The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 23, 1921, Image 6

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Do you remember tin story of the
colore! hoy who wa- undergoing hm
first dny in the trenches. The hhell
kept wlii.zing overhead and for an
Jiour or two n no happened to'liiiht
-within danpero is ili -lance. The rol
orrd youth got oxreedingly brave. He
.craved rvritemi nt. Jumping up on top
of the trrnch, he shouted :"Come on,
ou I5oche, I daie.s you to hit me."
Just at that in tant a -hell exploded u
fe w feet in f ro U of him, knocking him
hark into the trrnch arnl covering him
with (l it ami confu-in. Hp dusted
Tiim-K'lf oiT, gr?atly ilumoned, an. I said
j t a f-inrf f tile: "Well, Hit re' oiip
tiling you vc (fft to -s ly for those
;ummans-thcy nm- i!och irise you
.M-rvire whin jou a-k- for it."
story, nliirli piohahly i-n't a
it (mVli to be. ! called to mind
Yl w :'.
by Hip mirk VtiiiK- the truvchmr men
n're 'r't "'-r in their car.tpaiivn to ic
durc It tel rates. I.e-.s than ten days
'ap ed silt' tin) iuirouiir'd they
vf-ip p'imj t" ha' (' v.t late.-, or
know tli" 'r:.-"ii v ' y. and almo-t at
ere come the ;iiui pccmrnl by the
Lincoln ho l'l that Ixu't nir.;. All: J t. 1.
food or lodging, liecause wp have al
ways lieen on a pre-war basis. Thp
old ratP of ten cent per meal with
room furnishpd frpp was never
changed and will probably be main
tained for some time."
The captain then wpnt on to de fend
thp policy of his hotel and point out
some Mipcrior advantages not offered
elsewhere, to his knowledge.
"We furnish taxi service to the hotel
for our guests. The rooms are all
rool and on the shady side of the
building. They are modern in every
I way erept telephone. All have a bath
and toilet m C'n r""-t mn.
"One of the annoyances to which the
.sojourner in the axernife hotel are
subjected - namely t:ppinir is entirely
eliminated here. A bellhop is always
on duty and can accept ;n ca. Ii offer
ing .
"Another feature which we claim is
rvceptin i), i that if our roomers de
sire it. tb-ii three square m-als wil! be
cre. in the loom. I'.-uallv in bote'.
;,e Jl.r.K a day i:--1'
Jishril, rot only f-.r
11 ry, but for tl e h
company at ' '
Scott. bUi'V and Tab.r
.hotel of Om.".ha foi
twenty-fo jr hour-, 'i
n.inr "f t 1 if end, and i
fidrty days the lowi :
ju elfi-ct pretty penei
v.i.s re-e-tab-iu-
I. ii'o;:t ti.s
: . owned by t he
Sh.ik L. ill-.,
fix';. Tli" Koine
,.cd ,-iiit v.ilh ti
ii is th" beirin
i -ide of e not her
rates .-lioiil'I be
illy all over thy
The tinvelin;r men .in 1 the fum-'
that eruiiloy them umlicil toirothor on
this preposition. The lu wholesale
houses bean to delude the hotel met;
with letters remind u -; them that times
were h:rd and was slow; that
pas.-enrer rates were hiy.h, and thi.t
e.jiense accounts were K'"tt injf not only
too hifch for comfort, but lor prefit.
'I he liotelkeepers win: niven to under
stand that unless the rales came
down, some of the mi n would come oil
Ihe road.
It linsn't been only a few weeks
sinrn the manaver of a hi if I.meoln
hotel was sniirinK the air coremptu
ously at the utories ;dout tne biir
crowds of automobile tourists who
'arry tents aloni; with them to escape
the pnyment of hotel bill ;. This hotel
manager intimated that the hotels
veren't losing much from the follows
vho form the tent ovony. Accordinu
lo his idia, it was only the cheap
-kates, who always kick at the serv
ice and are hardest to nit. However,
it'.s pretty plain tht tins was a ca.-e of
".-our grapes", for anyone who tiawds
sil.out the country to.iay wiM'tell you
lhi.t thp tourist rampors are, for the
most part, the people v. ho used to stop
-at the hotels. You'll find Tackards
Jcnd I'i"rce-Arrows rinht alonifside the
Jowly Ford.H on the roadside.
'of i.
jut. L
able no.
sorely n
The Lincoln hotel's manairer ex
plains that the reduction in rates isn't
rcully justified, but is deemed wi.e lie
cause of its salutary effect on busi
ss generally. "It's a step back to
unl normalaey." Mr. Hsrrett, who
manager of the hotel, then utters
first plaint coneerninif the advent
'rohihition anil its effect on the
's. "The hotels," he says, "are
eKinnintr to feel the pinch of pro
n. It will he recalled that we
"en deprived of our most profit
iree of revenue, the bar. We
iss the sustaining l evenue that
came from this source."
Mr. 'Bat
other Jiota
'convpaoy o
hcale tuat ic.
rett attempts to
Vat other
fore it is unl
-wOl reduce r
nuTtber of pro
well over the .
rates, it is but
that' hers will .
men 'have strom?
they ran pas. the
themsi'hes, with t
hotels rtuit fad te
their iUrona-e. i
travelintr men do tf.
they ask for it.
hel the
men hy havinir that his
aerates on such a larfe
is able to effect economies
ncerns cannot, and there
ikely that other hotels
ites. However, with a
minent hotels scattered
state decreasing their
reasonabe U suppose
follow. The traveling
organizations, ami
word around among
he result that the
'"ollow suit will find
t service when
It has Vtn several
Med to ham the ihUc
coin daily awi spent m
when we should he i ounc
,nK in the poHce statu
with Sergeant 1 rank fc.ll
uptain Jack l;e. C
nasse.l on only a few wee
V place has We.n taken
whose name is totally ui un
heerfnl way of ta'km rem
Ti, vino however, who wa
joking with and of th pi'iso
vere under his care.
Onp nipht while we wt re vait
something to happen, the tir i
and a young man very mv-h ' n
e,l and very much out of .
up in front of U.e vr,vn
vant protection, he KW"-
me uo in tne uameM ? v "
555- Lin was uccommodat-nir.a.
years since we
i run on a
of the time
'inir copy loaf-
and ifassinc
'is and Nieht
'aptain lee
ks ao, and
bv a man
i'liar. His
nds us of
er.- w ho
nif for
put him away after he ha. to I
.n: 4i- f iu mir assaulter by
SlJT: iT tie u,wn near th cty.
e thought a 'ganK wa. after h-m an, v
Wanted his life, but it turned out
. n o Collision, lwo or vuift
V had been put away for
ot llll-i C!.is : i.ui l,VO .-'im niea
m rv'd imiii-r lhe..e condition;.
"In add t:o'i, flee nie.f'ca' iillendance
is always ;,t the di spo al of our in'e-ts.
"Vi -it'ii - havf p'i nty of time to
.deep and the rooms are quiet.
The captain mentioned many other
advanti.'pes and desirable features, but
' ho.-e ni'-ntioii'-d convey the hiih esti
mate he hoids of the (U'ility and serv
ice furni li.-d bj tin city of Incoln.
ea.-t .i :.
the Hot
Vou c;n''
At the rates charged, we believe
thi- is tii cheapest place to stop
while In I.iivol"., The service is prob-
b'y i.i .! fro i.ih. but you're not pay-i-i":
for rvice. If you are heading
: '. )'-.:i .be tour, .-top off at
i de Jail lor a day or two.
aiF.u '! to u '. the tent.
. I
The news ro-'ies fiom Ilioadway
that ciap-i and "put and take" have
iriven way to a riore intellectual
i.amMimr cloun in Now York's
linaueii.l il'.-ti'ct. A store on a busy
corner there has had copies print"d of
the Ldison cue.-tionnairi'rf and is ;el!
tnc: them at a quru-ter nch. The
istero-t-apl-ers and clerks liet theii
small t'hantfe on the ability of them
selves and newcomers to answer the
questions, which are printed on a re
volving disk of cardboard, the ques
tions and i'nswers appearing at slits on
opposite sides.
AN (j OK A
Mrs. .7. R. Kelly is on the .sick list
at present.
Fred Wood was attendintr to busi
ness matters in Alliance Saturday.
Mrs. Car-o'i of N'orihport was visit
intr with friends in Aru;ora Saturday.
Mis-e.-. l.eota H"ider.-on and Helen
McCroskey were shopping in Alliance
J. K. Kelly was called to Iiancroft
atfain last week on account of the
serious illne-s of his father, Michael
Miss Lillian Stoner was entertained
at the W. N. Thompson home Sunday.
George enell and Fred Wood at
tended the jjood road meeting in
Hridifeport Friday. They reported a
very enthusiastic meetinir.
Mr-c. Kd Noble and children of Lin
coln are visiting with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'M Roach.
Seven cars of cattle were shipped to
the Omaha market from here Satur
day. Nat Thompson accompanied the
Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Fly and children
were entertained at the John Scott
home Sunday.
Charlie Brewer of Chadron is visit
ing his nephew, Nelson Klliott and
fa mily.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo I.ewellyn and
children were guests at the George
Venell home Sunday.
The county grader will resume work
again this week after quite a delay
waiting for repairs.
Little Margaret and Dorothy Dove
are expected home from Cairo the first
of the week. Their grandfather, G. A.
Dove, will accompany them.
The Sunday School picnic was post
poned last week as the most of the
people were busy threshing, but will
le held Thursday, August 25, in Hut
chinson's grove.
Kev. Minort of Alliance is giving
some very interesting lectures at
Dove's hall, and all who are not at
tending are missing a treat. The last
one of the course will be held Friday
evening, August 2t.
That glow of honest pride only
comes to those who are decorated for
br avei y and those who are recognized
by the head waiter.
Mayor Hampton Accepts
Chairmanship of tne
Alliance 'Budget Guard'
Honorable R. M. Hampton, Mayor of
Alliance, has accepted the invitation
of the national budget committee to
i-rrve as honorary chairman of the
local committee of that organization
which is engaged in a nation-wide ef
fort to gain popular support of the ef
fort of (Jen. Charles G. Dawes, direc
tor of the budget, to effect a reduc
tion of the burden of federal taxation.
Announcement of the acceptance of
the mayor was made yetterday by
Stanle y H. Howe, director ot the Na
tional budget committee, whose head
quarters are at 7 West Kth Street.
New York City. The mayor will join
with the chief magistrates of a thou
sand othe r cities throughout the coun
try in fo.-teiirg the spirit of popular
approval of the policy of federal le
1 1 enchment.
Active head-; of local committee
are being selected daily from among
t tie most prominent bus ness and pro
fessional men in their respective com
munity's, and efforts arc under way to
socuie the cooperation of leading citi
zens in a thousand cities by the foi
mutiou of a nation-wide "IjihIu'1 t
nuard" whose tneeibers will simply
pledge their support to the Cstabli -b-ment
of a businc ss-l ke administration
of governmental appropriation? j.nd
Fvery member of the national hud
get committee, which was instrumen
tal in in:tttlin.(? and passing the Na
tional budget bill, is askeil to urge
unoa hif'.'ilcw ci;i;cii3 Ihc necC;--'
f'r so,.i:i!y suppoiiing the. rre-ci.t
program of governmental tfTirion'y
and economy by the elimination of
every possible item ef expenditure
livery taxpayer who favors a reduc
tion of the present unbearable ta
burden is inv'ted to ioin with their fol
low townsmen in helping to crystallize
public opinion and defeat unnecessary
additions to federal evpeme.
Hen Franklin's autograph bringing
two hundred times as much as the sig
natures of Furopean monarch mere
ly reflects the values of the men.
to i:.t m; knvv.
The New Hut ler "Madam, I regret
to report it. but your husband is in
ui intoxicated condition at the back
"IJring him around in front quick
ly, James, mi the neighbors can sec
hiin." .-American Legion Weekly.
Why deny Fuvope the credit
winning the war 7 We've given
credit for ever thing else.
F. ('. Com lock, tonsorial artist and
baseball magnate, has been washing
the ceiling in his shop and finds the
original color was white. The color
will be recalled by many of our older
residents. Me.-hoppen F.nterprise.
Eminent officials are doing their
het to impress the fact that the red
tape once so fashionable is no longer
considered good form.
With a view to possibly guiding the
cook's mind to a quieter summer hat
than she had worn the previous sea
son, Mrs. Smith spoke of some vio
lets she had seen in a milliner's win
dow. "They're almost exactly like those
in our garden, Mary," she said. "You
have seen those often."
"Indeed I have, mum," returned
Mary. "I was after waterin' them
this very morning. Ain't it wonderful,
mum, how natural the Lord can maka
Doctor Einstein thinks a clock on
the sun would run at a different rate
from a clock on the earth. What of it?
We have known two clocks in the same
room to run at different speeds.
"Order in the court room," bellowed
the judge sternly, pounding with his
" light, judge, and then shee
what the boys m the back room will
have too," genially came back the de
fendant who hadn t taken Volsteai
Cheap, quick
way to stop
Try toning your digestive
and eliminative organs
with NR. Free your body
from poisonous waste
and relief is quick.
One Day's Test Proves NR Best
lie was perched or, , " ,
bunk.okmg rZ": ,ne
hnrlihntr to nimscii.
nieht. we walked oai v --'
- c . t . ,1. a. :rn IM
leil on uif -
o th steel wall.
'What the
-,,,jin. 'im. no
w,U7 aSKfll U'o -
on K.V,d the fugitive, I was
".r the moving pictures.
Those last two comedies you put on
1 bos e ' 1j Va ri,tin Dee turned
er " ne h , said to the re-
u'"uv. how we treat our
..'hP sid. "we don't
S any charge for this entertam-
pl. r,tiep cadain has just that
. " r"; f humor, if we can
judge Vhl. comment on the mluc-
Ar you wtltln t. be convinced
1ht sore. Miff, nehlnn Joints or
niuacla can b relieve,! ana rhuma
J m Kremljr in.titt.d If not en
tirely eoiic.uered. tor the Inslsnincant
tium of 2ji
boun-is t.o Rood to be true, d.K-sa't
It. et tlioimuida of reonle who
...... . .riiuiaiiKMi nava round that
uone, ana thousand
" ui v uomir l r
j ou
dy l
tlou An
t...i .
oUVe trlod th high prloid
.fPn'v thlnK. found
t they filled. you mill liavu
r iruunw, why not try this
le. economical. v.. u,.mo.
and let reaulta upcak lor tiiem
n J
th di
j urltii i
Keallon .
'V,5,'0 ,K)X of Nature'. Rem.
Mt Tubli'tsl und betcin tuklnff it
11 ou the dilutive and
Mve rirHn. Impi-oMni; dliteii-
1 UHimllut Ion an.l ,.ui
' or accuinulal.Hl i.
and olona. With K.Kjd di
nu awlmllatlou. tha Ikwiu
wia viiaiuy and natural
f r08l3,ance airainrt KeM
rotly lnereaaod. With th. kidney
and bowt'lj acting vigorously and r-
ritatinjr Iolsoi,s, relief must come.
..H"" Remedy (N Tablets)
luouith mild ajid K. ntle In action, doea
. om inorouBiuy and quickly.
There is nothing harmfol In It.
nothing to upstt the. stomach,
and no irrlplnir. pnin or any dis
comfort. Tho oulv result U
Pleasant, srl.trl.tiia .
Iief and heiiKtit
'll'y 1i--you tak i risk In dolnir
lor Nature's RtmMw rmla nnlv
'Jfl ,(; houpl to l ist twentv-fiv-o days),
and la sold with the distinct under-fUanduii-
that It must rellev and
uenelit t)P money bark.
Alora than one million people in this
(ountry are U8ln,r Nature's Remedy
today. Fiva million boxea are used
every year. What better proof of Its
great merit could be offeredT It is
fold, miaranteed and recommended by
He spoke quii-
Writing from Maxeys, Ga., A. J.
Gillen, proprietor of a lare depart
ment store at that place, Fays:
"I have a customer here who was
in bed for three years and did not go
to a meal at any time. She had five
physicians and they trave her out. One
bottle of Tanlac pot her Up, on the
second bottle s-he commenced keeping
house and on the third she did all the
rooking and housework for ii family of
This sounds really increditable, hut
it comes unsolicited from a highly
creditable, source and is copied verba
tim from the letter.
Tan'ac is sold in Alliance by F. Tv
Hobten and all leading druggists
rvri vvhn e.
Tor a real drink, try O RANG F.
NIP, out of the ball, at Smiti Sodi
Fountain. . 7ltf
It begins to look as if about the
only place a man can keep his pri
vately distilled corn whisky is on the
How Do You Kuy Your Money?
(Hy Kdgar A. Guet.)
"How do you buy your money? For
money is bought and sold,
And e:Th nan barters himself on
earth for his silver and shining
And by the barcain he makes with
men the su'ii of his life is tM.
"Sump buy their coins in a maaly way,
Mine buy it with honest toil,
Some pay for their currency here on
earth by tillii.g a patch of soil;
Some buy it with copper and iron and
sti-cl, and some with bands of
"The good man buys it from day to
day by giving the best he can.
lie coins liis strength for his children's
T'ed.s and lies to a simple plan.
And he keeps some time for the home
lie makes and some for his fel
low man.
"II ul some men buy it witli women's
tears and some with a blasted
And some will barter the joy of life
for the fortune they hope to
And some are ?o mad for the clink of
gold and they buy it with deeds
of shame.
"How do you buy your money? For
money demands its price,
And some men think when they pur
chase coin that they mustn't be
l!ut beware of the man who would sell
you gold at a shameful price.''
No trespassing will be permitted on
the following described property:
South half of section 31, township 2r.
north, ranee 4". west of the sixth P.
M.. nil in Bo Dutte county, Nebras
ka. All tifspassers will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law. 74-82p
-.- : - m
ti 5 '-3
- -a ;:
J ,
c 5
8 H. C. IJAUMAN, O. I). h
I i See y W Sea
I maiindyUar
C y.
. - S
n 3
T: 3 O .-S
- 75
rx cr A z
C3 1
ts as rr 3
O (5 S O
It is a pity that so many men t
college training without getting an education.
"Tr This Drug Style FirM."
Alliance Druj? ('.
Phone 132 21UtoHut(e
3 n
2 P.
2. Da
p Of?
3 A
Player Rolls at
25c, 40c, 50c and 80c
Famous Old Class
ics, in sheet music,
6 Copies for 25c
Mann Music &
Art Company
The Lost Needle
np HERE'S an old English play known as "Gammer
A Garton's Needle". Its plot is woven around the loss
of the family needle no trifling: misfortune in the days
of old.
Today, in this era of ours, life is so rich in comforts
that we seldom wonder how folks got along in the an
cient world. And we sometimes forget what an impor
tant role advertising has played in making life pleasant
and altogether livable.
Advertising has one of the leading parts in the
eternal drama of dollars. To it is directly due much of
the multiplication of products and services which has
come about during the last half century.
It has smoothed the mechanics of existence made
life easier and more pleasant by bringing countless
necessities once considered luxuries within our easy
reach and into continuous use.
Think of this when you read these columns. You
owe much to advertising.
Read the Advertisements Regularly
tion oi noiei rait:.
'witf Voi ce sUtioa. and thU i
. 4Va hnto run ID vw"--"
SrkeTo-reducUon i. the pnue of