The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1921, Page SIX, Image 6

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Tin: alliance, .ferald, fiuday, SEPTEMBER 23, 1921.
On Sunlay mnrninK at I0.M0 o'clock
we nhall have (krinvn wnvicp. Sun
ilay whool brains at 10 o'clock.
F. UROCGKMUlil.LliK, Tustor.
ST. M ATT H K W'S I '. I'IS l I A L.
Sunday whool at 10 a. m.
MornirifT scrvico.s at 11 a. m. Morn
ing prajx-r ami instruction. Suljct:
"For by the (Jrealnos. .of tlicj Hcuuty,
:m of the Creature, Uw .Creator , of
them may be soon, ko uh to ik known
thereby."' Wiwl." UJ-5.
Lvcnintr nomces al K p. m. i.ven-
injr Fons nnl nr-tnion- Subject: "Many
jre CalliMi but l ew t.tiosc-n. Matt,
All are welcome. .
lo m nut roni'iij to b r xr-ivirr-M. i lejitlirr, jut fiv her to him and I
Morning K i, "The Imitat on will rwike out the bill of sale. If they
( ommittre", Eveninir, "The Four'ci.n't ile her I nuppose I will liave to
Fools of Alliance." I take her back and turn her out to
t ome where you nre needed; y ,y ! pasture."
nce.l u; we n. you. ' i Glonn Shivclv, kin of the bu-uh
H. J. MINOIIT, Pastor. whtf wll rile nt the fair, has a eish
offer up to go to the owner of any
The chufcli night service Wednesday
Ttifrht was an evidence that the spirit
f loyalty and deep seated ronsecra
tion is increasing umong our people.
A (rood number wer present and
every one ppokeon the ."Needs of Our
Church This Year." Some very help
ful ideas were riven. . ,
The pastor feel thai emphasis of
fiur work this year is a deepening of
the spiritual life of our people. In
tertse elforts will be made to bring
people to Christ and into the member
thip of the church, but much atten
tion will also be given to developing
those who are already church mem
Ikts into lively Christians. We have
.'ome who will pray in' public, but we
need more. We have ho me tithers
but wc need more. We have Homo who
will do personal work, but must have
In accordance with these ideas, the
M-rmon topics for next Sunday will be
is follows: 11 a. in., "The Steward
ship of Prayer". 7:30. "Need of a
Vision". We invite all those who have
no other church home to worship with
"S M. C. SMITH, Pastor.
No l id K. K. K.
. . . The Ku Klux Klan!
wouidn t organize n society among the
university students even if the stu
dents desired to wear white hhrouds
nnd cheese cloth over their faces with
a hole cut in it, nince the law of the
university prohibits Mudcnts from
jo;ning any eecret organization. Such
is a written statement purporting to.
imh.t hum, nip i,mrom order or the
Klan which was sent to the Daily Ne
bra.sknn, ofl'icijl publication of the
University of Nebraska. The state
ment further sets out that if individ
ual students desire to knrwlr at Ik.
noiNe he cannot rule without pulling tracks. The lnes were in a perfect
,.,,, .,ui ittu.. um vii i wani nis state or preservation, embedded in
money. "I just want to give the marc blue clay. '
to wrnc good horseman who can ' .
handle her," he said, "but I don't be- ( Geneva First Mayor in Dead.
Iieve Shivc y or any other man can. I GENEVA Dr. Hiram Leslie Smith,
cannot ride her myself and I have who died nt the home of his son here
r:.uien some pretty gooi noi ses in my Sunday was the oldest resident of this
Ditch Diners Unearth Matodnn. j Our nmntur golfers d'dn't pet far
LINCOLN Hones of a mastodon, a in Eugland, but our professional steel
prehistoric elephant now extinct, were manufacturers managed to slip into
found luesday by Joe Douglas, a India and capture a big contract.
worKer on Arvnur uooson s Fewer in t there a moral in that
ouini, m a nepin oi iouneen leet,' where"
while excavating three blocks south of
South street near the Pock Island
In addition to the maneuvers exe
cuted by most well regulated outlaws
Spitfire has a few of her own inven
tions, but nevertheless several riders
who never before have tried it have
signed up to ride her
The good o rt cost plu.4 clays have
given way to the cost cuss days.
No matter how deaf
she can always hear a
love you."
a woman
man Fay,
Even if a fellow does not pet murh.
Rood out of his garden, he should re
member he has provided both food
pnd amusements for the rabbits, squir
ids, blackbirds, bugs and Mich thuif.
But would not a tax on bach Mori
confirm them in fancying their state a
privilege ?
Retiring pessimistic rumors from
e reu'ation will do much to Dut tnnnoir
into it
Poor Pickings for Lawyers
iiiVWi.w Lawyers nave poor
pickings in getting pardons for con
victs, since the new law calling for an
open hearing on applications has been
door of the "Kavern" in Lincoln And' nut intn pflWt. rufnrdintr tn n ctat.
-eek .to learn the password, they will jmc-nt by N. T. Harmon, parole officer.
"Who's Who in the Kingdom?"
and "Are Divisions sensible ami Scrip
tural?" or "God's Plan for Christian
Unity," are subjects to Ik discussed
for the sermon: next Lord's day. The
bible M'hool and christian endeavor
meetings at usual hours. The Wed
nesday evening meeting of the church
is open for all. At the mid-week
meetings to begin October K, with C.
W. Cooper as evangelist. The annual
business meeting of the church will
be held next Thursday evening Sept
ember 2'). At this time veport will be
given and officers will le elected. On
Friday evening September 30, the En
deavorers w'll e-tve a watermelon so
cial at the church.
The state convention of churches of
Chrict will be held at lla.-d.ings Octo-
berber 3-6. Each of these conventions
nre mode to aouaint the memlter
ship and others with the inisitant
meetings or the church away from
home. Plan to attend these meetings
if possible. Come to the church with
a message and u welcome.
get the pass on sign signified through
the medium of the big toe on the right
foot instead. The "official" Klan docu
ment followed a statement by Chan
cellor Samuel Avery that if any stu
dents showed Ku Klux Klan proclivi
ties for working in the dark, secretly,
he would send them back to the old
i arm wnere they could do twilight
milking instead of twilight Ku Klux
Outlaw Horse a Prize.
O'NEM, Spitfire, most noted of the
outlaw horses of western Nebraska
and Wyoming is going to be given
aw-ay to the man who can and does
ride her at the Holt county fair this
week. Spitfire is a standard bred mare
weighing one thousand pounds and
never yet has been ridden without
pulling leather. Her owner, Wallace
Reim, southern Holt county ranchman
Is getting old and onlv locntlv Buf
fered an attack of nnnfndi.;tia uk,vk
he believes incapacitates him from
further tussles with the mare which
has thrown every one of the many
riders who have tried to master her
at roughrid.'ng exhibitions. criDDlinir
many and causing others to nbrndnn
careers as bioncho busters in the earl
Saturday the old ranchman h-d the
mare into O'Neill and turned her ovei
to the county fair officials. "I'm
afraid she'll hurt f-ome of the bovF
down around the ranch if don't get
rid of her," he sorrowfully told th
fair management, "but she is too goo
a mare to kid. If any of the boy;
cun ride her here without pullinf
Harmon declared that out of the 234
applications for clemency heard by the
board since the new law went into ef-
lect that only 20 of the applicants em
ployed attorneys. The lawyers won
11 of their fights for clemency and
lost nine. There has been only one
firm w hich has handled more than one
application for clemency since the law
v ent into effect, declares Harmon.
Sandslormers Elect Officers.
OMAHA Former members of the
3 1th or "Sandstorm" division holding
their first reunion since the armistice
Wednesday adopted without a dissent
ing vote the constitution and by-laws
for an incorporated organization to be
known as the thirty-fourth division
veterans' association. T. P. Holiowell,
warden of the Iowa State penitentiary
Mason City, la., was named president
while General John A. Johnston ol
Washington, D. C. former commander
of the division, was selected as hon
orary president. All officers are to
Fcrve for one year.
Mtt.OOO Fire Near Kearney.
KEARNEY Large barn and sheds
on the K Sicbenalcr farma mile east
of Elmcreek, was destroyed by fire
late Saturday, with all contents. The
owner was .absent at the time, but his
wife discovered the blaze and called
Elmcreek for hip. A bucket brigade
responded and saved oth r bui dine
All farm machinery on the place, ir
iddit.on to i,2(M) bushels of wheat
nuch corn and hay were destroyed
the toss is placed at almost $10,000
vitn nine insurance.
place, lacking but a month of being 03 '
years old. Lr. smith was Geneva s
first doctor and mayor, and was noted
for what he had done for civic im
provement. Despite the fact that his
legs had been amputated because of
an infection, he maintained his inter
est in. the town's affairs. Funeral
services were held Thursday afternoon.
Is the church a working-man's or
ganization? In order to get a correct
answer for this question, f0 churches
in ten denominations were sent ques
tionnaires and the result is interest
ing. Out of the 21,015 members, forty
r cent were males, and J:5 per cent
ere professional men, C.5 per cent
were capitalists, 7 per cent were small
business men, clerical wage earners $2
Iter cent, skilled mechanic 2H per cent,
unskilled laborers 17 per cent. It will
be seen that a total of 77 per cent
are wage earners. The church is evi
dently a workingman'd organization.
When it comes U official boards pro
fessional and business men make up
forty-eight per cent, and working men
fifty-two per cent.
Let the bulk of tlie working men ne
glect the very organization that exerts
its great influence to the betterment
of the working class. Mr. Working
.Man, will you coninue to bile the
hand that is helping to feed you?
Will you allow the church to go down
fighting for you? Thin is what you
In all the services of the Church and Sunday
School. "
Sunday, September, 25
A Hearty Welcome Awaits -You.
First Presbyterian Church
We are now actively en
jrapred in locating hoine
eekers on desirable 610
acre grazing homesteads in
central Wyoming. The ear
lier you go the better the
choice. Our charges are
extremely reasonable, con
sidering the service render
ed. Inquire.
We have several custom
ers for good liox Dutte
farms and sandhill ranches.
Submit full description and
prices with terms on your
ERTY Desirable renters
want vacant houses or
rooms. What have you?
We have a few customers
for snaps in city property.
Come to our office in the
Reddish Block Phone 20.
The Thomas Company
Alliance, Neb.
Service First
Service First
South Omaha
The Corn Belt Market
The Service and Facili
ties are Better than
Ever Before
Company, of 0maha"Ltd.
Service First
Service First
Dynamite Blast Causes Excitement.
NEBRASKA CITY A flying tim
ber crashed through the roof of the
Missouri Pacific station and pierced
the ceiling of the room where the
arent was working when a hundred
rounds of dynamite was exDloded
Monday afternoon by County Engineer
rat Courtney m the channel of North
I able creek, in an effort to straighten
out the bed of the river. Mud and
rocks were thrown five blocks ami
eifiht holes were ripped through the
roof of the station bv the debris, and
the buildinir was veritably pla.stered
with mud. No one was injured
Accident Victim Buried at OshKosh.
OSHKOSH Mrs. Alta Reed of Osh-
kosh was killed last Wednesday in an
automobile accident at Ixnfr Beach,
Cal. The funeral was held here Tues-
lay, with interment in Antcloune Val
ley cemetery. Mrs. Reed was the
laughter of the late John Henderson.!
one of the earliest settlers of this
The cool summer nronhet wna n !
cheerful citizen while he lasted. i
Pur j Bred Duroc
Rushville, Neb.
Oct. 8, 1921
Sws wtth litters and spring: boars, sired
by Sensation by Sensation boars.
Write for Catalogue.
How Many Objects or Articles in This Picture
Start With the Letter "B"
to Try.
Th MliitUa of th. "B-Wwl" Pfctarc paiIl. j-m-h.
1-fclrtr rli-nr4. .111 k. - JX'IZ .11 ZZT'r7Vm r M. '
th. m
dawn Uaickt Bad f rt
Open .
to All.
Not a Subscription Contest
Thia ia not a subscription contsst and you da net
Paul Daily Nsws to win a prizo. If your answer to
prixo by tha judge you will win S20, but if you wo
special offer.
Ily ifMlln In an. r two yrarly saberriptlsaa (uttlmaja
Mbaorlptioii yeu mi .ubwrlpUun, new .r renewal
rtMn wiU roa.t) to The H4. rul Dally K.we at (4.64 m
yrwr (mid SI.M for th. His; tMmday Nrw. yea rem wta as
"' o IW er St.&ue a In nth. This la a Itoaas reward
fur booSrm, Her.'s hew:
If year trnwer te the "B-Werd" Pletare Fassle I. ewrdl
flnt prise by th. udsea aad yoa have seat In ONE yearly
Mibsrrlption te Th. W. Iaa IHuly Mews at M.M. yea will
recelre CAM imtrad ef fit.
$3,500 in Cash Prites.
Winning Answers Will Receive Cash
Prizes According to Table Below:
Whea Na Whes) Oh Whea Twe
Habepr1ptlMsSuiaerpUas) ftubaertpUras
Are Sreit. I. aa. Are ((rat.
1st Prize... $20.00 $500.00 $1,500.00
2d Prize... 10.00 250.00 '50.00
3d Prize... 5.00 125.00 500.00
4th Prize... 5.00 50.00 250.00
5th Prize... 5.00 50.00 100.00
6th Prize... 3.00 40.00 80.00
7th Prize... 3.00 30.00 60.00
8th Prize... 3.00 20.00 40.00
9th Prize... 2.00 10.00 20.00
10th to 30th 1.00 5.00 10.00
OTK la the the winner ef flret prise hae nat
anlirird with salMvipin and faila to win the fall
!. tua babtare ef tble prise nanry snail be divided
prepartionMrly inuu the remaining prise wtauers
wbe nave tiaalifled nllh aebM-riptieiu.
hth-R wnlii.n r? inoU -"kMrtptioii to Tho St.
th MB-Word Picture Pul. i. . i-j ..
uld lik to win mor. than 20, w ar makina this
If. year answer Is jaaJifled by a uu ulrrinii --
ren. te The bt. Pn.1 idlj n5w. IhT Ta tjlnd
I- a!. . . . iT. 1 "J JTJ ""l rere ve f;M and ee
eL? V J."- will rlv. e,tm IJZmZS Z
every ene ef la M prises, wbea se barn pt lane era mrni
Observe These Rules
Av aaa.
laaia Bat Ma. leaa.
Rates la Minnesota. Nurlh Itnbeta. Hoath Dakota. Iowa,
Nortbera MirfaisMt and W iaeutisin St Jit. All other slates,
including Moutaua and Nebra.ka. So.M.
ar sklls lit.
ssrtbars Mbkleta. itetsss a at
brsats. bat sstdSs at M. Fast
sat aissaiaaltt, aks It sat sa aa.
rt st tse tt. Pssl Sany Sara,
asy tskalt as sstaw.
t. all unai nasi as swiM ty
aastTlas slssls MtM at 22, 121,
sal all askwrtstlaei mat ks aalM
est sthr tfcta Urn. i, MX.
V AM Ibb at Sanaa Seals ks
M set alet ef Mm assw saly ,at
saakaml ssawbalbj. Wrtts ar
faH saa. sal atents sa sm ysst
Is Iks isbw ntM-asai taraer. If
yes eaun ts ants aartklaa. in
taearsts tkwt at Ms.
4. ttik asrst at mis la
tbt f asllik biiesary elH ka tsaat
al. Dkart tbt alarmj b sas tkt tia
atar tsssst kt ttsskis, tat tbt
9. ar at Ms una tatlllai
Its ka saat serf seta, arts tksaak
tits' b Sautsaw finanst ekjatta m
srtblai. As etMtt ar trtitia aaa kt
ssael saly aaca.
. sat sat skatiatt. snkals ar
tvtttralat asrtt. aw say tanaatat
ear ar ears imm tr ts as-
yiats tasiit aarat
t kmim taamt
lilt aaf tsa aaa. -df .l.ui.
Jaaj tr irtbba dNa. Is tkt atattri
- isa wttw
sHM kt ssrsreaj tint prta ttt.
aataaai. att er fcatdwriist fcsvs
at burls sa SasMiaa ttt .laaart.
S. Mart tkaa set aeakw at
nalry asy tenant, ket saly sat
Cabas" at Sr1
tMiatiK. ar Mil artist kt awai
ts b nan tksa aaa sf asy arts
stttMs at tbt laaiiy rtaVtJTw
? kT? ' taanw.
. Ibrtt ftt. rtl katlsna ass,
tel1. rr"14" t.
Hal tsira Sen. .ill ka tilarbd ts
1" "
t" est tsaatttri
Mt Tkt St rati Otity Man. will
" sa U. alsaan rartb'stall
Sana t tacaat tka eatlne. at tka
Htaa at liaal sa taralatlra.
10. All sanrat .ill rtaalM tka
at aaatMaritiaa, raaarsiea at
tsatsw ar sat a aakitristMS Iw
eil ken Hat la.
11. 1st saaaaaaaaaal el tka
frlra aianrt ta tka tarraet Hit at
ww.. sisinaas is tka Sai.
10 Mtat st Tka kt. faal Ball km.
" ef s Ms Iw say st
tka arina. tka tall aaeast st taak
pus .ill bt twarSal Is asak aa.
at, jttt st It tkart strt as tit.