eight THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1921. MATlON-WinK RAIL STRIKE SCHEDl LEU FOR (KT. 30 (Continued from paye 1) It is expected that all the principal roads of the country will feel the ef fect of the walkout by November S, when the men in the third frroup are scheduled to leave work. The remain ing roads of the country will be in cluded in the walkout of November f. Union Issuing the Call. Unions issuing the strike call Satur ilay were: Brotherhood of railroad trainmen. Brotherhood of locomotive firemen nnd enjrinemen. Order of railway conductors. Brotherhood of locomotive engi neers. Switchmen's union of North Ameri ca. The eleven other organizations, vhose chiefs paid unofficially, that they will join the strike are: Sheet metal workers' internation alliance. International association of machin ists. Brotherhood of railway nnd steam thin clerks, freight handlers, express nnd station employes. Brotherhood of stationary firemen nnd oilers. Brotherhood of railway signal men of America. United Brotherhood of maintenance of way employes and railroad shop laborers. Order of railroad telegraphers . Brotherhood of railway carmen of 'America. International brotherhood of electri cal workers. International brotherhood of boiler makers, iron shipbuilders and helpers of America. International brotherhood of black smiths, drop forgers and helpers. Government May Intervene. That the federal government will keep the railroads in operation was the definite assurance that came yes terday from a high administration official, as President Harding and other government leaders lenewed their attempts to avert a nation-wide rail strike. A feeling pervades in official Wash ington the strike will rot materialize on an extensive scale, but the govern ment realizes transportation lines must be kept in operation. The federal government has as yet framod no program of action. Wheth er tha government would seize the roads in case the strike call is not rescinded and the walkout begins no prominent official would say. President Harding may call a con ference of railroad executives nnd tmion. chiefs here this week in an ef fort to avert the national strike called for Octoler 30. "The mails will be moved," Post master General Hays declared. Hays declared if the controversy develops to a point muking drastic action neces sary, "there will be action." "1 am pure parties to the controversy will not permit developments which will inter fere, with the government service," From President Harding down, of ficials were trying to devise practical means of preventing strike now set for October 30, or making Fuch pre parations that thn general public and the government shall suffer as little as possible as a result of the strike. . Preparing to provide armed guards If necessary to keep mail trains mov ing. Hays conferred with Attorney General Daugherty regarding legal rfperts of the matter. Hays also is considering calling for volunteer avia tors to carry mails if the strike oc curs. Proposed Cut in Rail Pay. The proposed 10 per cent reduction would bring railroad wages back nearly to the same level prevailing prior to July 20, 1920. For the principal classes of labor those schedules were: Passenger service engineers (day), $5.60-$G.f0. Freight service engineers (day), . $C.50-8.52. Yard service engineers (day), $5.60 $6.08. Passenger service firemen (day), f4.00-$5.00. Freight service firemen (day) f 4.25 $6.15. Yard sen-ice firemen (day), $4.16 $4.32. Yard service foreman (day), $5.32. Helpers (day), $5.00. Switchtenders (day); $4.00. Machinists (hour), 72 cents. Boilermakers (hour), 72 cents. Blacksmiths (hour), 72 cents. Carpenters (hour), 45 cents. Track laborers (hour), 40 cents. Section foremen (month), $100. Yard firemen helpers (hour), 5.3'i cents. Hostlers, outside (day), $5.60. Hostlers, inside (day), $5.53',i. Helpers (days), $5.534. Yard firemen helpers (hour), 53',a cents. Mrs. Montgomery Steals Dress From Friend and Makes Full Restitution Mrs. Hazel Montgomery, twenty years of age, pleaded guilty in rounty court Saturday afternoon to stealing a dress and other feminine apparel, valued at $25, from Mis Irma Wag ner, n friend, wa.;fined $25 and costs the fine during good behavior. Mrs. the fine during good behavior . Mrs. Montgomery then restored the dress and paid $10 for the rest of the stuff che had borrowed. As the story came out in court, Miss Wagner and Mrs. Montgomery had been friends good friends, in fact. Both of thpm were employed in Alli ance, but Mrs. Montgomery had bad luck and lost her job. Her friend in vited her to stay with her for a few days, a couple of week ngo, and when she left a new dress and several other bits of clothing and finery, mention uble and unmentionable, disappeared with her. Miss Wagner had her suspi cions, but they were only suspicions and she did not make any accusations or all upon the police for aid. Saturday afternoon, however, Miss Wagner saw her friend, traveling bag in hand, heading for the depot, where she expected to take the train for Minatare. She was wearing the missing dress. Also, as it later de veloped, she was wearing the missing unmentionables. Miss Wagner saw the officers and had her friend called into court, where the facts came out. The case was something of a puzzler for Judge Tash, in one respect. The language of the statutes is plain there must be restitution of the stolen property, if possible. The defendant was wearing the dress, as well as the unmentionables, and he feared em barrassment to the court, the prisoner and others if he should issue an order for immediate restitution. Therefore, i he appraised the unseen and unmen-1 tionable garments at $10, after due consideration with the plaintiff and authorities on women's wear. He then had the defendant proceed to the iury room, where she exchanged the borrowed dress for another in her traveling bag, Deputy Sheriff Mis kimen standing guard outside the door. The $25 fine was suspended during good behavior, and the costs and $10 v ere paid. Mrs. Montgomery lo.t the afternoon train, but other trains were rcheduled. I miu'iis To Mr. and Mrs. Mell T. King, Sun day, a boy. Reedcraft Bags and Purses will please you. Highland-Holloway Co. Nebraska Land Co. Won Its Replevin Action in County Court Monday The replevin action of the Nebraska Land Co. against William Boland, a tenant, was decided by Judge Tash in county court yesterday after a hear ing which lasted the better part of the afternoon. J. C. and Norman Mc-Corkle-sought to secure permission to sell 280 bushels of wheat owned jointly by themselves and the defendant, in order to satisfy a chattel mortgage given as security for a $100 note and a book account of $100. Mr. Boland claimed a number of offsets to the note and book account, among them $77 for breaking fourteen acres of land, $120 for wages, $3 for driving hogs to Alliance, $18 for care of stock and $9 for additional breaking of land. The court decided that the balance of accounts was in favor of the Nebraska Land company after ruling out one item of $77 of Roland's counter claims. H. E. Reddish represented the plain tiffs and Attorney H. E. Cants the defendant Silk Jersey Sweaters, $3.00. Highland-Holloway Co. Winter is a HARD MASTER FOR AUTOMOBILE USERS Cold weather makes' driving less of a pleasure unless your motor is working smoothly. Why not see that your electrical work about the car is in first class condition NOW. It means a saving of time, money and trouble later. Recharging and Repairing Batteries, Prest-o-Lite Green Seal Batteries and Vulcanizing Schafer Auto Supply Sport Trimmed Sailor and Hats. $2.98 and $1.98. Highland-Holloway Co. Contest to Determine Most Popular Alliance i Girl at St Jgnes Bazaar Among the interesting features of th eSt Agnes Academy bazaar, to be held at the roof parden on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of next week, will be a contest to decide the most popular girl in Alliance. The decision will be arrived at through srtAa oci tn thA final nipht of the baxaar. The price to be awarded the. winner will be on display at Glen Miller's furniture store. Combed Wool Scarfs, $4.49 $6.69 and $9.33. Highland-Holloway Co. Still, even the fellow who is busted realizes that half-price U better than no price at alL rtnA 4 Via tlu'nr th&t Alls civili- zatioa is the excessive devotion ta the pursuit of happiness. The more youngsters play and swing outdoors, the less turnkeys will swing jail doors. HAUPER'S Hosiery Silk Hosiery, $1.98 Extra Values are made to our special order. Come in full fashioned pure thread pilks with lisle garter top, high spliced heels, toe nnd sole. Colors, black, white, vordovan, negra, russ calf, light and dark gray, dove, covert, grebe. We've achieved ho.dery leadership. Silk Hosiery Women's fancy hosiery, pure thread silk, full fashioned, lisle gailer top, also silk to the top, in fine lace, embroid ery, glove silk, at $3.50 to $5.00 Children's Hosiery Complete showing of child ren's Black Cat hosiery. Med ium and heavy lisles for boys and girls, at 25c to 60c Buys Black Heavy Ribbed School Hosiery, at 29c W. R Harper BIG STORE Alliance, Nebraska ONE MINUTE STORE TALK. "The idea that women are trying to spend their money for the so called "style value in a dress or coat is a mis take, and you folks seem to realize that fact. It's a relief to come here and see your cry low prices for really smart apparel," commented a customer. ARE YOU ENJOY ING HARPER'S VALUES? HARPER 'S- Wednesday GOAT DAY ' ' r Presenting a wonderful assemblage of more than one hundred Coats for winter wear. Values so much better than we have shown in years, that we invite all to come expecting to find the greatest Coat opportunity offered by any western store. Several hundred have been specially priced at $24.50 $29.50 $34.50 Bolivia Coats Normandy Coats Bolero Coats Yulama Coats Large fur collars, self trimmed coats, stole collar models with tassels and many elaborately trimmed... AH silk lined all interlined. OT!Hrpcr1)optStorc RITs VTORF I -H Af k P Y.'H J 1 if1.1 --ft I ONE MINUTE STORE TALK. Nels C. Nelnon, a good customer of the W. R. Harper Depart ment Store called at the store Monday and ex pressed his thanks for receiving the lucky number 026799 . which won the Ford. Good luck to you Mr. Nelson and to our many thou sand customers who were good losers. Saturday was one of the largest day's busi ness in this store's his tory. THERE'S A REASONS Good merchandise at the right prices. HARPER'S- MR. NELSON BOUGHT THE MERCHANDISE AND RECEIVED THE LUCKY NUMBER THAT WON THE FORD AT OUR STORE. Overwhelming. Selection Alliance's Largest Showing of New Fall Clothes It's an inspiring sight to see the vast displays at this Greater store. Of supreme interest to all are the unequaled values that we bring to every man in this community. The entire Clothes World clamors for representa tion at Harper's. Thus, we are enabled to secure for you the finest clothes at the lowset prices. Thus, this store is never undersold. The proof A Mighty Value Demonstration Wednesday The New Lower Prices ' at $20 to $50 Last Year You Paid $35.00 to $75.00 We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS Rir. CTrt D F jCSZm Sll A Oi We Sell for CASH We Sell for LESS