THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1921. LAKESIDE Mr. and Mrs. Ry Stoop ml child ren were in town Friday afternoon. Mrs. A. E. Olson and baby returned recently from a two wecka' visit at the Forest Orr home out north of town. Mrs. Foster of Forest Grove, (ve., arrived la?t week to care for licr daughter, Mrs. Geo. Lindley, who Is ill at her home in west Lakeside. We are glad to report her on the road to recovery. ... , Mrs. Johnson of Gordon, is here for a visit with her husband, Kev. John son, who is at present time working on the old pursonape. Bill FlaRjr ia building a ui;e en the lot between the C C. Wilson end L. M. Berry residence here. Mrs. C. M. Carey visited friends here Thursday. Carl Miller is making a cellar at lis home in the northeast part of ovn. A. K. Olson and family moved into the house where John Dickerson lived while here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Koe drove to Alliance Friday evening. Mrs. Bertha DeBord visited friends and relatives here Friday and Satur day. The teachers and a number of the ?upils of our school went to Antioch Viday afternoon, where a game of ball was played between the Lak side second team and the Antioch second team, which was won by Antioch. They were very pleasantly entertained in the evening at the high school, by the teachers ami pupils of Antioch. Kefcrshments were served. l'rrf. Messcrsmith was in charge of the en tertainment. A jolly good time is e ported. Joe Pozza and Oscar Sclirope furnished conveyance for those who went. .... The Misses Mote and Schill spent the week-end with home folks at Alli- ancc- . ... P. F. Gillespie resigned bis uositu n here on the west section here ind with his family went to Alliance Fri day, where he has a position in the Burlinfrton shops. A Van Pelt of Mullen was in Lake side on business the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schrewsbury were in town from their ranch near Ellsworth the latter part of the week. H. S. Blackldge and Frank Pilch were visiting friends here Thursday and Friday. They are farming near Hay Springs, but say lakeside seems like home to them, although they are doing well at their present location. Mrs. John Londen and sister, Miss Ellen Kicken, went to Alliance Sunday to spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gu.s Sandoz and sen wpre Lakeside visitors Suturday. Pete Kearney was in town on I um ness the latter part of the week. Mrs. F. A. Zenran returned Friday from a visit with her parents at Brewster. Charles Nevin of Antioch came lown and spent the week-end with Oscar Schrope here. Leah Weaver who is teaching school north of town was a west bound pas senger Saturday. Frank Cody and family were in from tha ranch on business Saturday, the former went to Omaha with cut tle for market. Lon Trester and son, Ralph, were in town Saturday. Dale Pollard accom panied them home for a week-end visit. Dr. K. C. Cowlcs was in Ellsworth on professional business Saturday. Warren Mclntyre and Lee Meeker unloaded a car load of coal for the school board here in the last few days. Mrs. C. E. Cowles returned from an extended visit at Cleveland, 0., Satur day. Nels Rask and family left overland Sunday for their new home in Scotts blufT. Walter House nnd Dick Hunsaker vent to Bingham Sunday to play ball. Bruce Hunsaker came down from Antioch Sunday and visited friends and relatives. Mrs. Clara DeBord reports the birth of an eight nnd one-half pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bergern. Also an eight pound boy arrived at the Wallace home, October 8, Mrs. Clara DeBord in attendance. Kay Cameron and Lou Trester were in Lakeside Sunday. Plan to be at the Halloween party on Friday. October 23, at the church lresbyterian C. E. M-DG General Budoglio, Italian chief, says all soldiers favor disarmament. It's the fellows who do not fight that cry for war. FOWLING Nearly everyone from this country attended the big Festival in Alliance Saturday. i Miss Bertha Rickle Is spending a' couple of weeks at the Hurlbut home. She stayed with Mrs. I-angford's while the Hurlbut'n were in Wyoming. The threshers were at Mann s four days last week. Grandma Crawford helped Mrs. Mann with the cooking a couple of days. W. J. Colvin and wife took supper at the Hurlbut home one evening last wpk. Nels Peterson and family were Al liance callers Saturday. Cnri It ins took n loud nt nntntrxit in town Thursday, returning the nextl day. Ben Johnson of Hemingford, was a! caller at the Klsea home Thursday ! afternoon, getting his cattle ready to ship. A couple of men from Mike Butler's drove them to town for him Friday morning. We were very glad to see Mrs. ink In town Saturday, as she very seldom leaves the ranch. The dance at Wampler's was well attended and a big time reported by all. Ed Wilkins and family motored to town Saturday. Osmore Howe and Miss Hutchinson nnd Miss Simpson motored to Alliance Friday evening. Joe Kennedy and family and Miss McCormick were Alliance visitors Saturday. James Eaton returned rrkfuy even ing from a hunting trip to the sand hills. Game was plentiful but hard to get James Butler was a caller at the Mann home Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kilpatrick and I-oe Moore were Alliance callers Saturday. Mr. Hamilton of Alliance motored out to the Nelson school Friday even-' ing after his daughter, Miss Alice. Albert Hall and family and lather, Charles Hall, spent Friday night at the Klsea home. Charles Hull going to town with Eaton's Saturday. Ben Johnson called at the Bras home Thursday evening. William Hashman and family and Mr. Wampler and son were Alliance callers Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E. Hurlbut and Miss Bertha Rickle spent the after noon at James Kennedy's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake El sea and the Bins young folks motored to Alliance Saturday. Mr. Elsea having some den tal work done. Miss Roberts, the teacher in the Hall district, spent a few days last week attending intsitute at Chadron, re turning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Henderson and father and brother were business call ers at Alliance Saturday. Mr. Hall going home with them in the evening. Mrs. Anna Hall nnd children spent Thursday afternoon visiting school In the Farrell district. They spent the night at the Jay Hall home. The Wilkins' boys drove out a big bunch of cattle for Kilpatrick'a Tues day. C. P. Mann and family and Russell Gray drove to town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eaton and Glen and Mrs. Elsea visited at the Colver home Sunday. Everyone was glad that the Ford went out in the country where it was needed. Mrs. Lou Hood and wife were on the sick list last week. Albert Hall drove to Hemingford Thursday, remaining over night. Norval Hurlbut drove to Heming ford Wednesday after a load oi coal. Ben Johnson, Mrs. Elsea and ISoia were callers at the Mann home Thurs day afternoon hunting a stray steer. Dick Colvin is helping Clyde Camp bell in the potato field. We are sorry to hear that the small son of Arthur Sheldon is very sick. Fred Crawford and family and the Boyer girls attended the Festival Sat urday. Mrs. William Butler is still in Rhode Island with her sister, who is very low. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Thompson of Hemingford, but former ly of this country, is gradually grow ing worse and there seems to be no hopes of recovery. Lou Hood and sons, Robert and Harold, motored to Alliance Saturday. A young couple from this neighbor hood were very much disappointed Saturday when the court house was closed and they couldn't see Mr. Tash on important business. We wish them better luck next time. W ill Protect Relic. NORTH rLATTE On the site of old Ft. McPherson, 20 miles east of this city, the only remaining evidence that a military post was once located there is the flag-staff stone. This marker lies near the roadway, on one pays attention to it and should it sometime be removed, the last vestige of the old fort would disappear. In the early history of Lincoln county Fort McPherson played an important part, for the cavalry stationed there guarded the wayfarers on the old Cali fornia trail and protected the ranches of the early clay cattlemen. The Daughters of the American Revolution of this city propose to protect this his toric flagstaff stone by enclosing it with an iron fence. An Alliance Bank says in a reecnt advertisement SOMEONE IS SAVING YOUR MONEY Do you know that the Model Cleaners and Tailors are saving money for hundreds of Alliance folks every week, and we are willing to save some for you? When you have a suit to clean and press call 18. SUITS PRESSED . 50c SUITS CLEANED AND PRESSED ?1.50 Ladies' or Men's Same Price WE DO 13EST WHAT OTHERS DO WELL MODEL Cleaners Phone 18 We Call and Deliver Tanlac is made of roots, herbs and barks and contains no minerals or opiates. F. E. Holsten. 93 A SAFE TEST For those who are in need of a rem edy for kidney troubles and backache it Is a good plan to try Doan's Kimey rills. They are strongly recommended by Alliance people. Ask your neigh bor! Mrs. C. O. West, 303 Yellowstone, Alliance, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills are a standard medicine for kidney trouble in our home and have been for years. My people had Doan's in the house all the time and whenever any of the family needed a kidney medicine it was always Doan's that was relied upon to stranghten them up. I some times had attacks of dizzy spells, head aches nnd backache. Whenever I had one of these attacks I took Doan's Kid ney Pills and they always cured me of the attack promptly. It is a pleasure to give Doan's my hearty endorse ment." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. West had. Foster-Mil burn Co Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 93 Stop Morie Flirting. OMAHA Omaha has a new com missioner of police! James C. Dahl man, now mayor, has taken over the reins of the police department, while Commissioner Dunn is leading a po we against vagrant ducks up in the north ern part of the state. "My first cam paign as police commissioner will begin next week," announced Mayor Dahlman, "and I intend to turn loose the department on the movie vamps, who appear to be creating so much disturbance nowadays. Personally I have never happened to meet a movie vamp face to face. But I hear that they infest the dark comers of the theaters and spoil the picture for members of the opposite sex. Male or female, I intend dealing harshly with them this practice must stop." Herald Want Ads are read. rF5 '11111X1;. l'HESCmiTION DRUGGIST WYOMING HOMESTEADS We are now actively en gaged in locating home seekers on desirable G10 acre grazing homesteads in central Wyoming. The ear lier you go the better the choice. Our charges are extremely reasonable, con sidering the service render ed. Inquire. FARMS and RANCHES We have several custom ers for good Box Butte farms and sandhill ranches. Submit full description and prices with terms on your property. ALLIANCE CITY PROP ERTY Desirable renters want vacant houses or rooms. What have you? We have a few customers for snaps in city property. Come to our office in the Reddish Block Phone 20. The Thomas Company LLOYD C. THOMAS, Mgr. Alliance, Neb. War's Lesson The American people have learned to save. Billions of dollars were raised to equip our Army and Navy, and it all came from the pockets of the men, women and even the children of this great country. To help our boys to win, we' denied our selves many petty luxuries and invested the money in Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps. Thus War taught us the value of Thrift. Get the Habit 0 if you were able to sacrifice extravagance to help bring peace to the world, you should be willing to keep it up to win success and independence for yourself in later years. Put the interest on your Bonds into a Savings Account at this strong, conservative bank and add part of your pay to it each week. Watch how fast it grows when helped by 5 Interest on Time Deposits. First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska Nation Wide ! The telephone was at first only a community affair. Later on, devices were perfected which made conversation possible to nearby villages. But not until 1915 could conversations be had from coast to coast. In less than fifty years a nation-wide telephone organization known as the Bell System, composed of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and eighteen Associated Companies such as this, has been built up. The Companies of the Bell System, co-operating with the Independent telephone companies, have made nation-wide telephone service pos Bible, by connecting over 12,000,000 American telephones. This is more than two-thirds of all the telephones in the world. Northwestern B ephone Company How You Should Figure Your Oil Costs Automotive engineers and garage men agree that improper lubrication causes 90 of all engine troubles. So when you figure oil costs, add practically all repair and over hauling costs to what you pay for oil. Plenty of oil is important. So is replac ing old oil with fresh oil. But no matter how much oil you use or how often you re new it, you can't prevent engine wear and tear unless the oil maintains correct body. Polarine provides a cushioning film that protects against wear and keeps down friction-load. In the cylinders Polarine forms a gas-tight and fuel-tight seal that insures full compression and maximum power. Polarine is made in four grades light, medium heavy, heavy and extra heavy but only one quality. Get the proper grade for your car next time by referring to Polarine chart at our Service Stations or dealers and you will start cutting down motoring costs. Look for the Red Crown Sign Write or ask for a Red Crown Road Map STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA MOTOR JjN ft 'LS- R si