TI1E ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1921. Service Certificates for Hemingf ord Soldiers Distributed by Legion The certificates of service, which are row Mng rrenentod to the men in Nebraska who went to the colors in the world war, are bcinjr distributed to the ex-service men through the Am erican Lefrion posts. In Alliance, 291 of these were received by the local post, and these have been turned over to E. G. Lainjr for distribution, the idea bcinjr that Mr. Lain has a cen tral downtown location and the ex service men will find It easier to jret to his place of business than to hunt up the adjutant. These certificates nave been made out for every Nebraska ex-soldier, vhclher a member of the Iepion or pot, but the organisation of ex-sol diers Is iloinj? Its Desi to aenver wi 01 them. The understanding at first was that all the certificates for Box Butte county had been sent to the Alliance port, inasmuch as the number received here was over twice the number of wen hclonsrinjr to the post. Information from Hcminrford is to the effect that James Barry PoHt No. 9, at that place, has also received a con titrnmpnt of the certificates, and pre sumably soldiers living1 in that portion of the county will be able to get their certificates from the Hcmlnjrford le frion. All ex-service men who were inducted or enlisted from Heminpford and vicinity are advised to communi cate with Neil Erskfne, commander of the Heminirford post. The plan of the state official was to make the occasion of the presentation of the certificates a big affair. The posts are recommended to present them to the ex-soldiera on Armistice clay, but this is only a suggestion. The Alliance post has decided upon another method of distribution, and presum ably the Ileminjrford po.it will make announcement of its intentions. The state officials in charge of the distribution, especially the adjutant general's office, is exceedingly anxious to have every certificate delivered to the man entitled to it, and the request has gone forth that soldiers who have moved here since the war apply to le- f:ion posts in the county of their en istment, or send their new and old ad dress to the office of the adjutant gen eral. . f iffaii'fl A number of ex-soldiers have called at Laing'a for their certificates, but the number of them who are especially interested in these engraved tributes from a grateful state is not particu larly large. In the event they are rot called for within a few weeks, they will probably be mailed if the owner still resides in the county. Other will be returned to the state. While the men are not wild to receive the tributes, it is believed that the femin ine members of their family will value them, and as soon as the word goes forth to the women, they, will see to it that every man entitled to one comes in to claim it. Hemingf ord Hen Has Discovered a Way' to Save Time on the Nest This efficiency craie Is getting to 1a nrf tv prevalent when the domestic I r...- it un Tha Hmincrr'nrl WAD IV - 1 ' - - . , Icdger tells of Bn egg within an egg that was brought into the office. It is pretty plain that Biddy has devised a Rcheme that will cut down time pent on the nest by half and give her more leisure to dig worms and mingle with the other animals of the barnyurd.The Ledger tells the story: "The outside egg, which was a hen egg, measured six and a quarter in ches the short way and eight and three quarters the long way. The ones who found it thought at first that it was a turkey or goo egg, but it was in a hen's nest. They decided to ooil it While boiling it cracked open a little, exposing something that looked ut first like a double shell. Breaking the egg open they found that instead of a yolk, the big egg had inside of it an or dinary sized hen egg, perfect in evevy detail from the outside, with a Folid shell. It was indeed something out of the ordinary." " , - We have just unloaded a second car of new potato sacks and we can fill your order for any amount. O'Bannon & Neuswanger. n ?Miiii!ttttttntttttt The Days of Clothes Carelessness Are Gone The careful dresser who is concerned about the last- . ing quality and upkeep of his or her clothes, is no longer content to use the ordinary kind of cleaning and tailoring . service. . He is wise enough to. know that ordinary methods of cleaning his high priced clothes does not give them the snappy new appearance that an up-to-the-minute clean ing plant can. . For these reasons the Model Cleaners and Tailors is coming to be the consistent choice of the better dressers of Alliance. Our better service and greater economy is so obviously apparent that sending one suit or dress to us for a trial makes a permanent customer. SUITS TAILORED TO YOUR MEASURE. WE DO REST WHAT OTHERS DO WELL Model Cleaners & Tailors Phone 18 203 Box Butte WE CALL AND DELIVER 3ltittttifttttt?ttttityM?ttttitiiitiittttttisinmtmtatitininMntiTitnf t iItttIItitgatlir t,. " ' . .mi TK Trail Mark Knwtt m In Evry tlf)n MUFFIN PAN J iBlffl Nebraska News Notes Good Muffing Weed Good Perns AIUIVIIEJUM WARE Universalize Your Home jm tut Volunteers Build Bridge. HAY SPRINGS Several auto loads,' principally members of the Hay. ijpnng and Kurai improvement club and American Legion boys went out to the new bridge Bite on the river near the old Julet Sandot homestead and put in a eood day on the struc ture. About forty workers were pres ent. The refult was that the side stringers, made from 2x10, four thick neftfses, were ppiked and , bolted to gether and put In place ' the entire cngth of the bridge, 150 feet, before Jie noon hour. This done and one A raised, adjournment was taken for lunch. It was a short ret but was much enjoyed. Each had his own unch. A campnre was built and a five gallon can of hot coffee with sugar ind milk for trimmings and furnished by Charles Marcy. was served. In the afternoon work progressed rapidly with the result that all five sets of A s were raised, and sleepers laid and two thirds of the flooring laid. If the ap proaches were rilled in, the bridge, with but a few hours more work, could be made ready for crossing. Escaped Convicts Captured. LINCOLN Two penitentiary In mates escaped late Friday afternoon, rhree runaway prisoners were captur ed Saturday. Earl Henry and Burl Baker, trusties who staged a walkout rriday after milking the prison cows, spent but one night at liberty. Walter Deason. third convict captured Satur day, had enjoyed approximately seven teen months of freedom when rounded up in Denver by the police. Deason, presumably the dupe of Dick Barrett, proved that he had better staying out qualities than his brainier colleague. ne pair escaped from a road camp a year ago last June. They were trailed o the timber belt along the Kansas line. Authorities from two states play ed every card in the detective pack. but the vast timbers refused to give up : the men they were shielding. In the rail of 1920. Barrett was captured in! Canada and is now in prison. Deason ' was eligible to parole when he ran away. i Dedicate New Court House GERING Gering is planning a cel ebration in connection with, the dedica- 1 - t i.n tn..jr - - lion snu opening ui ocuiw ajiuu cuua- ty'B new court house, which celebra tion will take place on Friday, Novem ber 11, Armistice Day. In addition to a program of addresses and music it is understood that a bio- barbecue will feature the event, and that the' people of the entire county will be in vited to assist in the celebration. committees comprising citixens organ ized under direction of mayors, to take such action as will tend to increase employment. The state and federal government would then have a basis around which to rally. In some in stances the federal government may be able to increase employment by en gaging in public works. The building of homes is suggested as a means of increasing employment. Action against combintions to keep prices of material at an unreasonable height is proposed. Early Closing for Tool Halls. COLUMBUS The city council has created an ordinance closing soft drink places and pool halls at 11 p. m. An other ordinance provides that pool halls and soft drink parlors shall not permit the playing of card games in those places on the Sabbath. President Kurt, in the absence of Mayor Carrig refus ed to sign the ordinance in connection with the closing of the places at 11 a. m., expressing his belief that mid n'jTht was the correct time. Mayor Carrig will return to the city !n a fevi days. The incident follows close on the order of the state sheriff, who noti fied the sheriff of this county a few days ago that the state law against Sunday dancing at public dance halls must be immediately enforced. opened next Monday. To further allay the fears of the people the state board of health has been asked to send a spe cial investigator to make full report. Mrs. Lee Clifton of this city died Tuesday from pneumonia. The new born child of Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Veach died Tuesday night Both deaths were reported due to the mysterious : malady and added to the scare. Local physicians say there is no epidemic of j contagion and absolutely no reason for alarm. - premiums collected amount to $13, 000. Mr. Brian and Secretary J. K. Hart of the department of trade and commerce are now considering a change of rates to be charged for state) hail insurance in many counties. They law authorizes the department to change rates in the counties when it la deemed necessary, No Mylerlous Malady. GERING Exaggerated reports have been spread broadcast of a mys terious malady in Gering that has caused a score or more of deaths with hundreds of people afflicted. The basis of these false rumors was the death of Mrs. James McKinley and her eight-year-old daughter from diph theria. Only two other cases are re ported, both in the same family, and they are rapidly recovering. Owng to the fright caused by the scare mongers, the schools were ordered closed Monday noon but will be re- nail Losses Taid in Full. LINCOLN L. G. Brian, chief ad juster of the state hail insurance de partment, mailed 292 state warrants Thursday to as many claimants for crop losses during the season of 1921. The warrants are payment in full for all losses totalling $38,000. The war rants were mailed direct to claimants because there is no tax to be deducted. Warrants for losses in 1920 were mail ed to county treasurers with instruc tions to deduct taxes due. While the losse3 for 1921 total only $38,000 the BOYS' ATTENTION! Are you interested in Electricity and would you like to know more about it? A class in experimental and practical electricity is being formed. If you want to get in on this, phone 233 or see C. A. DOW Livestock Men Organize. BAYARD The livestock producers of Morrill county met at the court house in Bridgeport and perfected the j organization originated during fair week. It is named the livestock asso ciation of Morrill county, and is not to be confined to the purebred industry, alone, but embraces the interests of all ' producers. Residents of Morrill and. adjoining counties are eligible to mem bership. An annual meeting is t be held in Bridgeport in December, and quarterly meetings in Broadwater, in April; in Bridgeport in July; tsayara, in October. In addition to the officers the executive committee will consist of representative breeders of each- breed of stock, and a representative for all breeds of poultry. Enlarge Odd Fellows Home. YORK The grand lodge of Nebras ka Odd Fellows Thursday afternoon authorized the addition of a wing to the home for the aged and for orphan ed children at York by voting to assess a per capita tax of one dollar a mem ber. There are 80,000 in the state and this will raise $30,000. The Odd Fellows already have a cash reserve fund Of $15,663 and $10,000 in Liberty bonds, and this will be added to the money raised by the per capita tax. The wing is estimated to cost $60,000. The York home was erected in 1910 at cost of approximately $120,000 to $130,000. Since the building of the home the assembly has built a fine archway to the entrance and last sum mer installed a swimming pool, it is necessary that the aged have separ ate sleeping rooms and the new addi tion will meet the demand, it is hoped for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John Pittman have been in charge of the home for many years. Mr, Pittman 13 superintendent and Mrs. Pittman matron. Nebraska Unemployment. LINCOLN Governor McKelvie has offered to cooyerate with Herbert Hoover, secretary of the department of commerce at Washington, in doing whatever is possible on the part of the state government to furnish employ ment for men during the winter and has so replied to a letter from Mr. Hoover. About the best he offers as a suggestion at the present time is corn husking and in addition board and lodging upon farms in return for whatever work the farmers have to offer. The governor says there seems to be work now for almost anyone, who cares to work at a living wage. He sees no prospect for business improve ment until there is a readjustment be tween the prices for the raw products- of the farm and the finished product of the factory. Secretary Hoover'a letter to the gov eraor describes the general plan of the conference held in the interests of un employed. It is proposed to base an organization upon the municipality, the . . . - . . i . laiier to luncuon wrouga employment fH - TAULfcTS- Thiele, Prescription Druggist WYOMING HOMESTEADS We are now actively en gaged in locating home seekers on desirable 640 acre grazing homesteads in central Wyoming. The ear lier you go the better the choice. Our charges are extremely reasonable, con sidering the service render ed. Inquire. FARMS and RANCHES We have several custom ers for good Box Butte farms and sandhill ranches. Submit full description and prices with terms on your property. ALLIANCE CITY PROP ERTY Desirable renters want vacant houses or rooms. What have you? . We have a few customers ' for snaps in city property. Come to our office in the Reddish Block Phone 20. The Thomas Company LLOYD C. THOMAS, Mgr. Alliance, Neb. IDAE A ID LES My Car of Apples that I advertised about 2 weeks ago has arrived. If you want apples, now is the time to buy. Varieties, Roman Beauties and Ganos 2.35 per bu. 1 Bushel FREE! Remember I give away one bushel FREE with every 20th bushel purchased. Come down and look them over. R. W. BEA Second & Laramie Phone 102 How Much Does Lubricat- inff Oil Cost You Each Year ? Automotive engineers say that oil of the wrong body, failure to replace old oil with fresh oil and neglecting to keep oil up to the proper level cause fully 90 percent of all automobile engine repair bills. So the real cost of lubricating oil is determined by your repair bills. Oil of the highest quality and cor rect body is the truest economy. It protects moving parts against wear and prevents bearings burning out. It keeps compression tight and assures maxi mum power and mileage from every gallon of fuel. Polarine is the most perfect motor oil we know of. It maintains a protect ing oil film in the closest fitting bear ings and a fuel-tight and gas-tight oil seal between the piston rings and cylin der walls. Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy -but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at our Service Stations or dealers and you will start cutting down motoring costs. Write or ask tor a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA 1 in ! OILS a 3 a