial will be the "Midnight Belles of Ger-' mg, with a cast of sixty, incuding all the live wires in that neighbor city. It will be a hum-dinger judging from what the Gering newspapers say of the production. Ihe Alliance volunteer fire department fponsors the appear ance of the troupe in Alliance. Saturday's bill is featured by Char les Ray in a Saturday evfnine Post story, "Scrap Iron." It's not as a rube, not as a dude, that he is seen, but as a boy who meets trouble with two fists just a mill-hand with an old mother to support. And when, for her sake, he gets into a prize-rinsr With the whole house hL-sing him, calling him "yellow, he Dottles through a fight that keeps you iiuivering and Undine ami thrilling irom-the first gong to the referee s "Out! Thiele's i, r ' CI FTS THATLAST If . iq tlnimlv ii will be layed on the main line here in ; triumph for Mr. Rav who not only took the yards and some surplus material the title role but directed the Dioduc- .i i. i - tion himself. is being shipped in preparatory to building the new siding between here and Bingham near the School House comer, which will be completed nevt spring. The steel here in the yard. will be layed by an extra gang at once. s Harry Sturgeon, extra section fore man, who has been in, charge of the east Hyannis section for nearly a year now has charge of the Ellsworth sec tion in the absence of H. Lancaster who will spend the winter in his for mer home near Beardstown, III. Mr. Sturgeon has the reputation of being an expert trackman and is well known here. Geo. Beckler who was called to Rochester, N. Y., nearly a month ago by the death of an uncle, returned home Wednesday. On the return trip Geo. stopped off in Chicago for a visit carries the Snade mail route north of .ffttliltt here, which has been hftnt'.ieit by J. W.f, Plew during his absence. j Miss Sarah Craig has been staying at the Jameson home during the ab-: sence of Mr. Jameson. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kennedy enter Sunday, in addition to the four acts of vaudeville, there will be shown "The Fatal Hour." Against a brilliant background of Engish high social life is unfolded the tale of Lieutenant Nigel Villers, heir to the title and es tate of the Marquis of Deermister, who because of a snub to an actress of the music halls, is made the victim o fa starting conspiracy to defraud him of his inheritance. New potato sacks, in any quantity. OBannon & Neuswanger. 96tf Thiele's For HEIl For HLV . H. jjSft An Evcrsharp As? Xfrf Pencil, or Mtf- S Wahl Fountain fxl f ' Pen ' What could be mere useful. J y EVERSIIARP . PENCILS $l.t)0 to $15.00 WAHL FOUNTAIN PENS ' C-.50 to $50.00 ' PXESUllPTIONS- . We always endeavor to prepare prescriptions for sick folks as carefully and conscientiously as we would like to have them prepared for us if we were sick. French Ivory Combs Medium weight, coarse and fine and all coarse teeth, special for Saturday 39c THIELE'S Tht Stun With a Guaranitt Withaui Rid Tafi personators, made a hit with their I. . , Vi'i dancing. To Mrs. Mel, Gully felMhe " r,-" -nli-M p. 'El lion's share of the work, and she dis played unusual talent both as a singer and dancer, and also as a character actress. Mr. Hrubesky as a "Rube" and Miss Chambers as 'Sis Hopkins,' assisted by Mrs. J. R. Seaton as an old fashioned woman, put on a special number that simply brought down the house. George Peckham as a thrifty Hebrew and Mrs. Gully as a 'Vamp,' starred a laughable specialty, assisted by Mr. Witty as the moisture distribut ing waiter. Miss Roland of Scottsb'uff who made a big hit at the recent Elk Law. Mr. and Mrs. J. L . oung, S. L Stewart, Miss Sarah Craig and Tom Gorman of Lakeside. B. F. Bollinircr. buvinsr furs for the Lincoln Hide and Fur company, mad? a trip to Hyannis Wednesday in behalf of that company. Patrick Reed our j other local buyer is working for a bt. Louis firm. Many turkeys were shipped from here to Omaha and other markets. Mostly live turkeys were shipped al Chas. Tavlor shipped several hundred pounds dressed. Around thirty show- with her liamty dancing, was ";" , ,aov4 anii )uil,t fortv roundly encored. Lr. iirown made a persistent book agent as well as a 'heap big chief,' and got away with both parts in good style. 'The chorus work was except 'onally good, and the specialty numbers in the four for dressed was received, We were recently informed that coal veins in paving ouant;t:es have been found on the J. T. Margraves ranch near Preston and Falls City, Neb. The three Margraves have extensive inter- i i l e . l l seconu nu u weni over in goou snane. . i ,.,u t Via It was far better than any-road showie:t? ,n eatt'e JincI?" "ltjL0I..tu hat has ever appeared in the Valley. NOTICE. Teachers' examinations will be held at the court house Decemler 3. OPAL RUSSELL, 103-2 County Superintendent. and manv cattle arc shipped from'this point, both to the eastern markets and to and from the home ranches at Preston for feeding purposes. The exact iualities and ansounts of the amounts of the veins has not yet been ascertained as the work in this line was only recently started. Considerable excitement was caused t??,ttnit?t'ttt?tiT GOOD CLOTHES ARE Tailored-To -Ord er You can get the finest textile creations of the season in all new checks and stripes in very late patterns and colors at prices that will really surprise ycu. SUITS OVERCOATS it Herringbones. Club Checks, Over Plaids, Pencil Stripes, the new Autumn Browns and Staple Blues and Blacks in all Wool Worsteds, Cheviots, Serges, Flannels, and tasi meres $22 XD UP Meltens in all col ors. Kerseys in sta ple shades of oxford f nd brown. Herring bones in all shades of gTey and tan and a beautiful assortment cf fancy and plaid- $23 N D U P Come in and exam in the of clothes values on the market. Have your new suit or , overcoat made to your order by the best tailors in Alliance. Place your order immediately. We will tailor the clothes and deliver them at once or hold them five cr six weeks until 1 they are wanted. MODEL CLEANERS & TATTHRc: phone is tr,"r i .MIMmiMJMLMJjUmvM,,,,,,!!!, UWUm mill , MINI JXUM 1J J JJ lj JUJ t U U W I I WJf I. ttuutiiittttttt You .Be U .dge See For Yourselves What Profit the Is When You Buy 1 ton of Coal The price of coal is undeniably high. Many people have ex pressed themselves, as doubting the justification for it and we have decided to show you where your money goes When it is spent for One Ton of Coal. . s THESE ARE EXCT FIGURES VERIFY THEM IF YOU WISH ii Kirby Lump Cost at Mine $ 6.00 Freight 4.00 War Tax 12 Unloading 25 Drayage .. 1.00 Total Cost $11.37 Selling price $13.00 Profit $ 1.63 Harris Lump $ 6.00 6.2612 .20 .25 1.00 $13,7112 $15.50 $ 1.78 We believe our share of this selling price is absolutely within reason. We leave it to you. PLENTY OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK Now is a good time to get ready for winter. The weather is mild and makes transportation easy. Phone in your order and we will supply you. - Forest Lumber Co. ? '. Wm. BEVJjNGTONIgr;; : miitmwiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiij)jy ymi"" T"i""w " mmmiMn '''"'i1MiMmiiiiiiBr,nifiHimmMMiHiiiMiiiiinwmTmf