The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 08, 1921, Image 6

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Nebraska News Notes
Cn-nmunitT Movie at Gibbon..
GIBBON Gibbon has a community
picture show, the Community Club
making a purchase of equipment and
the "show is run by a comiiiittee oon
f.istinir of S. A. A. Walker, H. F. John
son. W. C. Ojrilvie, L. T. OBborne and
C E. Johnson. The object will be to
exhibit the better class of films and
the action vu taken by the club on
account of the fact that the town was
without a picture show. The venture
is not intended for financial gains and
it is planned to keep the admission
fee down to the lowest possible fifrure.
The show will be run on Wednesday
vnd Saturday nights, and akiitional
frhows will be run if the demand is
sufficient for it.
No Cigareta for Convicts.
LINCOLN Members of the board
of control are not responding very en
thusiastically to the campaign which
cne of the Omaha newspapers has
undertaken to have them abolish
rule now in force at the state peni
tentiary which forbids the smoking of
cigarets by convicts, ine umana pa-
S'-r quoted Assistant Superintendent
ert Anderson of the new state re
formatory as saying that the pris
oners there would be furnished cig
rrets and permitted to smoke them in
their cells.
If this is allowed it will be in di
rect violation of the Nebraska cig
aret law enacted in 197, which for
bids the selling or giving of cigarets
or tobacco in any form to minors un
ler twenty-one years of age. This
law further prohibits anyone except
a licensed dealer to sell or give away
these articles to anybody.
A great many of the reformatory
inmates are under twenty-one yeara
of age. The board of control has not
yet considered the question of fur
nishing them with cigarets, but Mem
ber A. K. Allyn expressed the opin
ion that the state institutions, at lest,
should comply with state laws.
Harding Pardons War Veteran
OMAHA Roy O. Youngblood, son
of F. W. Youngblood, 4307 South
Twenty-second street, Omaha, may
now return to his home wearing the
uniform he wore on the battlefields
of France. There will be no welcome
arches or bands for his arrival ; but he
may hold his young head high and
have, pride in his heart for the part
he took in stemming the German tide
in France.
For President Harding granted him
an unconditional pardon Friday which
not only restores him to full citizen
ship, but also gives him the option of
serving out the term of his enlistment
in the army or taking an honorable
discharge from the service.
Youngblood and four other service
men were sentenced to life terms in
the federal prison at Leavenworth for
the alleged murder of an English
army officer. The officer was killed
at Kant, Germany, in June of 1920,
during a riot
Senator Hitchcock and Congress
man Jefferis made strenuous pleas for
the pardon of Youngblood and his com-
immonit ueiure uig secretary 01 war
ten days ago. They urged that the
testimony of government witnesses
failed to connect these five men with
the riot which resulted in the officer's
death. On the recommendation of
Secretary of War Weeks, President
Harding granted the pardon for the
ve men.
Burglar Drugs Family
BAYARD The home of Frank Pon
secca, a Mexican living in the west
fide of Bayard, was entered during
the night Thursday and robbed of
three expensive silk dresses, three
rings and a necklace belonging to Mrs.
Ponsecca, a suit of underclothing and
$100. It is understood that a white
powder was used to drug the family
before the house wan looted, and that
a sample of the powder was analyzed
and found to contain arsenic The
police are working on the case.
Ak Exemption for I. O. 0. F. Home
YORK That the state I. O. O. F.
home at York is operated wholly for
charitable purposes and is not a com
mercial institution in any sense was
the argument made to the state board
of equalization in a brief filed Satur
day morning by representatives of
that order, who appeared personally
end supplemented their showing with
verbal statements. The home seeks
exemption from the state tax list
4 It was shown that the home is sup-
We are now actively en
gaged in locating home
seekers on desirable 640
acre grazing homesteads in
central Wyoming. The ear
lier you go the better the
choice. Our charges are
extremely reasonable, con
sidering the service render
ed. Inquire.
We have several custom
ers for good Box Butte
farms and sandhill ranches.
Submit full description and
prices with terms on your
ERTY Desirable renters
want vacant houses or
rooms. What have you?
We have a few customers
for snaps in city property.
Come to our office in the
Reddish Block Phone 20.
The Thomas Company
. Alliance, Neb.
ported by a levy of $1 en each mem-' E. C Fintel, pastor of the Methodist
jer of the state I. O. O. F., which church, who attended the meeting ot
yields $30,000 a year, and by income Methodist pastors at Alliunm when the
from the 160-acre farm and miscel-1 decision was made to go ahead with
'aneous sources. Preparations are be-1 the Scottsbluff hospital project, indi
ng made to spend $45,000 for addi-1 cates that the co-operation of the Long
tional buildings, an extra assessment Pine district may be expected. Rev.
of $1 per member having been levied r Intel writes as follows:
for that purpose during the coming
The home has sixty inmates. No
one is admitted except aged and des
titute members of the I. O. O. F. and
the Rebekah lodge, or children of de
ceased members.
Work for Prisoners.
LINCOLN Convicts at the state
penitentiary probably will begin mak
.ng shirts and overalls for inmates of
ill state institutions thin winter. That
was the announcement made by War
den Fenton, who for several weeks has
been busy endeavoring to figure out a
olut:on for the unemployment prob
lem in his institution.
"At the present time we are In cor
respondence with machinery in tnufac
turers and it is probable that another
month or two will find a part of the
unemployment busy at tihirt tnd over
all making," Warden Fenton said.
The warden hopes that the fi.rniture
factory will be running at top speed in
a short time. This factory when in
operation employs about 00 men. At
present, because of the tightened econ
omic conditions, there is little furni
ture being manufactured and about
500 convicts are idle.
"A most heroic spirit was manifest
ed by every man in the Alliance uit
trict present at the convention held
Monday and Tuesday, and there was a
unanimous vote in this first confer
ence in favor of giving the first
$100,000 raised in the joint compuign
between Wesleyan nnd tiie hospital
toward the construction cf tiie h jFpit&l
ro serve the North Platte valley ond
the Northwest Nebraska conference
which is to be located nt Scottsbiuff,
"Ti e pastor was elected by the con
ference to go on to Ainsworth where
he will have the responsibility of pre
senting the claims for the hospital.
The Ixmg Pine District conference is
held Wednesday and Thursday and the
camnaiim managers feel certain that
the Long Pine district will full in line
with the action of the Alliance die
Cabbage, 3c lb.; onions, 6c lb.;
honey, $2.25 per 10-lb. can; ap
pies, $2.20 bu. John Hill, 208
Laramie avenue. 97-tf
Encouraged Over
SCOTTSBLUFF Word from Rev,
New potato sacks, in any
Quantity. OBannon &
jNeuswanger. 96tf
I Please the Gustomer
A careless delivery of coal can spoil -in -a
minute the lawn you have worked all sum
mer to cultivate. -
A driver in a hurry, a bin difficult to reach
and the damage is done.
. We maintain our own equipment and our
drivers' job depends on the service they ren
der. Jf service isn't satisfactory to you it isn't
to us. A trial will convince you.
r We have plenty of the best grades of coal
in stock and are anxious to show ypu the
greater value of "Superior Service Plus Bet
ter Coal."
M. D. Nolan & Co.
Phone 41 104 Cheyenne
Havinjrjust recently purchased the Fourth Street Mar
ket we are taking the opportunity at this particular time to
announce th policies which we shall maintain.
It is well known in every home and with every careful
buyer in Alliance and surrounding country the plan and
ideas of Mr. Hirst the founder of this institution, to buy
merchandise at such markets and in such quantities to as
sure the lowest possible cost and pass all these advantages
on to the consumer and our greatest effort will be to carry
out his plans.
Our position in the commercial field enables us with a
very close touch with market conditions and we shall take
all advantages.
We shall go direct to markets offering lowest costs and
reserve the Yight at all times to name our selling price
which will be the lowest consistent with sound merchani
We will be glad at all times to contribute our share to
any worthy cause and do any thing we possibly can to help
in the promotion of what ever may be considered for the
best for our city and community.
We realize the success of this business will mean co
operation with our customers and we want you at all times
to take advantage of the special privilege you have to come
into our store, pass all through, help yourself to whatever
you wish and pay the cashier for your purchases.
We want those connected with our store to be of the
highest efficiency and know they will pleasantly extend
every courtesy to our trade.
We extend the invitation to everybody to come in and
see us at every opportunity. Just make our store your store.
Fourth Street Market
an an
3M - v-l
n n b h n n ri
Makes Motoring Economies
Not Only Possible But Certain
With carbon cleaned out and a supply of fresh, clean
Polarine, you go faster and further on a gallon of gasoline. '
But that is not the greatest economy of a clean,, properly
lubricated motor. Freedom from wear on bearings and moving
z parts saves much more money. According to leading automo
tive engineers 90 of the total expense for motor repairs is
caused by using lubricating oils of inferior quality or wrong
. body. -
Polarine is made by special processes which render it free
from excess carbon. . It maintains a protecting oil cushion in
the bearings arid between moving parts, and a gas-tight and
fuel-tight seal between piston rings and cylinders.
Polarine is made . in our grades light; medium heavy,
heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. jQet the proper
grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at
our Service Stations or dealers, and you will start cutting downj
motoring costs. '"y .
Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map
Are you going to stay home all winter, or will you seek
the comforts and benefits which the delightful, semi
tropical climate of the South affords?
Geographically, the South is not as far away as it seems,
but climatically (in winter) it is about as far away as it
could be and in the right direction, too for balmy
breezes, sunny skies, moonlit bays, tropical flowers and
foliage are the order of the dav in trie winfpr timo in
the Southland. . .
And, those who pack their grips and bid farewell to the
North at this time, reap rich rewards and return with a
full realization ol: the real value of a winter's vacation in
that romantic, historic and beautiful land south of the
Mason & Dixon line.
Instead of saying to yourself "I wish I were in Dixie,"
why don't you go South this winter? The cost is low
perhaps not as much as you thought it would be, when
the price of things generally is considered, and you de
duct the cost of staying at home.
Tickets covering tours to Florida, the South Atlantic
and Gulf Coast states, Texas and Cuba are now on sale.
You can go' one way and return another; there is splen
did train service via Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis and
Chicago; liberal stop-over privileges, final return limit
May 31, 1922.
When you're ready, I'll gladly help you
plan your trip and make
your reservations. j
Ticket Agent. .
: iMy