rouit TIIK ALLIANCE IILIIALD, Fill DAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1021. rKKSOX ALS Mr. S. C. T iv-cnd of IVnshHm -a in tlio rity .M'.ndiiy nnd Tucedny f thi ( V. WiPiam O'Hoiin of Hrokrn I'ow i visiting nl thr honif of li if Hunt, Mr. Chailcs !iitt;m. J. I- li'o ! nixl f'1iiirJ' 1 1 it t of I.iikr nwlc jM-iit 'rlni'-il:ty ini'l Thm'.d;iy in AlliiimT on husmcss. I N. Vorhv vill rntcrtnin S. h. Vmrnts nnd O. I. M.llrr at the eountry chilt tonight. Mr. J. T. MOTTKR DKAD Mtf. J. T. Mottor of AUhicon, Kas., ilif it nt St. MarjriirctV ho. pital on Au frxisi 15, at. the flj-e of 40 ypjirs, 5 months ntnl f days. Shf was horn at, Mo., March 10, 1875. Shi wh united in marrinRc to J. T. Motter, July 22, 10U. Mrs. Moltrr Irnvrs to mourn her i loss a kind arid loving husband; n son, lArlic Knodjrrnss of St. Jo.-eph, Mo.; hrr mother, Mary Muntz; ami two vis iter?, Mrs. Karen C'olerick r.nd Nrttie JJrv v. J lti(.K.'..n wreived word ' I'ruery of Allianre; two brother?, Ul- Ihls moininir of the .It j th of her , dan nnd ( ';uYa of V ominR; a sister nothrr at Wiihoo, Noh. Mr. nnil Mr.-:, ('IkhIch Hur.t re turned Wednesday fieri) it two wekn' Visit at St. Joseph, "to. Mrs. Lorenen of Hrmmpfoid brought her hnhy to Allianrt for a fdirht opo"-tion and hri'ther in California, Frank Montr, and Mr?. Nina I'ntterson; unv John Muntr. of Omahrt. In addition to those relatives, she Uiivck a host of friends. Mrs. Motter wa known to a numht-r iif frirti.1x in Alll.'inpa ri a Mrc .TuTi The V. C. T. I', will have u food! Snodcras?. Uelore her marriage she !e lit the Hirst store Saturday, Srp- was Annie Arvilla Mont. temher .1, eoimnrneing at 10 a. m. i A sister, Mis. Nettie Druery, at- Will Mi-Coy and family left yester-1 nd-d the funeral of Mrs. Motter at day by Auto for a two weeks' ramp-1 Atehison, Kas., on August 18. injr trip in the lSlack Hills near Hot i . Springs. I BIRTHS Mrs. Cal Wildy and children o' To Mr. and Mrs. S. I Pelton, Sun IloaMer, Col., who have been visiting day, August 2.X, a boy. Mys. l'elton at the home of W. C. Mounts, left this I is staving nt the home of Mr. and Mr. morning for ScottsMufl", Miss Heatriie O'Ur.van and Mrs. F. M'. Hayes returned Friday from I'almer Lake, Colorado Springs, Den ver, and other points of interest Mr. ami Mrs. b rhildren, IJuth and John teach To Mr. and Mrs. l,eo Hashman, ten miles west of Alliance, Wednesday, AiitTU.-t 31, a son. To Mr. and Mrs. Rrown. Wednesday, I). Mallery arid August 31, a ten-pound boy. Hruce, returned A ron was born to Mr. and Mrs, Wednesday from a ten-day automobile ! Cross of Kb worth at trip to Ienver and Kstes Park, Colo. I hospital last Friday. the Alliance Wear a Good Pair Yourself And Buy Them For the Rest of the Family .1 "i -HIS JN i i " Oxfords for Fall , Tans, Rrown, Illack in Cuban Military and one-inch Heels. Priced from $4.50 to 110.00 Children's Scholl Shoes Brown and Black Kid and Calf Skins. Priced from $3 to $6 Men's Shoes of Quality Black and Brown. All Leathers. Priced from , $2.85 to $10 Those lletter Shoes. Baer-AlterCo ALMA N t'K, X EHK ASK A Those Hetter Shoes. We Will be Open Labor Day From 7:00 a. m. Until 9:00 a. m. ONLY NO DELIVERY MONDAY Take care of your needs' for two days in your Saturday order, please Mallery Grocery Co. "Quality Grocers" WALTON (TOIT.IIV) MTU "UK IS IN HAD ONCK MORI: Walton MrClute, known by the rnu hrifii t of "Thy", i nprnin in baI, due to rtiisin? a diM.urbnnre at the Arinpton sloek company's tent lat evening. He is mid to have used n tirely too much profanity and to have h.-tve been indi.-rriminate in its use. Ho i now under a suspended serdence to the reform sthool and will uriiouht edlv be vr.t there. Thip morning he faile! to show up when fummonrd by the county attorney. The Lutheran church, corner Yellow stone and Seventh, has Knlish service Sunday afternoon. Sunday rchool after the service. Mr. nnd Mrr. II. 1 Hushrell of Kee line, VN'yo., are visiting at the home of V. C. Mounts Their little jrrand (liiuirhter hud her tonsils removed this morninp1. t I lit II laltsrissAre .Bnfsreiit I WrtMaa far Immm Alliance Tire Works (Jeo. Mintzer, Prop Times Bit!g. Alliance, Netniska. i i IMUlUUil'.llilUitUU'iUtll'slVitUlUUlUlV'l "WEEK ENDS" 10c Ivory Sonp 1 1 Two for 11C GOc Lord Baltimore Station ery, Two PI for QIC 40c Peanut Butter yM,. Two for 41 C 50c Blackberry Jam, ri Two for D1C SATURDAY, AT Do You Eat Down Town? You will find our lunches just to suit your taste. A larjrc variety of Sandwiches Pies and Salads, and they are fresh every day. Our cakes are real home make. Try Us Some Day. F. J. Brennan nn wo Saturday and Monday Two Big Days of Real Bargains Children's School Dresses of Gingham and Linen in plaids, checks and plain colors. With cverv two Dresses you buy, we will GIVE YOU ONE. DRESS FREE Sizes: Ages 2, 3, 4 and 5 Price $1.19; two at $2.38 and ONE FREE Sizes: Ages 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 Price $1.59; two at $3.18 and ONE FREE House Dresses TA 11 u Another big shipment arrived this week of those fine Gingham Dresses in the line checks, also stripes and plaids. All new, neat styles for this special sale at $1.59 Bungalow Aprons New patterns in a fine quality of Percale in dainty patterns, liht and dark colors, at 98c Munsingwear Ladies' glove, silk-top Union Suits. V n.eck, no sleeve; also bodice-top, knee length, in pink only. A $3.00 value for this sale only, at . $1.59 Bed Spreads 4 Off 14 Off ' Knitted, Crochet and Dimity In all sizes, 60x76 and up to 90x108, in a big range of patterns. Values $2.50 to $15.00, all going at 4 off. Horace,. Bo gee 5' icore ! , ,1,1 ,1,1,1,1 , 1,. ,t'',l''''l''l. ' iii'i'yivyiWi'it'iyivwiS'yiy'tvv