The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 18, 1921, Image 12

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the Eastern Star homes for children
at Fremont and also to the homes for
' children ami people at Dattsmouth.
i They are also planning to send a sup
' ply of toys and other (rifts to these
homes and all members are asked to
bring' their jrifts to rejrular meeting
on December fi or not later than Pe
cemler 13, as the box will be packed
and shipped on the 13th.
The Alliance Rotary club had a pe
cial program at its Wednesday even
ing dinner at the Alliance hotel Palm
Koom.. The projrram was based on the T .....- . f. ,.-
November issue of The Kotaiian, an.l j rJ"JTCWrnm ? Sii.fcfi
the rpea!ers, drawn by lot, were W. ?am,,M!? CoI7me.rce Published
JL PaPto? Harry Thie.ea'nd if. I (W i ! &"&!SJ2
The Knoakor nt t in nnvt mnolino- "1 V" ' " 1 - ",
younjr French refugee who finds a
home with wealthy American family,
and becomes the storm center of a
love tanirle in which the wife, ne
glected by her husband, has involved
will lx Dr. A. Moore of York, a Ito
tartan or some note
right whcdulcd for this month and if
me program committee so selects be
fore nevt Wednesday, the ladies will
ho proccnt to hear Dr. Moore.
Mrs. W. J. Irance gave fifteen chick-
... I I . I 1. ,
ti,. i ' i i . cum iu ue uisiriouieu uy me nanuwr
,?i'J".f L"1 eM of Commerce. As there are ouite a
The Alliance Lions club held its
ladies' nitfht program at the Palm
Koom of the Alliance hotel Thursday
evening. A special dinner was pre
pared, nnd there wore several comedy
stunts to cheer up the members, in
cluding a fake popularity content for
the ladies nnd a visit by K. K. K.
The bazaar given at the roof garden
-Tuesday evening by the ladies of St.
Matthews Episcopal church was an
even greater success than bad been
anticipated. Nearly four hundred citi
zens partook of the chicken dinner,
and the duncing in the evening was
exceedingly popular. The fancywork
and parcel post booths drew large
patronage. In the various raffles, the
following were holders of the lucky
rumbrrn: Mrs. J. S. Ithein, turkey;
Mrs. VV. B. Barnett, bed pet; Mrs.
Bernard Moisten, bed set; Mrs. C. W.
Brittan, nightgown; Mrs. A. fi. Isaac
son, fancy basket of candy ond fruit.
i . ... . . : .
! numier 01 needy lamnies in Alliance,
the chamber of commerce vill e glad
to have donations from any others
who have something they can give.
The members of Alliance i.ost N'o.
m A ' ! . t -i
, American Legion win noiii mo
regidar monthly business nve!iPj? nd
dinner bt the Alliance hottl at G:30
this evening. There will be a report
from cx-Foldiers who attended the na
tional convention and plans will be
made for the staging of the Legion's
show, "The Follies of 1022" which is
scheduled for early in January. The
assistance of the Joe Bren production
company has been secured. An inter
esting meeting is expected.
The ladies of St Matthews' church
wish to thank the people of Alliance
pretty blonde William Fox,for tneir patronage at our Bazaar;
also the business men ana menus lor
their donations and those to assisted
us in our work.
Mrs. Inice Dunning, music super
visor in the Alliance schools was hon
ored at the state teachers' association
meeting in Omaha last week by being
elected chairman of the music super
iors' section for northwestern Ne
braska. The hope of this organiza
tion is to put western Nebraska
schools on the map musically next
year. There aie considerable diffi
culties in the way, hut rapid progress
lias been made in the past few years,
interes t has been awakened, and the
hope is that much can be accomplished.
Tonight's photoplay at the Imperial
in "Tho Timlmir" uritk t";l 1,
Ii l T " Airily
in the leading role. You will want to
1 see tnis pretty I
star in this picture. She s cute ami
she's funny. The story's funny. You'll
have a good laugh. You 'I enjoy your
self. Eileen is the "Babe" Ruth f the
village baseball team. And when she
gees after the bootlegirers- that hip
selling liriuor to her father well, the hold.
oooueggers naven t a leg to stand on.
"The Passion Flower," with Norm
Talmadge, is the feature for Saturday.
In this production, which is arlmitp.l
from Jacinto Benavtnte's fascinating!
iHie 01 asiinan peasant nie, Norma
has the role of the lovely Acacia, the
betrothed of the handsome Norbert.
A most dramatic situation ari.sts when
Norbert, fearing the threats of
Acacia's jealous step-father, deliber
ately jilts her by dancing with another
beautiful Spanish damsel.
Some people live to a ripe old age,
and same have brakes that won't
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to the old friends and neigh
bors who, by their many thoughtful
acts and words of comfort in our re
cent bereavement, the death of our
wife and mother, helped to make our
load of sorrow weigh less heavily upbn
I us. We wish to especially thank those
who sang at the funeral service, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Nason, Mrs. Herb
Nason and Mr. and Mrs. Barton Kline.
John Lawrence, Sr.
J. R. Lawrence and Family.
T. J. Lawrence and Family.
D. R. Lawrence and Family.
Sheriff J. W. Miller will leave to
night for Lincoln, taking with him
James Glandon, youth who pleaded
guilty to stealing a Ford car irom L.
S. Wright of near Hemingford rome
weeks ago. Glandon was sentenced by
Judge StufTer at Rushville to from ono
to ten years ii) the state reformatory.
Powdered Buttermilk
Refined for family use. Crude
for stock and poultry at the
Fairmont Cream Station. 102
You can't insult a man in this coun
try and get awayvWth it unless you
are a lawyer and he i3 a witness.
The Sunday attraction is "A" Private
Scandal." The plot revolves about a
Tom Gee, I-H-C salesman with head
quarters in Alliance, has accepted the
job of putting across the Red Cross
volt rail in Alliance, Box Butte county
and the south half of Sheridan county.
The time set apart for the roll call is
Armistice day to Thanksgiving day,
but in this territory it will be done in
n short drive for membership. The
date and plans will be announced later.
The Eastern Star held their regular
Kensington Thursday afternoon at tho
Masonic hall. The afternoon was
spent in tieing comforts to be sent to
Now if Ever
You can't afford to wear shoes that need
repairing during this sloppy weather. The
grown-up as well as the children can get sick
from exposure.
Take time NOW while you think of it to
bring those old shoes down and get them re
paired. It will be wisdom to do so.
Up-to-the-Minutc Service in
Every Way
B&B Electric Shoe Shop
Under Alliance Nat'l Bank Bldg.
THPPAn 4-lbs. Cotton
10c Yard THREAD
m Fnfh 98c Roll
Regular 17c value. 1Uc acn
Think of these Bar- AU numbers Reg. All quilted. 2 rolls
gains. ulal. 15c and 20c to a customer.
10 yds. to a customer ' , value Saturday Only
BLANKETS Union Made 75c Each
75c Each $1.00 Pair All sizes. Is the
best grade. $1.00 &
Large Size These are 1.75 - $1.25 values.
Regular value. Think of this.
$1.50 Value 1 Pair to a customer 1 Pair to a customer
WE Have Tickets for the
Ask For Them
We Have the Tickets for the
Ask For Them
Tremendous Sale Saturday : Women's
ill I, y m '-'-X,
' ' if if I
Savings of
Close to
Half the
For Both
Women and
16 to 44
The Suit Event of the Season
A SPECIAL PURCHASE of the ENTIRE STOCK of a well- known manufacturer. - Suits of
excellent quality, finely tailored smartly fur trimmed innumerable styles fashiond in:
1 A
Serge Velour Panvolaine
In Navy, Blue and Brown, a Few in Black
Come Early for Full Choice-Sale Opens at 9 a. m. Saturday
Duvet de Laine