eh: in Till: ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST CO, 1921. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Commissioners Put In Ten Days Hard Work at August Meeting S: . . . I No. . . ; No The Bo T'.utt fcounty ennimission trr finif-h'vi U a ten-ihy --ion lato- Thursday afternoon of la-t wwk. ami the ofTirial record, comj(ill by Coun ty Clerk Avi Jmlpr, shows an cnor- inous amount of work trun-acted. Tlie 1. ' . ..... i i i '.f, session hoirn on .ut:U'-i i itnn enm-o ,ur"t 2"). Autruot l the hoard sat sis the lioiird of ciii:ili7 jt ion, jinil on hat day romplrteil the makinir f the cointy levy und ceitifwd tlie levies from the state, various school d trict-', the city of Alliance and village of Heminiford. The firt two days of the seion was f-pent in viiwinjj ro:nl. and in auditing jiml iippi ovinir a b;K hatch of claims on the state highway funds . The bond f I.. A. fleriy n- ju4ie of the iteace was fiproved. August 2D the hoard licpan wnrkinir on a l'tc hunch of claims, and appiovini; tln-tn. There vtrc daiio on the ueneinl, road, lend draeRinff and hiidne funds. The balance of the session was taken up vith the consideration of claim-'. Com missioner Carrell was absent the first lay of the meeting, hut ail three com missioners were on hand for the lest cif the lonff session. The official record for Auu-t IK, showinp: the various tax levies, fol low: The Hoard of County Commission rrs met as a Hoard of Kqunlizatinn, pursuant to adjournment.. Members present, Geo. W. Duncan, chairman, C. 1.. Ila.-hmiin, Goo. Carrell, John l'ilk inpton, assessor and Avis M. Jider, rlerk. The following pi occe.Iinits were had and done, to-wit: The Hoard of County Commission ers now having leen in ssesion as a Hoard of Hepatization not more than twenty days and not less than three tlayx and hiving disosed of all com plaints relative to assessment that have Come before them, and is appear ing that the State Hoard of Equaliza tion is satisfied with the assessment as returned by the County Assessor, an per peturns of the State Hoard of Kqualization, which certifies the total valuation of Hox Hutte county to be $1 5.274, X.Vl.OO. The State Hoard of Equalization certifies that the following rate of State Tn was determined and levied by paid Hoard for the year VJU1 on the total valuation for Uok Hutte coun ty. General Fund .1.00 Mills Capitol Hldg. Fund 0.:!0 Mills 4 i No. 4! 7 r,o i r.t 7 0 CD 7fi 7H 7J S) SI 100 121 12". i . i ... i 2 2 1 ... Tota ... 3.30 Mills Now therefore, it is the order of the Board for the foregoing State levies he made as certified by the State Hoard of Equaization, and that the fol lowing rate of taxes be determined r nd levied on each Dollar Valuation of the County for .Count purposes for the year 1021. County Ievy. General Fund Hoad Fund HridgR Fund Mothers Pension Fund .Sinking Fund .4 Mills Indebtedness Fund 1.7 Mills 1.0 Mills .3 Mills 1 Mills The City of Al'iance certifies that the following rcte of Tax was determ ined by said C'ty Council for the year ltrjl, on each lnl!:-r of a.-ses.-ed valua tion of said city, to-wit: Mills (lenernl Fund Supjmiting and Mantaining Sew er system .s Supporting and Mantaining City library .tf Supporting and Mantaining City , Parks, etc. . A Supporting and lantaining Po lice Department 1. Supporting and Mantaining Fire Department .8 Paying Interest and Part Prinri- . pie, Sewer Honds 1.2 Paying Interest and Part lVinci- ple Sewer Kvt. Honds .15 Pavin glnterer-t and Part Princi ple, City Hall and City I'jrk Uefunding Honds .25 Paying Interest, and Part Princi ple, HUH Funding Honds .1. Paying Intere-t and Part Princi ple, Drainage Honds 2.05 Paying Interest and Part Princi ple, WW Having Intersection Honds .5 Paying Interest and Part Princi ple, 1920 Drainage Kxten.M-n Honds 25 Paying lnter-t ami Part Princi ple, 1920 Paving Intel ect:on Honds .. St Total 12.S5 The City of HeiHiiigfi'l certifies that the following rat.of tux de termined and levied by the Village Council of Hemingfoid for th. eai 1921 on each dollar val'it;on o: ihr City of l;ningfoi'd as follows: Mills General Fund , Water 7iwl Sinking Fund ":..2.l City Hall Sinking Fund . .'! Water Maintenance and E.xten.-ion Fun.l r Total 9.0 It is therefore the order of ill's bxird that tlu. County ClerK extenJ on ss se.s.Mnent ;-o!l.--, levies for Alliunce and Hemingfor 1 a.s certified. POTATO CROP PP.OSPEtTS ARE FAIRLY GOOD Total - - - a.G Mills It is the further order of the board, that for Schools, School Honds, Sink ' injr Fund, Interest and High School purposes as reported by County Sup erintendent and County Clerk, by the wveral School District officials to meet payment, thereof, that there be levied against the taxable property of each school district hereinafter named, the rate of taxation on each dollar of valuation in said districts as follows: .(Continued from Page I) per 100 lbs. under the ell'ect of accum ulating supplies, has operated to greatly reduce this shipping of imma ture stock, and digging of matured stock has been slowed uu liv the rains .1 jmhis or the nast week. - The field station for the dissemin ation of market news on potatoes, maintained by the marketing bureaus Of the federal and htate Departments of Agriculture respectively, was open ed at Alliance August 25. Daily bul letins of information concerning pota to fchipmenU and prices at shipping points and terminal markets will, be issued from this office for the next three months and mailed free to a list of some 1,200 growers and dealers who have made application for the service. , ' I 3 V 5? 3 W a. or sr s 09 S. a. 5' No. 1 7 Jw 2 3 No. 3 7 No. 4 7 No. 5 IS No. 6 17 No. 7 7 No. 8 7 No. 9 7 No. 10 7 No. 11 5 No. 12 4 No. 13 7 No. 14 4 No. 15 f No. lfi 5 No. 17 7 No. 18 12 No. 19 7 No. 20 fi No. 21 r No. 22 7 No. 23 5 No. 24 7 No. 25 3 No. 2f 7 No. 2X 7 No. 29 7 No. 30 7 No. 31 7 No. 33 fi No. 34 .... 7 No. 85 G No. 8rt No. 37 -11 No. 3S 7 No. 41 4 No. 42 2 No, 45 . 3 1 2 2 2 3 1 i 4 4 1 1 -. I 3 3 7 6 9 9 20 IS 9 9 9 9 8 5 9 5 9 9 9 13 9 5 5 S 5 9 4 9 8 9 9 9 5 9 C ; 12 9 7 5 3 Sheriff Miller and His Friends Perpetrate a Hoax at Convention According to the Omaha newspaper, Sheriff Jim Miller was one of four men to perpetrate a hoax on the dele gates to the convention of tne state sheriffs' association, which met at North Platte last week. On Saturday afternoon, Sheriff Miller, in company with Sheriff Duffy of Holt county, Sheriff Flitcrat't of Red Willow and a denutv from North Patte. held uu the Clinton jewelry store at North L'lutte and secured $00 m ca.-h and several hundred dollars worth of jewelry. The fake rub'jery followed a discus sion anion gthe delegates as to the ease with which a robbery coul l le perpetrated. Taking only a few men into their confidence, the four men masked themselves and in broad day light, at the point of revolvers, and staged a desperate holdup. The owner of the store and the clerks were not in on the joke. The sheriffs in convention organized a posse and gave chase. Had not the engine of the car stalled, the fake rob bers would have got away with it. Half an hour after the robbery- the culprits were captured in a mea!ow a few miles from the city, and the- ex planation was made that it was all part of the program of the conven tion. The officers t.ok a Ion chance on gvtting shot, but didn't mind the risk at all. IJuy your Winter I'ur this month and sae money. llighland-HoIUiway Co. There will-In? a Bu.-ines. woman's luncheon at Thiele's Thursday, t'ep temler 1. All business women ;;re asked t.o aU"'i- Baby Dresses and Rompers, pink or blue, 78 CUNTS. Ilighland-IIoIIowajr Co. Ciils fine ribbed bbek Hose, 29 cents a pair. Highland-HoSlowny Co. GIRLS' SCHOOL DRESSES, 9S CENTS. Highland-Hollow ay Co. ONE MINUTE STORE TALK A captain of industry, talking to winif oung men recently, referred to the time he wan out of em ployment and bad to bor row Atked what he did with it he replied: I boniiht a fuit for $10 and pent $10 for lunches. Two days later I landed a job and if I ever get broke again I'll repeat the exper iment." THKRi; aim: OTHKP.S WHO KNOW (JOOD CLOTH tiS WIN. HARPER'S- SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. SATURDAY 9 P. M. You n M en The Live Store i: III j' T Is Wonderfully Prepared To Serve You Think of having" at your command in one vast display, the finest clothes pro ductions of ALL the really great clothes designers in America! Think of buying these finest produc tions at new lower price levels, that bring" the cost down to less than the ordinary run of clothes sell for elsewhere! OUR WATCHWORD "Above All Values" IS REFLECTED IN THE SUPERB ' New Fall Kincaid-Kimball Clothes at $35 to $50 And the host of other fine lines featured liere exclusively. See the new Sport Clothes entirely different modeU. See the new Single and Double Breasted Fall Suits FaU Top Coats, Rain Coats, Motor Coats, new models. H undreclsrof Reliable Fall Suits $ioto$i ZU 53 OU r Save $10 to $15 Don't' spend a dollar for clothes until you see how much more solid satisfaction and real quality your clothes money buys here. m. Your Boys' School Suit Is Ready AND AT A REAL SAVING BECAUSE HERE ARE BETTER VALUES AT EVERY PRICE 1SETTER values in boys clothes-better fabrics, better workmanship, that is what careful buyers of hoys' clothes demand and what we serve to you. Low price alone never made a value-compare before you buy and secure t lasting satisfaction in boys' clothes m justice to your boyoutfit him here. secure mi Boys' Better 2-Pants Suits, $10, $12.50, $15, Juvenile School Suits, $750 to $15.00 ! FALL AND WINTER WEIGHT CORDUROY USED IN OUR- Boys' Corduroy Extra Value Suits $7.50 Boys' Knickers $1.00 to $3.00 largest shoeing in the city and emphatically no such values elsewhere. COMPARE OUR VALUES ALWAYS big store 1 r ii mm w SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY