'ROBE TALES MISTREATMENT OF HARVESTERS .k.m) jruv will hi: ti.i.i-:i AT SIDNKV. THE AI.UANCK, 1 IKK. -M.I). TDTSDAY SKPTKMKKK 12. 1021. Vill Invcstiaittp (harm's Against County SlnrifT. Sidney Mayor and Other Local Official. A prand jury invr.-tiiratior into rr orts of itllced assaults upon and naltrratmoiit of returning harvest 'lands at Sidney has lu-en asked for by mnty Attorney A. K. Warren of 'heyenne county and the request has t een granted hy the district court. The ;robe will start some time before the late for the ojeninvc of the reguai fal court term at Sidney, which is October. 17 In a lettej- to Governor McKelvie, . nforming him of these developments, the county attorney says that he did not at first give much credence to the harpes of brutality made against some of the police officers, but that facts he has recently obtained, lead him to think that there may be more founda tion for the stories than has been sup posed. An assault said to have been made y a Union Pacific night watchman ,t Sidney on a young- harvest worker vho happened to be member of the American Legion caused that organ- zation to take up the matter, with the result that the watchman has been .trrested and is being held for trail n a criminal charge. The victim, ac . orclinir to County Attorney Warren's "etter, was "only temporarily" injured. Nabbed a Hootlcggcr According to the county attorney, ;he excitement which grew out of the .alleged abusive treatment of men .oming into Sidney on freight trains has done some good in an indirect way. One result, he says, was that some of "he American Legion boys confessed lhat they bought liquor from a Greek vho runs a store, who wa.f arrested and fined on two counts. Warren says he will bring action tp close up the place. Relative to the accusations about mistreatment of harvest workers, the county attorney thinks they have been much overdrawn for the most but says lie is ready to go ahead and uncover 'he facts, whatever they may be. "There has never been brought to :his office a single complaint regard ing the actions of the police officers n this county," his letter asserts. A telegram and a petition received er for one of the Sidney papers, came to Lincoln to demand a 'hearing before Governor McKelvie in ieir.,,,1 n, charges again.-t the otVicia's, but the! ow-rpor w;is out ,.f the Mat" at that I time and slip told her storv to his pri- I vate secretary. State Sheriff livers.! Assistant Attorney Geneial Port' and' io or three others 'Many New Soldier j Cases Were Handled I Hy Clean-up Squad A many of those who complained of j ,T , ' n:ist,eatment are non-residents of No- " '" orasKa anil nave lelt the state, it i. likely that their testimony cannot be secured tor the grand .ion at Sidney. jury investiga- A lario peiroitage of new ca-es disabled ex-service men need- r vocational train ing are reaching the Kroner authori ties in the states where the "Clean-up" squads have been at work. This in- foi mnt'on which has reac hed Central division headquarters in Chicago from I Ked Cro.-s workers who are ro-oporat-: inif with the American Legion in the j 1 cal work of the squads throughout the niti" states of llUmvs, Iowa, Min- I IX sot.'l. Montn:l. 'i br:islf:i Vm-tti i.n.l Affair nf Tnnr SI 1 uth Pakuta, Wisconsin and Wyom- Toughy M'Clurc Has Disappeared Since mg. by Approximately 10 ir cent of the Walton (t. McClnre. better known "aes t bus far 1 ('ported fi om Nebraska his soubriquet of "Toughy,"' a thir- ,l:lvp ,M'pn now elaims. Many of these een-ve:ir-d.l tenor of the sandhills, i wnr vr'erans did not know of the as has apparently (lisjippc.-irnl from the 1 si",:mrp to which they were entitled city. If not. he has kept off the'un,i' the news of the squads visit j streets much better than he ever lil ! , f,;,ch'''1 them. In Iowa, another state t oeiore in nis youni' and somewhat I " M is wen under way, the eventful life. The newspapers are percentage of new cases approximates given the credit for his disappear-1 ao, H'r cvnU ance. I 'I he effort to form a contact be- A week or ten days ago, while tlie tv"en the disabled men in various' Arington Stock company was running! p'nuinities and the War Veterans) its tent show on West Third street ,,u,pau through the local agencies of: Toughy undertook to wreck a. per- ,n, American Lee-ion and the Red" j formance, and very nearly succeedol. I ',a materially assisted in plac- He indu'eed himself in snmo mnct I nff many claims in adjudication.' fluent profanity, directing it p.t Mrs. Iucn ' this work is decentralized and Arington and the bandmaster, the lat- !s actp,l "Pn in the district offices ter boxing his ears and applying 0'n;tea through Washington thus foot to the seat of the lad's trous- avoiding much delay. Many old claims ers without effect. arp alii Pt into such shape by the Sheriff Miller was directed to bring' visit ot f"iiatl members that they will the boy into court, but he was not ! ,)C K' eatly expedited. to be found the next dav. The day following the first of the booze raids began, and the officer.; haven't had time to worry about Toughy. Now that affairs have quieted down some-i what in police circles, another search was made Monday, but no trace of, the youngster was found. It is be-' The church and the pulpit are ex pected to minister unto the spiritual side of man which is starved by he conditions of modern existence, says the Louisville Courier-Journal. And that is a very important side, more important now man ever, considering Alliance Elks Thank the Hot Springs People for Their Co-Operation At the last session of Alliance lodge No. It. P. (). !:.. the committee ap pointed to ns-ivf the Camptire Girls in r.ii.dnir money for their camping trip this - limine!', nas instructed to thank the people of Hot Springs for the co operation that made the trip a success. The committee, consisting of S. W. Thompson. A. V. Gavin mid Kdwin M. lhiir, hav forwarded the following let ter: To the People of Hot Springs: Greeting: Ihiring the visit of the Alliance Camptire Girls to your city last month the people of Hot Springs' as a whole, and many individuals in particular, extended extra-ordinary hospitality and by word and deed expressed great good will toward our Campfire unit, :md toward our people as n whole. At the last session of the Alliance Lodge No. 'Mil, Itenevolent and Pro tectivo Order of Klks the Campfin Committee was directed to extend tc the eople of Hot Springs the heart felt thanks of our whole community and in particular the thanks of the Camptire Girls and of the Klks Ixlge Your kindness will not soon be for gotten, and our people want you to know it was appreciated. Alliance Ixxlge No. fi, U. P. O.E. Uy the Campfire Committee, S. W. THOMPSON, Chairmar. KDWIN M. ISUKU, A. L. GAVIN. TimEn Surgeons have grafted paw on j little boy baby who was born without them. It wouldn't have been neces sary if the child had been a girl, a: it seems to be regarded disgraceful for a girl to have ears. Iieved that relatives have managed to 'the rapid advance of materialism. get him out of the city. Judge lash. After talking dollars and cents all has announced that Toughy's last day : week, going from home to office, and of grace has long since expired anil ! from office to home, readinir matter- that the next time he is brought be-jof-fact newspapers and conversing fore him, a suspended sentence to the j with matter-of-fact people, the aver- leiorrn scnooi win be nut in eflectiage man who eoes to church wants something besides the prosaic and the ugly. with as little delay possible. Twenty Per Cent Cut On Freight Rates on Live Stock Is Promised Twenty per cent reduction of freight rates on live stock except hor- t, .. " : .. wa on, i m,w in- i J he attention of automobile manu ating west of Chicago, and w hich the I Victuiel s 18 myited to the urgent need roads will trv to m-ibo cir.,ii..0 c.l101" a car ituiniied with an temper : zu, was People who are strong for prohibit ine- things might stait a movement to prohibit the use of canoes by all cr sons who cannot pass an examination in plain and fancy swimming. Uruguay's prison system is being touted as the best in the world. Judg ment must4e reserved until one finds out whether the recommendation comes from the prisoners or the others. Though it is hardly a cause for wild enthusiasm there is still much encour agement in the fact that the business failures in the United States in June were fever and involved a smaller to tal than those of nnv othir mon! li since last November. Here's a man who handled 510,000 pounds of concrete single handed in one day, and wfyose lunch consisted of milk. Wonder what he could do if he ate a little meat? ignition can be' turned on'onlv . i- i .mnmnl nt1 1 'ninn I r" 11111 WHICH hy the governor at diferent times. 1 Pacific hen.lni.n-tpi- :itm,l-. v l'' a man not under the influence of a signed by forty-two different men, al- the Omaha Dee. ' I partially realized- ambition to get leged that Sheriff McDaniel, Mayor The reduction will remain in effect ! ,ll unk" Grabill and other local officials, had until December 31, 15121, according to i countenanced acts by -their assistants present plans. ! j 'A ptory says that a baritone singer n beating up harvest workers, robbing "The emergency situation surround-' " discovered after an aillness of five ihem of their money, and practicing ing the live stock industry" said the ' niont19 that he is now a tenor. That fther indignities upon them. (announcement, "was largely' the basi.? ' 8rems confll'm the old fling to the Governor McKelvie gave out a state- for the conclusions of the" Interstate 1 e,. ect ttlat a tenor is not a man but a ment Saturday expressing himself as Commerce commission, who suggested -disease. ntitiflAfl that tho rffiov hn.l Ana 4U..t ...l.:lA 4 1 . . . .1 -v..w w i v. I 111,. I .11.11 LllttL 11 II II' Lllfr II I'M1! IHIliK V.'lll'O TWIT If he can properly be harnessed, the sun will be one chef who will not strike for higher wages; but on the other hand nothing can keep him from going out nights.- Americans are eating eight per cent less meat than they did 20 years ago. Well, you can't reasonably expect your teeth to be as good as they were 110 years ago. ian unusual public SALE ANNOUNCEMENT 7.") Head of KcRistorcd Hereford (utile lo lie Sold by Tied ET Thompson tuid It. I Fnulhahrr at the Fred K. Thompson Haneh. 1 Mile Kast and 2 Mile South of Thedford, Thomas County, Neb. W i: I) N K S I) A Y , S K V T E M V E R 28, 1921 Sale Commences at 10 o'clock A. M. Sharp At this time and place we are going to sell to the highest bidder, without reserve, a draft from our well known herds of Kegistered Herefords, con sisting of 70 head of Registered Cows and Heifers of the same breeding anil of equal quality as we arc keeping in our reserve breeding herds. These cows and heifers are mostly own laughters of such well-know Anxi ety sires as North Picture by Heau Picture; Young lloatman; Heau Mous A by Heau Mischief; Heirs Anxiety Mh by the Heir; Heau Victorious by Heau President; Heau Paladin by Domino. The large part of these cows and heifers are selling either with calves at foot, sired by or are safe in calf to our famous Herd Sires Heau Vic torious by Heau President or Donald oy Domino. We especially recommend these cows and heifers for founding new herds. They are exceptionally well bred in the most popular Anxiety 4th lines of breeding. Thy are bred to two of the foremost Hereford sires in America. They have been reared and handled under regular conditions prevailing throughout this section of the country. They have never been pampered in any way and they will go into their new homes and make good under any reasonable conditions., Ii. L. FAULHAWOR, Hrownlee, Neb. Hesidea these 70 Select cr-ws H't heifers, we are sellirfft ft head of real Herd Header Young Hulls. We feel it is a privilege " that w are able to offer five of as good aad richly bred young bulls as we ar going to sell in this sale. These bulla are not too closely .related to the cow and heifers selling so that several complete foundation herds may b secured at this sale. The five bulla consist of one son of Old Domino, two sons of Heau Victorious, a grand son of Domino and Plight Stunway and a grandson of Heau President and Heau Dandy. This is your greatest opportunity to engage in the breeding of Kegis tered Hereford Cattle, the most profit able, the most pleasant and satisfying business with the brightest future or any branch connected with the farm or ranch. We expect no fancy prices, we know there will be many reul bargains. We most cordially invite you to come to this sale and buy at your own value what is, in many respects, the season's most important offering" of Registered Herefords. Terms of the sale will be cash or acceptable bankable paper. For a catalog, or any further in formation, write either consignor FRKD K. THOMPSON . Thedford, Neb. Herald Want AdsResults v v i, iiivi v win it VV 1V1 III I :luty. The original telegram which reach ed the governor from a man claim ing to have suffered abuse at the hands of Sidney officials was sent from Lodgepole, dated August 22, and read as follows: "August 21, while passing through Sidney, Neb., law-abiding citizens re luming from harvest field work, the county sheriff and w ith five other men overtook us on the Lincoln highway Dutside of Sidney and without cause attacked us, took $12 in money from .is and a suit of clothes. There was line of us and we are willing to swear cut a w arrant to testify against them." This was followed some days later y a long protest and petition with j signatures of 33 other men who claim- i to have been mistreated or to have vitnessed mistreatment of ime other f their number. They declared "hemselves to be peaceful and law .ibiding citizens. "Sheriff McDaniel an dother of-' -ficials mistreated us mot cruelly, .'lubbing and beating us with clubs".", :he communication assorted. They .if-ked protection again.-t assaults. Report One Shot and Killed. The statement further asserted that -everal of the young men had been vounded and that one had been shot and killed. No credence is given to "his last assertion, nothing has been iieard from any other source in regard o a killing. A letter was written to Sheriff Mc Daniel enclosing copy of the first tele gram as soon as it was received. In reply he made a complete denial of the .negations and said they were without foundation. Mrs. Francis Knox, a woman report- or themselves unreasonable, that it would be well if a reduction of 20 per cent in the present live stock rates were undertaken, except on hones and mules, observing as a minimum a rate of f0 cents per 100 pounds on all live stock. "It will be the endeavor of the lines to establish these rates etfective Sep tember 20 to expire Decembr 31, 1021" Herald Want Ads are read. j "Poignant pessimism" is said to be I the dominant note of the effort of the Harvard class day poet. Aside fron i poetry, no doubt the young man is I feelinjg pretty good. I Nothing makes Mr. Citizen any : madder than to go to market and buy j four pounds of apples for 2" cents, I and then find that at the adjoining . stand the same apples are being m1I at the rate of five pounds for a quar ' ter. On These Days Only Wednesday Thursday and Friday (OF THIS WEEK) We Will Sell 200 pairs of EDWIN CLAPP $18.00 fine Shoes, at $10 PER PAIR Act Quick The Famous OF COURSE An All Star Cast Imperial Theater "Where Every Seat is a Joy Spot." TONIGHT, TUESDAY, SEPT. 13 "Held by the Enemy" Lick Molt, .one.s Ay res, Wanda Haw ley, Leu is Stone, Walter Hiers, Robert Cain in a story of the Days of '61. Comedy ""GOLFING" ADMISSION 9 and 36c and War Tax. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14 AL CHRISTIE'S 6-RE EL COMEDY 'SEE MY LAWYER' With T. ROY IJARNES in His Original Role 2-Reel Comedy "ONE REST PET" ADMISSION 9 and 27c and War Tax 100 FREE COPIES-Shcet Music Given to the Ladies. 44 CLEOPATRA" THURSDAY, SEPT. 15 MAY ALLISON, in "Are All Men Alike" LARRY SEMON, in "THE STAGE HAND" ADMISSION 9 and 27c and War Tax It's High Time to Fill the .Bin With Winter Coal Every Now and Then a Frosty Morn ing Reminds Us DO IT NO Wl You have probably been trying to remember to call the coal man ever since the frosty mornings began to appear. Don't put it on" a clay longer you're going lo need it badly some of these days, and then we'll be busy with others who have put off ordering. Buy Your Coal NOW And Save Trouble Later Present Prices On Coal Present Prices are as follows. Best grades, well screened, and delivered. COLORADO LUMP, per ton $15.50 COLORADO NUT, per ton $14.50 KIRBY LUMP, per ton $13.00 KIRBYEGGNUT, (Furnace Size) $12.50 KIRBY NUT, per ton .$12.50 All Grades $1.00 less per ton at our bins. ' SPECIAL PRICES ON CAR LOTS. Phone 545 A iance Creamery Co, amnnniMHiiiiiirrtiiiiiii;;i ::i in n f i 1 1 1 i mi 1 1 11 uMiiiiiitiiiirm r . H...',i''''','HH.'.p'.'t.H