TIIK Al.LIANCK. I IKK A 1.1), Tl'ESDAY SKlTKMIiKlI 12. l!-LM. nvna S,c3ocieivL ters. u if Anna and l'rtty, and son, .Mli:inr i.-itors Saturday. Attorney l'rcd Wright, formrily of Srott -Mull' but now df Omaha, was in Alliance today. ('. W, k l;w on'l of I Inn no, Cord wa in Alliance Monday "ii l'U-irn-ss. Pan I Ioc.-5 anil family expert to leave Thursday for a few days' visit with Fled HiHiiitf ii.nl family. Civil les W'ntteyne ami Clyde Wat tcyno and families motored to Srotts bluif Simdav. Miss Mario Kibble went to Mitch II Turd.iy on a business trip. The members of the Alliance Scot tish Kite Ladies' cluh huve planned a picnic for the lirinton jrrove for Thursday afternoon of this week from 2 to 5 p. m., or ven later. The wives and families of ull Scottish Kit Ma Mns are eligible to uttend. A com mitter of -the club members met at the Masonic Temple Monday niht and completed arrangements. In event of rain, the picnic will be held at the Masonic Temple. Kvcry ono attending is asked to brinp a Wsket lunch. Coffee and wieners will b! furnished by the club. Those who can furnish automobiles to take the crowd to the grove are askel to tele phone W. R. Harper. The club members are planning a eerie of entertainments during the winter. The' first of these activities will be a duck supper, which will be announced within the next few weeks. Chailcs Rrittan returned morning from l.imoln. whcie been attending the state fair. Friday he has Mrs alives place : the Red fox winning by n score of 10 to 7. Vogel and Garrett were the . n. i .... . i. ..i i- " ,,.tIati I. Mitchell is visiting rel Hiawatha. Kas., for which left Monday. Mr Frank Shrevp returned Mon- from a ten days' visit with vps in Lincoln. wimam .M.iunier is nursing nisi Miss Klsie Simpson will leave for right arm, which was badly sprained , Omaha tonight, where she will study i uiy or iwo Hgo lien ne was crantt- music this w inter. ing me cuy s lire uuck. ine arm is iuite bally swollen, but no bones wtre broken. The ladies of the Christian church will hold an all day meeting at the church Wednesday. The day will be spent in tieing comforters. There will also be election of .officers for the circle. Th Alliance Rotary club will hold another ladies' night entertainment Wednesday evening at the Fern Gar den of the Alliance hotel, at which time the teachers of the Alliance schools will be special guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Moore of Central City, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Owens, left for their homed this morning. E. B. Smith of Bridgeport, former ly of The Herald, was in Alliance on business Monday. The Indies' Guild will meet Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. Harry Gantz as hostess. Mr. ami Mrs. A. M. Miller inn ford were in the city on Mondav. of Hem-1 business ' II. C. Smith of Ant'ocli was in nno Saturday on husins. Alli- C. went ness. I . to Kerr of Chadron the lUiick garage Saturday on busi- .luilgv !,. A. I'.erry loft Monday for Chadron on legal business. Charles Safford and Pick Martin were visitors at Minatare over Sunday. K. C. Prake went to Hyannis Mon day Morning on professional business. Foster May of Hemingford was an Alliance visitor Monday on business. Mrs. Kthel P. Lively night for Columbus, O. left Monday ( KKAMLKV HASF.MALL TK AM TAKKS KKVKM.K ON T. I. A. pi-s.-ei info rvie the prior gaim., toirellur with the injury of Catcher Mcintosh, and Hie general inability of T. I'. A. stand bys to onncl with Ihn ball, either from the Im ine.-s end off the bat, or v th a fielder's mitt, was repnmible for their downfall. The Creamery nine v-ji primed up to the imit. Their team played tight baseball, with few errors and con-si-tent fielding. Pitcher To Id threw j air-tight ball for four innings, never l limiting luit me man to get past lirst base. I nter in the game Garvin went into the b, ami the T. 1'. A.'si secured their only scores in the game. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. K. Johnson of An tioeh were Alliance visitors M on Lay. T. L. Rriggs, a rancher north Antioch, was in the city Monday. of The Alliance Creamery baseball team have felt that they had some thing1 coming, ever since their defeat at the hands of the T. V. A. team a few weeks ago. The second game of the season between these two teams was played olf on the fairgrounds dia mond Sunday afternoon, which re sulted in a crushing defeat for the T. I A.'s. The final score was 1" to 4. Several things were accountable for the defeat, say T. I. A. supporters. The loss of Hob Morgan, who was SIIKKNKW. Kthel hal taken Kdith into her con fidence touching the manner, of I er husband's proposal. "Why, I felt so parry for the poor fellow,'"' said Kthel, "do you know his voice actually struck in his throat?" "1 don't doubt it in the least?" sakl Kdith, "but however did yoti know ha was proposing?" "Well, you kcp," said Lth.-1, .with a blush, "1 took a lip-reatrs course ut college." The choir of the M. E. church will hold a rehearsal at the church Thurs day evening at 8 p. m. Mrs. Pun and Mrs. Tate will be hostesses, Mrs. Inez Punn'T.ir is director of the choir. honor. A plea.ant evening is antici- pated, and the committee in charge of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhein returned the festivities is making elaborate Monday morning from Lincoln, where plans to insure a pleasant evening for Mr. Rhein attended a meeting of the the pedagogues. director. of the Nebraska Retail ' Hardware dealers association. r 1 A number of Alliance attorneys at tended federal or district court at Chadron Monday. County Attorney le Basye, Penrose Romig, F. A. Bald, Eugene Burton, H. E. Gantz ami William Mitchell were among those who tried cases before Judge i Woodrough of the federal court or Calvin D. Walker an.l family and Judge W. H. Westover. w ho held a I )ilcl Metlan motored to Marsland I City Manager N. A. Kemmish and .wife celebrated their eighteenth wed Nling anniversary Monday evening. Only the members of the immediate j iamny were present. special session of district court. Charles A. GrifTis of the A. H. Jones company left Saturday night for his annual vacation of two weeks. He will go to Linn, Kas., where his fam ily resides, and will also visit a few days with E. G. Campbell and family of 'Crete. Mr. Campbell was formerly a resident of Alliance, where he was in charge of the city light department. Ed Reardon, -Carl Rockey, John Ievtu anu jonn ing wne numnn . k m.nisn l p-ion'men who went to Scottsbluff Sunday to attend the fun- era! of Archy Irons, who waa killed in ' action in France and whose body was hipped back recenty. Archy Irons , enlisted at ScottsblurT in Company G -of the Fourth Nebraska Infantry. Mr. and Mr. Will Wiker of Sheri dan, Wyo., spent the week-end with the former's brother, Al Wiker. They are on their way home from a trip to ilowa. They left Monday for Pouglas, where they will atten( the Wyoming State fair this week. Al Wiker ac companied them to visit with other relatives a few days. Sunday to visit Mr. Metlen's daughter. They also 'visited the Agate oil well and the fossil beds. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hagen, who have been in St. Joseph, Mo., since their marriage, returned to Alliance Saturday. They expect to" make their home here. R. E. Knight, who has been in St. Joseph hospital for the past week, re covering from an operation, is expect ed to be able to return home Wednesday. County Attorney Lee Basye ffi turned this morning from Chadron, and spent the afternoon in Antioch on business connected with the Kranse aetata V Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Drake and daughter, Mardell, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Donovan went to Scottsbluff Saturday evening, returning Sunday. Knita Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Edwards, of this city, left the first of the month to join the California Girls Troop in Wyoming. Miss Edwards received her training in toe dancing from Miss Edythe Wil liams, who is now conducting a danc ing class in Alliance. J: Mrs. Minor Morris and mother, Mrs. Addie Durham, motored to Lakeside Sunday with Ed Bishop to take a look at the oil well. While there the drill struck rock and the drillers had to pull up about four hundred feet of pipe to see if the drill was damaged any. ' I . Ieonard Pate, son of Mr. and Mrs. W R. Pate, and Clarence Kibble, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Kibble, left for Chadron Saturday, where they will uttend Chadron Normal the coming year. The trip was made with h. T Kibble by automobile. Mis. W. M. Rowley of CTnton. III., whn h;s been visitinff at the W. H. LaMon home for the past two week.;, will leave Wednesday with Mrs. LaMon for Sheridan, Wyo., for a visit with other relatives. Mrs. Rowley is Mrs. La Men's aunt. TVw Vnunir Pennies Missionary so ciety of the Christian church met at the "church Monday evening. Chas. Lark ins was leader, and Miss Valen tine Lawrence was elected president to take the place of Mrs. Va'e Smith, who resigned. George Heath is recovering from injuries to his right arm, reecived several days ago while cranking an automobil. The arm was broken. H. E. Jones of Hemingford was op erated on at the hospital the last part of the week for appendicitis. He is reported to be doing nicely. The Guardian's association of the Campfire girls will meet Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Fred Carlson at seven o'clock. The opening meeting of the Alli ance Woman's club will be held Fri day, September 16 with luncheon at the Alliance Hotel at 1:30. Leland Hirst returned Monday from a montn s vacation in Booneville and Tipton, Mo. He attended the Missouri State fair at Sedalia. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Davis and Mrs." Davis parents motored to Scotts bluff Monday morning, they expect to return today. H. A. DuBuue was called to Lead, S. P.. Sunday morning by the sud den illness "of his cousin, Earl Wheeler. Mrs. Nellie Wil-on, deputy county treasurer, returned to Alliance Satur day from a week's v;.cat'on spent in Omaha. f Mrs. Charles Pur-ly of Edgemont was in the citv over Sunday and Mon day visiting her mother, Mrs. J. E. IV-.-. H C. r;elenbau''h of Pewey, S. P., formerly of Alliance, suffered a brok en arm' about five weeks ago i-.nd it failed to et straight. lie came to liance to have it reset Thursday, lie was attended by Pis. Hand and Raskin. Mrs. Bertha lloll'land of Antioch vlio has been seriously ill for the past tvo or three weeks is very much im- nroved. Mrs. llottlaml tormeriy own 4-.1 the land occupied by the town lloiriand, which was named for her. of Rev. Stephen J. KpW of the First Christian church of this c ty was called to Hyannis Saturday morning, to conduct the funeral of an old friends. His pulpit was occupied by the Rev. Mr. Kline of Hyannis Sunday morning. Chester Shreve W Sun lay iionn 'or I.ir.co'r.. wherv- he v. ill attend the Stat' university t'.e coming year. .Joe Ht-iian of ViCocri ind ilauvh- Wednesday Ihuis: ari lay On These Days Only ti1(. Woman's Home t,u.iMv of the Metl.odi.-t meet at the home of Ml- u'.inilnv afternoon at M is.-'onary i I I ciiurcn win A. I. Brown 2::i. Mrs. Newbei g w ill be the leader of the pro- . gram. A cordial invitaimn is i-.i -i.u. to all. r... ,i Mi Wwens left Saturday for a few weeks' vacation in different I points in Montana and the west. s.oIta PieeV nnd the Red Sox play Iridav (Of THIS WKKK) We Will Sell 200 pairs of EDWIN ( LAPP .fil 8.1,0 fine Slioe.s at .SIC PKH PAIR Act Quick The Famous OF COURSE ?, Coat The 'Latest Modes in Ladies s, Suits and Dresses vUR, fashions are ncitlie.r mqre "'noi: less than what they appear; to be x THE BEST and our prices , are always the lowest at "which such apparel can be sold. , : Distinction of design, merit of mater ial, and the truth and originality that re- side in Creative Ait these elements Supreme in Style Ever at the forefront in style" supremacy, the Fashion Shop's showing of Ladies' Ready to-Wear this season presents an untold variety of modes and models from which to choose. All the most necessary whims of fashion are being shown in so wide a selection that you cannot fail to find the garments best suit ed to grace your figure. May we show you? fell alone account for the prestige of our gar ments. ' v v . .7 Character, dignity and good taste most women ever seek these qualities in the clothes they choose. , It is to such women that our apparel appeals quickly and convincingly. ' Material and Color This season's approved mater ials and colors abound in pleasing and striking combinations. We list here a few to give you an idea of our offering: Materials Panveline, Pollan na, Duvetyne, Bolivia, Normandie Moussyne Cloth and Velour de Laine. Colors Ensign, ..Havana, Zanzibar, Burgundy, Tortoise, Reindeer, etc. Trimmings Furs, Mole, Aus tralian 'Possum, Beaver, Beaver ettc, Seal and Astrakhan Iimb. 4 ml LADIES TAKE NOTICE The FASHION SHOP is now the exclusive agents for the famous Wooltex line of aiments. DAINTY BLOUSES Our showing: of Ladies' lIous?s is surpusstd by none. Includes Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Char meue Satin and d'eoiyette creations. Kxclusive "Wooltex" Agents. Exclude "WooJtex" AgentM. d ball at the Red Sox field Sunday. ' t ? w I t.i.i .i 4