ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, 0LT0IIKR 11. 1921. 4 i 4 Go to Theatre Week in Alliance Oct. 23-29 IMPERIAL THEATRE SUNDAY, OCT. 23 The day of rest, relief from labor, When work is laid away. When you, your lanniy, your neighbor Just loat about and play And hear the sprite. Amusement calls "The biggest Goldwyn Night 01 All." TOM MOORE, in "Made In Heaven" USUAL COMEDY Adm. 9 and 27c and W. T. Monday & Tuesday OCTOBER 24 and 25 When the Sun fust takes a peek And ushers washday in. The Housewife knows it's Goldwyn Week And washes with a grin. Oct 24th and 25th's the days To see a Goldwyn extra good photoplay. Reginald Baker's production of "Godless Men" USUAL COMEDY NO ADVANCE IN PRICE 'Adm. 9 and 27c, and W. T. Wed. andThurs. OCTOBER 26 and 27 There are many things to keep the home abuzzin' But as she darn this Mrs. Sings Cantatas by the dozen. And this is why she sings her songs. Tonight she'll join the nnlHwvn thrones And see the Goldwyn spe cial for the week. RUPERT HUGHES Master Production "Dangerous Curve Ahead" HEMINGFORD Mr. Hilliker, Mrs. Ahley and Mr Crane entertained the women's club at the l-egion hall Saturday afternoon. Wilbur Rose has been assisting Merle Price with his potato crop. Miss Merle Polard, of Thedford, la., who has for some time been visiting the home folks returned Saturduy af ternoon. Miss Hattie Harmon has resigned htr position at the Lockwood store. Fred Neeland and family of Chad ion were transacting business in town Saturday. K. Wilkison of the Chadron normal visited at the Jim Potmesil home last week-end. Mrs. Watson, daughter, Doris, Mrs. Rustin und Helen Andrew of Chadron motored down Friday evening to spend the week-end with the home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pal lard were cal lers in Alliance the middle of the week. Mrs. Dr. M'Euen departed Friday night for the east to visit with rela tives. Eugene Andrew assisted W. D. Johnson with his potato picking Saturday. Allison Johnson, who is teaching at Hyannis returned to spend the week end with the home folks. Miss Letha Baldwin departed Sun day morning for Glen, Neb., where she will take up her duties as a school teacher. Misses Fern Eaton, Irma Wright, Margaret Kiester and Mae Stiles spent the week-end with the home folks. Mr. Andrew and Til ford are erect a new resilience on the oeorge lu. Schnider ranch north-east of town. Mr. Tilford spent Sunday with his family in Alliance. Ora Philips was transacting busi ness in Kapid City, b. v., a few tiays last week. i Thomas J. Clark of Lander, Wyo., was transacting business in town a few day. Mrs. Andrew received word that one of her sisters has been operated on. J. IJ. Withers, a potato nigger, is again in town. Mr. bugenc Andrew entertained a few of his friends at his home on Wednesday evening. Taffy pull was the evening's chief amusement. Those rtrpsent were: Blanche Oliver, Lvelyn Hilliker, Ellen Plahn, Irma Wright, Margaret Kiester, Loyala Whelan, Ronald and Roscoe Hopkins, Kenneth Pruden and Ernest Plahn. At a late hour the guests all departed declar ing that they had had an excellent time. A real entertaining game of base ball was played between the Heming ford boys and the Pine Ridge Indians Sunday afternoon. After the game the Indians entertained with a real old- time Pow Wow. The Epworth League cabinet held a business meeting Wednesday evening. The M. E. ladies aid meet at the church Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of cleaning the basement. A lunch will be served to all those pres ent after this job is over. lhe ladier- foreign missionary soc iety of the M. E. church will serve a chicken dinner Friday in the church basement. ELLSWORTH. Sunday was a big dav in the base ball line for Ellsworth. who had challenged us to a battle royal with a "one hundred side, and winner take all gate receipts" clause finally arrived on the scene after one hour and twenty minutes of patient over-due waiting but the slowness in arrival they with over-supplied with speed in the ensuing game. Ed Hill of Hyannis who pitched for a salary in the eastern part of the state all sum mer was Hinghams selection while Maupin and Seebohm were the battery for Ellsworth, both playing an excel lent game, Maupin striking out seven teen while his opponent chopped out fourteen. Maupin and Hill both did excellent work at bat also. The game started out with a rush Bingham etting men on base in the first inning ut not scoring, and Ellsworth to bat with Schonard and Young who had been generally good for a single all season fanned out clean and Ellsworth rooters were somewhat at a disadvan tage but House next up cracked the first one over for a clean "homer" to deep left and Black up next made second but wat unable tn m-nre Arms Bingham being thrown out at first. From then on the game was nip and tuck neither side having much advantage, both scoring almost every time at bat A high wind and rough diamond made fielding difficult but plays were close and -snappy and the last half of the ninth found Ellsworth to bat with th score 11 all. With no men out Black connected for another double and Wightmsw's single after Black's steal for third, scored the winning run, The game was well played, free from arguments liuI enjoyed by nearly two hundred enthusiastic fans which is e)Ual to the Yanks and Giants high record for us. Bingham was seeking a return Kame to be played on their diamond but as this was an entirely challentre affair and season now over Ellsworth decided not to go to Bing ham for a return date Sunday but gave them privilege of accepting a game under such terms and conditions and line-up to be played on the Ells worth diamond, but at last reports the Binghamites were undecided but wilt no doubt postpone till next sea son. A. Moore announces a good dance at the Ellsworth hall Saturday night, Oc tober 15. Good music and a good music and a gaod time assured. Don't miss it. Two weeks later the Ells worth b. club will give a dance in tl-is hall. ' Miss Margaret Kennedy returned from an extended visit with relatives and friends in Omaha, Monday. Mrs. G. R. Schafenberg left for her home in Casper, Monday. Her hus band has been employed by the Bur lington there for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. I Young attended the Ansley-Alliance foot ball game in Alliance kist Friday. Mrs. Shore of Omaha was in Ells worth Sunday and Monday looking over the Berigan ranch which she plans to purchase. E. B. Jamison of Lakeside was a business visitor Wednesday. People no longer worry about last winter's flopping galoshes. Take advantage of Thicle's "Win the Ford Sale. Standard goods at reduced prices. Ford tickets given with cack dollar purchase. A Paris scientist says women ar gradually growing beards. Next? .- ; . i.. . -UJ THE LADIES' AID SOCIETY of the Methodist church will serve a Chicken Dinner and a Roust Beef Suppr at the Arm ory on Fall Festival Day, Oc tober l.". Price rOc for each meal. i N LAKESIDE E. F. Osborn and daughter, Lu cille drove to Alliance Monday to have some dental work clone. Fred Speer and Ernest Underhill went to work on the east section Mon day morning. Mrs. George Lindley is on the sick licit at the time of this writing. Mrs. H. E. Fullerton and children were in from their home southeast of town Tuesday. C. J. Hitt left for Denver Tuesday. Pat Reed was in Lakeside Tuesday from near Ellsworth. Henry Bond, traveling salesman was in town Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. D. R. Kirkpatnck is reported on the sick list this week. Ruth Pollard returned home from Alliance Tuesday. Mrs. Frank De France was in town Tuesday. Mrs. M. J. Claycomb of New Castle, Wyo., is visiting her neice, Mrs. Alva Ryland, in east Lakeside at the pre sent time. A. W. Tvler was in town after ranch supplies Tuesday morning. ,t, Adm.-20 and 50c & W. T. f DQIl't MiSS Friday and Saturday OCTOBER 28 and 29 Now Friday marches with the days That number only seven This lucky numeral purveys A bit of MOVIE Heaven. REX BEACH'S "North Wind's Malice" USUAL COMEDY Adm. 9 and 36c & W. T. THIS IS "GO-TO-THE-THEATRE" WEEK IN ALLIANCE Notice the above attraction and notice the Admission. Cut Below Big City Prices. Usual Matinee Daily, 2:30 the c It T! t SALE at Holsten's - - - - aa A&h r " 1 5 5 The Fashion hop This Saturday Greatest Will Feature the SaleE vent of the Season ' The Fashion Shop will long be remembered for its offerings Saturday to Harvest Home visitors. We are going to give you values that you can't help but buy. Truly you will say: "It was the Greatest Sale Event of Alliance this Season." Our wonderful stock of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear is unequalled in Alliance. Our reputation for Style and Quality is unquestioned. If it comes from the Fashion Shop it stands in a class by itself. Ladies' at Suits, Coats Unbelievable and Dresses Values Ladies' Suits at $18.50 AND UP Includes the season's beautiful ma terials, weaves and colors in fashion's charming modes. You'll find a garment at your price. Ladies' Coats at $12.50 AND UP Again in the selection of Coats you can take your pick from the best that money can buy. Unlimited selection at unequalled figures. Ladies' Dresses at $8.50 and up Serges, Tricotines, Poiret Twills Canton Crepes, Crepe de Chines, Satins, Charmeuses, etc., give only an idea of the choice garments. 1 l f 6 ft ft ft ft ft ft We Ask You to Come Values Are Here ft ft ft f f ft ft ft ft ft " p