TWO THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST .10, 1921. GJIjr JUliaurr Hrratt Bonn rr.iNTiN co., own THE rUBLirS BI'SINESS. Out of the mas of claims audited and approved by the county commis sioner durinc their ten day pension, rlosintr last Thurwlav. two of them mSXZ'" it?.V?m.Vri"h'TK;8lanl out One of thorn i, for 1150 kMlli ' urconit Ih tnniur. J'u blifht-d i rAVf,. nn.l mnthrrw' tirnsion allow- pinnrton t "nritn. 1)W1N M. liLKIl.. j it Editor . . . . lluatnrra Mr. lance, five months overdue, for Mrs. in tixes iptinr to musi le Official newnritT of the City ef AllUnrr; official nw MnpT of lit I Bwtt Count-. make any material reduction work cut out for him in attempt with this port of a load that paid, or which will continue to prow larger and larger, until the burden be come unbearable. Far-piping tax payer? will realize that when it is so ea.y to pas the burden on from year to year, the man who can see the Margaret Fuller. The other in for ! nanciwrmng on me wan anu nas tne JM. and covers a similar claim for 'courage to start in paying obligations is en asset that is worth having in lays like thi Owned n.l ruhliMifd lv Thf Hrr Tin: boaii mi Din r. M AKIMi PAROLE SAFE. (Nebraska City Tress.) A new parole plan to govern the re lease of criminals is about to be tried out in Ohio. It is hoped that it will remedy many of the faults of olilor Mrs. Selden W. Ives. It was not until a month ayo, when the last case came up, that public sentiment wa uroused Vii Ifti- as ta the necessity for'iishing a mothers' pension fund in the county. Last year there was no levy for the purpose. The court allowed the pen sion, and there were no funds to pay. Friends enabled the womn to live un- liil tlm tmirhinrrv tn nnv their allow-! systems. 1 he superintendent of par- It ha. long Wen conceded that Jm- i ' M prect(1 an"(1 ,)Ut (o work, i ,onf ami parol will appoint a coni- . . i.i .....i i i-ivel This is . . ., , i r i nut tec of representative citizens in dan is a hard load to tiau . in i M oypr noWf am, Bm(1(, fun,,s f(,r,0Jirh of the )hrRpr comrnunitie;j. Thrsc likewise true of ihe way oi me nun. M pu) pose are available, and will i committees or boards will sit with the jrressor. Alliance is discovering nn- p,.f,at(iy continue to be available, but superintendent at councils, consider ther truth and that is that the paths jnstance at ,,,asti which release of prisoners. Fulle.-t f ncutrulily are beset with difficul- ,how- Ulat lhe awra(W citizrn (IoPsn, j h J lien. pay. enough attention to the way ininj worthiness is evident. This will Alliance wants a road south to the uhich public funds are handled. Evenpiotect society cgainst the freeing of 1,11 . . i . . . . . . . . i ...i . ii ..: i . I'inroln hiehwav. Wist as it has a goon witn (ne best of intentions on tne part muse um miuimj iu mm r"-) disburse them, things i"", ' , "v. .. i - in iucut iii.ii itiiv iiu.v.-i:m iii i.-oiii-i The man who regajds :ervicc u. a lower ca. e affair and spells Sah.ry with a capital S will take a l.Tge sized grouch through this life. The noice and confusion in this country is not produced by the men and women who "re doing the real work. Americans have captured the world' polo trophy from Europe, out the haven't captured Iny interest on tt war loans. r..n,l to the Black 1 1 ill-- country to the north. This city is not alone in this desire. The demand for a through north and south road is felt all through this part of the country. A transcon tinental route has been cstabli.-hed. It has got as far as Morrill county, and has stopped, becnusc three corn- tt.fli ffivrir miasioncrs in mm iwumj -v .liiTpient route. Morrill county delaying the game. The situation is fufher muddled be cause of the fact that there is a row .. ; i. mrin(inental road circles. The G-l'-C highway has approved a Toute going through.Nebraska by way of Oshkosh, Lisco, Broadwater, Alli ance and Chadron. A rival route, the North Star highway, goes through Nebraska via Chappell, Lodgepole, Sidney, Bridgeport, Angora, Alliance und Chadron. Both routes are good, and probably both should and will be constructed in time. Both go through Morrill county. Both are at a stand still until the Morrill county commis sioners make up their minds to ap prove a road. 'And thereby is the ruu. The Broad water advocates and the Bridgeport vHvocates. each realize that if Alliance her support to .either route, it would tend to bring consid erable Dressure to bear on the divided commissioners. Alliance is friendly to both towns it really wants both routes. It has decided to remain neu tral. In fact, so neutral is this city that one man has accepted a position n the official staff of both roads w(r,ik. thpre are men in Alii- ance who. if but one road could be ap- unuj u-nuld have a choice. Some of - - the these men favor the Broadwater road Probably even more of them favor the Bridgeport route. But the road boost ra of the city, in a meeting, decided neutrality. It is not for Alliance, the citizens of this city say, to dictate to the Morrill county commissioners. Unfortunately, one or two pvrtNans for one route or the other, cannot un derstand what (t means to be neutral Thev have, in public meetings, men tioned the fact that individually, they ,i4fer a certain route. In the face of Alliance's stand of neutrality, their in dividual utterances are given more weight than should be attached to them. There was, at la:;t Ftiday's od mpptinir. an indication that the sincerity of Alliance was in question Some of the visitors undoubtedly be lieved that Alliance was preparing to double-cross one highway or another The Herald would like to reiterate the portion that this city's road boost ers took. They have said, among themselves, that the problem of select ing the route through Morrill county U nn tn the commissioners of that countv. Once the road is decide unon. this citv will assist, and this j fcufity will pitch in and help to build j ii. tu liox Hutte county commission ers have intimated that they arc will- ing to lend road machinery to the neighboring county, as wll as build r load to meet any that is built to the county line. The towns on the rival routes i'ie urged to believe in the sin cerity of the Alliance road boosteis. Each of us may have a preference, but neutrality, with nine out of ten of Us, means exactly what it says. The position of llemingford, as an nounced in a recent issue ol that town's newspaper, brings welcome re lief. That city is unqualifiedly for tin Bridgeport-Angora route, and does not hesitate to say that it thinks Alliance has assumed the wrong attitude. llem ingford boosters declare they ui not after a road for their town, but like Alliance, want an outlet to the south and are willing to irive up their own desires in order to get a county seat route through. They urge that Alli ance drop the neutrality stand, and g out for their road tist. However, all rival towns are notified that if Alli ance decides to change front, due not ice will be given the world. This city has too much at stake to try the dou ble-crossing game. The road-booster In this city are square shooters. of those who like this are bound to occur unle public takes the proper interest. The Herald this week is publishing a portion or the conimisioners pio ceedings. The record for the tin-day session disclose an enormous amount of money spent. Those who have not lvi,l ihtt interest to look into the m.'lt- s ler will be surprised to go over the figures for this one session. They will reveal the fact that it costs consider able money to conduct the county's affairs, and that the commissioners are paid an exceedingly small um to lo the work. There is a huge amount of detail and hard work connected with the position of county commis sioner, and when the average man gets in idea of how arduous the task is, he will find that he has fewer compaints to make against the men who do it, ami receive little more than cigar money for the thankless task. Another thing The Herald wishes to j draw to the attention of its readers. Elsewhere in this issue is published the tax levies for the county, state, the city of Alliance, the village of llem ingford and the various school dis tricts Every citizen should know where his tax money is being spent. A study of these figures will show what proportion of every tax dollar is to be spent in paying general expen ses, for roads, for bridges, for a sink ing fund to pay past indebtedness, for paying for paving, schools and other luxuries and necessaries. The levy for the city of Alliance is especially inter esting to the man who reads under standingy. Too many of us read on he run. It will be seen that out of a total of 12.85 mills, 6.25 mills, or al most half, will go to pay for past in- hbtedness for sewer and sewer ex tension bonds, for city hall and city park, for drainage and paving. The man who thinks will understand, then, that City Manager Kemmish has his may tc given every chance to reha bilitate himself as a reputable mem ber of society, plans for his release will include ;i suitable job, and he will jbe assured the co-operation of his fel low citiens. Such a parole hould make undesir able paroles practically impossible and at the same tiir.e make it fairly sure that the prisoner who truly de sires to live aright out among free men, will he g-:ven his chance. There has been so much : buse of the parole and pardon in recent years that such a reform should be welcome everywhere. iter SOgood cigarettes - tor lUc trorn one sack of GENUINE fcbTrTl nnn n ILJJ U II L 1 . DURHAM t TfiPAPPn I GIRLS SCHOOL DRESSES, 98 CENTS. Highland-Holloway Co. Here'sthe Corn Binder You Want The John Deere is the kind of binder you want in your corn fields. There's no work for you in operating it, and it's easy on the horses. It's the bigfcrst improve ment made in corn binder construction for many years. JOHNiSDEERE CORN BINDER The Binder with Power Carrier and Quick Turn Tongue True!: The John Deere is equipped fvith a power bundle carrier. To dump the bundle only slight pressure on the carrier trip it necessary. The bundles are de livered all in one pile away from the path of the horses this is a labor-saving worth-while feature. You will like the Quick Turn Toneue Truck. It takes off all neck-weight from the horses and enables them to turn at the ends freely and easily. This truck makes the horses' work a lot caster. The John Deere does good work in any field in which a corn binder can be operated. It has a wide range of adjustment which makes it possible to oper ate it in extremely tall corn. It is equipped with roller and ball bearings, 17 sets in all; which lighten the draft and de crease the wear. It has three packer arms and four discharge arms on the regular attachment instead of two com monly used on other binders. This insures prompt discharge and complete separation of the , bundles. In every particular you will find the John Deere Binder ia built on a quality standard that means real satisfaction uuj profit to you. Coma in and let us show you other important features on this better binder Farmers' Union How We Traio You For Business Fall Term September 5th Ours is a school of business training a school of business administra tion. We make future executives. We teach more than the theory of bookkeeping and shorthand infinitely more. We teach you to write a "neat legible hand". No matter how illegibly you write now, we can improve your penmanship so that you can keep re cords and books neatly and efficiently. We give you a modern scientific course in rapid calculation. Not only will you be able to add long columns of figures quickly and accurately with pencil and paper but you will be able to make many calculations mentally. We give you a thorough drill in Business English. You are taught to understand and use business terms. We teach you how to write a good business letter to express yourself briefly, forcefully and correctly. We teach stenography and bookkeeping not merely the theory of each. T.efore you leave here you "take" in shorthand and transcribe on the type writer, real business letters hundreds of them. You are taught how lo serve your employer increa?e his capacity and thus increase your own worth to him. You keep real books. You are taught how to open and close a set of booksfor manufaucturers, wholesalers, retailers, banks, etc. And we teach the methods used in modern business offices now not the meth ods in vogue twenty years ago. You learn to operate the Dank posting machine, the multigraph, mimeograph, adding machines, and modern filing. In short, you are trained to meet the demands of business in this mod ern school of business administration. We put you in positions paying good salaries right from the start positions which lead on and up. You avoid a long apprenticeship at small pay. We cannot insist too strongly that if you are to make the most of the next few months of your time, you should make your plans now! Will you write to us this very minute, unless you can telephone or visit us 7 Platte Valley Commercial SCOTTSBLl'FF, NEBRASKA College M. J. EDWARDS, A. B., M. Accts. President. Are Your Children Going to College How Will You Send Them? There's on need to tell you that you want YOUR children to have a college education. You know what an advantage it gives them. But we should tell you THE EASIEST WAY TO RAISE THE MONEY Simply this: While each p ty iwk and carry through this ideal to show you how e s 1 1 ould i be i d lion fund manner of accumulating joui cnuu RKMKMKKU YOU (IKT 5 INTKUEST TO HKI.P IT GROW. FIRST STATE BANK 6 ii