TWO Eli t iviitanrr nrraiu TUESDAY AND FRIDAY BURR PRINTING CO., Owners Enftred at the pooric i at Allianre, ' Keb,, for transportation through the Snails as second class matter. .GEORGE L. BURR, Jr Editor EDWIN M. BURR Business Mgr. As usuul, where there Is discussion, ' , . . "'there are two groups, pro and ron. Butte County. iKlan is everything that its orgitni?ers .. . , 'claim the salvation of t'10 coin-try in Owned and published by The Burr the dark carpetbagging d.iys following Printing Company Ueorge u Uurr, Jr, President; Edwin President M. Burr, Vice ALLIANCE ENTERTAINS. The Harvest Festival, staged in Al- liancc last Sutui-ady, has parsed into real menace to the nt-n.e of security of history as one of the most successful millions of citizens, public entertainments ever undertaken The man who ,eks to argue on in this city. Over five thousand people either side of the !iiotion will find were attracted here on October 15, ac- plenty of people to ?uote. .There re cording to a conservative estimate, and authorities, so-called, who fivor nd all of them had a gool time-and went others who decry the rebirth tf the or home feeling kindly toward the mer- 'ganizatiun. The officers and organs chants of the city who .had provided crs of the Klan now in Alliance have the entertainment Reports from the 'not furnished this new.p.ip!r with any various merchants who co-operated in 'statement of the ninn of the urgan the enterprise are uniformly snti'sfac- ization, and its clitor has received no tory. Business was good. This would invitation to attend any neeiing. not have been the case hail the crowd Such information as is ut our com felt disappointed. mand comes from pamphlet put out The huge success of the festival is by the klan's headquarters, news re worth more than a passing comment, ports and opinions from other editors, There is a lesson here for those who and reports of what ha tianpired at are able to read the signs correctly, the meetings in this city. There have been but two entertain- It is charged that the klan was or tnenls in Alliance during the two years iginally directed against the negro, but the present editor of The Herald has that white, supremacy has in is part been in the city that were unqualified nc uii'i'Kimicii was the com-1 of garden some fuecesses. The other Vnuniiv tvnrf v at. tVia rnn -j t - - - r- - months ago, when the chamber of ; commerce furnished an evening of good entertainment to all who came, ' with no admission fee and no attempt ! to make money. Alliance has won a reputation over western Nebraska, for the elaborate entertainments it has arranged. Our feeling; on the Atlantic coast, it race meets have been on a scale that preaches that aliens, even tho'.igh nat rto other city of the size has attempted. J uralized, have no place in America. In When this city is host to a convention, ' the cities of the central it has the occasion is a memorable one. The 1 devoted its argument to the stamping Ftate firemen, the state Elks conven-Jout of radicalism. "Everywhere," the tion, the stockmen's association, the World says, "it has banned Je-vs from fire insurance writers and others will ( membership and made anti-Semitism testify that Alliance knows how to one of its many missions. Everywhere, make a visit here most pleasant It is also, no less positively but not as a reputation worth sustaining. frankly, it has barred and attacked The entertainment last Saturday Roman Catholics. Wherever a pros- was not at all elaborate. Busy men made the plans, and rucceeded in hitting upon the idea that in times like these, it isn't necessary to have a great outlay of money in order to have a successful entertainment With forty or more merchants bearing the expense, the show cost only a small Tpart of the money that has been an nually expended on a race meet This city has often entertained the people tributary to it, but only on a few occasions has it been genuine en tertainment Our guests have had to pay their way from the minute they struck the business section until they went to their homes. Usually there has been a carnival and a host of concess'ofts to get the visitors' money .from them, and give little or nothing in return. It has been said many times that people will not come unless there is entertainment of this class. Satur day's crowd was larger than came to j Alliance any day during the race meet last June, and every single one of them felt better toward Alliance for comimr. This cannot be said of the race meet crowd, which was nicked for quarters,, half-dollars and dollars at every turn of the road. The harvet festival should be made an annual institut'on, and more entertainments of the kind should be plannetl People in general are be ginning to see the light The older ones will recall that fifteen or twenty yr-ars ao it wasn't necessary to spend money to have a good time. The city that first discovers this important truth and will strive to entertain its guests with inexpensive pleasures, which are none the less genuine be cause they are not costly, will have learned a valuable lesson. The cham 1er of commerce and other associa tions should be the leaders in a move ment that has at least twice proved its noDularity. There are dozens of occasions which could be celebrated as successfully as harvest festival day, and if the merchants of this city wish to encourage friendliness on the part of , the men who spend their money here, more of them should be observed. This is a splendid beginning, but it is SO time to rest on our laurels. THE KU KLUX KLAN. ' There Is no need blinding our eyes to the fact that the organization of a Ku Klux Klan in Alliance is ne of the nvost widely discussed subjects in the city today. We're tolerably well used to new organizations. Our citizens have been fair game for any organizer for any society, business,, fra ' ternal or otherwise, who has visited u In the past two years, Neoriy every man belongs to enough lodres to that Le could start out with church on Sunday and spend ef ry mpnt during the balance of the week at somo meet ing. A few unfortunate souls, If they attempted to attend every meeting of organizations of which they are mem- Kurfl ti'nul.f tinl'A r f1infklA nn tur.t aw three ni ht at that ut th terious secret Klan Is arousing a storm of resentment, and has a host of up- porters. the civil war, and its chief protection now against plots and conspiracies of on kind and another. On the other hand, those oppo.ted to the secret or ganizat'on say that it ttrikc in tho dark, with unseen hands and an un- known membership, und that it i a of the country become a side issue oi ine country utrcunus a mho jfuc. Its membership is said to be growing at the rate of five thousand a week, and this rapid growth, it is char trcd, is due to appeals to local or sectional prejudices and hatreds. The Now York World, which is leading in the fight against the organization, charges that on the Pacific coast, the klan orpaniz- era make capital of the anti-Japanese pective member lives, he has been Stationery -of- Quality Wfi i t i np:-Cook's stationery of quality "BOX PAPER (Plain or Colored) Correspondent cards Writing Tablets We also have Sheaf -fer's, Waterman's and Moore's foun tain pens. If it is writing ma terial you need we have it. F. J. Brennan tt:ttimr What Do YOU Know About SIE Way The WATCH THIS SPACE g8ttaumwmii;nmm8ffl8tsm THE ALLIANCE HERALD, . ..... promised that his pet aversion will be made an object of klan action." There is plenty more of this, on either side, but what is to be gained by fanning public resentment on the part of those who oppose it, or by wholesale accusations and indictments fctimulating activity on the part of the more hot-headed members of the or ganization? The true test of the value of any organization lies in what it actually does, and in Alliance it is too early cither to make predictions or to judge of activities. It may be true, as has been charged, that the klan is nothing but a vast money-making fccheme on the part of the organizers and their motives are unworthy; it may be true that the klan has been responsible for outrages in other parts of the country, but to date it. record in Alliance is a blank. " The various elements and classes in; Alliance have always lived and worked ' together in harmony. Nothing could be more regrettable than that ill feel ing and antagonism should arise. It seems inconceivable that any organiza lion of men in this city should deliber ately set out to destroy this harmony, and if this is not the intention, some one should take steps to see that any will TlJAY. OCTOBER 18, 1921. . misunderstanding is cleared. At any rate, until some action is taken by the klan which clearly shows that it should be fought in Alliance, those who are alarmed should consider the high cali ber of the men who have hown inter est in the local organization, and bank on the fact that it isn't easy to make a monster out of a neighbor and a friend. At the least, judgment should be withheld until the congressional committee, now investigating the order, makes its recommendations. HONESTY IN BUSINESS (Nebraska City Tress) There was a time in the "good old days" when Caveat Emptor, "Let the Buyer Beware," was a business slogan to which no one objected. It was con sidered a stroke of good business to defraud your customer in a mild and easy way if you catch him napping. Pulling the wool over the public's eyes was not considered a breach of busi ness ethics and if one could substi tute a poor imitation for the real arti cle criticism was launched only at the "poor boob" who was so easily victim ised. Times have changed, however, and the met chant of the twentieth century need not advertise that all comers to his store are treated honor ably and courteously. The exception to the rule is soon found out and the When Sickness Gomes Can YOU Pay These Bills? During your months or years of earning have you laid away funds to keep you going through a siege of sickness? Could you satisfy the doctor, the butcher, the grocer, the coal dealer, and others or would you be penniless. Now is the Time to Consider If you had taken our advice in the past you would now have a comfortable little sum to tide you over. Why not Start a Savings Account Today A few dollars saved regularly, placed at 5 interest do it. The First FASTEST GROWING i' bisr business house uKnu ennui. founded on anything but integrity and fair dealing falls to the ground. The world may be growing worse, es some of our cynical friends aver, but the standard of doing business in the United States has been vastly im proved, to the advantage of the coun try at large. Farmers Write to Harding. LINCOLN In order to give Presi dent Harding an idea of how the Ne braska farmer thinks on the question of disarmament, the Nebraska farm bureau federation is asking its mem bers to give individual expression to tho president, if in favor of disarm ament, which will be transmitted through the state organization. A sim ilar movement has also been started by the Iowa farm bureau. The Ne braska farm bureau federation will run in its issue of the Farm Bureau Review, the state organization paper this week, a blank letter calling upon the president to uf his influence that this country may take the lead in ceas ing at once the building of battle shipa and development of plans looking to future wars. Every member of the farm burepu who wants the United States to step boldly out in favor of a program that will lead to bringing about the pre-war dream of world wide peace is asked to sign the letter and return it to state headquarters, which will see that it is communicated to the president through the Washing- umuimmMaiJUf nice ,tc State Bank MOST ACCOMMODATING ton office of the American farm bu reau federation. We have just unloaded a second car of new potato sacks and we can fill your order for any amount O'Bannon & Neuswanger. You can't have good health with ar disordered stomach. Correct your stomach disorders with Tanlac anF you will keep well and strong. F. E. Moisten. BOYS' ATTENTION! Are you interested in Electiieity and would you like to know more about it? A class in experimental and practical electricity is being formed. If you want to get in on this, phone 233 or see C. A. DOW J.' .ii