TIIK ALLIANCE, HETIALD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921 5XBB3 Tonight and Saturday IMPERIAL Tonight and Saturday IArbuckietn" "BREWSTER'S MILLIONS" ffl5& USUAL SHOUT SUBJECTS AND COMEDY m C()pies of 25c sheet NO ADVANCE IN PRICE, 10 & 30c f Muic Away free. 100 Copies of 25c Sheet Music Given Away FKEE. SUNDAY, SEPT. 11 JUSTINE JOHNSON in Plaything of Broadway TOONEUVILLE U COMEDY Skipper Has His Fling" SPECIAL ALL-STAR CAST Man Trackers' A Drama of the Far North in Canada. Usual Short Subject and Comedy MONDAY, SEPT. 12 New Admission Prices Starting Sunday, Children 9c, Adults 27c PRICKS SUI5JECT TO CHANGE ACCORDING TO RENTAL OF ATTRACTION, WITHOUT NOTICE. And War Tax More Spud Raisers . Interested in the Certified Seed Came. Applirat'ons for ct-t tif iralion of spoil jiotatoes in Nebmska covt r d HoH j.cres this year, which is nearly double the acreage entered b.-t year, accord ing to H. O. Werner, state potato fpocialist. The second field inspection, just completed, brings the qualified acreap-o down to 77"r and the third and final itispection, to ho made in the bin sometime in October, may eliminate the equivalent of 12.1 aeies, ieavinir ;.1() acres, or about 00,000 hudiels of certified seed for market, 'i he total certified of the P.O cmp was 22,(MH bu; hcls. All but .'.0 acres of the fields under observation for cei lificution this year are liliss Triumph.,, if town nin.-tly for soulhrrn shipment. Only fa Ms in dry land territory arc; considered, and 1" per cert of the acreage is in Box IJutte County. FOWMNiJ The haymakers ate sorr yto see so much rain falling. Lotinic and Kmest Wilkins attended the bit? celebration al." Fr.irview. and leport a hijf crowd and a fine time, Mrs. Hrus and duejitcr, Clara, were callers at the Mann home Monday afternoon. Clarence Kilpatrick is ettinif ready for cold weather, as he is hauling a big supply of coal. He hauled several loads for Wilk ins in his trucw ulso. James Katon and family were Al liance visitors Saturday. They were ouught in the rain on the way and pent the niht at the Charles Moore horn. School started in the main district Monday with an attendance of ! pupils with Miss Hutchinson as teacher. Nels Peterson wits a caller at Law sons Monday afternoon getting some horses to break. Mis loa Wilkin went to Heming ford Monday for a visit with her uncle, Harve Sedore of that place. Johnny Durke was an Alliance caller Saturday . Sunday school was not very well at tended last Sunday. All the men were busy. We expect the Presbyterian minister out nest Sun. lay to preach. f Kveryone was surprised to see the piound white wi'.li ft..t last Tue.-day 'nurning. The dance. at lUiskin's was well at tended Saturday night and a irood time repotted by ad Mjnar Christon Mn was the" volinUt. Hal old Watkiti-i is mnimd in this country renewing old friendships alter ;in absence of a year and one-lvilf, which time he spent in the army. He was stationed at .-111110 camp in Wash ington. He says he bus no kick on the army. He had a .-.n.ip, as he was a musician first diss. Harley Urooks took dinner at I'd Wilkins' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kiipatrick and Mr. Hanks motored to Alliance Sunday evening, returning Monday evening. j Ab Hall started to take Miss Nich o's home Sunday, but he had bad luck with bis truck, so was forced to co back home attain. Lou Hood and Jay Hall shipped sev eral cars of cattle to St. Joseph, Mo., hatunlay. I here were only four pu pils at the Nelson school Monday. More will start after the haying is over. Jean Hall returned home Sunday after several weeks' stay wilii hei (it andmother Elsea. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Mann motored to Alliance Saturday. Miss At line, kept the children at home. Harold Watkins went to ')u-kin's dance with the Wilkins boys Sallied. ty ii'jrht. We tind.T. tand that Jay HaM' ha' e chaneed their plans and Mrs. 1I.1II has accepted ib I'evrell school ir tin's wilder. We are jrlad that they iire not leaving the country. Miss Lva Simpson is teaching the Johnson school again this winier. The little Misses Helen and L'dilh .Crawford visited their grandparent in the andhills last uei-k. VVliit.. ilmw I they went to U joining to visit an aunt. We hc-ir that Johnson's have all the rie watermelons they can u.-e. We understand thiit Charles Tin.et not hear the particulars of the case. Frank Kane of Alliance is helping Mr. Wilkins with the haying. Harold Walk ins spent Sund ly night at the ranch. Miss UoU'its of derinir will teach the Hall school this winte.r. ' Mrs. Ferguson took dinner with 'lis. Klsea Wednesday and then went to town with the mail carrier. She left for Iowa and other eastern points for a visit with relatives. Jake Klsea and wife, and a sister, Miss Clera, motored to Alliance Tuesday. pent Saturday , playing with Miss A rime Mann afternoon at Klsea' Jean Hall. Hill I'.utler is hunting a bunch cf stray cattle which strayed away last wfk. Mrs. Hutlet's sister is not expected to live. Joe Kennedy took N'els Peterson to (own Saturday to get hay men. They returned with only one man. Mrs. . F.. Hurlbuit visited with Mrs. Klsea Wednesday afternoon while Norie went to I.aur.-en's. Ed W ilkins motored to Alliance Thursday p. m. Mr. und Mrs. N. K. Ilurlburt mo tored to Alhance Mioay. We are very s-orry to hear that Mrs. Thompson is not expected to live. She is at her home in Heminet'oi'd. with the housework for a while. inpford. William Kyland was here from Wyo-1 Carl Has!: man visited at Lore's mint? the first of this week. j Tuesday. Miss P.elle Weibiing went to Alii-, Elmer Essex ha sold his crops on ance Monday. jthe Hert Acheson place, and is going Mrs. Klise Ash ami daughter were away for his health, in town on business Tuesday after-j Mrs. J. I). Dillon is helping Mrs. C. noon. ; Moore during threshing. Charles Carey was a Lakeside vi ..- Miss P.oWca Schwaderer is nt Leo itor the first of the week. . : Hashman's helping take care of their Koy Stoop drove in from the Star new son. ranch Monday. 1 Mrs. Marl Nichols stopped off in Al- Wi'lie Hudson went out to thejjanoe. yhe is iroinir to teach ut the ( harlos urr Home northwest ot town 1 Winton school near Hemingford. For touffh, dry skin, use Hud nut's Original Toilet Cerate. Scotten & Hershman. 214 Uox Hutte. "Try This Drug Store FIRST." ts- i,akksidi: Cecil Osbovn wis k'eked bv a horse Monday at the Ode pluck ranch, lie was found in an unconscious condi tion with one car almost several from his head, lie was taken to AllianO" where it was also discovered that one hip was injured either by being kicked or by the horse stepping on. It was necessary to take einht stitches to dress the ear. He is reported as doing nicely' at the time of this writing. Iola Sooer is staying with Mrs. Highland and attending school here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zurcher moved to Hemingford this week. Their many friends regret their departure. Theve will be a baseball game on the home ball diamond next Sunday. Miss Mable Speer is spending the week with Wilma Westover i't East lakeside. Heber Hord of Central City, Neb., was in Lakeside on business the first of the week. H. S. Fullerton drove up from his home southeast of town Monday and trok Margaret Hagg out to assist Tuesday. POINT OF ROCK CRKKK Murgueriette Lore spent Sunday at home. Miss Nita Evans called at Sherlock's Thursday. The dance at I.:;rCn.Pr..insfiH.pf s tended and all report a tine time. Frank Kane i.- helping Ed Wilkins wit h his hay crop. I LiU'e Miss Maxine Vaughan is on the sxk list. Miss lva Wilkins is visiting in Hem- district Monday. Feed Nichols is on the s.cK list this 1 week. J Mrs. F. E. Nichols vi.-ited at I-co Hashman's Monday. s Mr. McCorkle spent Tuesday in this, vicinity. A. L. I.e-e called at Alex Under-1 wood Tuesday. . Pen Svan.-on motored to Alliance Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee How land has a new baby girl. Miss Jos.-ie (lacker started her 1 school in the Ha.-hman and Vaughan Now the Harvard undergraduates are to have music daily to soothe their nerves while undergoing the exams. We fancy the trombone and saxo phone will be the instruments pre ferred. Only jazz strains are adapted to the .neurotic disorders of this time, says the Houston Post. Sometimes ir. is hard to tell what ails our civiliza tion most whether it's rotting at the top or dying at the root. A California farmer says he en countered a snake that was longer than a wagon tongue and they haven't decided out there yet whether it is, at this particular time, a knock or a boost for California. Perhaps styles are designed to cheat railroads on the age limit. NOTICE Dodge Tourinff Car for sale for the re pair bill. . Completely overhauled and new tires,, absolutely .in first class condition. . Inquire of Geo. H. Brcckner Welding Shop West Third Street Knock the "L" Out of SlaveSAVE! .. .. Your Depreciation Costs Would Pay for an Implement Shed mi Make up your mind that you're not going to slave all your life, by making it a rule to put aside so much each week to take care of you later on. Just think of the old folks that you know, whose happi ness and whose very life itself, depend upon the generosity of some relative. Make up your mind that you're not going to hi that way, when you get old. Save now and be inde pendent later on. ' You can start an acwunt here with $1.00, and you can continue to add to it from time to time, with a feeling of utmost security and confidence. For this bank is safe, sound and conservative, and pays o'c interest, compounded semi-annually. First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska 4 Your expensive machinery soon goes to rack and ruin when ex posed to the elements. There is no better way to save money than to properly protect your machinery. An Implement Shed will turn the trick for you. With your harvesting done, there's sufficient time to build an implement shed before fall plowing must be done. Better take our tip and Build This Year! Come in and let us give you figures on any building you may re quire or on lumber for repairs. FOWLER LUMBER CO. FLOYD LUCAS, Manager Alliance, Nebraska 1