TUB ALLIANCE HERALD. TUESDAY, AUGUST .10, 1021. nvis 4 Lloyd Thoi.ns r turned Sunday srhnol lawn Wi dncsdav nf'e r.i on ;it Tlight from ,'i week's (rip t(i Lander, i till oi' o'clock. A eoniinittre nimio d AVvo'tr IK', bv :.uto. He iT'its much of Mr?. Charles Fuller, Mr II. K. interest in Wyomirg home trad hauls ! t.nl hi- ;,i.d F -vh.-i t .1. States of Lan- uer, w th whom ho. is wirk;r:g. an en joyinv a ro.hI bu.ir.e.s in locating homesteaders. While at Li.nder Lloyd! took a short trip up inlo tlir Koikies to a famous fishing lake and brought back with him the "hide, head and, tail" of c riiii,lio.v trout which weighed five pounds and was twenty-four inches in length. He says that al though a J rum can catch plenty of I tiout in the mountain streams near; lender at this time of the car the "big fellows" will he biting hotter in September, when the insects become more scar. The trip back lroni l.ander was made in record time, the partv leaving Lender ft 4:.0 o'clock ( Saturday afternoon and arriving in Al- j li:.nce Sivndav night, :V22 miles being. made on Sunday. I.unn, .Mrs. Cy Thomp-on and Claudia loie are preparing the mam. Mr. and Mr--. Calvin I. Wr.lkcr re ceived a telegian Sunday morning stating that their daughter, Miss Vio late, and Mr. V. A. Jatci were married in Des Moines, la., last Satur day. Mr. Jaeuer was formerly em ployed at the A. H. Jones con. puny. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomas visited in Alliance for a few days last week with friends and relative?. Mr. Thomas went on to their homestead near Poimjas, Wyo., and Mrs. Thomas v ent to Gordon for a shoit visit with lu-r mother, Mrs. Grant Hale. Kev. Andrew O. Podge, ;.t present rrcto in ( harge of the F-uiscopal church at Arapohiv, Nebraska, will r-h-.fi nf Si. M.itthews church at v fc- - 1 Al'iance e;-.r! in .Seoieiol-i. 111.' p o j.le here hoped Mr. Podge r-.iij.ht be! licre in time to hold sen ice the l'ut Sundav in September, hut he is at , pre pent on a ramping trip in chame of j the Hoy Scouts of Arapahoe and can-' not reach Alliance until the second j virek in September. Kev. i'o.ige, ue fore coming to Nebraska some two years ago had considerable experience 5n llov Scouts work in Massachusetts Rev. and Mrs. Podge will reach Alli-j hnce some time during the week o. September 4. Kf gular services will be held commencing Sunday September 11. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Lockhart and jsons, Floyd and Glen, and daughters, Alice and Army, who have been visit ing at the country home of li. M. Garwood returned home Sunday. Friday night from Penver and the Black Hills where they have been on theu- wedding trip. Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnyton Sullenbergcr of Marslard, correspondents from that city for The He! aid, wer Alliance vi-itors Tuesday. Mr. an I Mis. 1. S. Ache-on returned to Bingham Monday after a few ti's' visit with i'iinls and rehities in A.ii i.nce. Charles Tiernan. t rancher near Al ii; -lice, was operated on Monday after noun at the ho--pi:.il for hydrocele. M. O. Ni w of Hay Spring brought I a iliild to Alliance today tor an op .i;.tieii at St. ,?o-i ph hospital. Ml-- I lamer oi .Mis kelson, WHO Is I urn- vi.-ii ni: w un ris -on, n.-ui nis un it r broken Monday morning. Leo M. I' ri y of Lakeside was in Alliance i, er S'-.-.td,iv visiting at th" hor.,e of J u.ln-.' 1.. A. 'Horry. Mr. and Mr-. C. H. lltm.iios of Hem ini; !'ot( -pent ti e week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. W . Hik-. Mr. and Mr-. Charles Kennedy'., daughter was o erased on at the hos pital Monday n o'Toni:. Mrs. Lxle's. Merry of Lu-k, Vvo is vistini: at the homr of her father-in-law. J'idj:e L. A. Lrrry. K. I'eter.-on and family of Aurora nre visiting at the home of Frank Lowley of Ilerea. George A. Mollrinir arrived in the city this mornim.', and plans to spend .-f vei al days here. Calvin i. Walker and family left this morn:ng lor a tiip through j;i..ck Hl!ls. Mrs. Mary Chapman of Lincoln W. R. Harper Leaves for Eastern Centers to Do His Fall Buying W'. K. Havpn of the Harper Pe partmrnt store left Alliance Sunday on a huyimr trip that will i-tart at Omaha .where h" will take in the Mar kit W'e"k ecihiation. H" will then proceed to Kansas City. Chicago, and N xx- Yolk. He cvpeits to have a good look around, in older that he may place hi- older-! fur fall delivery to th" I'c-l mix ant.'.fce. Alliance Odd Fellows To Hold a Picnic on Labor Dav at drove ... .,..,, I. f Ur, I iu ...f -nai p. I uii X O I i ... , j . i i i no iieniingioiii ami lliey were accompamex (iarwoi.d. 1 by Mrs. 11. M. IxfV. J. E. C.-uiirs of University Flace was in A!!"r;ce tin.-, forenoon on his wax- to Gcririg to attend the ilctlio- di.-t conference. l!ev. Mr. Carn bo remembered as the pastor of the Fiivt M. K. church of this city a f(v years ao. w::r.r II. I vii. ting at the honu .;' her mhi, Joe i x. napean. C. II. Spcr has bn n enjuviojr a is;t fro:n a friend of his, Van Waning, of Linco'n. Mr-. II. M. Tinkem ha- been acting ... ...1., lianiiir the absence of wiiilnm Oraham of Huffalo, Wyo., l.rother of F.olert Graham of this city, has returned from a visit of several months in the British Isles. Mr. Graham served with the Kainbow division during the world war, receiv ing injuries in France which made it necessary for him to give up active labor for a time. He took the overseas trip in ihs hope of regaining his rtreneth, and is much improved in health and spirits. Mrs. Bert Wilson entertained the members of Kinunka Campfire at her home last Saturday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Janice Adams, who is to leave the city soon for Chadron, -where with her sister, Wanda, she will i.ttend school the coming year. Miss Janice is one of the popular members ef the Kinunka Campfire, and a num her of entertainments are being planned in her honor. The net open house at the Alliance Country club will be held Friilay eve ning, when members of the club will he privileged to invite their fiends from the city for dinner, at the club house and the dance later in the eve ning. The committee in charge has requested that members make table reservations by Friday noon. These pen houe evenings are growing most popular. Rev. J. B. Carnes, pastor of the Alli ance Methodist church some eight or ten vears ago, spent several hours in the city today en route to the north western Nebraska conference at Ger ng Mr. Cames found a number of w fripnds. He has recently held a r.txrato in Florida, and is now con nected with Wesleyan University Place. . Mr-. Leslie Hal! who has been visit in t;- at the home of her mother. Mrs. S. 0. LaMon near Pewey S. P., re turned Monday. David LaMon who has been spending the summer there, came home with Mrs. Hal). Carl Spacht and wife and little daughter arrived Sunday by auto for a visit with friends and relatives. Miv Spacht formerly cashier 'f the First State bank of Hemingford is now cashier of a bank in Keeline, Wyo. university at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson of the Longlake countr' spent Su iay t.t the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Drake. While in town they attended the lay ing of the corner stone of the new Methodist church. Mrs. William Drummond and Mrs. It. Cunningham, lioth of Elindale, Kas., are visiting at the home of Mrs. N. O. Robbins. Mrs. Drummond is Mrs. Robbins mother and Mrs. Cunning ham is her sister. Miss Theodora Lenson, of Litchfielil, Neb., will arrive Friday afternoon to spend the winter with her sisters, Miss Lulu Benson and Mrs. Ida Betts. She will attend the Alliance high school the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Franklin and baby girl left Sunday for Ravenna for a visit with Mrs. Franklin's mother, Mrs. Franklin. Mrs. C. I Franklin expects to remain with her mother for about two months. v George Madsen left Monday"-night for Omaha, where he will enter a v et erans' hospital for treatment fur "in juries received while in service in the i-evular Li'uaiian, Mrs. I'rettyman. Mr-. J. A. Barne-. formerly of Alii ance but noxx- of Chadion, was (uito ill last week but is reported much better. V. C. Mounts and family lcturned Friday evenini1: from a few week.-.' i-ampirg trip in the Black Hills. Warrant Out for the Arrest of Four Men on Gambling Charge A warrant was isi-ued in county court Monday for the arrest of Wayne Rcridington, John Riordan, William Kir-kis and John Lnndis, on a charge of gambling with dice. The sheriff was busy serving the warrant Mon day, and the date for the hearing has not been set. According to Ihe offi cers, Chief Jeffers and Sheriff Miller came upon the juartet near the old Maughter house last Sunday afternoon and although they were not gambling at the time, found witnesses later. The Odd Fellows of Alliance will ob serve Labor day w th a picnic at the I'urinton grove. Thev will assemble at the Odd Fellows hall at KL.'xO a. m. and cars will be provided to take them to the grounds. . A basket dinner will be served. Hot roasting ears will Ih provided by Alex Lee. There will be no admission fee. A number of entertainments have hern planned, including a baseball uaino between Hotninu ford and Alli ance Odd Fellow s, which will be called f war between Mlianee lxibe- kahs (women) and the Miliordintte and encampment members are other feature-'. Theie will be fat men's i'nd f:it women's races, horseshoe pitchim: contents, ball throwing con ic. -ts. barrel race with three men, eng race between the portly men and the lean women, three of ach; men's im mo : ble circle; cracker-eating contests ferxhilihen and adults; sack races Tor the children, a watermelon -eat ing con-' te.-t between boys and irirls, and sonie j special dixi r-ioiis for the smaller chil-j (in n. The basket dinner will be served ; sharp. j ' GIFTS THAtTlAST 3 BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Walters of Hemingford, Sunday, August 27, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Henry Behm, Mon day, September 20, a boy. M. E. CHURCH CORNER- ' STONE LAID SUNDAY (Continued from page 1) "Those saints will raise their voices in paens of praise to the Most High, when they witness the world-wide spread of Christ's gospel through the devoted, self-sacrificing, and zealous labors, of the church's noble mission aries, to the benighted peoples of ev ery country find clime, not alone 'from 'Greenland's icy mountains to India's TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Sweet corn and string- e.;s yellow pod beans for canning. I'hone K13F1.. S. J. Jossi. 7U-M) 1 Excursion to St. Joseph Sept. 4 to Sept. 10, Inclusive Account Merchants' Market Associ ation, the Burlington Route will sell tickets to St. Joseph and return, Sep tember 4 to September 10 inclusive, at rate of fare and one-half for the round trip, final return limit September 12. 79 ('iris' fine ribbed black Hose,' 29 cents a pair. Hiffhland-IIolloway Co. Get Your School Supplies Now r Don't wait until school starts, ret them now and bo ready to start right. There may be a few things which you are not sure that you will need, but there are many things that you will need, such as pencils, fouiitain pen, notebooks, history paper, scratch tablets, rulers, erasers, crayolas, paints, etc. We have a complete assortment of Kycrsharp pencils and Waterman Foun tain Pens in all the sizes and styles for both boys and girls. Waterman Fountain Pens, $2.f0 to 25. Kversliarp Pencils $1 to $5 Autopoint Pencils .50c Special Offer of Hand Painted Plates 98c These are jrenuine Nip pon China and painted in many beautiful colors and designs. FOR CANNING SEASON Mrs. I'rice's Canning Compound. Tumeric Dill Seed Caraway Seed Quassia Duds Celery Seed Have your fruits and vegetables flavored cor rectly and they .vil! be much more tasteful and delicious. THIELE'S t Tht Start With a Cuarantie Wittaut Rt i Tape ..v .invino- tho .n-.HCorL.str ml' but-frum-the Arctic cir- . Tele to -Africa s darkestjunfru. And a de serve tribute to the noble women of noOmy friends, I wish to pay. J J. Toolev of Broken Bow, super visor of the 1920 census for the Sixth Nebraska congressional district, spent . i Allionoo visitinir - friends ,.,! talkinc Dolitics. Lven though it. is an oft' year he managed to meet a number of people who were ready to xchange reminiscences of the days be fore the landslide, and to talk of plans for a landslide of another color. Mr. and Mrs. George Mintzer and Mr. and Mrs. George Mad-en returned Sunday from a ten-day vacation spent in Denver, Colorado Springs anil Man itou, Col., bringing with them Peter Madsen, father of George Madsen. Mr. Madsen left on the return trip Monday night The partv made the three hundred mile trip from Denver in one day. C V Gile of Council Bluffs, la., is visiting at the home of his daugh ter Mrs. William Cherry. Mr. Giles ha- a ra.thcr exceptional record as a traveling s; legman. He has been on the road for forty years without miss ing a day's salary. He is now travel ing for the I'eter Shutler Wagon com lany. The familv of J. S. Adams- will leave Alliance the lat of next week. Mrs. dams will join her hu.4and at Osi.ge Y.'vo where he has been for some months in charge of the oil pn-pei ties .f the Alliance syndicate. Ihe Misses Wanda and Janice Adams will attend FtN.ol in Chadron the coming term. grade at Central school, will arrive injf eoYigi egation, who by their own Alliance the latter part of the week. toil nl earnest effodrts, have contrib She has been spending her vacation "ted the wm of $3,000 to the bu.ld- with her sister at Colorado Springs. B mis cnurcn, wnien was oi ma- Krj 101 aiMiii.c in niur- ui in-.-. i (iini discouragement. This splendid effort, should give woman a larger place in the councils of the church th:m as signed her by old Saint Paul, though none, knew better than ne tiiat Mie i was last at the cross, and first at the Savior's sepulchre. Ami now in con clusion I have a suggestion to make, I i .. ,.r.. n.i ,!,..' Mrs. E. Belshaw, who has been spnding the summer with her son, George K. Belshaw, of the Schafer Auto Supply, returned last Monday to her home in Bozeman, Mont. Mrs. Mary Stabler and Mrs. Anna Johnson of Burlington, la., are visit ing in Alliance at the homes of rela tives. Mrs. Claud Whaley and Mrs. A. M. McCormick. Rev. O. S. Baker, district superin tendent of the M. K. church, ami wife were in Alliance between trains on their wav to the conference at Gering. When the Umpire Says: and an innovation to offer, anil vhat is this: When this magnificent struc ture is completed, when foundation, cornerstone, its streamline walls, its chapiter crowred Corinthian columns, its Goth's windows refiect'n" the rays of the risintr sun, when pillar, plinth and pila.-ter have all been completed, co-orii"ated. and combined into one Mrs. Floyd Lucas and children ar- prand harmonious whole, beautiful as nnti sum av t Am inpir nomesifau ,4M ..-.. -.. - We Want You There at the n ir cc-tt;nir leadv to enter school here F. V,. IrNh ami f.imily returned Fr'dv from the Blaik Hills, where th. v havo been on a wkh ihe W. C. Mounts camping trip family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Fox, for-r-.vrlv of Alliance but now of Denver, lift this morning after a week's visit with Ted Fielding. It has been eigh teen vears since Mr. Fox made his h .me'in Alliance, but he spent an en ji.yuble week renewing old acquaint ances. Mr ll trrv Settles an.l Miss Doily White are to be married this evening Jt 7 "0 o'clock at the Baptist parson age. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom will be P"ent. Mr. Settles is employed at the 'I ance Cieamerv and Miss White at the VN. li. Harper Department Stoie. The Union Aid will be 'nteitvinej ty the Biptiot Ladies at tno Cejitial been erecfI and consecrated, when the swelling tones of the great pipe organ give volume to the great me'odious j.nthems of thanksgiving which wing their way throueh the ambient air to the great white throne on high, then hi'h over ell I want to see Old Glory, the flag of the only nation on arth that has ever made religious freedom the cornerstone of its government, and the only country in the reconstructed world of today, that guarantees to every man the rieht to worship ac cori;n:r to the dictates of his own con science, and float;ng in uznre skv over r'nd f.bove the nationnl emblem, I v;:nt j ti see, stcmpe with its cioss or rern lian blue ihe snow-white banner of the i church, the onlv banner that can eer 'Mil-mount or tran.-cend the stars and )stripe. the one -t"nding for F'atjiot- ism: the love of home and countrv, U dph Harris, p rancher of Alliance, the other representing religion, the wi.s taken suddenly ill Friday, but was love of God and humanity." su.lie eiriy recover d this morning to be taken home :gai!i. The I.e igue of Women Voters wiP meet at the home of Mrs. W. C. Mounts. .r04 Cheyenne avenue, t 2:30 p. m. Thur.-day of this week. V. B. Burnett of the Golden Rule store has returned to Alienee after a v eV s vacation spent in Denver and the vanou Colorado re-oits. Fair Grounds, Alliance Sunday, Sept ANTIOCH NINE VS. Jvn'es Cnrmody was taken seriously il! Fridny and illce then has been in a cr tical cord-tion. II" is leported to be rv.-tinir easier today. P. I. B"ach expects to leave this evening for Grand Island to at'.er.d the reunion of the 3f'th Infantry, of the Kighty-ninth ilivision. , Mr. and Mrs. Joe Chapman retuiTed GIULS' SCHOOL DltKSSKS, SS CENTS. Ilijjhland-HoHoway Co. ALLIANCE DEMOLAY Keen rivalry between the two teams assures a spirited battle. The home team has the material ffive them YOUH support. liny our Winter Fur this month and sae money. Highhind-Holloway Co. Ha by Dresses and Rompers, pink or blue, 78 CKXTS. HighlanC'-Ifolloway Co. Game Called at 3 O'clock ADMISSION 35c, Including War Tax i i