THE ALLIANCE HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 19. 1921. III K II (IF ( -in: 1ST. The coplp if Alliiinro will have the Jrivilce,e of liciuiiiR a sermon from Irother Chmlc H.innan jit the morn ing hour of worship. Charlie is well known in our city n ho is a truiduatc of the Allianro hih Mhool. Since his rratlttiitio;) from Coiner liniversity ho lias loin located with the church at JH. Kr::nc s, Kas. Wo air ccctintf a jrrcat hornton froin this splendid younjr man. While the summer is quickly pawing, it only leave two more Sun flay famines for the I'nion services. Hev. M inert will re;nh the .'cimon at Ihe Methodist church next Sunday evening. The 1'ible school picnic at the junk on Tuesday evening was well attended. Three hundred were present and en joyed the evening tojycthr. Why not have this nuniher present at the Hible school anil preaching next Lord's Pay mnrniriK? All who come will receive a hearty welcome. The 0. K. I'rnyer meetings on Sunday, evening and the I'rayer meeting on Wednesday evening me oen to all. Itrother C. W. Cooper will begin a series of evangelistic meetings about the middle of October. Come to the church with a me.Mige and a welcome. S. J. KIM. Kit, Minister. rRKSIJYTKKIAN ( IIl'R II. "The great need of the hour is more religion"' Hahson. "Whatever you would put into the nation you must lirst put into the Schools" llumholt. "The most formidable institutions we had to fight in (lermany were the Schools" Premier Lloyd-George. "A man educated in mind but not in mor and morals as of prime importance to Roosevelt. Are you doing anything to bring about a more ample religious and moral instruction for coming Am ericans in the home or the church or the community? I'o you know wheth "Tr the institutions that arc enrryinif on this important work in our midst aif properly manned and equipped? Are you signifying by your attendance and interest, that as a thoughtful citizen you regard the instruction in religion and morals as of prime important to our future citizenship? If ou do Service and Quality That's what you get at our fountain. We use only pure Fruits and Syrups. We also serve dainty lunches and best coffee in town. Try us and see. F. J. Brennan Wild West SHOW Hiding , Bareback and with Saddles. Trick Hiding, Hop ing and Bucking. POWDER RIVER Cow Boys Will put on a Real Wild West. Exhibition, in your Town and Create all the Thrills and Kxcitement nec essary to a good time. WILL RIDE YOUR WILD HORSES Bring in your Bad Ones. Carry 12 Head of Horses. Alliance Fairground Sat. Aug. 20, at 3:30 p. m. (nothing and in no way lend your help anil influence to Rood works are you not at least one of Satan' oilent puri ne is? If you do nothing are you not a slacker to the lest Ideals of Ameri canism ? Sunday school meet nt !:l."i. Par ents should see to it that their chil dren are present regularly and on time if the pchool is to do its best work and the children most benefitted by the courses offered. Morning wor ship, II a. in., our theme is: "The! Challenge of Maturity." This mes- ir..r.. .1.....1.I ...l.n i .. .......... I 4 .......... I rn;' .-Mimim limit'- n.- ti'iri-ii til I'triy thoughtful Christ'an. Union evening service at the Me'hodit churjh. Ycur pastor will preach the .-crni:;n (n "Cods litcmil l.ove." Young people's service at 7 :. m. Topic b" sons from the loo' of iluth. Our national motto is: "Christ tor every life and all of life." You Me cordially invited to our services. First Presbyterian church. - A. J. KI'AHNK, Past r. THE GOLD BRICK GAME CONCEIVED OVER AT SIDNEY LIGHT THROWN ON ORIGIN OF FAMOfS SWINDLK. HAITIST CHURCH We are laying our plans for the fall work, and we hope that every one will fall in line. Much time has been lost to the kingdom, and now we must double our efforts to catch up with the Lord's work. With this view in mind the pnslo' will preach on the topic, "In Christ", in the morning, and we hope to face a full house. The topic is one of the most important to the church. Our usefulness will .depend whether we are in Christ or not. Only as we are in Christ will we be used of His spirit. When the church as- a body is in Christ there is a permanent revival spirit within it, when it is in the world s'nd the world in it, its power and life are missing. What does Paul mean by the phrase, "Christ, or in Christ? Come; let us inquire at the morning service. We are hoping to have n promotion service in the school soon. The pastor will not preach at the grove Sunday, as he will leave on the 1:45 train to bent Angora for eve ning service. The It. Y. P. U. is coming along nicely and Inst Sunday the church ws nearly half full of people. This next Sunday we are hoping for as large a crowd. We live hoping to give Alliance people a real treat in the way of entertainment when Major Mender- shot of Civil war fame will be with us, und his son. Major Hendeohot plays on the drum donated to him foi valiant service, by Horace Creepy, and one of the golden drum stick was presented to him by Abraham Lincoln. HU son plays the flute through his nose as well as with his mouth. We hope to have these na tional entertainers with us on t h- eve ning of September Full adverti-i:-iient will appear soon. An Interesting Story of Pioneer Days Told by a Writer in The Great Pividc. the man who raid Jack McCall $700 for killing Wild Bill Hickok; dapper little Jimmy Fen and his nartner in crime, Kill mpsey: Crasshonoer ! Sam, Fd Scott, Pete taven, Hill Allen. Hilly Fitztrerald. minor but enmliv desperate criminals, marie it their1 hangout. 1 In Harlerson'8 the gold brick sw indle w as concocted by Doe Haggs, ! Jimmy Feen, Hill Dempsev. Hill Allen and Hilly Fitzrerald. It was the paient of all later gold grick swindles. ! (Continued on Page S) i Sombody's questionnaire ought to ! ask what becomes of all the buttons' torn otr in the wash and supply tne answer. W"e please particular people. Thf Ranger "Sudden Sen ice" Cafe. 76 . After the nhow or dance, where nhalf we go? To the Ranger "Sudden Serv ice" Cafe. 7fc- The fewer weeds the more vegetables. Living costs are reported dropping: in Berlin. Popular belief is that theyl have been dropping only in statistics. I We please particular people. The Ranger "Sudden Service" Cafe. 7tt Sat Sunday chicken dinner at the Ranger "Sudden Service" Cafe. 76 Jap Crepe Dresses, shown in a good assortment of shades and models. 7( Highlund-IIulloway Co. ST. MAITIILWS CHURCH I will hold services in St. Matthews' Fpiscopal church on Sunday, August 21. Holy Communion at N:()() a. m. Morning flayer and .-ermon, at 11:00 a. m. Kt. He v. Ceo, A. Beecher. Speaking of pie, Imve you ever tried our.? K. uijer "Sudden Service' Cafe. 7i The sudden rise in the price of lem ons may be traced to the demand I'm cleaner elbows to he worn woth short sleeved gowns. Speaking of pie, have you ever tried our? Ranger "Sudden Service" Cafe. 76 It takes a brave man to enter into an argument over peace these days. He must be ready to tight it a mo ment's notice. After the show or dance, where shall we go? To the Ranger "Sudden Serv ice" Cj.fe. 76 Sal Sunday chicken dinner at the Ranger "Sudden Service" Cafe. 76 Stylish (linghani, Chambray, Peicale and Crash Dresses for school and general wear. All sizes and shades $1.29. 76 HighUnd-Hoiloway Co. An interesting tale of the inception of the gold brick swindle, as well as an early days in S'dney, is told by Joseph M. Ward, writing in a recent issue of The Great Divide. According to Mr. Ward, the first gold brick ever sold was by a gang of Sidney pirates, who worked it off on a Hastings, Neb., banker for JN.0O0. The story gives an interesting picture of frontier days of fifty years ago, ns well as throwing light on the greatest swindling scheme ever concocted. Mr. Ward says: For twenty or more years the staid citizens of the beautiful Hnd progress he city of Sidney, Nebraska, viewed askance tin ancient dilapidated wood en build ng on Fa.-t Front street, oc cupied as a Chinese laurdry. It was an eyesore in a city noteworthy for every modern improvement that be speaks permanence and prosperity. The public demand for its elimination became so strong that last week the State of Nebraska and the city govern ment of Sidney condemned it to de struction and it was demolished. Thus passed away the last landmark of the old frontier settlement hich in its hectic youth was the wickedest town on earth. In its days of tran sient glory it was the Harberson hotel. A Frontier Pitfall The building was erected in 1873, by Bill Harberson, a notorious gambler, and was used as a saloon, gambling house, dance hall and theatre. Its doors were never closed, the bar was always open, relays of gamblers .vere evar ready at !te faro, roulette and monte tables to fleece the unwary, and an unending string of performer-; on the crude stage rendered a drop cur tain an unnecessary adjunct. Ihe theatre was, in fact, the first continu ous show in America. It sot a fashion. A busy scene in the daytime, night revealed Haibcr.-on's in till its in;:el glory. Scores of pendant and wall kerosene lamps illuminated the bilge loom in which a throng tf patrons milled about, some lingering at the long bar, some grimly hanging .-.bout the gambling devices, and many seal ed tit the rough tables where I'.e sis ters of the scarlet served them w th drinks and .-bared liquids t.t.d I::. (li nage w ith their customers. Ker pres ent, like buzzards waiting for tinir feast, were the habitues .if 'he ;!.u'e the sure-thing gamblers, the tinhorn: the th'fves and the thugs and till the miscellany of crime which fattened on the industries of n lively frontier set tlement. A regimi nt of soldiers was stationed tit Fort Sidney, adjoining t!.e town, and the buzzards ate their pay. Cowboys hurled themselves in and cut of Sidney, stopping long enourh to drop their all. Dut begrimmed bull whackers were barely allowed to slake their thirst before they were lured to some crooked gambler's table and de spoiled. Shootings Were Common Shottings were so common that, un less fatal, they created a mere ripple of excitement. When fatal, friends or acquaintances carted off the body to the local Boot Hill and dumped it into a shallow grave. Occasionally, the sporadic fruit of a tall Cottonwood tree had to bo cut down anil laid away by the village grave digger in the same unhallowed resting place of the dead. Harberson s saloon was merely the biggest shark in a school of sharks. The other saloons and dance halls had to have their moiety. Harbf r.-on's however, was the hangout of the big gambler, every one a crook, and ev erv one armed. Such men as Doc BriL-p-s. famous all over the west as the king of crooks, notable anywhere for his size, his sleek J rince Albert attire and his ingratiating1 urbanity; Johnny B:.rnes, "Cold Deck Johnny," W?rm UIN&C0ALI Suy coal while the price is down Sestrcoal . so din, this man's town ! How is the Coal Bin Is it empty and yawning? Or have you been one of those who have taken good ad vice and had the bin filled. Our I HMt advices say: Had coal shortage this fall. It's the lack of manufacture that is causing it. We will be glad to huy what we can get later, but NOW we can supply you with You Say the Word Just ('all 41 And We'll Do the Rest. COLORADO AND KIRBY COAL On the Track. M. NOLAN & CO. VERY SPECIAL for SA TURD A Y lit t i r ffiy If Voiles In plain colors, Black, White, Navy, Maize, Copen Blue and Light Blue. Also a big assortment of fancy Voiles. Values 75c, 1.00 and $1.50, for one day only, Saturday Aug. 20, at 29c per yard The Horace Boeie ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Store We Buy For Cash and Sell For Cash Try Us For Your Groceries and Meats We Meet any Competion, Any Prices, And Often Are Lower CITY ORDERS DELIVERED FREE JUST CALL 589 AND PAY ON DELIVERY. INVESTIGATE OUR PRICES YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER at MORGAN'S Morgan Grocery Co,