THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1921 ; Golden Your chance to get your tore Sale Begins Saturday Morning new Uvercoat at almost cne- half price. Great Sale of fid Yoitti Oves Men's Mens coals a The GREATEST SALE and no doubt the LOWEST PRICES Ever Placed on HIGH-CLASS OVERCOATS Your Chance to buy your Overcoat at ALMOST ONE-HALF PRICE MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S $25.00 ' $30.00 $33.00 and $40.00 OVERCOATS " OVERCOATS OVERCOATS , for , for for $17.75 1 ' $19.75 $24.75 - f urn. L.I f-JMif m i m iiLtmmitwyfnff Funeral Services for Charles' Coker Were Held Today Funeral sen-ices for Charles Coker, former ranchman and resident of Al lianfce who committed suicide at his home in this city Monday of this week, were held at 10 a. m. this morning from the First Baptist chuch of this city, Kev. B. J. Minort being ,in charge of the services. Interment was made in the old Car penter cemetery, ten miles west of Alliance, in which a number of pioneer ranchers and their families are ouried. ELLSWORTH. Mrs. Anna Bennett was an Alliance Wednesday returning Thurs- visitor day. C. C. Jameson, president of the Richards & Comstock Cattle company was called to Minneapolis on company business. Mr. Jameson will stop olf in Omaha on this trip. P. . Law was an Alliance business visitor Wednesday. John Havlik of Hemingford arrived Thursday for a visit with his father,; Joe Havlik, south of Ellsworth. i C. H. Fields, who was injured when thrown from his horse Monday, is I v slowly recovering. Re. B. J, S. E. Stewart, Uene Kennedy, J. L Defects Young ana Miss Margaret Kenneuy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Law Monday. TELLS NEED OF CENTRALIZING CHARITY WORK ELIMINATE DUPLICATION AND LAC K OF INVESTIGATION. Minort Again Points Ou in Present Methods of Dealing With Problem. for stock and poultry at Fairmont Cream Station. F. J. Ellsbury who has leased his ranch to Dillion Donahoe, on a share basis, is in Alliance looking for a loca tion. Mr. Ellsbury will be in the em ploy of the Burlington freight depart-1 ment at Alliance, while Ilussel will at-j tend high school and Marvin is under! the electrical department of the gov- j ernment vocational work. We are. .. l ,.r T.'U .v our community but thev think it is for lb.: Celery, ooc bunch; Lettuce, the best and we are for them. ' lCc bunch; oranges, grapes, pick- The recent repair work on the hotel le, olives; also fancy canned was iemporaruy sioppw uy wie Know C,nn delivered at VOUr idoor. Phone 789. Also special Rev. B. J. Minort. nastor of the Alli- PmvHprpH Rllttpnnilk -.ance Baptist church, again calls atten k un utrtu uuiiti luun tion to the ne?(, in thia cit of centrai. Refined for family use. Crude : izing the various :ity charity activities. suing anything you have that is worth giving, we are at our fervve. But don't do as one party did last had shoes or not we found that they a sack of potatoes, and then tell us there are many rotten ones, but some poor family can pick out the good, i when by actual count there were but ' six potatoes fit to present to a starv ine family. Our home will be given I ami used lor the help of humanity pa I -i : i r u . i ... -.1 - a cicunng iiuue jui cuariiy, nut piconc know that we do not want to make it a dumping ground for rotten )'ood. "The ladies of the church are and now do repair any clothing that do not require too much repair, ind will welcome such clothing, but remember there is a limit as to repair. "Some of the union men are sending us very good clothes. If in need please call up get what we have. We have two fine boys overcoats, one man s oveiToat, Some gasoline tanks are placed un der the front seat and some sit on the front seat. Almost anything can happen now. A Topeka plumber has been arrested for speeding. The divorce records teach us that the tic .that binds icn t a marriage lie. a if arn and come and Some of the old boys, however, can cut money-shines without monkey planila. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED All kinds of dressmaking at the NEBRASKA HOUSK. Konm 4. 102-103-p Beer by the case as medicine! At last the government is iloing some thing to discourage bootleggers. See E. Essay for Thanksgiv ing supplies; Cranberries at 22c a quart; English Walnuts, 35c lb.; Celery, 3."c bunch; Lettuce, 10c bunch; oranges, grapes, pick les, olives; also fancy canned goods. Goods delivered at your door. Phone 789. Also special price on sugar. 102 The Jand is safe so long as the ma jority of husbands call their wives "Mother." . . T the! At the present time, he points out, jand quite a lot of wearing apparel. 119 mere are nan a uozen agencies ai "I work, and there is entirely too much duplication in the assistance given. The storm, however, Harry Merritt and J. H. Wehr will be back on the job to- j morrow if the weather permits. , Palace See E. Essay for Thanksgiv-' lack of adequate investigation of calls ins supplies; Cranberries at 22cfr assistance is also mentioned. a quart; lnpiisn .wainuis, o.c k "nr : - "" ; for the purpose, but lack of funds and some opposition resulted in dispensing with it. Later a committee of local men and women ws appointed at a mass meeting, and it was decided to I ask the Salvation army to establish a DO-t here. Alter a time mis was! accomplished, but the post was com pelled to discontinue for lack of funds alter a brief and uneasy existence. Mr. Minort suggests that steps be taken to form another organization, in order that the problem be handled as a purely local one. In the meantime, he proffers his own assistance We deliver only in case we are con vinccd sickness prevents the needy from conv'ng after them. "Several pairs of shoes in j erfect condition awuit some girl; or woman. We have a little money leit which wi would gladly ue when convinced it is needed. "Let us introduce system in our charity work. "B. J. M IN OUT." price on sugar. 102 Market We will have a fine supply of Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens, but we advise you to step to the phone and place your order now so that you will be sure of getting just the size you will need. We will deliver it when you want it. ALL THE OTHER GOOD THINGS that go to make the Thanksgiving dinner a success can be bought here at prices you will like. READ THESE REGULAR PRICES Pot Roast, per lb ' 15c Roll Rib, per lb . 20c Beef Boil, per lb 10c Round Steak, per lb 20c Veal Roast, per lb 15c Veal Stew, per lb 10c Shoulder Roast, per lb 16c Ham Roast, per lb 22c Fresh Dressed Hens, per lb 22c Fresh Dressed Springers, per lb. 25c Fresh Oysters, large size, $cr pint 55c ' Mince Meat, per lb .25c Cider, per gallon 85c Cranberries, per lb lTc No. 1 English Soft Shelled Walnuts, lb. . .40c From Guy Rust's Dairy. Whipping Cream, per pint 30c Fresh Milk, per quart 10c The Palace Market We Deliver Phone 131 that of the ladies of hu church m .dispensing aid to the needy. His let- . ii ler jonowsi "ALLIANCE, Ntb., Nov. 17 To the Editor of the Herald: During the summer I wrote an article in both local papers concerning the need of a sort of clearing house for the charity work of the city. Since we have no city mission or Salvation Army it was pointed out that the churches or lodges or business organizations could create an organization, or appoint a person or persons to look after the charity of the town. This could be done and thereby avoid the duplication that anyone who has had experience in this work knows takes place, in spite of all that we can do. "Just a case in point : Last spring when we came here we found many families in dire need. We got busy sml drew on me poor iunu 01 uui i ; church, and one family was given over a ton of coal, several sacKs 01 nour, etc. One day upon my rounds I ran into another preacher who told me that that same family had received nrnrtip.-illv the same amount of of groceries from his church fund, j The next day we found that a third i preacher had been helping this tame j family, with the result that the man of the house was later found (by the j writer to be iunt a dead-beat), audi when help was withheld he went to work. Several cases could lie cited very much the same. "Now the reason that many want and en hunirrv or cold every winter in Alh-1 ' mice, is not because the people of the i city are not willing to give but because ' w system in our giving, and what we give does not reach the really I worth families. j "At the present time we have several 1 overcoats and various articles of ! ; clothing, but we do not give them to 1 the first that come along. We inves- j Uigate first, and then act accordingly., If thev are hungry we investigate ; after feeding them for the lime, and 1 then lay our plans of action for the : ; future. "Only the other day children were f , sent to our house to be fitted for ; ; shoes. After inquiring whether they . . groceries from his church fund. ' i had plenty but wanted as they thought new shoes. Needless to sa, tViey v.ei e : 1 not given shoes. "If we can be of any service to the: community either in receiving, or is- Harper-Niemann Filling Station Opens Saturday The Harper-Niemann filling station nt Knurth and Laramie will tren for and i business bright and early Satimlay morning, with a complete line oi Keci Crown gasoline and ltoyal lubricating oils. The building and equipment is most complete, and has made one cor ner of the business section from an eyesore into an attractive business place. Eoth of the proprietors ait; well known in Alliance and it is ex pected they will draw a large patronage. I " An unan3weving justice dictates the policy of this undertaking establishment. We handle all burial services with wisdom and tact and properly price our service charges. Our modern equipment is dedicated to the public service. Dusiness connections everywhere. Miller Mortuary MORTICIANS Phones: Day, 311 Night, 522 or 535 123 West Third Street SERVICE does not end with courtesy while selling a custom er, or proper fit ting It ends only when the shoe has given complete satisfaction from the time it is pur chased until it is discarded. What is True Economy in g Shoe Buying Everything must 1m? consider ed Style, quality, fit, price all play a leading role. Whether or not the shoe holds its shape and if it is comfortable when first tried on. The price for REAL quality, REAL leather and REAL style costs no more than shoes from inferior leather. We save you from $1.00 to $3.00 on every pair. BUSTER DROWN and AMERICAN BOY SHOES With everv pair of Roys' and Girls' $5.00 Shoes sold we will GIVE AWAY one pair of Tite-Lok Stilts. THOSE BETTER SHOES Baer-Alter Co. Alliance, Nebraska. THOSE BETTER SHOES