The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 18, 1921, Image 6

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? .
Want t buy aometfctnt ? Hub
areas of people scan tbeaa Want
A4 column looking- for what you
ar others have looftr. Get quick
raaulta by advertising D Tha
Herald Want Ad department.
RATES On cent per word per
Inaertlon. Coata no mora than
ether newapapera and we ruir
amee that you reach several bun
red more readera. buy circula
tion, not hot air.
V ANTED To hear from owner of
pood farm for sale. State cash price,
full particulars. D. F. BUSH, Minne
apolis, Minn. 90-i)i-07-102-2-G-p
WANTED Salesman to sell fine line'
of Teas and Coffees, in thin terri-'
tory. Excellent opportunity for the
right men to establish himself a per
manent business. Reference and bond
required. Experience not necessary.
Write at once to GRAND UNION
TEA CO., Lincoln, Neb., for informa
tion. 93-03p
FOR SALE Furniture for 5-room
bungalow; all new; at .a bargain if
old at once. 915 Toluca. 93 p
FOR SALE Navajo Rugs. Inquire
at Box Butte Rooms. VV. CASE
BEER. 92-93p
FOR SALE Small hou?e, modern;
A-l location. Fhone 124. tf
FOR SALE One regirtered Red Poll
bull, one 6-foot vertical Jones
mower. Eugene Rosenbcrger. 74tf
FOR SALE Big type Chester White
boars; best of breeding. Fhone
801F11. D. E. PUR1NTON. 7l-tf
FOR SALE Old papers. 5 cents a
bundle, at The Herald Office.
FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H.
JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf
LOST Between Alliance and seven
miles north, on the hospital rbnd, a
Ford tire, rim and cover, with ''W. J.
Hamilton" on it Return to Her ihl
office and receive reward. J'3
Omaha Live Stock.
OMAHA, Oct 17. U. S. Bureau of
Markets.) Hogs Receipts, 4,000; ac
tive, 10(?C25c higher; bulk, medium and
light butchers, $7.758.35; top, $8.50;
bulk, packing grades, $6.C07.25.
CATTLE Receipts, 16,000; beef
fteers, steady; top yearlings, $11.00;,
he stock, steady to weak; bulls, veals,
stockers and feeders, steady.
SHEEP Receipts, 19,000; lambs, 25
(50c lower; early top, western lambs,
2C50c some held higher; best natives
find fed lambs, $8.00; sheep steady;
feeders strong; feeding lambs, $7.75.
Kansas City Live Stock.
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 17. (U. S.
Bureau of Markets.) CA1TLE Re
ceipts, 42,000; beef steers, steady; top,
heavies, $8.95; other sales, $4.508.73;
ehe stock, steady to 15c lower; mostly
Fteady to weak; many load lots cows,
$3.253.75; few $4.004.50; odd ani
mals, $5.00; choice yearling heifers,
$8.75; grass heifers, $3.505.25; na
tive canners, mostly $2.25; western.,
f 2.50; stockers and feeders, steady to
strong; early sales, $4.506.50; most
ly $5.356.10; other classes, steady;
bulls mosty $3.003.50; practical top
on vealers, $5.50; many heavy calves,
HOGS Receipts 6,000; mostly 10
20c higher; spots up more;-batter,
frrade, active; mixed loads hard to
sell; best, 196 to 210-lb we'phts to
.packers arid shippers, $8.25; bulk mix
ed loads, $7.50(oi7.85; bulk of sales,
7.258.25; mixed pigs, $8.25; no
straight light pig offered; most throw
out sows around $0.75.
SHEEP Receipts, 16,000; slow;
about steady; most fat ewes; $4.00
C.00; fat lambs, weak to 15c lower;
early top western $8.40; feeding lambs
generally 25c lower; early top, $7.25.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Oct 17. HOGS
Receipts, 4,500; steady to 15c high
er; top. $8.25; bulk, $7.00)8.25.
CATTLE Receipts, 3.200; general
ly Fteadv; steers, $4.5010.00; cows
and heifers, $3.00 10.00; calves, $5.00.
SHEEP Receipts, 6.000; slow and
lower; lambs, $7.508.50; ewes, $4.00
q 4.50.
OMAHA, Neb.,"0ct. 17. WHEAT
No. 2 hard 2 cars $1.15, dark; 1 car
$1.05, smutty; 1 car $1.01; smutty; 1
car $1,001, yellow. No. 3 hard 1 car,
$1.10, dark, smutty; 1 car, $1.02;
smutty; 2-5 car 9Cc, smutty; No. 1
mixed 1 car 87c, 2 cars 87c, durum.
No. 2 mixed 1 car 82c, very smutty;
3-5 car 80c, durum. No. 3 durum 1
car 83c.
CORN No. 1 white 1 car SC'ic,
special billing. No. 2 white 1 car
SO'fcc, special billing. No. 1 yellow 3
cars 36'ic, special billing. No. 2 yel
low 1 car 36'kC No. 1 mixed 1 car
35'ic, near white. No. 3 mixed 2
cars 35 'c.
OATS No. 3 white 1 car, 27Ve,
phipper's weights; 1 car, 27c Ifo. 4
vhite 2 cars, 27c; shipper's weights.
Sample white 1 car, 2(i'c.
RYE No. 21 car 73c. No. 3
6 2-3 cars, 72c. No. 41 car, 71c.
BARLEY No. 31 car, 44c No. 4
1 car, 42c; 1 car, 40c.
PanntA u-Virk ViavA Ywwsn V. pi VOA bv
Tonlud bm Dlw&ve Dnvinlia nml U'illinir
to tell others about it F. E. Holsten.
Sunday the Ellsworth Ball Club
journeyed to Bingham for a return
game, the last ot the season, Bingham
navjig played us a game on our
grounds with a side bet the Sunday
previous and losing the game, it was,
decided to give Bingham a chance fori
an even break, and they took advan-1
tage of the chance. '1 he final score
was 7 to 6 with Bingham at the long
end. Same teams were used on both
sales with the exception of Flarity
ting added to Bingham and Hun
saker of Lakeside taking the place tf
fcttiunurd who was unable to play.
Maupin for Ellsworth pitched the same
high class ball striking out 12 men,
while his opponent Hill of Hyannis
struck out 9 and also twirled an ex- i
col lent game. I he game stalled out
with a rush, Ellsworth at the bat
scoring 3 in the first inning and the
fifth found the score 5 to 2 in favor of
Ellsworth but timely hitting in the
sixth tied up the score and in the
remaining innings Bingham squeezed
in two moi runs but the game wasn't
out by any means, in the first of the
ninth with one man out, Young with
a scratch single stole second and on
mm n. , niutie third. Macumber
next up was a victim of Hill's deep
out, fann-'ne :m( Arms connected tor
a fly to deep left center which should
huo (.ecu fc,ooi lor a itouole scortiigj
the men on second and third, but here j
Munuuer Frank Gilbaurh of Bingham I
proved his fielding abilities and saved
the game for his team by a long and
hard run making a perfect spear of
Arms fly, this ending the game. It
was reported by all as the le.t piayed
game of the season for both teams,
only three errors being chalked up
against both s'des, "This evened up
the financial affairs for both teams on
the side bets and many wanted a third
game with same line-ups, bets, etc., to
be staged deciding the series by two
best out of threa "but owing7 to late
ness of the season and a possibility of
inclement weather Bingham declined
to accept the final offer. Summary
Umpires, McCarty and Graham. Time
of game, 1:35. Two base hits, Black,
Arms, Hunsaker, Maupin, Shelledy,
Burton. Hit by Maupin, 1; by Hill, 3.
Stolen bases, White, Butler, Black,
Arms, Young, House.
Eighteen cars of cattle were shipped
to the Omaha markets from this sta
tion Saturday and Monday. Some ex
cellent steers were shipped by Mr.
Hanford Green of the north country.
McCarty Bros, are busy completing
their one thousand capacity potato cel
lar just south of the Burlington. When
completed this will be a first class
storage cellar.
Patrick Reed is reported very low
and Dr. Moore of Antioch was called
Sunday night. Father Constant of Al
liance also visited Mr. Reid Monday
John Schonard is on the sick list
with a severe case of la grippe and
Patrick Welch is substituting on the
south mail route nt present
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Law were Alli
ance visitors Saturday for the Fes
tival. Mr. l,aw returning Saturday
night and Mrs. Law going on to Cur
ley, Neb., for an extended visit with
Mr. Thiehoff and other prominent
Burlington officials were in our vicin
ity Saturday and Sunday hunting
prairie chickens and grouse from In
spection Engine 3G6.
The dance given by A. Moore Satur
day night at the Ellsworth hall was
fairlv well attended and a most en
joyable evening was spent by all. Al
though no record breaking crowd was
present, a nice crowd was present and
at no time was the floor over-crowded
as has been the case at many of our
other dances. Two weeks from last
Saturday night, or Octobr 29, the Ells
worth Ball Club will give a dance.
Good music has been arranged for,
piano, violin, cornet and trap drums
having been engaged for this affair
' Any offer that is made by The Omaha Daily News
will be accepted by us. .
Send or bring your subscription to
Masonic Temple Building.
. r-i
out one. PrR I I've ionrrs , X!
I Pf CUCAkH SOCK MHt aortt WV A ' i
I AHVTHVi'RZ To BtKT Tr. Kuirt J ( f otoc. A
rats vivu "F- . hex oi J" .y
To w sock ) ot Ml . . CF Tw.c.a J-CK j) f A 5DVT UFt .. ,JI
ii a . i r ii iii i EE-'r 111 ix v r i u
I. I . -iil! V - 1 1 II f 1 I rTTl I I I. ! I I ' CSTMlfe- I yV
Iii I -r " . I' J tffCyv-
in rT. vi i i i i i . i.: z l,xjz tn i s.
IB . ivv c.- I. -i. I 61 r-'i S A"' J 71 rlWJ 1
rnd a large crowd is anticipated.
Owing to the dry weather the roads
are now in a deplorable condition.
The coal shed pass on the west road is
practically impassible as well aa the
Shrewsbury hill. Also several spots on
the Bingham road are very bad. We
are all anxiously waiting develop
ments on the promised Potash high
way on which work was commenced
this fall. It seems that no more work
will be done at present from our local
district but we are endeavoring to do
all possible to get these few places
fixed up as outside of thnt the roads
are fairly good in either direction.
Mr. Wigle who has been visiting his
old time school friend, Mr. Walter
Wightmnn. returned by motor to his
home in Denver Sunday.
V. M. Hoenshcll was an Ellsworth
visitor Monday.
O. Henry once wrote a story about a
prize fighter who visited every store
and cafe in New ork and finally led a
police raid all in order to secure his
br'de a certain peach that she craved.
When tit last he had it in his po. ses
sion, she blandly remarked that it was
an apple she wanted! However, the
pugilist's bride was a piker compared
to the beautiful daik-yed feminine
rrcature rbout whom the action takes
place in "To Please One Woman," the
photoplay, which will be on view at the
imperial Treatre tomght The story
describes the shattered romances left
in the wake of this supremely selfish
lady, who simply couldn't keep her
velvety hr.nds olf any good-looking
man that happened around.
"What's a Wife Worth?" is the in
teresting title of the Wednesday feat
ure, by William Christy Cabane, which
is described by" the press agent as "a
leaf from a woman's soul" and is a
"living, breathing picturization of
great truths." The heroine is describ
ed as of the small town type, care
fully and prayerfully reared. She
married and then Guess the finish
yourself or see it.
The chief attraction for Thursday is
"The Brute Master," with Hobart
Bosworth and Louise Glaum dividing
the stellar honors. "The Brute Master"
is a man who, powerful physically,
rules all with whom he comes in con
tact through sheer force of brute
strength. When Madeline Grey, win
tering with friend? at a tropical resort,
receiving an urgent call from her peo
ple in the States to return immediate
ly, is compelled to take passage on
the schooner which he owns he thinks
to win her by the same crude methods.
An interesting chain of circumstances
showing his complete regeneration
lead from this point to the climax,
which ends a highly satisfactory and
vn usual one.
Drill for Oil at Franklin.
FRANKLIN F. N. Lewis, oil man,
is unfading a drilling rig at Riverton
to drill on an acreage secured by C. A.
Reiser of Lake Charles, La.; H. W.
Hord of Kansas City and J. G. haw
kins and Ed Erickson of Franklin.
They have 40,000 acres under lease.
Reports received by the promoters
from geologists and engineers state
that the prospects are for the largest
shallow well field in the country.
The reports indicate that oil will lie
struck at a depth of not over 800 feet.
Th sub-leases have been made and
drilling outfits sent for. Wells will be
sunk north of Franklin and Bloomfield
and west of Campbell. The promoters
will set up their drill on the L. I
Shumerman farm northwest of Frank
lin. '
Herald Want Ads Results.
Byrnes Says: "Its a Great Life
Li' Ov 4r rn
See Us Before Selling
Potato Growers Exchange
Ground Floor First National Bank Building:.
With Nebraska Land Co.
Service First
The Corn
The Service and Facili
ties are Better than
Ever Before
Company, of Omaha, Ltd.
Service First
Service First
Belt Market
Service First
If You Don't Weaken,"
We have just unloaded a
second car of new potato
sacks and we can fill your
order for any amount.
O'Bannon & Neuswanger.
No huntimr or trnpp'nir allowed on
the VV. W. Beck property In Garden
county. CStoiNJ P
Herald Want Ada Results.
GEO. II. BRECKNER 210 W. 3rd
Painting and Tapcrhanging
Work Guaranteed.
Corner Third and Cheyenne
"When It' Your Mart,
Let Us Know"
Office Tlione, 15; Res. 881 and Blk.73Q
Office in Reddish Block
' Let Me Cry Tour Salen
Auctioneer 1232 Missouri
Telephone 384
Drake & Drake
Doctors of Optometry
Glasses Accurately Fitted
Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopathy,
Chiropractors Talmer School
Telephone 8C5 Wilson Building
Real Estate, Loans and v
Insurance f
Reddish Block tf
Phone 664 Alliance
Harry P. Coursey
Live Stock and General Farm Sal
Transfer and
I ' v- .- -sLs-j i - -