The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 30, 1921, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Wnt t bur otnethlnicT Hun
Sreda of people aran the Want
Ad column looking for what you
r ottftra hmvr to offer. Ort quirk
iwaulla by advf rtiin; In Tb
Herald Want Ad department.
RATES One cent per word per
Insert jon. Costa no more than
tber nrwapHp-ra and we (tunr
antra that yon reach aeveral hun
dred more readt-ra. Buy circula
tion, not bot air.
WANTED Six-roem house unlur
nished, with parage. Call
170 or 757.
(Continued from Pujre 1)
Heminpford Is ith Allinnce.
believe HcminKfonl would assist, or
else to pet the load overseer of the
Anema precimt to jro ahead and .end
Komo money and build the road any
how. It was reported at the Hridjre- this nrecinci nan
The price of the Evening State Jour
nal h leen reduced to $4 a year or $."
with Sunday. The price of the Morn
ink: Journal i $5 a year or $t with
Sunday. These reduction? have leen
in ro.-pone to the ptiMic demand for
juice "come-downs''. Printing paper
till ro.-ts the puU'ishfds more than
A health authcrfly announce that
an easv iol is fatal. Which prove
the admirable
ee leers.
trnvery of the joh
n imillVIU 19 IT H II lllinilir i i iav . - - -
7 ..r u; r.-A 12.000 to u-e on the road noith from
pu ntr e.part and tivinir to force ihe,AnKI"a ," ' " , '
road to a narticuHr no int whi. h pithei t where most of the settlers live, and if U ire as much as lefoic the war. Spe-
tonm" ,p,rttive t,f N'f4,pon -iitli-HtPstn.liinu.-iry 1-EvenitiK Jour.
Keena "head ' this road n:d $1.00; with Sunday S1.25. Morn-
"a.ltn. .'"'"V .'mt.r0T,e af tlie Nx,r L.h,.w It i t, much to hot, that inir Journal $1.50. with Sunday SH.00.
The only trouble about summer
weather is there is always a little too
much of it.
Lie of ive an t'lke to oi.r kV hbori e Heminfrfoid can bo d, signaled as one Tin- Jmn nal is the only morning paper
u u tv , Z I S llwi? 'fo I I, "f the town. on the (Julf-Plains-Cnn-M, mu d in Lincoln, and on rural route.
iunt on tne soutn. iun.mi.Moni Kels v.ti, str biu-h-1 U .i full .Imv .ihend of m.-mv other tate
! I.i II 'fC 1 1 " . VI .'"M". ...... - --
wav if the ne-ent plan is ad bored to) papers with the news. The Journal is
It is said nearly all
Europe) a r.nalty keep
haim; much else to do.
members of
diaries, not
WANTED Girl for
work, phone 173.
peneral house
Mrs. Chas. Rvit-C9-tf
FOR SALE Giant rhubarb, grown
since Julv 5, for canning purposes.
G. W. NATION. 70-S7p
. Republic truck, motor rebuilt and in
first class condition. Will consider
Alliance property. COURSEY &
FOR SALE One vei.. ered Rod Poll
bull, or.e 0-foot vertical Jones
mower. Eugene Kosmherger. 74tf
FOR SALE Hip type Chester White
boars; bfst of bieed.:ry. Phone
01KU. l. K. rURINTON. 71-tf
FOR SALE Old papers. 5 cents
bundle, at The Herald Office.
FOR SALE Good used cars. A
JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne.
FOR SALE Large modern house, six
rooms and bath. Full basement.
down stairs, full basement
ftatjonary tubs. Two-thirds of present
.;,!. Haraire. Terms to re-
Mwnwicikia nnrties. lnuuire at FIRST
FOR SALE At a bargain, Sonora
vkAiKrarhn. Phone 1021. Mrs.
- "rs r- . -
UiJiman. 4-tI
FOR RENT Two large front rooms
furnished for light houseiceeping.
ViyWn evrrot heat. W. L. CARROLL,
20 Bie Horn, phone 1058. 80-P
iit T-aro-e. snuare. lark shell hair
pin Friday, August 19. Phone 74H
er lave at THE HERALD. 779
OMAHA, Neb., Aug. 29. (U. S. Bu
Tt&u of Markets.) HOGS Receipts,
3,000; market ruled slow, with most
classes quoted 1015c higher; spots
on heavy mixed kind as much as 25c
higher; quality as a whole was com
mon and medium, with no full loads of
choice lights included; bulk better
.-raleft. 17.50 8.25 : tot). $9.00; bulk
that a road is of supreme impor'anct
and that the road niut be one that
Morrill county will accept. The Hioad
water road would be the first rhoice of
everyone if it went through a locality
wherp it could he ea.-ily built and could
be obtained forthwith. The facts are,
hnwevpr flint thi llrinili':itrr vninl
ihone I cannot be easily bu'lt, will be very e-
. . I i wn ni-o n n 'i inl i n uiil i.u'imr f i ol-
r-yij- 1 1 II flic iiiuiilKI II UIIU " iiiK n hi-
I ternate shifting sands, and muckv
meadow, it would likely !o impassable
more or less even if built. A few
local people would be interested in its
maintenance and tourists would be
fooled into using it, as they are now,
much to the detriment of their reli
ihe Bayard road is really too far
west for our convenience or for the
convenience of direct r.oith and south
trail ic but it has the advantage of bo
ing through a good hard soil country,
even though hilly, where a road once
constructed could be easily maintained..
It would be a very direct Ho.x Huttc
countv connection for Denver but
would put us probably forty miles
fuither from Alliance to umaiia ami
about thirty miles further from
Ileiniiipford to Omaha. This leaves to
be considered the Rridtreport-Angora
road. Thij i.-i built to Angora and the
Angora people r.t all 01 the meetings
have stated that a road north f;oi:i
Angora to the county line on the weft
side of the track would pass through
n verv irond soil mrt of the sand hills.
except for a half a mile in a couple of
places wnicn would nave io oe sur
faced. This would strike the Ro
I5utte county line a few miles west of
Alliance, not to exceed six or seven.
The missing link is very short and
while any sand hill construction is
difficult, it presents less bad sands and
engineering obstacles than any other
road that goes through the Sand Hills
at all. It is a fact admitted ry an
that only one of these roads can be
constructed in the next two or three
years. It is admitted that the Broad
water road would require years of
work and that the engineering difficul
ties of the Bayard road are consider
able and if any road is to be built at
all which would give us immediate re
lief, It must be the Angora-Box Butte
county line road. Our friends in Alli
ance "have attempted to be very cir
cumspect, astute, and diplomatic,
which is very proper, as we are inter
fering in the domestic affairs of a
neighboring county, impelled . by a
compelling desire to have the missing
link constructed through that county.
of ui'nr l ojii
route?.. We
dv ludt
. nr the-e
bo seven
iiian'.ni! unusual eI!ovt to irne Nehras-
kr.ns the mtwt complete market re-
mile? from thi.- highway to the ea; t o. j ports, cooperating with the state and
us i.nd on trips to and from Omaha, national rovernmrnts in this work,
we can readily l each this 'lig'iway if I The .'oarnal's featuris are being
I r-t rentthi r.o.l continually. Mutt and
it goes by Antcia.
Rahy Drosses and Rompers,
pink or lilue, 7$ CKNTS.
lliKhland-Hollowny Co.
Raps Benevolent Neutrality
Thev started with the orieinal prop
osition that they did not care which
road was built just so they got a roaa.
Naturally this led to the assumption
by the Broadwater people when our
Alliance boosters visited them that Al
liance was. for the Broadwater road.
and when they visited Bridgeport the
Bridgeport people were jusx as sure
tVov wpr for the Rridcenort road, and
when they talked to the Bayard people
ihev were iust as certain that Alli-
nnro favored the Ravard road. Hem-
lingford raised her weak voice always
te tn(7 01; I ...,. , a i v. -
pin)f unu, u.uuiu-i.iu. .lior me uriOgepori-Angum runu, ur-
CATTLE Receipts, 10,000; fed , ijfcVing it was the most direct and that
steers, active, strong to 25c higher; cojncided with the well known views
early" top fed yearlings, $9.50; western of tne state engineer that the first
and native grass uteers slow, opening iu:it road should always connect the
around steady; cows and heifers county seats because Fuch a road
rteady; cows and heifers steady to 25c i wouid carry the largest amount of
higher; bull steady; veal calves, 25 j traffic and serve the most people, eiv
50c higher; Ktockers and feeders, inff tourjsts hotel accommodations, etc.
rtesdv to 15c lower. -lit is our opinion if Alliance, would
SHEEP Receipts 46,000; largest 1- iltV4S concentrated all of her energy on
day's run this year aided buyers m'tne Bridgeport-Angora-Box Butte
jorciDK a ureiine, grunai uwmvv .vi..s . countv line roaa mat tne same wouiu
quoted 60c lower; western lambs sold 'iweived the approval of all of
mestly $7.75S.25; with best here ,he Morrill county commissioners. It
.J.J . a r.ft ou'pc mnvpH slowly. i li- U . l-
$2.GO3.00: feeding lambs, mostly at ,.nrl. nr henevolent neutrality d'vided
rpread of $6.006.50. rather than harmonized the Morrill
county commissioners.
Box Butte Should Help.
It looks to observers like the Hem
ing delegation about the only way
that the road could be constructed
would be for Alliance to come out flat
and offer to do some surfacing, etc.,
We believe it is posib!e nd practi
cal to designate a loid fro.n Alliance
through Ci aw ford by way of lleming
ford as a branch of the Vcllowstone
Park trail thj.t goes ea.-t from Craw
ford through Ca per. We believe it is
to' our interest to have a north and
south road on i.etount of the tourists
tralfic, for our own convenience and
lor thi convenience of buyers of farms
who de-ire to come by auto from the
r a.-t. This last reason is of more value
to the farmers and the firt reason is
of more value to our merchants, gar-
t.ges, etc. It a little brother may ai-
Vise rilS log oioiuei, ue ithiihuj
would advice Alliance do now depart
from their nd icy of benevolent neu
trality end concentrate tlvir fire on
the Angora road on t!e west side of
the track where t'no Angora and
Bridgeport people want it, and where
it is easy to build. The Bridgeport
commissioners don't want it east of
the track throuuh the r: nch country
where nobody live. , and Alliance can
fi"'M-e that it won't to there. There
ij"le;5 r.-.r on th other route and it
will bring more Angora people to Al
liance to go through the thickly set
tled part of the Angora precinct.
"Little Brother" Advises.
The situation in a nut shell is that
ony one road is apt to be built and
that only the Argora road can be budt
between now and next June 1. The
other roads will be built later on and
all of them should be built as soon a
possible. However, the crying need of
this hour is for one road through and
the Hemingford delegation and this
nrwimtwr are Btrontlv in favor of the
Angora road. It is to be hoped that
Allinnre will become a booster lor tnis
road that we favor and will see the
inmn nf th situation. Without a
united effort there will probably be no
road built whatever, wnicn wouiu ue
the worst calamity in this situation
that can be contemplated. If the out
side counties OO not concemraie un
the Bridgeport-Angora road the net
result will be that the road will go by
Tn port in a mflji ut a tree it looked
like the Broadwater and Bayard com
missioners had agreei on nayaru as
h coWti mute. It looked that way
after the intermission at the Bridge
port meeting. Ihe commissioners
were requested during the intermission
to try to get together, and when called
upon the commissioner from Bridge
port stated tnai ne nau oeen unuuie i
no o nttior ttt-o commissioners. Im-
mliat-lv thereafter the Uroadwater
..mmictir.nur vtated that an apree
mont hn.l hwn reined which would oe
announced at the next reeular meeting
of th board It is not hard to guess
what compromise had been made.
Womino-ford is brinmnfr no pressure
to bear for either of these road to be
mnrlrH through Heminirford. We are
content that both the G-P-C and the
v4K star routes vo through the
county seats of Sidney. Bridgeport. Al
liance and Chadron. i ne most we nope
for is to mark a Yellowstone Highway
from Alliance through Marsland, ttei
mont and Crawford to connect with
the splendid Wyoming highway along
the Northwestern railroad. We !o
want and must have an outlet for the
south by next June lrt and in our
i....KU .r.'ni.n the Abiance-Ancora-
Bridgeport road is the only practical
solution of our Uinicuiiies.
IV beimr the latest comic addit:on..
A new serial by the author of the Mri
acle Man is just starting.
Rio; Roundup and Roueo. Fair
iew', Sept. A, 1921. 76-Sl
The new fad. for detachable eye
la-hes is relatively harmless and the
reformers can afford to wink at it.
Ruy your Winter Fur this
month and save money.
Highland-IIoUoway Co.
No tretpAcving will be permit ted on
Ihe following described property:
Kouth half of section 34, township 2"
north, range 4r, wet of the sixth P.
M., all in Box Rutte county, Nebras
ka. All trespassers will be pro.-ecutei
lo the full extent tf the law. 74-S2p
' If your rar is not working, let us make
1 it work.
If jour radiator leaks, let u stop it.
211 Laramie Rear of Herald
GEO. II. BRIX KM.R 210 V. 3rd
MODEL Cleaners & Tailors
203 Ro Rutte Avenue
Telephone No. IS
le prepared for the cool days and ovoninjrs coming soon,
(let out the fall coats and dresses and look them over. We
will fix them up for you li!:e new.
We reline overcoats and put on new velvet and
cloth collars.
We reline ladies' jackets or long coats.'
We put in new skirt bands, or new facings on
your last year's jacket.
We can put a new collar on your last year's coat or jacket
of an entirely new style. Show us 'a picture of the collar
you want; we'll put it on just like the picture.
Work Guaranteed
MODEL Cleaners and Tailors
Phnoe I S We Call and Deliver Thone 18
Painting and Paperhanging
Work Guaranteed. P
Corner Third and Cheyenne
"When It's Your Mote,
Let L' Know"
Office Phone, 15; Re. tSi and Illk. 7.10
Attomey-at-Law p
Office in Reddish Mock
Let Me Cry Your Sale
Auctioneer 1232 Missouri
Telephone 384
niONE 9
Herald 'Ysait Ads Results
Everybody connected with this undertaking establish
ment does his work in a thoroughly conscientious manner.
Everv detail of a funeral service conducted bv us is looked
" -
after in a polite, tactful wav. Our wide experience enables
.us to. serve the public faithfully and well. Connections in
Dther cities.
Glen Miller
Phones: Day. 311
Night, 522 or 535
123 West
Third Street
Drake & Drake
Doc torn f Optometry
Glasses Accurately Fitted
Not Medicine, Surrery, Oiteopatkf
Chiropractors Palmer Seboel
Telephone bC5 Wilson BuildlBX
Real Estate, Loans and -Insurance
Reddish Block tf
Fbone 64 AUitM
Harry P. Coursey
Ut Stock and General Farm Saloa
KANSAS CITY, Auff. 20. (U. S.
Bureau of Markets.) CATTLE Re
ceipts, 21,000; beef steers open, steady
to Ftrong; later barely steady on most
grades; eaily top, $9.40; she stock
mostly steativ to strong; spots, liiy)
,r ."..1 i,..n, o r.n.i mi- lil
lots, $5.G0(ttfi.00; canners and bulls I for Morrill county, in which project we
Fteadv: heavy canners mostly $2.00; .,
calves steady to .r0c higher; top veal
crs $9.00; stockers and feeders strong;
early sales of stockers, $4.50 0.00;
mostly $5.005.50; ftei'ers, $5.00
HOGS Receipts, fi,r)00; packers and
shippers buying liht hogs l.")2r.c
higher; mostly 2'c higher than last
week's cloise; steady to 15c higher on
others; 175 to 200-pound hops, f).30(ai
9.f0; few heavy hops on salebul.: of
ales, .S.10(rt'!).40; top to packers and
f-hirrer?. $0.50; packing sows steady.
SHEEP Receipts, 12,000; sheep
low, few sales ewes u round 25c lower;
fat lambs. 25C,r0o lower; top west
erns. SS.S0; natives, $.50; feeding
lambs mostly 25c lower; early top,
Girls' fine ribbed black Hose,
29 cents a pair.
Highland-IIolloway Co.
Bx Butte Coanty Farms and Ranchea
Alliance City Property
J. G lfcCORKLE, Manager
Office Grouid Floor First National ISaak
OMAHA. Neb.,-"!. 20. WHEAT
No. 2 dark, hard $1.17W1.1X; No. 3
dark, hard, $1.141.15; No. 1 hard.; No. 2 hard, $l.14(;
No. 1 SpriiiK, $1.20; No. 5 spring,
1.0C; No. 2 durum, ?1.0S; No. 3
SI.OS: No. 1 mixed. S1.0!(Ti'
1.10; No. 2 mixed, $1.0v; No. 1 yellow.
hard, $1.15; No. 2 yelow, Hani,
CORN No. 1 white, 45c; No. 1 yel
low, 45'ic; No. 2 yellow, 45'lc; No. 1
mixed, ll'-.c; No. 2 mixed. 44'jc.
OATS No. 3 white, 30'sc; No. 4
hite, 2O(?iC0c
rurir.n uv. 20. WHEAT No.
2 red. $1.25'i-: No. 2 hard, $1.25()
1.25' s.
CORN No. 2 mixed, 55? (?5ic; No,
OATS No. 2 white, SCi-ITc; No.
t white, 3U'i(y J'C
Transfer and
Successors to Wallace Trass,
far and .Storage Company
Howard & Allen
"Ws Try Hard to Pleass"
Gene Byrnes Says: Tiianks tor the Advice."
fessM rS) & rV Choice y roRitTHe .) i
lrroguV I SgTRSJ'KV 3S?S) (, sM 6ROCEReS I ADVICE. j