Tim ALLIANCE, llEKAl.H, FRIDAY. SEPTEMISEIl !). 1!2I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Wnt to bur lomrthlnf T Hun rd of propi uran thf Want At columns loo km for what you r others h to offer. Get quick results by advertising In Th Hra.J Want Ad department. RATES One cent per word pr Insertion. Cost no more lhan tlier nrwrpapcra and we arunr intfe that you reach teral hun dred more readra. Uuy circula tion, not hot air. WANTED WANTED Six-room house unfur nished, with garage. Call phone 170 or 757. ' tf THE LIVESTOCK MARKET School began in Angora Monday , ElUv oi th business visitor A-dnesday with Mis Ruth l.op.in in charter ! uml I'luilay. of the upper trades ami Miss Alice Seho.il ilnv nre niT.iin wHn mtAHA Wh Wf ,, , ''on in rh;nro of thp lower khuIps. Iiur wJuol under Miss Salvia C'ig, n?J?.r JSLhSZA . .. 'Mr-nl .J: and children, ;. In tauRht here throe year, pieyious, from Kh ppers for hotter grades f :fn,m whit.n larf WuI(.r wpnt ,,v t,,lin hops on Mi . rrre.pt,. halted the sharp ,,,, ,;,,, ,;,fKki N,,H!.k). whrYe ho "I"?":. lpr"': ' will attend hiirh school this vear. Tl . . ; ,,a'- 'Vlh Elys returned home Friday. S'E LU l1!. 1- h'-'-. 1 The lecture iven bv He v. J. II. XI in l.uirt iv I kiwi.-, (( , -, Tit! i nnw well tmilir 11 - u-itK lin l....r I ' '". "nil Hi' ' .. t ... I ... . l . K Ml U IMIitllK' 111 11 . I'lllit' ..In ..... , .. . , MIM f ill he 1 1 xpecieil. John D, more plentiful and hct'er this year Diw-tor Ahbr.-tt of the Smithsonian lhan ever before in the san.1 hill tni- tory, For ioukIi, dry skin, use II ud- rmt'u Oiiiritvil Trtilet fVralp. 1! K'Scullen & Hwhinan. 211 Box .nil .mm mi ,., Til. II Ll... mute, iiy i m ramr1 Cummll ..,.,... t... I . -IK ' I.'IICT " S! ' ' t m.'inmii.-. viiiii mil , it. ' institution puvh Venun i, much more like to 1e inhabited than Mara, but we feel mire that whether she 1, or not, it. is not goinK to change the es sentia' fart that the earth is inhabited by u tribe of creatures who are bent on eating, but who strenuously object to hoeing tb rem crop h. $.7o; bulk packing grade-, i':2:fi .fit. of Alliance, at 1 love's hall Friday r..1.t ...... . 11 I MAn.l.,.l in ' iMklli Vtl.- 'MI L .11 II ll i III inn i ' i'itti r i. , ,.,,., fhy a very large r.udienre. He will be I Ai 11,1-, Keceipts, 3.0(0 KW u . . . i i t,., f,-..,lv f J-.. I. t i here again next Friday and everyone Sl TV fl fh r : " ,,a,1l,nirs- should come and enjoC the meetings. lu-L'ur S :"ly to The next meeting of the CommunUy H.IOUVT. i..i. .. :n i :.u ..... i. l'.l.,.,. SII!.'.:PPim.I.. I-. iw..i. I. .. . i'U"iH fiui,iir.iiuni .t i IJi .. i .i.lil'li: liil :im w ; ... .. .-.. i S t; rZ, y ? Mr. and Mrs. l.yle Carry ent Sun- FOK SALE FOR SALK at a bargain a three room house in the best pail of town. Just the place to live while you send your children to school or while you build a larger house. Thone fioO or address Box 368. 82-84 price paid for string of 1.700 brad of L'tahs; ,-heep stronir; wes top. s:,.,".(i' feeders siroor. $7.1(1 paid late Wed i.esday for choice feeding lambs. AKNSAS CITY, Sept. S. CATTI L Keeeipts, 3,S0t). Beef steers, steady to strong; spots, 10(1? I'.c higher on medumi grades; top, $J.:V; grassers, S4.2.")!o f!.7"; all other classes generally steady; most cows. $3.G0(ff 4.o0; grassy l-nirnr.. )-.-.. r. :n. c t.o.nii ....mi, runners, mostly heifer I J-2.0()(3,2.2r; practical tcp on vealers. FOR SALE Potntoe at 30c per '-'-oo; hardly any stockerg and feeders bushel at my farm 14 miles eat on sale f Yale Siding. Phone 813Fl$. 821 "OttS Receipts. 3.0(H); market un- een, steady. Rest lights and mediums FOR SALE Giant rhubarb, grawn to packers and shipiers, fS.50; choice Mnce July f, for canning purposes. 2.r5-pound weights, SS.30; 27a to 300 G. W. NATION. " Tfr-STp 1 pouml $s.00ci?S. 1 S ; bulk of cales. ?7.40 m oatv nc tp Any t :Kf' S',0: ton' ?'r,; nio?;t throw-out FOR SALE OR TRADE Two ton ' ,ws. s.-.T.-.fffr.iiO: fat nio-s. 2. lower: --- " Republic truck, motor rebuilt and in first class condition. Will consider Alliance MILLER. property. COURSEY & FOR SALE One regi -ered Red Poll bull, one 6-foot vertical Jones tower. Eugene Rosenberger. 74tf FOR SALE Big type Chester White Honrs; b?t of breeding. Thone S01F11. D. E. PURINTON. 71-tf few at S..j0. SHEEP Receipts, f.O00. Sheep gnerally 2."ic higher; western ewes, $3.50; Iambs, 2(J.r0c higher; best Ltahs, ?S.C3. day at the W. N. Thompson home. ELLSWORTH. "e Mias r ire insurance o-n.iany, v... in Ell.sworth Monday i.nd Tuesday Notwithstanding the m-ont roi.l of- loorf'ng alter company mtere-ts. A,l-'fia nnnoiinrement that there would jU-lnients were made apm th cas of! V. Moore and F. J. I M lnry which' vviTc recently t'estroyed ;y 'ire. '1 lie ladies of Ellsworth weie en t"itained at i Kensington at tin home i i' Mrs. V: Wihtnian in honor f Mr. Wifhtinan's ifter, Mr-. I . k . of v!iioid, Sask. All irpoited a nio.-t i i', oyable aftei noon. Mr. and Mr.-'. J. R. P'nthv ,vho have In en employed at the i l:j:rd. and " im.-tock summer hori: for the LiLt Sunday the ball team journey-j tin ee months, departed by the "o "i to Whitman whei-e the faste.-t gameilnr route" it-r Scottsbhn ', where Mr. l';i.gler has positum at a s.igar leet T;. torv. be no reduction in the t (tinnier priee of anthiacite, Philadelphia retailern have reduced the price $1 a ton. Pret ty nearly every time sonubody pre dicts that prices will go no lower they do. ed of the season was playl aguinst the fastest team in the sand hills. Whit man certainly has pome record, 15 games won and 1 lost, but they enme so close to losing another Sunday that nothing was at all comfortable for them. The game started off in a rush with Schonard to bat for Ellsworth who made three bases before the in ning was completed, we being unable however to score that inning, but the way we started out, Whitman could easily see that no easy pickings were foe them that day. .The box score: Ellsworth ab r h fo e Schonard, 2b .5 0 13 0 Young, rf 4 0 12 1 Arms, 3b 4 10 2 1 Black, ss .4 0 2 0 0 Wightman, cf ..4 0 2 1 0 Robinson, n ..4 0 12 0 HOGS 1 Macumber If 4 0 0 4 0 Dwiggin.-, lv 4 i) l .1 l 0 3 1 Seebohm, c 1 0 FOR SALE Old papers. 5 cents bundle, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE Good used cars. A. II. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne. tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Letitia Cole, Deceased. To All Persons interested in said es tate: Notice is hereby given that S. H. Cole, administrator of said estate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the County Court room in the City f Alliance in said County, on the 3rd day of December, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of hearing, adjust ment and allowance of claims against .said estate. All persons having claims r demands against said estate, must file the same in this Court on or before December 2nd, 1921, or said claims w ill be forever barred. Dated September 1, 1021. (Signed) IRA E. TASK, (SEAL) County Judge. (Sept. 2-27.) ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Sept. Receipts, 4.000; market steady with yesterday's close, lOffT'iOc lower than yesterday's average; top, Ss.u.j; bulk, $(.2r)Cs.r,o. CATTLE Receipts'. l.'00; market slow, steady; steers, S4.2"(fi !i..r0; cows iir.il heifers. S3.2."ifri O.oO: calves. Sii.00 (a i !l.()(. t I P.. Abbott, ss SHEEP Receipts, 3.000; market ! Waite, 2b . rour cars ei cattle vn, he shipped i from Ellsworth Sunday. Mr. II. E. Young, two; J. II. Wehr and Pan XYil-j cox one each. Sunday ami Monday Richard, and Comstock will ship pi'x cars. Cattle shipping :n, I e ;n very siow mis season out many will go from this point before the season closes. However, many are contem plating hold over as hay ai.ii feed is Drintiat iV Box I IVOTO-NIGMT- 111 Tomorrow Alri ii Tomorrow Alriyhi; !Mli ALLIANCE PlUiU CO. NOTICE! No trc-pin ir.tf w ill be permitted on the following described property: South half of section 34, township 2-1 north, range 4r. west of the sixth P. M., nil in Box Butte county, Nebras ka. All trespassers will be prosecuted to the full extent cf the law. 74-82p C. G. REEDES. WELDING GEO. II. llREf KNER 210 W. 3rd We Can Handle it Total - -Whitman King. 3b H. Abbott, cf - 37 ah 5 I 4 4 steady to strong; lambs, $7.2alS.r0; ewes, SS.OOC'wS. ' ANGORA 8 20 h so LEGAL NOTICE. To George Dryden and Percy Dry- kn: Mrs. Ed. Noble left for Lincoln Wedneslay after a two weeks' visit with relatives here. John Shoopman made a business trin tri Rridirpnnet Satimlav. Miss Francis Glan left for Casper Double plays, where she expects to stay with her mother and attend high school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Ely autoed to Bridgeport Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lewellen and chidren were entertained at the Venell home Sunday. Mrs, Brown from near Vance at tended Sunday school in Angora Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown spent Sunday at the R. T. Ely home. Lucille Hull left for Hemingford and Eloise Turman for Aliance Sun day morning where they will attend high school the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boon and Haylett, if 4 Miller. If 4 Maupin. p 4 1 McCubbin, lb 4 0 Carpenter, c 4 1 Score by' innings: Ellsworth 000 100 000 01 Whitman 000 010 000 12 I Summary Two base hits, Black (2), Robinson,, King, Abbott, Maupin. s, isiacx to second to Dwiggins. Stolen bases, Arms, Dwig- gins. Carpenter. Left on bases, Ells worth 0, Whitman H. Walked by Robinson 1, .by Maupin 1. Hit by Robinson 1, by Maupin 1. Struck out by Robinson 5, by Maupin 20. Umpire Murphy. Time of game, 1:30. Sunday, September 11, Ellsworth goes to Bingham for the last away from home game of the Feason. Black of Alliance, who is now with the Ells worth club permanently, will be on the mound for Ellsworth. Sunday, September IS and 25, two home games will be staged with the Oil Magnates and Whitman. Arrange ments are being made whereby the daughter, Alice, autoed to Bridgeport club will go to Mullen for a couple of Saturday. games during the Round-up and carni- Marian Jennings of Broadwater was val. September HvJ7. a visitor at the John Burrv home Sun-1 Prominent business men from the ,av- 1 surrounding towns motored to Rush- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dove left for ville lat Monday to confer with the r-.;r,. itiiiiiv nVlit wVipip thev will county commissioners to lay out an i.a i r : . i 1 : t.u.l nlnniV tfiii fipr the north or You w ill take notice that on the flVn' a ,a""';v umn. .. "i- " " " ri nirton r ght of ?rith dnv of A.iiirust l'l'M Ch-irle, Po- being Mrs. G. A. Doves birthday. south side of .he Burlington ngni oi Sff.s ! cu ed 11 onlli of attachment Miss Leota Henderson spent Sunday way. Mr. Seebohm and Murphy rep- sehus caused an oi del of attachment with friem, in UriilReport. resented Ellsw orth and they report of Y TTjerrv Jus ce of the Pea e Miss Vh-ginfa Ronbrger of Hem-, everything coming along fine. The or Ij. A. eil, justice oi me reaie ... , , , .., ,1WoVnr too-nthor with rountv stayed friends. until t All;onn llnv VtuttA r'niintv . k...i, tnv tho cum nf i home from IJenver Forty Dollars ($40.00). That under said order of attachment, garnishment has been served on the Chicago, Bur lington & Quincv Railroad company, which Company has answered that it is indebted to defendant, George Dry den, in the sum of Forty-five and 30 ' 100 ($45.30) Dollars and to Percy Dry don, in the sum of Sixty and 07-100 (f 00.07) Dollars. That the said action has been continued to October 18, 1021, 10 o'clock A. M., at which time you are required to appear and show cause, , if any you have, why said lunds should not be applied to the payment of plaintiir.s claim. Dated Sontember 0th, 1021. CHARLES ROSELIUS. Rl-Srt Plaintilf. Wednesday and Friday visiting with officials will be in this vicinity within two weeks and on of the suggested loutes will be chosen and opened up Mr. Hatch, of South Dakota, is here as a public toad anil in a snort time visiting his son, Bert ami daughter, both and state and federal aid will be Mrs. Vinnie Johnson and families. given and a permanent road will thus A baby girl was born to Mr. and be constructed.' We are a'l behind t.ns Mrs. Charlie Lambertson August 20 project and realize that this will help Mr. nnd Mrs. John Hull both business and value of our land LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN From my ranch on Section 12, Town ship 25, Ranee 51, Box Butte county, Nebraska. 13 Red Steers. 3 and 1 years olda. 2 Red l ows. All branded m on right hip. Liberal reward for information lead ing to recovery. Address W.M. BUT LER, Fowling," Nebraska. S2-S". OMAHA GRAIN MARKET OMAHA, Neb., Sept. K. WHEAT No. 2 dark hard, $1.24; No. ". dark hard, $1.21; . No. 1 hard. 1.21 (ft 1.22; No. 3 hard, $1.2(K 1.21 ; No. 3 .-pring, $1.22; No. 4 mixed. SI. 14: No. 2 yellow hard. Si. 10(o 1.20; No. 3 yellow hard, ?1.17'1.1S. CORN No. 1 white, 41U-c; No. 2 vhite, 4 fit; No. I yi How hard, 45' ac No. 2 mixed. 41'ic. OATS No. 3 .while, white, 32 'yc. yellow, 4.c; .No. . No. 1 mixed, 4 lc; No. 4 PLATFORM AMENITIES. sked "Is the 11:15 train on time?" the suprrcilllous travi Irr. "She is," .-aid the station nia.-ter. 'I'm rl'l to hear it. This i the dulle-t town on earth." 'Maybe it i-," -aid th station mas ter a- he si, at loin, balaiitly at the neare-t cu.-p'i'lor. "but there ain't go.'n' to lie no niitice.ilili' d ifi renee in it after vou'e -une. "Birmingham August, 30. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Ballard and niece, Miss Bcmice Virtue, of Des Mo'nes, Iowa, visited at the Venell home la.-t week. Mrs. Ballard is a sister of Mrs. Venell's. Margaret. Robert and Kerwood Kelly will leave Monday for Sidney where they will attend shcool this year. ( A tlance was given at the Ward Miles barn Saturday night. A laige crowd wa-- in attendance and an ex cellent time is reported. greater than any project now in .iew. Among the men who made the tup to Rushville from surrounding towt.s are W. W. Gilbaugh, Jas. Willy, M. L. Kincaid, Howard Schelledv. L. . An-der-on. Dr. Moore, W. F. Seebipm C. I . Murphy and many others. Great interest is being shown in the Lakeside oil well operation ; nd now that drilling operations t ie u n'er w ay many are motoring to Lake - tie daily to witness the work. E. H. Chick connected w'.th a St. Joseph u.mmission catt'e irm v.s an fa-Any Amoirat BIG OR LITTLE Bring in your wheat, no matter what amount you have car lots or less-r-and wo are equipped to handle it. We have just installed three hugs bins-holding one :aiload each that will enable us to take care of you as you wish. You don't have to wait until you get a carload, we can accommodate you at any time. GRAIN BLOWER IS WORKING Our grain blower is on the job now, and practically makes an elevator. Painting and Paperhanjing GRANT HALE Work Guaranteed. Corner Third and Cheyenne - . . . . . . . MOVING, PACKING, MORING AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE Vhrn It's Your Hate. Let U Know" Office Phone. 15; Res. 681 and Blk. 730 Call Us Up or Come In Wc Can Take Care of You. Farmers R. J. TRARERT, Manager Phone 501 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law Oflice in Reddish Ulock Let Me Cry Your Salea R. A. WYLANl) Auctioneer 1232 Mihsourl Telephone 384 L. A. RHRRY ROOM I, RUM Eli BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Optometry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Oteoptky! DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 8C5 WiUon Building Real Estate, Loans and Insurance ' 1 F. E. REDDISH Reddish Block . , tl REAL ESTATE , B: Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. C. McCORKLE, Manager Office Gromnd Floor First National Baak Phone 661 Allii'ne Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Live Stock and General Farm Salae PHONES: RES. NO. ltt OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successors to Wallace Trans fer and Storage Company PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Please" Geiie Byrne. Snyiv-- 'Thanks for Now yoo .si Y OH -iki yZiZl 5r QuteT V -Tttrxr Rock rO "'-y Pr?'LU TKE foot J TsfroBSoa 5EC0Hv0 I r -"' 1 TWO r K pot. w nu J S? 'r .A I' - r 30 , ... ... V - 1 fi-tLh" -'- ''-. It- THMS JUiT ) Tt POSE. . -3? .-V - .... 5 V.-. y--o v. . , ' .'' . k ' . -'' 1 . isr . . ' ..r ;. .. vc ;-y-- vh.s. s. ' Vs - - -'A To the victor of war debts. b.'loiig the collection -i j, . '.