The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 27, 1921, Page SIX, Image 6

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OiTicial Proceedings
of ilia County Board
for September Meeting'
September 13 The hoard of county
commissioners mot pursuant to nd-
Journmont. Mcnihers present, (Jen. W.
)unrnn, Chairman, C. I Hashman
ami Onrpe Carrel. The meeting he
inff ca!M to order by the chairman,'
the following iirorecdinga were had
end done to-wit:
The day waa ppent in viewing roads,
and auditing claims which had been
filed for payment.
Adjournment Uiken until tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
September 14. The hoard of county
commissioner met purr.uant to ad
journment. All members.wcre pres
ent and the following proceedings
were hnd and done to-wit:
The hoard purchased of the Avery
company through I). U Sturgeon of
Alliance, a road razor for the amount
of fl.700. It 1a the older of the hoard
that claim No. 721, for 75 for freight
on the above maintainer be allowed
and that the clerk draw a currant In
favor of lee Sturgeon in payment of
wime and that the warrant be deliv
ered to him at once. The above claim
was drawn on the road dragging fund
and delivered to the above party as of
this date.
Adjournment taken until tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
September 15 The board of county
commissioners met purmiant to ad
journment All members were pres
ent and the following proceedings
were had and done to-wit:
The following balances were re
ported by the county treasurer, the
same being balances in the miscellan
eous fund:
Payment on wagon $ 40.00
Interest county deposits 6.60
Kent poor farm 70.00
Vnia rnuntv clerk. June 129.f)0
Fees county cleik, July . 14G.75j
It is the order of the Iwurd that
the above amount of $:i!2.75 le trans
ferred from the miscellaneous funil to
the general fund.
The following resolution was adopt
ed bv the board:
"WHKHEAS. Work has been done
upon the highway extending north-,
vest from Alliance to llemingford;
and I
"WHEREAS, Said work was done
vilh the understanding of District
v r tt il . I n .1 .......1.1 ,
.nj! iiicr iiici.uan mat k'mm uum
be 'designuted us u public highway;
"WHEREAS, About the sum of $2,
000 has lcen drawn in wan ants upon
the htatc highway fund of Uox DuLte
count v, Nebraska; und
"WHEREAS, Stiid road ha.s not ever
been . designated us a state highway;
row, therefore, bo it
"RESOLVED, That the sum of $2,
000 lc transferred from the road fund
by the county treasurer of Uox I'.utto
county, Nebraska, to the state high
way fund of Uox Uutt county, Ne
braska, to replace money drawn out
of said stale highway fund upon said
variants heretofore issued u;oit the
Hlate h'ghway fund.
Moved by Hashiuan and hcoorulod
by Carrel I that above resolution be
adopted. Motion carried.
Adjournment taken until tomorrow
morning ut 9 o'clock.
W. C. Mount, cletk, insanity
fee; 12.n0
W. C. Mount.", interest on judg
ments . 8.40
N. W. Hell Tel. Co., telephones,
September S6.R0
Glenn Mount Uledsoe, clerical
work f.0.00
Ethel M. Clary, salary. Sept 101.17
T. I Mi.-kimen, salary 'Sept... 100.00
Opal Ru :;oll, salary Septemljer
and expense . 154.91
F. W. Irish, county treasurer,
envelopes 68.04
F. W. Irish, county treasurer,
expense - 6.K2
Avis M. Joder, salary Septem-
- ber and expense 175.05
J. H. Carroll, salary Sept. 100.00
The following claims were exam
ined and allowed by the board and the
clerk ordered to draw warrants on
the road fund for same:
Jack Griffith, road work $ 15 00
Gabon Iron Works & Mfg. Co.,
cog rack Ij.00
Elmo Miskimen, road work...
Snyder Transfer Co., freight
delivery .
Newberry Hdw. Co.,
K. E. Knight, salary August..
The following claims were exam
ined and allowed and the clerk or
dered to draw warrants on the road
dragging fund for same:
Department Public Works,
trucks $2200.00
Frank Caha, supplies 1.75
Coursev & Miller, grease 3.85
D. Ryan, labor 23.00
Shindler Hdw. Co., supplies 6.00
Adjournment taken until tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock.
September 17 The board of county
commissioners met pursuant to ad
journment. Same members present as
yesterday and the following proceed
ings were had and done, to-wit:
The following resolution was adopt
ed by the board:
WHEREAS, Lot numbered eleven
(11), in block numbered eleven (11).
original town of Alliance, property of
the Church of the Holy Rosary Church
of Alliance, Nebraska, and lots five
and six (5 & 6), in block numbered
seven (7), in Second Addition to Alli
ance property of First M. E. Church,
Alliance, I5ox Ilutte County, Nebras
ka, and lot eleven (11), in block one
(1) of the original town of Alliance,
Box Butte County, Nebraska, property
of the German Lutheran Church of
Homingford, Nebraska, and the Ger
man Lutheran Church of Alliance, Ne
braska, bus been placed on the tax
roll for the year 1920; and
WHEREAS, said property is exempt
by law from taxation.
NOW, THEREFORE, Ue it resolved
by the Board of County Commission
ers of Uox Buttn County, Nebraska,
that the above described property-be
stricken from the tax role nn l the
same cancelled of record in the man
ner and form provided by law.
Dated this 17th day of September,
The following claim were examined
and allowed and the Clerk ordered to
draw warrants on the General Fund
for Fame.
University Publishing Co., Sup.
plies $
University Publishing Co., Sup
plies. I.
Omaha Irinting Co., Supplies.
Burr Printing Co., Printing
Allianre Times, Printinir
State Journal Co., Tax Table..
J. W. Miller, Salary, Sept.
Geo. W. Duncan & Son., Groc
eries .
Lee Basye, Steno. and Lxp.
Geo. Carre'l, Services . .
Geo. Carrel), Services, Comm.
Geo. W. Duncan, Services,
Commissioner 25.00
C. I llashman, Services,
Commissioner v 27.00
The following claims were er.amin-
ed and allowed and the Clerk ordered
to draw warrants on the Road Fund
for same:
Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co.,
Culvert $343.00
Nebraska Culvert & Mfg. Co.,
Culverts ;. $345.00
Jake Craft, Road Work 5.25
Geo. W. Duncan, Road Work . 78.00
C. I Hashman, Road Work 75.60
The claim was examined and reject
ed by the Board:
C. E. Herrenkohl, dragging $9.60
There being no further business to I
The Merdame Ryland and Peterson
of tite Standard neifch!xrhood were
Alliance shoppers last Wednesday.
Kenneth Westover and wife and
baby and the former's mother, arrived
Thursday for a visit here with the R.
A. and Frank Westover families.
Geo. Cooper and wife drove in from
their ranch north of town Friday with
potatoes and young chickens to pell.
J-5 00 Mr. ami Mrs. K.'F. Osborn drove to
00 Alliance one day last week to do some
29.80 Frank Westover was in town Fri
Alva Ash returned from pis busi
ness trip to Omaha the latter part of
the week.
Mrs. P. F. Gillesp-e and son, Jack,
home Sunday,
R. A. Westover is the new clerk at
the Mercantile store.
O. O. rossenden and children, Rhea
and Clarence, visited friends here Sun
day. Walter House went to Ashby Sun
day to play ball.
F. M. Hoenshell, road master, was
in Lake?ide Sunday.
Tho?e who shipped cattle from here
Saturday to eastern markets were:
Cox Jones, Frank McFall and Frank
Westover. Sunday cattle was shipped
from here to eastern markets for the
Hooper, Mallory and Johnson
Herald Want Ads Results. s
friends at Alliance the week-
at the
The social which was
church Friday evening was
by quite a large crowd.
Ed Tyler hauled fence posts out to
his ranch last Thursday.
Harvy Whaley and family and Wil
ber Goodrich and family drove to An
tioch Thursday evening.
Hans Peterson has rented rooms at
the M. E. parsonage and will soon be
at his old profession, shoe repairing.
Mrs. I. D. Whaley spent the latter
come before the meeting it is the order part of the week with relatives at Al
of the Board that adjournment be tak
en sine die.
Young Woman Only Weighed 76
Tounds Now Weighs Over 100
And Is Gaining Every Day.
"Before I legan taking Tanlac I
only weighed 76 pounds, I now weigh
over one hundred and am gaining
every day," said Miss LaRue Davis, of
Chattanooga, Tenn.
"I bought my first bottle of Tanlac
at Gas City, Ind., and it helped rie to
much that I continue! using it. 1 have
always been very delicate and sneered
a great deal from stomach trouble and
rheumatism. I rarely ever had any
appetite and simply could not relish
anything. I fell olT until I only
weighed 76 pound and was so thin 1
looked perfectly awful. This is the
condition I was in when I beijan tcking
"Oh, I Tel so different now. Even
my complexion is improved. Ply appe
tite is good and 1 can !mrd'y get
enough to eat. Tanb'.c is simply fraud
und I rnn truthfully say it is the only
medicine that ever done mc any pood."
Tanlac is sold in Alliance by F. E.
Hol.-ten and all leading druji-its
everywhere. fc?
50.000 cakes of Jap Roe Soap to be
given away. Ask your grocer regard
ing this free offer. 87p
Soptem!er 16 The board of county
commissioners met pursuant to ad
journment. All members present. The
following proceedings were had ami
done, to-wit:
The following claims, paid by war
rant on the state highway fund were
examined and approved by the board:
Fiovd Hume $ 10.00
Alliance National Bank 34.27
M. D. Elliott 6.00
K P. Shroedcr 125.00
James Neece 100.00
Fred Lichte 104.00
Floyd Hume 8.00
John Henderson 90.00
Schatcr Auto Supply Co. 23.42
Herbert Anderson b-1.00
Rhein Hardware Co. 8.75
Newberry Hardware C. 19.30
11. K. Isham . 21.00
The following claims were examined
and allowed by the board and the
clerk ordered to draw warrants on the
general fund for same:
Omaha Printing Co., supplies $St.&8
Snoddy & Graham, insurance. 56.10
W. C. Mounts, for pauper 2.40
The Famous, underwear 2X0
Any offer that is made by The Omaha DaUy News
will he accepted by us.
Send or bring your subscription to
Masonic Temple Building:. .
We are now actively en
gaped in locating home
seekera on desirable 610
acre grazing homesteads in
central Wyoming. The ear
lier you go the better the
choice. Our charges are
extremely reasonable, con
sidering the service render
ed. Inquire.
We have several custom
ers for good Box Butte
farms and sandhill ranches.
Submit full description and
prices with terms on your
ERTY Desirable renters
want vacant houses or
rooms. What have you?
We have a few customers
for snaps in city property.
Come to our office in the
Reddish Block Phoue 20.
The Thomas Company
Alliance, Neb.
Service First
Service First
outh Omaha
The Corn Belt Market
The Service and Facili
ties are Better than
Ever Before
Company, of Omaha, Ltd.
Service First
Service First
The Messrs Roy Rudson, Geo. High
land, Roy House and Wilbur Goodrich
all went to work on the section here
last week.
Miss Mae Living went to Bingham
Saturday and returned Sunday. ,
Lucille and Lawrence Osborn went
to Bingham Saturday and took in the
big barbecue picnic. They returned
home Sunday and report a grod time.
Frank Kicken and son were in town
R. D. Kirkpatrick went to Alliance
Sat unlay.
Ruth, Dale and Bill Pollard spent
the week-end with the Dillard's at
Halsey, and attended the annual picnic
at the big forest seserve Saturday.
Frank McFall went to Omaha with
cattle Saturday.
Albeit Hudson and family who came
down from Alliance to visit at the W.
H. Hud.son home returned to their
Pure Bred Duroc
Rushville, Neb.
Oct. 8,1921
Sows with litters and spring boars, sired
by Sensation by Sensation boars.
Write for Catalogue.
I have a nearly new 30-60
Kumely Tractor, 8 plows,
wagon and tank and 1,000
acres of breaking and part to
crop is desired. See me at
once. This is worth
r to -TABLE.
Thicle, l'rcscription Druggist
m b J Si ffl : 10 1 y pi
The decorous manner in which our efficient organiza
tion conducts a burial service is equalled only by the polite
ness with which we serve the public. Our establishment is
fitted out in a nost modern manner and our methods are
up-to-date and tactful. Uusiness associates in every state.
Glen Miller
Phones: Day, 311
Night, 522 or 53
123 West
Third Street
One Size Package
All our skill, facilities, and lifelong knowledge of the
finest tobaccos are concentrated on this one cigarette
Into this ONE BRAND, we put the utmost quality.
Nothing is too good for Camels. They are as good as it's
possible to make a cigarette.
Camel QUALITY is always maintained at the same high',
exclusive standard. You can always depend on the same
mellow-mild refreshing smoothness the taste and rich
flavor of choicest tobaccos and entire freedom from
cigaretty aftertaste.
'And remember this! Camels come in one size package
only 20 cigarettes just the right size to make the greatest
saving in production and packing. This saving goes
straight into Camel Quality. That's one reason why you
can get Camel Quality at so moderate a price.
Here's another. We put no useless
frills on the Camel package. No "extra
wrappers!" Nothing just for show!
Such things do not improve the smoke
any more than premiums or coupons. And
their added cost must go onto the price
or come out of the quality.
One thing, and only one, is responsible
for Camels great and growing popularity
K. i. REYN OLDS TOBACCO CO Wliutoo-Salcm. N. C.