Vv l(T!i'-l1 I'nnnr nf P.v T!,. r.mnlv Ifc TWICE A WEKK TUKSDAY AND FRIDAY Official Paper of the City of Aniasu V0LUA1I-: X XVI II. (Eight. '.) ALLIANCE, 1J0X IUJTTE COUNTY. NKF.KASKA, TUHSDAY, SKITEMI'.EU 20. 1I'J1. No. S-S MINNiEROSETTA GETS SIXTY-DAY JAIL SENTENCE THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska: G nor f:;ir tomrht and W ednrsil-iy ; cooler tonight and cast portion Wednosdav. jCOURT FINDS HER GUILTY OF SELLING HOOCH - Burlington Plans New Stockyards Over at Antioch Jhe&hngford IS BEHIND ITS COMMISSIONER Harry Rosctta Given Fine of $100 and Costs on Same Snunt Appeal Bond Filed Mrs. Minnie Rosetta, proprietress of the Rodgers rooming house, was found guilty on a charge of selling a pint of moonshine whisky by County Judge Tash in county court Thursday af ter noon anl given a sentence 01 sixiy Antiocli News: A few days ago George Peitlein, sumi intendent of the Alliance Potash plant, was in Alliance and had a talk ilh Superintendent Gurley of the Burlington relative to the new yard at Antio'i, and ws assured that as soon as ?e material arrives the bridge force . 1 I ba put to work and the yards c. lcted in time for late shipments of mete- Some three years ago W. Vinson and John H. Krause began working on this proposition. A petition was forwarded to the company, pledging .v a.. i i n-. days in ine county jan. nu -ni .v .5,5 ,t of 250 car(, of cattle annu jslhe punisimiemt set out in ine siuieia,,y from Anti(M.h jf the new yims pmniiniuiy m .v mi i-uut niiwu vu were built second onen.-e. in junc 01 mm :ri LIKES H!S EFFORTS TO SECURE JUSTICE FOR THEM. CITY COUNCIL ABOUT AGREED ON FRANCHISE WILL VOTE THURSDAY EVENING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE. Mrs. Jessio Hassdtino ITfl P.IRfilll ATF On Charge of Adultery Don't Want Place on the North Star Highway, Itut Some Other Things Carrell's Work Reviewed. The attitude of Hemingford in the matter of County Commissioner George Can-cll is made quite. plain by an article in the last issue of the Hemingford Ledger, which acta very much as though that newspaper were sjeaking with full authority to rep resent the sentiment of the whole It was shown that all vul- i TIi . '!."., .1! 'A"Ji.u l .Y. V 1 . !... ! tl,l n.it,,Pull t uuiiHwi null. v.ai ivii nui.v nmv Mrs. Rosetta was fined 100 and costs. ' ""', th' , PVpH;.m for1!-- few tlnngs that may not have Harry Rosetta, husband of '.he t.rst ,,...tip having to climb over lulls defendant, was found guilty bv the , ... ivcn in foi. whinment would save many thousand pounds in weight on cattle. After all these years of waiting, efforts have at last proved successful. It was a public spirited act of Mr. Krause donating the site for the yards. bv the court on the same charge, and u fine of $100 and costs was assessed t;am.-t him. Roth cases were appealed, the bond in Mrs. Rosetta's case being set at $500, nnd at $2.")0 for her hi! sound. The testimony that brought about the conviction was largely furnished by Charles Sanford, state prohibition enforcement agent working under the direction of State Sheriff Gu.s Hyers. The two cases were among the hard iest fought in county court in months. County Attorney Lee Basye prosecut ed, and the Roseltas were defended bv Attorney H. E. Gantz. 'The trial of Mrs. Rosetta began Thursday morning, and was still in progress when the noon recess wrs taken. Sanford testified that on the night of September 5, he rented a room at the Rodgers rooming house; that Mrs. Rosetta showed him to the room; that in making change, she sug gested that he take the balance cf what was coming to him in a drink at L0 cents; and that later he purchased a pint of moonshine from her at $.r. The liquor was turned over to the Al liance police. , Mrs. Rosetta's Alibi. To this testimony on the part of the rtate agent, Mrs. Rosetta's attorney produced testimony to establish an alibi. Mrs. Jessie Hasseltine testified that she was the wife of a POLICE FIND NO TRACE OF THE HOLDUPS THREE WHO HELD UP MEN IN BOX CAR MAKE GET-AWAY. Plan of Thowing Their Victims of Moving Freight Train Gave Advantage. Off The city and county police authori ties hive been unable to find any trace of the three men who are alleged to have held up nine' men in a lioxcar on a freight train between Angora and Alliance last Thursday night, and it is thought the bandits made a clean get- i iborer away with about $o()0 worth of loot. been exactly tlis right thing to do, but states boldly that Hemingford is with him in his efforts to secure jus tice for the western half of the coun ty in the matUr of roads. The Hemingford newspaper con cludes that Alliance is afraid of the big commissioner, and intimates thai the reason for the antagonism of this city is that he is indciiendent and will not stand for dictation from anyone outside of his district. Any fear of Hemingford itself is groundless, the l edger says, for that town has no in tention of trying to get a place m the run or on the North Star highway at the expense of Alliance. The ledger's 1 article was printed before recent in terviews with the commissioner . from that district were printed, in which Mr. Carrell stated it wad hi intention to do everything in his power to hurt Alliance, as well as to help his own bailiwick, and it is possible that these ill-advised utterances, made in the heat of anger, may be toned down ivmewhat after the commissioner tdks things over with his constitu cr.ts. The ledger print a record of the road work done in that district under Mr. Carrell's supervision, and give. h'm a good endorsement on this score The newspaiier states, without quali fication, that when the time comes. Mr. Currell will unite with the other commissioners in meeting the road through Morrill county ut the county living in Alliance and the mother of. According to stories told the police ,r The whole trouble, the Hennng ford newspaper concludes, is simply a Lick of understanding, which snouii be easily adjusted. The Ledger says: Says Alliance Afraid "Alliance is decidedly afraid of the bier commissioner from this district three children; that she was employed by two of the victims, who gave their at the Rooming house in washing tna names as lien Allison or Springfield, ironing; that she had worked theie be- o., and Charles Bowen of Darnesville, fore and that she had been employed jn the same state, nine men were rid there the last time about three weeks, jng in a boxcar out of Bridgeport, She testified that Mrs, Rosetta was where they had spent an hour or two ill on the fifth of September; hvt she waiting for the train to pull out. The fcaJ wn taking care of her. and that nine men were all laborers who found nw;n., th funt thnt. rnmll is in the defendant left her room only for, it easier to bum a ride than pay pas-! dependent and will not take dictation a few minutes during theh evening, senger fares. At Bridgeport, just as fom Alliance, the Alliance papers are This testimony was corroborated by the train was leaving, three men join- outspoken in requesting him to resign. Mrs. Boon. . led the crowd. Nothing happened un-iThev even go so far as to intimate Dr. Einar V. Blak, phpsiciun, lesti-itil after Angora was passed, when the,t,at Hemingford is asking for Carrell fied that he was called to the rtom- three men, with handkerchiefs over to t,u:t This is absolutely false. ing house on the evening in question their faces, emerged from the dark party i;ne3 not closely drawn here a. .a 1 r . A 1 t nil 1 I" j 1 I 1.1 . ... . . . between y:au anu p. " " lc enu 01 ine car una proceeded 10 noiu remained there until 10:45, and was up the nine others. The loot, includ alled back ater. The attorney for the ( jn!f money and jewelry, was undoubt .riefense entered strenuous objection edly at least $500. The bandits then mhen County Attorney Basye asked t proceeded to get rid of their victims j 1KH,pie here think was not just the whether Dr. Blak had made an exam-, by making them jump off the moving. tning to do, Hemingford is behind ination of the patient and could les- train. fla-reM in h'.s 'trort to wnrure justice iifv that she was not shamming ill- According to Chief JcflYrs, this was f.., .u:.. .,rt 0f h countv. ness. Mrs. Rosetta was in bed duru.g done in order to make pursuit less I it true that Hemintrford is look- the time the doctor was in the room-. likely. With victims scattered along for something. That something ing house. the track, with a number of miles to t ha3 een plainly stated in previous ar- Mrs. Rosetta testified that she was walk, there was little danger that thejtjciea on the north and south road tirrested in June, but had pleaded ;ruil- report of the holdup could reach Alii- i,.n,;n.rford is honinir some day to ; ance beu.re the uand.ts hr.d had t,.vo.,,vo tne. branch road running lrom or three hours to make thrir gotaway. a Vance through Hemingford to the ihe robbery was delayed until alter v..!lnwinne nirk. Unlike A 'umor the stop at Angora, not only because HeIY-:ngford has never pretendl to line suck up uiouirm. .i M.rr w i neutral, and stated the projosiMn and there is no party strife so far as we can find out from any of the local ptrty leaders. And while Carrell has done a few things that some of the ty on promise by the county attorney that two friends, staying in me nou r ml arrested at the same time, would ibe released if she did so. Pnlirn officers testified that Mrs. Rosetta was washing disnes in v.ie ; away from Alliance, t ut because u ere ; (hjt at,pr.a to the people of this corn- was maue. i13 a tifT grade out ot Bridgeport ana ; munity. Hemingford is not asking the victims might be ame to reacn j . .,jace jn the sun, nor even on the assistance after they hopped off the J North star highway, but still holds to train. Some of the victims were lhe original nlan to assist Alliance if badly brui.-ed by the fall from the Alliance desires thnt assistance asking but the bandits did not kitchen at the time the raid was Case Against Harry Rosetta. Stanford testified that he bad pur chased a pint bottle, about a half or a third full of moonshine from Harry Rosetta on the same evening Rosctta was slightly tipsy, he said, and told him that the house was going to be raided that he had been tipped by telephone. Sanford said that he asked vJZtt "What will I do?" Rosetta answered, he said, "Stay right here I if you're arrested, I'll have you out of jail in fifteen minutes." (Continued on page 8) Silk Dress Catches Fire and Ignites Big Tank of Gasoline The Alliance fire department made n.n in 111 Cbevenne about 1 o'clock Siturdav afternoon, where a tank of gasoline, containing fifty gallons, was on fire. The blaze was in the cleaning quarters of Ted Fielding. Twenty gal casoline had burned before the firemen succeeded in smothering the blaze, and Ted Fielding received tnir.o spvpre burns on one of his arms. The fire started after a filk dress vni hon drv-cleaned. find while it was being rinsed. The cause is not known, as every precaution is taken against it w thought that possibly the Kilk 'dress, which was being rubbed, nnVntni n ennrk which ign:ted the gasoline.. Mr. Fielding, when the dress blazed up. dropped it into the big vat of gasoline. A peculiar feat ure of the fire is that the dress sank to the bottom of the tank and the gasoline extinguished the flame, leav ing it absolutely uninjured, moving train. intend to kill any of them in mat manner, as shown by the fact that Al lison, older than the others, to wait until the train slowed down. The nine victims walked into town together, and the assistance of the police was sought They didn't arrY groundless, but of until at least two nours aner me irum They were unable to give any definite description of the men who nan neid thein up. One of the men told Lounty Attorney Basye that he had $!0 in A. B. A. checks on his person, which the holdup men didn't take, fearing de tection through them. "One or tnem had a gun as long as from here to to my old home in Iowa, another said. After a long search, the officers have definitely given up the chase. Another Complaint Is Filed Against the Rosetta Establishment Courty Attorney Basye this morn ing filed in county court a complaint against the Rosetta rooming house, charging the proprietors with conduct ing a disorderly r.ou.e. iiearinir on the complaint whs ret by Judge Tash for 9 a. m. on September 29. C. H. Rockey and family. Mrs. Ada R. Allen and fon motored to Hot Springs Saturday. On the return trip they stopped over night Sunday in Chadron, returning to Alliance Mon day. only in return that Alliance will later assist Hcminirford in tcuring the aforementioned road. Carrtll's Support Pramisod "Alliance is still fearful, however, not only of Hemingford, which fear is the commissioner from this district This is plainly shown in the two articles copipd from the Alliance HemltL We assure All ance they need have no fear concern ing the attitude of Hemingford on the North Star route, and that Heming ford has no intention whatever of asking Carrell to resign, but will stand behind Mr. Carrell to a man so lorg as Hemingford feels that Mr. Carrell is doing his best for his con stituents, in spite of petty mistakes to which we are all heir. We might al-o add that Mr. Carrell will, when the time comes, unite his efforts with those of the other commissioners to meet the road decided on from An gora to the countv line. . ... . . , 4 lhe year will close wovemuer for road construction according to the state law and it is well to review what has been done under Commissioner Carrell's term of office so far. 'Th ro.iJ east of town as Mr. Hashman authorized last fall and which was partly completed then has been continued to the Chadron-Alli-ance high-.vay and is about two-thirds as good as the State highway. We suggest a little more work in the low places and the widening of tome of the fills. Otherwise the work is very sat isfactory on this seven and one-half mile btrip of road. (Continued on page 4) it y Manager Thinks Company Is En titled to Protection and City Well Safeguarded. It would appear that happier days ere in store for the Northwestern Bell Telephone company, which has for over two years conducted an exchange at Alliance, notwithstanding the fact tluit one city council refused to grant tranchise and a second council has been in no hurry to give the company any legal standing in the community. Half a dozen of the company's rcpre st ntatives have made occasional trips Alliance, and the most of there have been futile. During the last month or two, how- cr, the newest city council has hem is nosed to go into the franchise "K- tion thoroughly, and after u series of c( nferencc:, in which every possible I section to a franchise was thresh :! ut, an ordinance has been drawn which it is believed will receive the unanimous support of the council when it comes up for action on Thurs- iv evening of this week. C;ty Manager N. A. Kemmish has mad! tiie toiiowing statement con vrnin.T the position of the council in the matter: Mr. Kemmish's Statement "For some time the memlcrs of the ity council and myself have born harmoniously working on u form of frinrlnse for the telephone company which will be to the best interests of nil concerned. Unfortunately there has been considerable misunderstanding regarding the telephone company's position and just what we can do and cannot '.o in the matter. This has re- ultod in some bad feeling toward the elenhone company. We believe how vcr that there is a just and correct solution to our telephone situation which every thinking man and woman knows we should have. Every fair nunde I citizen wanU what is just ami right for the telephone company and ir the citizens of Alliance, we an halo different ideas' depending upon ur viewtwint We always have those with us who go to extremes however and are radical in their views and beliefs. They are ready to .t aigue ami condemn ine iciepnone ompany on general principles. Aigu- nir will never settle anything. In stead we must reason together for the rmr all: common good, ine citizens oi aiu- snce want good, first class telephone service and at as reasonable a cost as it can be furnished. "The state legislature has never seen fit to give to cities the power to own or operate a municipal telephone sys tem as we do our electric light plant We must therefore depend upon some . . i . i i one else to iurni --n us wun leiepnone service. The county can go into the telephone business but the city cannot do so. Since the county has no idea of doing such a thing the only thing left for the city to do is to have some private company or corporation come in here and furnish us with telephone service. This being the case we must either work with the Northwestern Bell Telephone company so that they can give us good telephone service or we must try to make tnem taxe out their poles and lines and then go out and get someone else to come in here and furnish us with telephone service. We can have two or more telephone sv;l(mii if V'S EO choose. The grant ing of this franchise does not give the telephone company an exclusive fran rViUi The citv council can, at any time it sees fit, grant another fran fhise to another company, or they can grant as many franchises as they choose to a number of different com panies. This has been tried out many times before in other cities w.th great loss to all. Who wants two sterna In a town so that you will have to have two phones and nav for two wnere one win uo. hefnre we can get anyone to come in here nnd spend money on a telephone svstem we would nrst nave to gruni them a license or franchise to use our vfrot Kml ullevs. Otherwise they woud not come here or ppend a dollar with us. These companies must nave their nermits or franchises showing that thev have a legal right to do busi ties in a town or they cannot go oui nn.l k.11 their stocks and bonds to in vestors to raise money with which to I.imIiI t fplprihone svstem. "Our telrtihone situation here in Al linni simnlv simmers down to this, If we are to continue to have good tt-t.inlxino Hrrvice we must erant some company or corporation a reasonable franchise in order to induce them to come to Alliance and give us this service. We have a telephone company here now whose franchise has expired. They are on the ground and are giving us good service. Under this condition there is only one sensible, reasonable, ju.-t and business-like thing for us to do and that is to grant to the North western Bell Telephone company a reasonable franchise. "When the citizens of Alliance voted against a franchise unfortunately they l i not know the facta of the case as given above and what it mean to (Continued on Fae 8) Mrs. Jpsxip Ilrseltine wns lxund over for trial at the Hecembrr term of district court by County Judge Tash this morning, following a preliminary hearing in county court on a charge of adultery. The case grew out of her arrest at the Rosetta rooming house on the night of September f, when the place was raided. Mrs. Hasseltine was found under question able circumstances in room 17 in the company of Charles Sanford, state agent. Sanford was not called as n witness in the case. Eugrno Stilwell, night police officer, testified that on the eve ning in question, during the raid, he found Mrs. Hasseltine in Sanford's room. Both were more or less scan tily dressed, he said. Chief Jeffers also testified that when he came in a few minutes later, the defendant was donning her clothing. Judge Tash bound Mrs. Hasseltine over to appear for trial in district court and placed the amount of her apearance bond ut f2M), which was furnished. PETITIONS FOR HASHMAN ROAD HOPE TO PERSUADE STATE AU THORITIES TO CHANGE MIND. Mr. and Mrs. John Nation left Thursday of last week on u month's vacation trip to Pendleton, Ore., nnd Bellingham, Wush. PUT UP BAITS FOR VISITORS AT OIL WELL NO SIGHTSEERS WELCOME AT THE LAKESIDE PROPERTY. Barbed Wire Stockade Being Erected to Keep the Curious at the Proper Distance. Visitors to the property of the Lakeside Development company, which is now drilling for oil a mile west of Lakeside, will have to be content with a long distance view of the promises from now on, unless they nre gifted with exceptionally persuasive tongues or a sublime nerve. i or wimin ine oust few davs the derrick and machine sheds have been plastered with a num ber of signs, several feet in height, in kfiirtl ng red mint, which state mat visitors are not allowed. Two or three of them are abruptly framed in this way: -"Danger Keep Out Not only are these signs a warning to the sightseer, but Sunday a numlier of the company's men were busy erect ing u stockade about the derrick. This will be fitted wtih barbed wire, and possibly a guard or two will be at the gates. . There was no drilling being done Sunday, the drill crew awaiting the iharpening of some of the rofpry drills. The big pumps wore keeping the mud circulating. The drill crew is already under instructions to give nut. no more information concerning the depth they have reached. This n due. of course, to the fact th.-it oil f,;im nil over the country are watching the Lakeside proposition to swarm in lit anv n,A tlio indications liegin v fstvoruhlp. Usually, however, there is considered to lie litt'e call for interne secrecy until the well is down two or three thousand tect, ana on proin.-.t,.-i bf noticeable. HIP la-ftiiui'tih - - - . The drillers are still siriKing sua-i for the most part, altnougn one nr two strata of rock have been hit which slowed down drilling operations. It was one of these rock formations vnai a 1 U.ir.Io ti made it necessary xo iay on oui.....t nnd sharpen the drills. The work is Xm. in Oia Burin-zton machine shops, the only place equipped for it, in Al liance. . . , t . Th i ri crew is not particularly i,1pap,1 with the precautions to keep i.f visitors. ACCOrtling lo nunic them, this is the first wen mey evtrr n nrisa nn where the public was ex cluded and chased off the lot. "Some of the more curious stand around and get in the way, and we have to bawl them out," one of them said, -oui ior i a i .),. linvt onir. the most pan mey uuu t nwi thing." The sujierinterdent said that two men had already been hurt at the oil Veil, and that they didn I inrenu v? run the risk of damage suits in addi tion to other expenses. . A number of cars came to the well site Sunday, but practically all of them were content to gaze from a dis tance. One or two stalwart souls tb hiiT red signs ami peeked into the drill house. Xhey escaped with their lives. More Wisglestick Dope. According to reports, a second wig glestick artist, with an entirely dif- tering Kinn or nirginK, i"s "c K;te f the well, and with this machine the indications were fully as fa.orable as was the case when the well was or iginally located. Another report says mai me , glestick men have visited the site of the Agate well, near Harrison, and re port that there is absolutely no ac tivity on the part of the magic utick. The Agate well is down nearly five thousand feet, and it is understood that drilling will cease when this depth has been rached. So far there have been do indications of oiL Say Road Practically Completed Should Be Kept in Conditio by State Funds. Another road squabble is forecastMt in Allinnce, following the action of tb state highway authorities in with-. drawing state aid from the Hemmir ford roiuL At present, the victory, seems to be with the Alliance forcea. who entered a strong protest against the designation of the route and car ried the fight up to Governor McKe)vi and State Engineer Johnson. The Hemingford road is now near-, ing completion, the only work remain ing to be done being the building" fj the road over n series of three kilb some eleven miles northwest of th city. According to Commissioner Hashman, Division Engineer Mcla told them to go ahead with the road M outlined, and nil summer they ha been drawing on sUite highway fund to buihl this road. Lust Saturday, fol lowing receipt of n letter from Divis ion Engineer Gaddis, successor to Mr.. McLean, which notified them that th road wns not listed as a etat ait project, tne commissioners appropriat ed about $2,000 to replace money used on tbo road from the fctat highway funds. ...... The question now uppermost In um. minds of the commissioners and Umk road boosters is whether the road, a built, shall be maintained by the state, or the county. There is no objection, to maintaining it at county expense., but Commissioner Cul Hashman Kan announced that, if possible, he will work for state or fenleral uid upon iU Petitions were drawn up last Satur-. day and are now said to be circulatiftr in Hcnrngford. They have not yeb been c' ulatcd in Alliance, but them, are three of them ready to lie pas."e4, around. At least two Alliance men are quotrv ed ns saying that they haye receive, positive assurances from State Eng- peer Johnson that the Hemingfor. road, as built, will never receive Ktat aid. It is possible, however, on.i back- or of the road declures, to secure fad eral aid if certain conditions are com ..i;,i ,. i'h hut ibis is met by the an- . V ' - . . ,1 ...Ml thnt leiierai niu m nc of th. vwpr granted over the objections state department. Alliance's Position The Alliance contingent wants tb road to go rtraight west on Tenth, ttreet for a distance of eight or tear miles, instead of going two iivl. north at the edge ot tne tiiv m um west for that distance, wr. naau man says he is confident that he ca. get at leaEt a thousand signatures tv a petition asking that the road IT as already mapped out, but he hai r.grecd not to take the iet;tion trouisJ. this city until arter a meeung um. been he! 1 and the merits of the twn routes com'iletelv threshed out. A. k meeting will be held in Alliance with in the next few days, at which th. sentiment will be ascertained, aM then a meeting vfeth the comm'wien-. crs will fol'ow. Mr. Hnrhmrn t&lkm most reasonably on the mr.tter, and it is thought that he will be willing to compromise fhould the outlook de mand it . So far the road has cost about lSi per m le for the twenty-two rruiwy and inasmuch as this sum has bee expended, it is to the interest of very citizen of the county, as well as th, d;strict served by the road, that it b ma'ntp'ned in the best possible condi tion. Should there be sufficient funuH available to secure state aid for thi and for another main lino west, th road boosters would have no objec tions, but it is quite doubtful it tn state will approve two roads to near, together. . , Among the arguments advanced ro the road, as located, are mat ii. th ready a mail route; that it can be com pleted for from uu w i.uw, it serves a most populous portion 0 the county; that the road can bo buil and maintained ror less money - the other route; and that it used more. The chief objection that it is not, properly speaking, an ance road at all, but simply a country road, as it does not lead directly int the city. With a change in the r6at ing of the first ten miles, there woql be no further objection. Mexican With Hidden Stiletto in Possession Now mthe City Jail Special Agent Martin of the Bur lington arrested a Mexican at a lat hour Saturday night, and escorted hin to the city jail. The Mex had a hug stiletto, with blade carefully wrapped ... 1 I - I 4 MAMCMM III cloin, conceaiea uuouv uu ycovii, and his actions attracted the atten tion of the agent, who arrested him near the passenger station and un covered an eight-inch blade after a search. The Mexican has. been heb wnce Saturday awaiting the filing et. chargeB, and will probably be tried in,, police court on a charge of carrying concealed weapons.