Till: ALLIANCE, HERALD," TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 1921. jcpicru k. ATWATt;n & co. 127 Pouth Iowa St. tuam Pumps. About the only thing that business The good legislator is a man wl r need- now is the knowledge that ;-ool ( starts with the notion that I'.l out r.. pains can be had from hat vain . j 20 bills ought to be defeated. ME I ( 1 1 1 o o luii'h. t'llilii iiiimi ; there Julia In It. TMK Noiith Atwater & flout er lie rf.'nl it without WHS llothil (iboill TUT. OlilANSTT.P Ity Flntmee Atwatrr. T : r i I rin'ly Awnrrs OrloU !'i nTllor -t:u:::jj::j::u;:;:u:::::::::::::::u:k The f Imn? t p wass tattd at hi organ 1 mtm . -t s a. a Sv prUSC'lilliK NuW . linn I 'it Voir. Knlf I il'tidhs .si mil. I lit hr . mkM Id Hip KhkI elrHiHf nr AlwHli r t llo.nei Nin. imt HuiMlim ft-i ulttriioiin t JO to i Morciue t p'-i Into the flu'lt'iliiU esllhiih wilnir round It wl'h er lirM eyes to wntrli liim a he 'it by; ttivliiuxl,v h hud token no note of her. FfttUflcd of thl. Mu wnlted until he M at a littU- dltnne, then ran lightly to f lie vo'p, hurried after Mm', mnd Joined Mm. "Why. Mr. I Mil I" she rxHnlinod. In tier mother' moM iollwhed maimer. How snriirlKliiK to n-c you I I pre uite, m both happen I" be walk lug ln tin' same dlreetlon. we might JuM a well keep together." Noble looked pu.e.led. "'Surprising t nee nier" lie ald vniruely. "I NobU Looked Puultl. "Surprising to St M7" H Said Vaguely. haven't leen away anywhere in par ticular. Horeiu e." TIh-ii, nt a lliourlit, he brightened hopefully, "I'm Kind lo ee you, Floreiire. I in you know If amy of your family or relatives have heard when yanr Aunt Julia Is coining lionie?" "Aunt Julia? V'liy. she's out' nf town," said Klornee. "She's visiting different eople she used to know when tdie was away at school." "Yes. I kunw.-'Mr. Dill returned. "Rhe'a been pone six weeks." "Oh, I don't relieve It's that lonp." Florence sititl, mMiully ; tlien with more em ix miioss : "Mr. lull, I win oln' to ask you woincp'ui ; It's kind of j funny ques'lon for me to ak, hut " ' "Ves, she has," Noble Interrupted, though oof senslhle that his remark was mi Interruption, tor lie had heeu unaware of Florence's voice In action 'after the word "hut;;." "Oh, yes, ti hne," he said. "It was sis weeks, day-Itefore-jieMenlHy afternoon. I saw jotw father downtown (his mornlui:, tun) he shUI he d tin'i know that any of llie family, had heard Just when she li coining home. I thought tnayh ome of your relatives had a letter from her hy this uflrniooti's 'mail, inayhe." "1 t:"csi not," nild Florence, "Mr. 1111. tin-re was a iineMion I thourlit I'd iisU you ii's Uii.il of a funny ijiu's. tioii for me to " "Are ,vnu siiiv nohody's hord from Jjmr Aunt Julia today V Nohle in aisled. VI inn- thev haven't. Mr. Pill, I ns oiu' to ask you " !"lt's strnn-.'e." hi' murmured. "I ,. I see how pi ople eall en joy visits I but loii'. should think they'd yet apklous atiout what miht happen a; liome." "h. grandpa's all r ttr 1 1 1 : he says he kind of likes (o hate the house niee and ipiite to P i m -. ! f ; and anyway .Aunt Julia enjoys visiting." I'loreino assured him; "Aunt Funny saw .1 newspaper from one of the places where Aunt Julia's visiting her school room male, that had her picture in it hi id called her 'the I'amoiiH Northern lU-auty ;' it was down South some where. We'd, Mr. I till, I was just say la' I believed I d ask-you " 15ut a sectional rancor seemed to af fect the yoiinu' man all at once. "till. v ye. I heard -about that," he said. "Your Aunt Fanny lent my mother dm liewspaper. 'i'ho-e js-ople in that part of the . 1 ; 1 1 1 r well" He paused, rememberiiiK (hat It was only l'loreiue lie addressed; and he withheld from utterance his opinion that the Ciil war oimlit to be fo.iht all over iu'aiu. "Your father Kiild your irraudfather hndn't heard from her for several days, and even then she hadn't said whet) he was eoiiiini,' home." "Nti, I expect she didn't," s.il 1 I'loi wice. "Mr. I 'ill, 1 was p'in' to ask )ou Komep'u it kind of a ipieer kind of question fo,' me to ak, I t'less " nhe paused. However, he did not inter rupt her. Keeinlnjj preoccupied with Klooui; wheieupou Florence permitted berwlf a deprecatiry lauyh and con U.iucd : "It mieid be iou'd answer J'ea, kopvricht. 1921- bwik Dell Sundtcotc.Inc or K mlylit be jouil answer no; but anyway I was jroln' to tisk you It' kind of n funny ipiestlon for me to ask, I expect but do you like poetry?" "What?" "Well, ns ihlnus have turned out lately I K'fss It's kind of a funny finest Ion, Mr. Hill; but do you like IKietryV Noble's expression took on a cold ness; for the word hrouxtit to his mini! n thotijjht of New land Saunders. This was a poet of Noble's age, who wrote vtrses to Julia that too-lovely, absent aunt of Florence's. "Do I like poetry?" said Nohle. "No, I don't." Florence was momentarily discour aged hut at Jier up- people usually possess an Invaluable faculty which they lose later In life; ami It Is n pity they do lose it. At thirteen especial ly the earlier months of thirteen they are still able to set aside and dismiss from their minds almost any facts, no matter how audibly those facts have asked for recognition. Chil dren superbly allow themselves to be come deaf, so to speak, to undesirable circumstances; most frequently, -.of course, to undesirable circumstances li the way of parental direction; so that fathers, mothers, nurses, or gov ernesses, not comprehending that'this mental deafness Is for the time bclnjj entirely genuine, are liable to hoarse ness both of throat and temper. Thir teen Is an age when the fading of this gift or talent one of the most beau tiful of chllillmod begins to Impair its helpfulness, under the mistaken stress of discipline; hut Florence re tained something of it. In 11 moment or two Nohle Dill's disaffection toward poetry was altogether as If It did not exist. She coughed. Inclined her head a little to one side, in tier mother's manner of politeness to callers, and, repeating her deprecatory laugh, re marked, "Well, of course It's kind of a funny question for me to usk, of course." "What Is, Florence?" Noble Inquired absently. "Well what I was saying was that 'course it's sort of queer ine askln' If you liked poetry, of course, on ac count of my writing poetry the way I do now." She looked up at him with a bright rctidincKs to respond modestly to whatever exclamation his wonder should dictate; hut Noble's attention had straggled-, again. lie failed to comprehend what she had set before him. "Has she written your mother late ly?' he asked. Florence's expression denoted a menial condition slightly disturbed. "No." she said. "It's goin' to he printed In the North Mud Daily Orb ole." "What?" "My poem. It's jihoulrn' vi a men anyhow that's pi ili'l.v the best thing In tl,-.lBncss iiinI they're goln" fi have I: tomorrow, or else they'll have to settle' with me; Hint's one' thing -crttiin! I'll bring one over to your bouse and leave it at the door for yiut. Mr. Dill." Noble had hut a confused notion of' what she thus generally promised. However, he said, "Thank you," and nodded vaguely, "Of course, I don't know as It's so awful good," Florence admitted Insin cerely. "The family all seem to think It's something pretty much ; but 1 don't know if it Is or not. Really, 1 don't!" "No." said Noble, still confused. "I suppose not." "I'm half way through another one 1 think myseli'll he a good deal better. I'm not goin' as fast with it as I did with the other one, and I expect it'll he tpiite a ways ahead of this one." Sin' again emploved the deprecatory little laugh. "I don't know hov 1 do ii, myself. The family all think It's sort of funny ; I don't know how I do it myself; but that's t lie way It is. They all say if they could do it thev "re sure they'd know how they did it; but I guess they're wrong. 1 presume If you can do It, why It Just comes to you? Don't you presume that's the way It Is. Mr. Dill?" "I guess so." They bad reached bis gate, and lie stopped. "Vou'rorsure none of jour family have heard any thing today V" he asked anxiously. "From Aunt Julia? I uon t think they have." Ho sighed, nnd opened the gate. "Well, good evening. Florence." (ioiiil evening." ller eyes followed him wjs fully as lie pasod within Hip liiehiMiie; then she turned and walked 1 1 1 1 i I ! v toward her own home; but at ih coiner of the next fence she called ever her shoulder, "I'll leave it with .our mother for .von, If you're not home w hen I bring It." 'What';" he shouted, from the vi cinity of his front door. ' i ll leave it with jour mother." "Leave vvhatV "The poem !" "oh!' said Noble. His mother handed him a copy of io first Issue of the North Fnd Dally 1 :e. the next day when he came NK8 OK Th E clTY "The Candidates for mayor at the election nie Mr. I'. N. tJordon nnd John T. Alilo. The contest is very great between these candidates. "Holcombs chickens scph AtwHler's yard a He says chickens are a city of this size. get In MH. Jo god ilenl lately, out of place lu "Minnie the cook of Mil. F. L. Smith's resldlsence goes downtown ev ery ThrusdH.v afts about three her reg ular day for it. "A new ditch Is being dug across the Mil. Ilenfy . Vance hackyrad. ;Tis about' dug but nobody Is working there now. Fatty Fairchihl received the highest mark In declamation of the 7A at Sumner School last Friday. : "Half's grotcey wagon ran over a cat c the Mr. Ilayfort fondly.""" tied. the driver of the wagon staled be had not but was willing to take It away and burg it somevvheres tJeo. stated regret and claimed nothing hut an accident which could not be helped nnd not ills team that did the dam age. "Miss Coltield teacher of tie 7 A at Sumner School was reported on the sick list. We tiope she will soon he well. t j 1 a In nottiM If a Hi I f ul wonts of vnpl unci r I r Hut lie K'di a fciKrtt oruatiEUp and HlWtlVg Wh'-n the mil Is fnry An I Ihf mind Is dreary. I wotild tUe to t an urganttip rated all day nt Whetlif-r my iptSm tght b Talrtlielbt or Mor I would piny music like s van nmen 'the way It sounds In a ch'irch ot new Kalmcritie - N iV ' cent Adv. poetry 30 cents up. AtwntfT A Hooter. N'ewepHpi-r Uuilding K cm la per year. Such, ns Is sometimes snid. was the first issue, complete, of the North Fnd Dully Oriole. Florence wns not Im mediately critical of some distortions of meaning in the body of her poem, dup partly lo Atwnter & Hooter's nat ural lack of experience In a new and exacting trade; partly to their enviable unconsciousness of any necessity for proofreading; and somewhat to their liflste in getting through the final, and least Interesting stage of their under taking, Florence's poetn being, in fact, so far as the printers were concerned, mere hack work and nut I climax. (To Be Continued) Opinion in Amsterdam is outspoken to the effect that the natives of Hol- ham! should he referred to as Holland ers, not- as Dutchmen. It is possible that "Dutch" sounds to much like "Deutsch" to be pleasant to them. Herald Want Ads Results. "There were Ity this week. several deaths In the "MU. Fairchihl father of Putty I'niichild wni on the s'ck list several I (lays nnd did not go to Ills ott'ue but is out now. I "Iter Krlsi) the cllauffettr of the Mr. It. ft. At water family washes their ar on Monday. In using (he hose he turned water over the fence ac:-lder.i-' : ami hii l.ooole 'he was WO""''' ' In back of MRS. Bruffs who called , him some low names. Hen told her If she had been a man he would strike ; her but soon the dlstrnbaucc was at 1 an end. There is a good deal more of ' other news which will be printed lo our next NO." - ; ' ' Advertisement A Poems ) Cent Kaih L'p. Wednesday Thursday and On These Days Only (OF THIS WEEK) We Will Sell 200 pairs of EDWIN CLAPP $18.00 fine Shoes, at $10 PER PAIR Act Quick TheFamous OF COURSE i Youil V Never Be 'Really Satisfie . ., with anything less than a REO! -,''' - -: . . We say this conservatively, with all due respect to our competitors,' who are building excellent cars and trucks. Once you realize the inbuilt quality that is characteristic of HEO, you are never quite contended with anything less. r;1"' T. i rx j , Jv V ' I kbAi t , ...... ..... iiafwr- -"-- '!,!t"Bi llf I Heo T-6 It is always a pleasure to demonstrate just what REO will do in the way of performance, and no test is too hard for the UEO to make. Luxurious riding qualities, coupled with economy in upkeep, is what endears the ItEO SIX to the heart of every owner. - Heo Speedwaijon. For hauling of every kind and purpose, the Speedwagon fills the bill in a most satisfying manner. Speedy, powerful and dependable, it "delivers the goods" quicker and more economically than any other truck on the market. The new low price puts it within reach of all. A. H. Jones Co. lleo Cars and Trucks Alliance, Neb. MCE jifl ia -' ) l' Service Brought to Your Door Cleaning Service, that guaranteed kind, which costs no more than the ordinary kind is what we have to offer you. Let us have your next order for Clean ing, Pressing and Repairing. Our work is guaranteed to plcace. HAVE IT READY It is now time to look over your Winter Suit or Overcoat. Phone 133 Keep-U-Neat CLEANERS XtXtitXtttXtXttttttttttXtttttX''. The Welcome Silver Receives As her presents are received, each gift of silver brings a fresh exclamation of genuine delight from the bride. For she knows that for daily use and entertaining she will need much silver ware, and in the use of her wedding silver she will take keen delight throughout life. tf⁢ It has been years since we have had such complete and attractive stocks of sterling and plate. Now that prices are considerably lower, the purchase of silver for gifts and one's home can be made at very reasonable expenditures. Salad Forks, $3.00 to $10.00 EATON'S HIGHLAND LINEN (The correct writing paper J A U1W Now back to 50c a box. CANNING DAYS ARE HERE, And we are headquar ters lor canning goods. Tumeric Alum Dill Seed Celery Seed Mustard Seed Caraway Seed Cassia lluds Mrs. Trice's Canning Compound, etc. THIELE S The Situ H t.li a Cuaiuu'.n U'uAout RiJ Taft Ir t: It