THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2l, 1921 Nebraska News Notes Apply "Snick" Tent. "COLUMBUS Following a seriea of hre meetings ami the submitting of nnMitionnairen to Barents, a decision raa reached by the city health board, working in conjunction with the physi cian of the city and Superintendent Oaten of the city schools, that thq "Shirk' test be iriven to all school McKelvie, and during his vlit tol l hi innocent listener of his intim ite ac quaintanceship with the governor family and raid Mrs, McKelvie rcted s his stenoirrapher. A flashy certi ficate purporting co be his license to practice in the t.tate, was shown, to gether with a forged commission! showing him to be a member of the state sheriffs Man. Mrs Schwab lives alone and is phy sically infirm. The swindler took ad- vantage of her condition and first ob tained J1,!()0 in Liberty bonds as SHEEP Receipts. 8.000. Sheep generally steady, 25c lower. Most fat ewes, I3.75(rf 4.10: fat Iamhs, weaK to 15c lower. Top westerns, $8.15; feed ing lambs steady to 25c lower. Early top, $7.00. Sioux City Live Stork. smutty. Sample grade hard, 1 car at upon the business men who are secur- No. 1 yellow hard, 2 cara at 94c. ed for such advertising ano aiso re No. 2 yellow hard, 1 car a 95c. .No 3 yellow hard, 4 cars at 92c No. 4 yel low hard, 1 car at 91c. No. 2 spring, 1 car at $1.17, dark. No. S spring:, 1 1 car at $1.11. Sample grade spring, 1 car at 80c. No. 2 mixed, 1 car at 81c; 1 car at 79c, durum. No. 3 mixed 1 car at 82c; 1 car at 75c, sb.; 1 car at 76c; 1 car at 7oc, bh.; l car at 85c, i SIOUX CITY, la., Oct 20. CAT TLE Receipts, 1,500. Market steady to weak, fed steers and yearlings, gmuttv. bh t6.50(a7.23; grass steers, $4.00(5)6.25; j CORN Unchanged to Mle lower; fat cows and heifers, $4.C0(o8.00; can- No. 1 white. 1 car at 354c. bh.: 1 car 1 criiAmntp that sh would return the nm. l.f0fff)2.fi0: veals. t4.0(NH!9.00: nt 1 rar at. Sfi'4r w Nn 9 children, whose parents have indicated , glasses. A confederate appeared a ;"ew feeders, $4.00(o6.15; calves, $3.50(3)7; white, 1 car at 3fic. No. 1 yellow, 4 willingness to comply with the request ,.,y,, ater and offered her $2,800 if feeding cows and heifers, $2.75(o4.25. cars at 37 ',4 c No. 2 yellow, 2 cars at acts to the disadvantage of the news papers of the city of ScotteblufT, there fore "Be it resolved, that it is the sense of this body that such methods of solicitation be discouraged; that when such advertising is sold a statement be made as to the cost of the programs and their actual circulation, so that a fair cost to put upon such advertising space; and that this body urge the merchants of the city to place their advertising as far as possible with tha newspapers of the city that are among its best means of community advertisement and betterment." Worrying about the weather has no heating effect. Nobody fought for a place in thw sun last summer. A hot day makes a hero of many a man who consents to get into a bathing suit. f the Joint committees. Of the 1,041 pne Would ell the glasses. M artel 1 re- Vtarents f.jdced, huh oi xnem sipmneu , turnej n a fCW ,iayg and announced their willingness that their children that the Chicago owners of the glasses should have the test applied. lwo hundred and eighteen heads of families refused and there were 15 families ho could not be consulted. Children designated by the physician as "car riers," meaning those children who have not contracted the disease, lut m-ho have been exposed near children -ho have come down with it, will be 3uarantined for a short time. The octors of the city have offered their services free, the city paying only for the serum. The parents are put t- no expense. At present there are 13 cases of diphtheria in the city. So far us known the use of the "Snick" test here is the first city west of the Mississippi river to have it applied in the kc'iuoIs. demanded more security. With the $2,800 oiler in mind, the woman read ily ofirced to give $1,000 in cash and $59 for the service of the fake oculist. When friends learned of the aged woman's predicament they waited several dnys before notifying the county authorities in the hopes that the swindlers would return for more money. Sheriff Condit, when inform ed, traced the check to a Denver bank where it was casheL He left immedi ately for Denver in hopes of getting trace of the two men. Crass cows and heifers, $2.5(no.50. !37ic. No. 1, 1 car at 35c; 2 cars at HOGS Receipts, 3,500. Market 10 36c. No. 2, 1 car at 37M(C, sb.; 2 cars to 25c lower. Light, $7.75(3)8.00; at 36c; 1 car at 3of,ic, No. 6L 1 car at mixed, $fi.o5(rp7.i:.r. Heavy, $o.7ocp , C.75. Bulk of sale-, $0.007.50. OATS No, JE3 SHEEP Receipts, 1,000. steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. Skirts Short; Lost Job. LINCOLN Just how 'ong should a pretty girl's skirts be? This inomen toii3 question found jts way to Mate, county and city officials, who, viuh nil their combined and amalgam ued in tellects, couldn't decide it The ques tion waa started afresh because o tn discharge of Miss Blanche Gunmen nrttv. botnh aired Lincoln nnrit HH. from' her position ns stent irrij oil er for "Lum" Doyle, state boxing commissioner, in the office of H. H. Antles, secretary of the state depart of nublie welfare. Mi-u Clem- tnor.s wears 'em short. That is ad-mittet-'. She wears 'em no short that the men in the state looked Ion rr. Then entered Gloom in the per on cf Mr. Antles who, the fr ' ftjtnirraDher savs. told her that he ttVirti were too short. He f 1 lowed this ud bv savin? there wasn't cnojgh work anyway in the office, and so gave fcer n honorable discharge from the Job. Gov. Samuel R. McKelvie on his returned to Lincoln was appealed to by certain gentlemen to decide oH ellv on tha proper lenith of the Youthful feminine skirt. Mr. Antles, who started this whole dncaisiun, is ill in the Methodist hospita lat Omaha. He wasn't too sick to revdw the tkirt situation. "Her skirts were quite short, but that wasn't the reason 1 ttisDensed with her service." he raid, "There wasn't enoujrh work for her in the office." Mr. Antles further ttatcd that abbreviated skirts, bobbed hair Tolled hose and such feminine frill would not bar a girl from a job in his office. "I admire the ladies," lie said simply. Omaha Live Stock. OMAHA. Neb.. Oct. 20. CATTLE Receipts. 3,600. With the usual mod- crate Thursday run of cattle the mar ket shows no improvement. lrade was very slow at prices unevenly lower all around, particularly on short- fed steers which sold at 6.007.00, the lowest of the season. Choice year lings have he d steady all week, while plain heavy cattle and short-feds have declined 25 to 40c. Western rangers ruled steady today, but 25c lower for the weew. Cows and hellers, ruieu slow to a quarter lower and the aame holds true as to stockers and leeders. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 20. CAT TLE Receipts, 2,000. Steers stady butcher's stock 25c lower. Steers $5.50 10.25; cows and heifers, $2.509. Veals. $5.009.50. HOGS Receipts, 5,500. 15(aZ5c lower; top, $7.75; bulk, ?6.357.70. SHEEP Receipt! Z.fcOO Ftronfr; THE LIVESTOCK MARKET ylSSTmJSSSS. $5.500.00. Ewes, 3 white. 1 car at 28c: Market 1 car 38c: 5 cars at ilic. No. 4 white, 1 car at 27c, bh. Sample grade white, 1 car at 27',4c; 1 car at 2G,4c. BARLEY No. 3, 1 car at 40c. No. 4, 1 car at 3fie; rejected, 2 cars at 32c. RYE No. 3, 1 car at 68c; 1 car at 67c; 1 car at 67c, bh. No. 4, 64c; sample grade, 1 car at 6Cc, bh. Scottsbluff C of C Takes a Swat at the Advertising Programs Sold "Diamond" Glasses. FREMONT Eyeglasses, made of diamond crystals and containing vu iiumf were guaranteed to an itged Hooper woman, Pauline Schwab, 72, to cum a cataract from which she was offering. The glasses, which jt;ved to be the common variety on sale t r ft few dollars, were loaned to ;hc .suf fering woman after she had made a deposit to insure their return to the pseudo occulist. Dr. Paul E. Martell, the name giv en by the swindler, visited "he aged woman at her home with to cure her of her otfliction. He claimed to be a brother-in-law of Governor develoned at weak to lower prices, Light hogs were quoted at declines of 10 to 25c but the market for heavies held ud in fair shape and sales were . mt steady to around a dime lower, ine irenem! trade ruled anywnere irom steady to about a quarter lower. Best light hogs topped at ana duik ox entire receipts sold from $6.258.25. SHEEP Receipts, 10,700. No change occurred in prices for fat lambs, but tone to sheep trade was a trifle easier. Best fat lambs brought $8.00 and some fed shorn lambs went at $7.75. Native lambs sold up to $7.60 and short-fed around $7.50. Heavy fat ewes wer low sales at $3 (o)3.25 with choice and grades worth up to $4.004.25. No. change occur red in feeder prices, good feeding lambs bring $757.35. Kansas City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 20. CATTLE Receipts 9,000. Yearlings and few prime steers, steady; other giades slow, mostly 1025c lower. Some off more; top, 1,505 pounds steers, $9.50; other early sales, $4.40 nor.. ..t n1r a. oml fswloiB. stpadv to weak. Other sales $i.505.75. Other classes steady. Common to mixed cows, $3.254.25; grass heifers $5.50 down; most cutters, $2.753.00; can ners largely around $2.50; beef bulls, $4.35; most bolojrna $3.003.50; befit vealers, j'J.nuoau.w. HOGS Receipts. 4.000. Generally If ffi20c lower than yesterday average. Best -80 to 210-lb. weights to packers u.l thiira S7.S0: bulk. 175 to 200-lb. u-oiirht.a. 7.5a)7.75: prime 325-lb. kind $7.50; bulk of sales, $7.25g7.75; nacker sows generally $6.256.40; stock pigs steady; best kind, $8.25. At- m i-Ayinnf tviAiifinn - f V A QTkf t C OMAHA GRAIN BIARKETr!r f!isr stop the charging of excessive prices OMAHA. Neb.. Oct. 20. WHEAT,-for nroirram advertising. The re-olu- l(fP3c higher; closed weaker; No. 3 tjori reads as follows: dark hard, 2 cars at $1.07; 1 car at "Whereas, it has been called to me $1.06, smutty; 1 car at $l.u;; l car at attention of the board of directors of $1.01, smutty. No. 2 hard, 1 car at ti,e chamber of commerce that adver $1.07; 1 car at $1.06, smutty; 1 car at tising space in proprams of perform $1.05; 1 car at 90c; 2 cars at 94c; 3 ance3 given in this city is being sold at cars at $1.01; 1 car at $1.04, smutty ;,a prjce altogether out of proportion to 1 car at yyc, smutty ;.i car at voc,, cn 0f the programs or to ine smutty; 1 car at $1.00. smutty; 1 car value of the advertising; and that the at 94c. smutty: No. 3 hard, z cars as. R0 icitation of such space has been made on the basis of supporting a charity or other public cause in this city; and "Whereas, such solicitation often imposes an unfair burden of expense - - - Get Your C a b b NOW! This Is the LAST WEEK 93c; 1 car at $1.03; 2 cars at S1.U4, smutty. No. 4 hard, l car at w, l HOGS Receipts, 5,800 .Today's run I '92 j car at 102t Bmutty; 1 of hogs amounted to 5,800 and trade car at g2c smutty; 1 car at 91c, smutty. No. 5 hard, 1 car at aoc, JOHN 206 Laramie Ave HILL Alliance, Neb. nMiiummtmmiminmmnmiiinn: ;;;iii?n;iiiiiiimiiiiitt -"jOCTOBERH I OCTOBER I OCTOBER' 1 -"lOCTOBER 1 "OCTOBERh 7314 2? 17 28 29 13 14 25 26 229 7314 25 2 17 75 24 25 27 28 29 15 78 29 tail ' w mm mm m m-M m-t k m i feasi i m mm mm m m i ten . Our Quality Speaks for Itself DEEF Nebraska Fed . ROUND STEAK, nn per pound L)C VEAL STEAK, or per pound &3C POTIiOASTS, IP per pound IDC PORK PORK CHOPS, oa per pound tAjC SPAKE KIDS, 1C per pound IDC PORK SAUSAGE BULK, Oft per pound L)C STOP! LOOK! HAMS Special for Saturday, OQ per pound LoC ARMOUR'S STAR SKINNED OA HAMS, per pound OUC SWIFT'S CURED HAMS, Oft per pound . OUC MORRIS' Supreme Bacon, or per pound OJC FANCY BACON, or whole or half, per lb. LJC WEINERS, lb Oft MINCED HAM, lb ZUC BOLOGNA, il pcr pound IOC BOILED HAM, lb rr EOILED LOIN, lb 0DC MODEL MARKET rhone 30 UNION SHOP Next to Hirst's 75 14 25 3I?? 13 212? r . -m m 4 I 3z 25 24 232627 28 29 "T'OCTOBER',," ... 75 223 2627 2829 jOCTOBERl MM 9mm 13 74 25 2627 28 29 ""OCTOBER Go to Theatre Week IN ALLIANCE Week of October 15 to 29 The management has spared no expense in selecting the highest class attractions obtainable. A glance over our bookings for the week will convince our patrons that each and every one is a Super DeLuxe by itself. ' 13 24 73 767778j29 75 74 7376j27 2829 IOCTOBER 25 24 7327 28 29 "OCTOBER'" t M1 wwjwi pat mm 25 24 23 26 27 1 29 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23 The World's Famous TOM MOORE "MADE IN HEAVEN" 4 acts of the Standard Entertainers, Bert Levey Circuit, road shows of selected Vaudeville Comedy, Musical and Novelties. Don't miss this joy night. The largest popular price vaudeville circuit in the west. ADMISSION 20 and 50c, and War Tax "'IOCTOBER 24" 22222 OCTOBER!- MONDAY and TUESDAY OCT. 24 and 25 REGINALD BARKER'S PRODUCTION "GODLESS! MEN" A Smashing Tale of Love and Hate at Sea. USUAL SHORT SUBJECTS AND COMEDIES ADMISSION 9 and 27c, and War Tax . . - T - t- T -I rHHS5SB 774 75 26 77 29 OCTOBER WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Oct. 26-27 A RUPERT HUGHES PRODUCTION The producer of "The Old Nest." "Dangerous Curve Ahead" USUAL SHORT SUBJECTS AND COMEDIES ADMISSION 20 and 50c, and War Tax FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 28 and 29 REX BEACH'S FAMOUS STORY "The North Winds Malace' A powerful story of the early days of the North, feat uring VERA GORDON, the mother of "Humoresque", sup ported by an all star selected cast. USUAL SHORT SUBJECTS ADMISSION 9 and 36c and War Tax OCTOBER to j mm'm 75 74 77lT779 H 74 7T 77? 78 79 mm wu I w 24 25 26 27 128:29 OCTOBER 23 24 222229