THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1921. V 4 K L A 1 ..s b I 7 l I 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want In buy something-? Hun areds of people scan these Want Ad columns looking; for what you r other have to olfer. Get quick result by advertising tn Tbe Herald Want Ad department. RATES One cer-t per word pr Insertion. Costa no more thn ther newspaper and we pmr .tiire that you reach several hun dred more reader, buy circuit Hon. not hot air. WANTED WANTED Early pullets for layers. Good ones. 18c lb; extra good 20c lb. E. C. DRAKE. 102-103 WANTED To hear from owner of pood farm for pale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. BUSH, Minne apolis, Minn. 90-94-97-102-2-6-p FOR SALE FOR SALE At a discount; a few shares of Fair Association stock. Write "J", care of the Herald. 101-4p FOR SALE Small house, modern; A-l location. Phone 124. tf FOR SALE Big type Chester White boars: best of breeding. Phone S01F11. D. E. PURINTON. 71-tf FOR SALE Old papers, 5 cents a bundle, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Steam heated rooms by the week. Ill Cheyenne Avenue or tihone 656. 100-tf FOR RENT Two rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, loung married counle Dreferred. Inquire 816 Chey enne Avenue. 99-tf MISCELLANEOUS CLEARANCE SALE Men's and boy's uncalled for suits and coats. "Y ANDERS, the Tailor. 102-1 STATISTICS. It is estimated by the bureau of Ani mal Industry that 309,807 movie ac tresses could relieve the shortage in domestic dishwashers by fifty per cent, if they were properly cast. The months of the year,, laid end to end, reach from the holiday bills of January first to the holiday bills of the next New lear. Life. THE INTRUSION. The nrofessor was deenlv absorbed in some scientific subject when the nurse announced the arrival of a boy. "What who ?" stammered the professor absently. "Why interrupt me isn't my wife at home?" EXPERIENCED Mrs. Jones was entertaining some of her son's little friends. "Willie," she said, addressing a six-year-old, who was enjoying a plate of cold beef, "are you sure you can cut your own meat?" The child, who was making desper ate efforts with his knife and fork, replied: "Yes, thanks. I've often had it as tough as this at home." Chris tian Evangelist. The Printed Message of Christmas Cheer There is no one item, at such small cost, that ap proaches the Christmas card as a remembrance of a friend by a friend. There is nothing that so cements the good will of a business institution as a thoughtful greeting to its customers, clients, associ ates and competitors. Without forgetting the sentimental feature of Christmas giving, the print ed greeting comes mighty close to being GOOD BUSI NESS for both individual and firm. Place your orders with us now for your Christmas Printing, and be sure of early delivery. Burr Printing Co. 1'iiywiwi'iwj'iii;fH'f'iij yyr 'piwi'iff iy yyini'isj m LAKESIDE Grant Keith hauled a wajron load of coal to the Harry Brown ranch the first of the week. ueorire Cooper was In town Mon-! day delivering brans which he iai.-od! on his ranch northeast of here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bon McKinley and daughter, Betty, left Monday lor Omaha. A new trans: of men arrived from Casper, Wyo., the first of the week to work at the oil we'd. Geo. H. Breckner and Joe Freimith of Alliance were Lakeside visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey WhaJey and Dale Pollard drove to Alliance Tuesday evening to take the Mes.-rs Guy East man, Joe rreimitn ana ueo. lireck ner to town. Glen House has resiimed his position at the pool hall. R. C. Brunson was in town from the Star ranch Wednesday. A. S. Morris bought a uode car this week from a party from Alliance. I'lun tn rnmp to the hox social ill the Lakeside school, Tuesday night, No vember 22. Ladies bring baskets, and gentlemen bring your pocketbooks. R. A. Westover went to Alliance Tuesday. F. M. Hoenshell, roaumaster on this division, was in town on business Tuesday. John Moscrip and Uon Shrewsbury . n I J were in town luesuay uner iyrie j posts. Guv J. Eastman, bank examiner. was in Lakeside the first of the week. The Messrs. Taylor and Swam, left for western points Monday. Ed and Maggie Cody and Rhea Weaver wore in town Monday. Frank Westover and ixn irester were in from their homes southeast of town Tuesday evening. Clyde Simmons returned from a visit in the east Monday. Jesse Wilson was down from Anti- och Tuesday afternoon. The ladies' aid society met at the church Wednesday. A. W. Tvler was in from the ranch Wednesday morning. HEMINGFORD The circle of the Rebekah lodge met with Mrs. A. J. May on Monday after noon of this week. After some work accomplished by the ladies and the business meeting Mrs. May serveu a fine lunch to the ladies. Rev. A. J. May returned from Craw ford Friday and filled his pulpit Sun day. Mrs. Ant one Thompson who has been suffering with cancer for several months died Sunday at 7 p. m. and the funeral was conducted at the Congre gational church with Rev. Cox officat ing. Geo. Wiltsey who has been sick for more than a month was worse again Saturday night, but is better again and bids fair to gain health again. Mrs. Wm. Sailing is laid up with a case of rheumatism and has not been up for more than a week. Mrs. William Cory has been for a few days struggling with rheumatism again but is gaining. Dr. O. S. Baker left Saturday for Morrill county and returned on Tues day. ine M. t.. unurcn win oe open on Friday evening for the recreational A new way to treat croup Spasmodic croup relieved or warded off by rubbing on a vaporizing salve. The old method of treating spasmodic croup with' nauseat ing drugs is out of date. So is the vapor-lamp scheme that re quired the bedroom windows to be kept closed. Now mother rubs the little one's chest and throat with Vicks, arranges the bedding , so that the arising vapors will be inhaled all night long, opens the windows to let in the blessed fresh air, and re tires confident of a good sleep. Just rub it on and breathe in the vapors T last ive (T t HO?t MO frVTAUTltS OCCoR M THE. (J Rush of 6ookin J i fAt of ros, MY K00 SKETCH Thc. wot-u hour in the basement. The young people over fourteen years are invited to come and enjoy the evening. Dr. NeflT and a friend went out Tues day with the dops for a run with tbe wolves. Mr. Winters who is well known here as a potato man has moved his fam ily here and are living in the Russell M click home. Miss Marie KibWe of Alliance, who has charge of the high school orches tra here, spent the week-end with Miss Starr nr - Hoe. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and son. Eugene, and Mrs. Hoppock and Mr. Rohrhaugh were shoppers in Alliance Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Whelan and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones motored to Alliance Friday afternoon. Mrs. Watson and daughter, Doris, Helen Andrews and Edith Pennington of Chadron motored down Friday morning, returning Sunday afternoon. Edith Pennington was the week-end guest of Helen Andrews. Helen Andrews and Edith Penning ton visited with Myrle Pollard Friday evening. Misses Inez Jones and Myrle Pollard visited with Helen Andrews and Edith Pan n i n trtnn Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wright and daughter, Ima, visited at the Andrews home Sunday. Mr. Andrews was a business caller in Alliance Monday. AGE CANNOT WITHER. At a Boston Immigration Station one blank was recently filled out as fnllnra? Name: Abraham Lherowsky. Born : Yes. Business: Rotten. Harvard Lam poon. The joke in the preceding is the word "recently". New Wk Tribune. Twelve hundred thousand persons in New York City during the last six months gave letters of introduction recommending bores they wishes to get rid of but did not know very well. New potato sacks, in any Quantity. 0B a n n o n & Neuswantfer. 96tf - o ALLIANCE DRUG CO. Vicks has come to be the al most universal treatment for children's cold troubles, be cause it does away with dosing. Vicks contains the old, time tested remedies Camphor, Men thol, Eucalyptus, etc. combined by special process, so that while they penetrate and stimulate the skin, the ingredients are also released as vapors by the body heat and are breathed right into the lungs. 0K V A r o Rub Owt 17 Million Jan Utd Yearly Gene Byrnes P5 f You can't 1 'ee 80 8d I . but what I V VV will make you rung gu-fej& w , SI RE THEY KNOW (Retail Public Ledger.) There is a merchant in our town Who thinks he's wondrous wise; He scolT at those who spend hard cash Their goods to advertise. He mucks the ml man to his face. "You're talking through your hat, T.ui'P everybody everywhere Knows where my store is at!" Of course most people vaguely know That Jones conducts n store Out of the beaten paths where goes The cream of trade no more. But what he sells in hi small place, What goods he has on shelf They cannot say. because old Jones Keeps that all to himself! And that is why the blinded man Has troubles now, and woe, And why his sales are less than they were Some twenty years ago. Sure everybody knows where Jones Sits glum in his easy chair. They also know where the grave yard is, But they are not flocking there! One secret of a long life is to be a rich relative. LET ME CURE DIIFQ THAT I can cure vour Piles (Fistula. Rectum except cancer a short tlms longer) by an original, pain lets, dissolvent method of my own, without chloroform, ether or knife, and without danger whatever to the patient. My treatment I so successful that I have built up the largest practice In this line between Omaha and Denver. My treatment Is no experiment. It Is the most successful method ever discovered for the treatment of Diseases of the Rectum. I have cured many cases where the knife had failed and many other cases that had been treated for months and years In vain. I guarantee a cure In every cass I accept or make no charge for my services. My method of curing Piles and oths" Rectal Diseases, as well as Rupture, was laughed at twenty year ago, but today I can point with pride to all of Urass who have be lieved In me and have come to Grand Island to get cured. If you are suffering with some form of Rectal Trouble or Rupture, write to me today, telling all about your trouble, and let me tell you how easy It Is ra get cured. Be sure to use the free Information coupon when you write to me. No longer Is It nscessary for you to spend three or four weeks getting your piles cured. You can now bs cured within five days, and be up and around all the time you are taking treatment. Don't doubt this amazing truth I Send for free Information today also convincing proof that my method of curing Rectal troubles and Rupture should appeal to all thoss wishing to avoid a surgical operation with Its attendant discomforts cf dread and fear that causes so many sufferers to delay in seeking relief. CAUSE due to the constant strain of even a mild cass of piles on the sympathetic nervous system. You can pour all the medicine down your throat that money can buy, or You can spend your last dollar at the world's best health fl oA.PIU!tfa II n V t a Hi i . F I i ac-fcc- tfU "4""' BCI, f jV' V ft V 1 s X T LLlluStAStS CAUSED! You can allow yourself to be slashed, yet You will NEVJER these troubles until your piles are cured. DR. RICH. IMIp and Rupture Specialist, iirand Island, Neb. " q please send me free, complete Informa t O tlon regarding; the method you use In cur t. H lnf Files, Fistula. Fissure and other rectal iltKcaws and rupture, without a sever -J surfcical operation. Mention which trouble 5 q you have when writing). 2 g NAME 67 U Town. ,.R. Says: 'Thanks ) y'J f '".-i.'r" Columbus Also Has School Girls Who "Roll the Phoenix" The following, from the Columbus Telegram, s-hows hivv the school board of that city have silestepjo.l a tre mendous moral problem. Instead ol toitownr the lead of Alliance last year, where a morals inspector a. telected to stand at the foot of the m iDi i ne hosiery tollers lis they unsuspectingly tripped down te lunch, the Columbus mon decide that discretion is the better part of valor, and wait for winter weather to put the kibosh on the horrible practice. Won der how Alliance is meeting the prob lem this year? The telegram says: "Of course, it is uite shocking when fair co-eds roll their sttK-kingsj but, really, now, what could the school board do I "This question confronted the board of education after its regular meeting Monday evening. The word 'after' is used advisedly, because the men folks waited to discuss it until after the lady member had gone home. i "Some patrons of the schools recent-! ly made the startling discovery that the girls, several of them, at least, in the eighth grade and high school nad adopted the fad introduced by elder i sisters, by younger sisters and yes, it must lie admitted by mothers. aunts and grandmothers the fad of 'rolling the Phoenix.' The said pa trons, solicitous for the young ladies' YOUR nillfKI Wfcl Flature and other Diseases of MANY DISEASES all cut and get.rld of DR. RICH Pile and Rupture HperlsliHt Grand Island, Neb. I cure every case of Piles I treat by my mild serum treat ment, or you need not pay me ons cent F. D.. for the Advice." customs of modesty were being ignor ed, gently conveyed the suggestion to stveral members of the board that something redly ought to be done to stop it. "The school fathers thovght it over and talked It ocr, and divided that discretion wss the better part of valor. They concluded lh:.t if they did noth ing at ii'l about its winter's chilly blasts, fast approaching, would solve the problem. Moral: they were more ilian a little right at that." In li -net ion: Saying along what everybody is thinking in secret. After you learn the art of gossip, it isn't necessary to buy a car in order to run down your neighbors. New potato sacks, in any quantity. O'Bannon & Neuswangcr. 96tf weldiing GEO. H. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd MOVING. PACKING. STOKING AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIUEPROOF STORAGE "When It'n Your More, Let Us Know- Office Phone, 15; Res. 884 and Dlk. 730 F. A. DALD Attomey-at-Law Office in Reddish Block Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. YVYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Telephone 384 L. A. RERRY ROOM 1, RUMEK BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteepatky DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School leiepnone 865 Wilson Buildia Real Estate, Loans and Insurance F. E. REDDISH Reddish Block Phone 6S4 . Alliaac) Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock and General Farm Sales) PHONE NO. 1 Transfer and Storage PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK. PACKING AND CRATING FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. ALLIANCE TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.