ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1921. TIIREn CHURCHES Cnt'RCH OF CHRIST We are jrlad to announce the meet ings with Evangelist C. W. Cooper to begin next Sunday morning. Mr. Coo Jer is a speaker of oplendid ability. .Here is a list of the subjects for the beginning of the week: Sunday morning, "Why Are We Here?" Sunday evening, "The King's Cam ouflage." Monday evening, "Jesus the Preach er." Tuesday evening, "Is a Man Worth s Much as Sheep?" Wednesday evening, "The Unpar donable Sin." The song service will begin at 7:30 each evening. On Sunday evening Mrs. Devee will sing. It will give the meetings a great impetus for ali who can to be in the House of God at the first meeting. The Bible School is ex- Iiecting to reach the 300 mark before ong. Why not fill the house at all services on the Lord's day and then resolve to be present, at every meet ing? This is giving Atlance the op portunity to hear a successful preacher who has ministered in Kansas, Wyo ming and Nebraska. Come to the church with a message and a welcome. STEPHEN J. EPLER, Minister BAPTIST CHURCH. We have heard from Professor Ira Deal, the evangelistic singer, and the church will be given a chance to de cide whether it will call him to help the pastor in meetings. The story of their conversion will be told by two more of our people Sunday night This part of our pro gram has become very popular, and shall be continued indefinitely. Let all who have received the card to join the men's class be there at Bible school Sunday, as we will decide when to organize the class, in which event we hope to have a little social activity. The topic of the lesson Is an unusually important one. The problems of the early church are, to a great extent, the problems of the church of today. Sin has never changed; neither has human nature. Thank God, the gospel has not changed either. Subjects for sermons are as follows: Morning, "The First Woman." Who was she? What was she? Was' she Inferior or superior to man ? What is her rightful place in life? Evening topic: The closing sermon in the se ries or "The hecond Coming of Christ: Its Relation to the Unsaved World of that time." What will become of the unconverted? Will they be given another chance, as Russell claims? Is there a future probation? Who are the people who will have the gospel preached to them? Can anyone be saved by the might of nature? What part does conscience play in the heathen's salvation? These and re lated questions will come up for dis cussion. Come any enjoy them. Baptism following evening sermon. B. J. MINORT, Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning service at 11 o. m. Morn ing Prayer and Instruction. Subject: "The Nature of God." Text: "And God said: I am who am." (Exod. 111-14) Evenine services at 7:30 p. m. Thiele's Win the Ford SALE Ford tickets given with each dollar pur chase and with each dollar paid on account. It will pay you to take advantage of these low cash prices on standard articles. SALE CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT MELBA POWDER any color, reg ularly sells for 52c, now 39c JERGEN'S CREAM Regularly sells for 37c, now 24c Silverware Any silver plated article in our entire line, at Discount Teaspoon Special Set of six, 50 year plate, guaranteed. $2.29 CANDY WHITMAN'S 1 lb., fine choc olates, regular ly sells for $1 84c You May Win the Ford Be Sure to Get Your Tickets. Blue Moon PERFUME Regularly sells 75c ounce, at 38c CIGARS Parker - Cor don's hand made, box of 25 $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS A quantity of good dpendable timekoep e r s , guaranteed. $1.49 Massage CREAM VeJvetina Massage cream regularly sells for 52c, at 39c BOOKS Any popular copyright book in stock. 68c Pepsodent Tooth Paste SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY 34c a Tube . SILVER Cake Plate Good quadru ple plated-ware guaranteed. $4.75 Ford tickets giv en with each dol lar paid on account. Fashionette Hair Nets Full size, cap shape, any col or, for 8c Each China Ware Any piece or set of our entire stock, at 70 Discount Ford tickets giv en with each dol lar paid on account. Keninir Sonir and Sermon. Subjwt: "Faith Without Good Works is Dead." Text: "And Himself Believed and His Whole House." John (4-53.) Choir practice every Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. Mrs. S. Tillet, organist. Corner Seventh and Cheyenne Ave nue. A. O. DODGE, Rector. or by letter. Get down to the bottom , Two- heads may be better than one I Old timers insinuate that the of the old trunk and find that church , until it comes to modem matches Utter which has not been presented or neither of which is any good, if you have never taken your letter from your 'old childch let us know! A kill collector always is glad to and we will be glad to wnl for it for, Ree that the vacationist is back. The you. In the evening of Fellowship vacationist can't say as much for the tMinriay we will have another fellow- , bill collector, ship service just fellowship. No dances were invented by faxhionabX persons who could never learn really to dance. MKTHODIST CHURCH. Sunday's sermon topics: Morninsr. "Frecious Promises"; evening, "The Changeless Christ." Mrs. Drake will lead the Eowoith League Sunday night. Subject, "How Can We Apply the Golden Rule To day?" The Sunday school work is making- good progress this fall. Worthy of note is the young people's class con ducted by C. A. Dow, with an enroll ment of JO, nearly half of whom are high school boys. They use a special text book on Bible History. If we only had a place to put uch a class so tney could get the most out or the lesson but that will come in the new church. The musical nroeram riven by the choir last Sunday night was appreciat-, ed by the large audience present. A lany from Pennsylvania who has been visiting in Alliance recently, and who has done considerable choir work her self, called up the pastor Monday to express her appreciation of the splen did service. 1 hanks! Kind words of appreciation like that will help our choir to do even better work in the future. M. C. SMITH, Pastor. FAIRVIEW CHURCH. Services will be held at the Fairview church Sunday afternoon. Sunday school at 2 o clock, and preaching service immediately following. Rev. Mean C. femith of Alliance will preach. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Next Sunday, October 16, Morning Worship, 11 a. m., "The Wonder of Life." A permon whose key is love and loyalty to God. Evening Service, 7:30. Problems in pictures of "Coun try Church and Life in America." Does the decline in rural church life indicate national decadence, and what are the remedies? October 17 to 21, meeting of the forty-eighth annual session of the Svnod of Nebraska in the rirst iTes byterian church of Omaha. Our church will be represented by the pastor and elder, J. H. Vance. Mrs. Harriet Vance will also attend the Woman's Synod- ical. which meets in conjunction with the Synod as a Prebyterian officer and delegate. The usual evening sessions of Synod will be dispensed with in order to give opportunity for all to attend the Gypsy Smith evangelistic meetings which begin in Omaha next Sunday. October " 23. Fellowship Sunday Communion service in the morning for a closer fellowship with Him who i. cur Savior. A srood time to unite with our fellowship on profession of faith preaching, some old songs, some spe cial music, some echoes of Synod and Synoddical, to breath the air of the larger fellowship of the church. October 26 Midweek meeting. De votional service and plans for our win ter school of missions and service, with courses offered. I October 28. Young people's Hal loween social. Everyone will want to come to this. Octoler 30, World's Temperance Sunday. Special program in Sunday school and sermons surveying the present line of battle. November 2, Midweek meeting. Courses in, "Unfinished Business of the Presbyterian Church" and "Play ing Square With the Future". Every Presbyterian ought to study the first course ami every High school student ought to face the issues outlined in the second. There are courses for everyone, we want volunteer leaders to take charge of the classes. November 6, This is the 31th anni versary Sunday of the founding of the First Presbyterian church in the vicin ity of Alliance. This date is to be nationally observed as a day. of prayer and supplication for the success of and for a fuller understanding or tne proD lems before the conference of the Powers at Washington on Limitation of Armaments. November 9. Midweek meeting. Continuation of studies in the School of Service and Missions. November 11. Armistice Day. Church open for prayer and supplica tion and a service of dedication to thp RTiirit of Americanism and the for tunes of the republic as borne forward on the hie-h tide of sacred devotion. All are cortlia v invited to all tnese services. The church of fellowship a stranger but once at this chuixh. A. J. Kr.AKlSo,,! asior. Dante would have been more popu lar if his celebration had come in a cool summer. The past one made his work too realistic. Fish, according to a scientist, have a language. Their comments among themselves on a city man's fishing tackle would be interesting. If Germany keeps on undersellin the world, it may become necesaarr to lick her again to make the worlt safe for inefficiency. The Interest of women ia a breach) of promise case is easily explained. They are always interested in another woman's suit. A springboard is likely to teach a man that he is no longer a spring chicken. Russia's voice of popular govern ment must be rather feeble with Z5, 1 000,000 reformers dying of starvation. Every Women Should Have a Savings Account Fortunately, perhaps, on account of the higher railroad rates there will ue many who won't be able to afford a trip to the higher hotel rates. It is a base slander to say that a man never washes the dishes until the day before his wife returns from the country. He never washes them at an. The flapper bather who changes to her water costume and back again in her auto is the latest source of worry to people olu enodgh to know not to bother about such trifles. Those Communists who have started a campaign in South America probably realize it is warmer there and easier to pick bananas and other fruits than it is in Russia in February. These are days of uncertainty. One can't tell when the bread-earner of the family will bo taken away. Even if that is spared you, sick ness, adversity or hard times is pretty sure to come to everyone at some time in life. The woman in every family should have a Savings Account as an incentive to provide against that inevitable "rainy day." For who wants to be dependent upon the uncertain charity of relatives or friends in such an event? This Bank is well equipped to serve you and help you in every possible way. Start a sav ings account TODAY. Don't put off this im portant event on which your life's happiness and that of your family may depend. $1 starts a savings account. We Pay 5 Interest on Time Deposits. Call and see any one of our officers. They'll be glad to introduce you around the Dank and see that every banking facility at our command is put at your disposal. First National Bank PHONE 589 PHONE 589 .Everyone Welcome At Our Store WHILE ENJOYING THE FESTIVAL DONT FORGET THAT WE ARE EVER READY TO MAKE YOUR DOLLARS GO TO THE LIMIT. LOOK OVER THESE PRICES HIGHEST PATENT FLOUR, guaranteed CI JC per sack pll D FINE GRANULATED SUGAR, CI AA 13 pounds, for pl.lU 45c jars of Pure Preserves and Jams, Qft (the best,) for JuC Half pound package JAPAN TEA, OA worth 35c, now LARGE CARNATION MILK, nr 6 cans for I DC LAUNDRY STARCH, Qr per package JC SWIFTS PRIDE WASHING POWDER, 1 r small, 5 for 1 DC TOILET SOAP Small bars, (It Floats) r 5 bars for ' wC CELLULOID STARCH, IA per package 1UC Excello and Roberts Cake Flour, 35c value, 99n per package LLXi We Have the Best Meat MEAT DEPARTMENT FANCY TENDER BEEF ROASTS, (YOUNG) per pound andlSc Minced Ham . Liver Sausage Head Cheese Salt Pork Weiners FOR ALL SPARE RIBS, plenty of meat, per pound BEST T-BONES, Beef or Veal per pound 20c lb. 15c Veal Chops Veal Steak Pork Chops Round Steak, tender Bologna FANCY SLICED BACON, per pound OO PURE LARD, LuXi per pound 35c 16c LAST CONCORD GRAPES OF THE SEASON HURRY TRY US NOW AND YOU WILL SEE YOUR SAVING Morgan Grocery Company CASH ONLY WE DELIVER CITY ORDERS PHONE 589 PHONE 589