J.'L EIGHT Hereford Breeders Have Nice Words for Reception in Alliance The caravan of Hereford boosters, vho pnent last Saturday afternoon rind night in Alliance, appreciated the reception in this city, according to a report of the trip which appeared in the Omaha Journal-Mwkman Monday. The article describes the trip to Alli unce, iind touches on crop conditions in the county. The Journal-Stockman When the boosters turned towards Alliance early Friil.iy morning, led by Sam t-winback and bis family, the Fky wit? overcast and it was cold. An hour's Mnn was muIe at historic Foit Iibinon where, on., a reserve of l;:,l00 acre?, the government is breed inir und training horses. Colonel I'd wi.nl Calvert, in charge at the Foit, I i;':,! "jit the horses for the mspec ', tim of tlw visitors ami led the party over the reservation. There are- five tboroulthbred Ftalliona nt. the fort, one Mortrnn tallion and one Arabian stal- lHia, the famous ho'ie importeil from T.iiLdand. iximecl Rodan. There are also en th reservation 3j hordes, 275 inmost and !!" bwiod marcs. The most intefuxtinjr feature of Fort llob inson, usidd from its historic memories as rH'h irrjlndian war legends, is the mule "jind 'icolt pasture. -As Mon as Colonel Calvert and his long train of quests entered the pasture, the young colts and mules marched up to extend a cordial greting. The mules were wonderfully polite. They hung their heads over the boosters' shoulders and nil'd at the flaming red badges and otherwise showed a deep interest in the visitors and their mission.- Mules and colts followed the crowd to the -M.ture gates- and loftkd.long And earnestly at the procession of auto mobiles wending its way down the old fouth trail. Except an nlmost icy wind which pwept the highlands, the sixty mile trip from Fort Robinson to Alliance was delightful. For the first ten miles fiouth of the fort the scenery almost equaled the Sheridan-Dawes canyon. It is a great-plains country. Farms are few until one strikes far into Box Rutte county. The roads are reason ably good but the road from Heming ford to Alliance is just as good as the Cornhusker trail between Fremont and Lincoln. The caravan arrived in groups in Alliance as some of the party took a detour into Sioux county. The trip to Agate had been abandoned on nccount of the bad roads. The potato fields in Rox Butte are in fine condition and the planters look to an enormous crop. Farmers say that much wheat will run to 40 bushels and that the average yield will be high. Threshing is not completed. The county boasts of one curiosity to east ern eyes, a purple-black wheat out of which macaroni is made. When the purple wheat first came into view over the hills, the boosters were tempted to take up subscription for the farmers who had lost their all by rust. Several of the boosters diagnosed the wheat disease as an irrepressible pporadic fungus and were much as tonished to learn that the wheat was one of the Box Butte county's greatest assets. Alliance lead. the world in more things than can be enumerated in a front page of a newspaper and its boosters can prove the fact by statis tics. It is a wonderful little town with business section which would do credit to a town of ten times its size. And it is busy. At G o'clock on Saturday evening the boosters were the guests of the country club at dinner. Dinner was eaten on the porch overlooking the six hundred acre lake. After dinner the guests and their hosts smoked, pipes and cigars in the great ball room of the $20,000 club house and toasted their chilled backs at a blazing hearth fire. ' A meeting at the court house at Mayor R. M. Hampton, a former 7:30 o'clock ended the day in Alliance. Shorthorn breeder, addressed the crowd. E. von Forell, who owns the bunch of fine Hereford. at the Lake Alice ranch in Seotts Bluff county, and who came to .Alliance to meet the boosters, also made an enthusiastic speech. Then the crowd disappeared for the night. A misty rain was falling and the various street thermometers show ed a temperature only eight degrees above freezing. "NOTICE No hunting or trapping allowed on the V. YV. Beck projKdty in Garden county. CStoOG F Kyanize Floor Finishes is a liquid preparation made expressly to resist the scuff and tread of heavy shoes on a floor. Kyanize wears longer than any other finish. It pene trates the wood and resists wear. Also for furniture and other wood work. ELLSWORTH Our correspondent has been away on a vacation, but we will try and be with you now every week. While we may not get everything and no doubt we do not put out the best write up in the world we will do our best anc write 'em as we see it. Many from Ellsworth took in the Ringham-Oil Magnates ball game at Lakeside Sunday. Errors were num erous throughout the game and a large score thus piled up, 15 to 15 at the end of the ninth inning, resulting in an eleven inning game li to Hi ir favor of Bingham. The "Oil Mag nates" is the pick of Antioch anc Lakeside teams and a very fast an! nifty little team was thus formed bin they couldn't stop the Bingham .-luggers Sunday. A return game. will bi played in Bingham August 5JX. Sunday, Aui u.-t 11, the Ellsworth Grays go to A itioJi to meet the "Oil Magnates". Thi promises to be a good g:me ami we will need your sup port. The ball team will leave Anti och at noon. Better crank up the jit ney and oinc along. . Miss Marie Dukat, who. has beer vi.-ting her sister, employed at the Wight man home, returned to her home near Spade the first of the week. Last Friday afternoon a purty was given ir her honor, all present reporting t most enjoyable time and dainty re freshments were served. Those pre sent were Misses Stuffia and Marie Dukat, Margaret Kennedy, Myrtle Arms, Mrs. Joe Dingier, Mrs. J. I Young. .- ' ' ... Mr. and Mr.. Ross Scott, have beer visiting at the S. E. Forney home neai Ellsworth for the past week, rturninc to their home in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Tuesday. Mrs. Scott is a sister to Mr. Forney. Jean Kennedy is assitinj? with the haying oirthe Shrewsbury .ranch. . The oil well being' put down just west of Lakeside is causing much in terest and comment throughout the country. The derrick which is 114 feet high was just completed Sunday and machinery and pipes are being rapidly conveyed to the grounds in such a manner that we are convinced the parties in charge "know their stun and mean business. Everyone is anxiously awaiting developments and wishing them success in their great enterprise, which if successful will certainy mean lots to this country In many ways. Harrison Strausburger of Spade was an Alliance visitor Tuesday. It will be of interest to all ex-service men having any claim against the government through disability or otherwise in old or new claims, to be in Alliance September 5, 6 or 7 as a special squadron of federal workers endowed with special authority for these cases have been on the road for some time throughout the country and will be in Aliance on the above dates to look after the needs of ex-service men. Several from in and around this vicinity are arranging to see these workers. Don't forget the ball team goes to Antioch Sunday and the first home game will be played against the "Sand Hill Colts" August 21. ANGORA Les Boodry was attending to busi ness in Bridgeport Monday. bhelton Hover was an Alliance vis itor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dove went to Alliance Monday returning Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Suit and children autoed to Oshkosh Sunday to spend a lew days visiting with friends and relatives. Frank and Frances Glan went to Dalton Saturday to visit with friends until Sunday. E. E. Maxon of Scottsbluff and O. A. Woods of Gering autoed to" Angora Wednesday. Mrs. D. M. Woods of Scottsbluff is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. R. McCroskey and family. the Misses Ethel and Irene O Con nor of Cairo visited at the John Barry home this week. Miss' Sophia Guszak is spending a couple of weeks with fiends at Dalton. Mrs. Herman Case entertained the. members of her Sunday school clas3 that came regularly for a certain length of time, at a party Wednesday afternoon. A very pleasant time was had by the little folks. Ice cream and cake was served. The little folks that missed Sunday school have vowed to have a better record next time. The Community club met with Mrs. R. T. Ely Wednesday, and had a very interesting meeting. Quite a bit of new work was taken up, among it is plans for a year book which the club expects to pu. out next year. The next meeting wi.! be held with Mrs. A. D. Hull, August 21. Herald Want Ads Results. ALLIANCE DRUG CO. tfTbmorrow Alright THE ALLIANCE HERALD, II EM INC FORD Mrs. Alex Muirhead and daughters, Ruth and Faye, were in attendance at the Tri-State Institute in Crawford last week returning home Sunday night. Mr. Muirhead joined them on Saturday and accompanied them home. Mm. N. G. Palmer of Valentine is visiting friends in Hemingford this week. Her little girl is with her. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark and Dollie were in camp at the Crawford city park last week, during the Insti tute and returned home Sunday after noon. :Mrs. C. A. Dowd and little daughter of Alliance are visiting at the Charles Mosier home this week. Rev. A. J. May and family camped at Crawford last week during the L'p worth League Institute. They return ed Monday of this week. Misses Murle Tollard, Veva Miller, Gladys-, Caha and Julia Kubovy were mssengern to Crawford Thursday of last week. '" .-. The Campfire Girls will give a play at the opera house Wednesday even ing of next week. Miss Marguerite Wiltsey is visting the Haile family at University Place and attending the Epworth assembly at Lincoln park. ' There was no service at either the Congregational or Methodist churches 'ast Sunday other than the Sunday schools as both the paFtors were away. There will be preaching services at the Methodist church next Sunday morning, August 14. by the pastor and in the evening the District Superinten dent, Dr. O..S. Baker, w ill preach and conduct the fourth cmarterly confer ence. All are invited. Special music at each service. Mrs. G. M. Jenkins will King -b the morning and Xharle.s Miniek of Crawford has consented to sing for the evening service. The G.' M. Jenkins home is rearing completion and they expect to move in by the first of the month. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rockey formerly of Hemingford who now reside in Pomona, Calif., are visiting friends and relatives here. They will remain until cold weather, when they expect to return. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Osborn who have been in California are back in good old Nebraska again. BUY THIS PIANO FOR BALANCE DUE. We have one of our best instru ments near Alliance, in which original purchaser has surrendered his equity. To resell (juickly to have storage and shipping charges we will allow some responsible party full credit for the amount paid in by original customer, if they will assume balance due u.. Can be paid in reasonable monthly payments. If interested write at once for full particulars. KNIGHT-CAMPBELL MUSIC CO. Denver, Colorado. 74.76F IMPERIAL TONIGHT EILEEN PERCY IN "THE LAND OF JAZZ" 5,000 Feet of Fun. BOB and BILL, in "CATCHING A COON" SATURDAY, 13th WILLIAM FARNUM IN "IF I WERE KING" MUTT AND JEFF VANITY COMEDY SUNDAY, 14th ALICE BRADY IN "OUT OF THE CHORUS" Toonerville Comedy "THE SKIPPER'S FLIRTATION MONDAY, 15th EVA NOVAK IN SOCIETY SECRETS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921. One Alliance woman tried to prevent her husband from buy ing her a National Vacuum Elec tric washer, but now she says she would not take $1,000 for it. It takes away all the aches and pains from washing. See Rhein's. It Takes the Thomas Serenader To put the "pep' into things. No party or social gathering is complete with out it. That's sure. Automobiles, Canoeists, Campers, Excursionists can take it with them without danger of marring or scratching, for we can fur nish you with a protecting dustproof cover. Records and handle At inside the case. Mann Music & Art Co. 1 mt , m mmmtmilM h , iiwniitnii"'fl c losm And Will Continue Until All is Sold. This Stock Consists of Ladies', Men's and Children's Clothing and Furnishings Including Dry Goods and a Large Line of V Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoes and Rubbers This stock is all new and of good quality, the prices are marked down less than wholesale and it will pay you well to come early and buy all you can use. You will have to come to the store for prices as the articles are too numerous to mention. You will be well paid for coming many miles so do not overlook this opportunity. Come early and get the choice selections. The Following Attractive Prices on Splendid Merchan dise Will Appeal to. You: Ladies Tricotine and Serge Skirts, all wool . $7.00 Middy Blouses, all wool, nicely finished with emblem on sleeves, at .,.$3.00 Men's Mackinaw Coats, ?10 and $12 values, at $3.00 and $3.50 Boys' Mackinaw Coats It will pay you to buy these now for the winter; priced at $3.00 and $4.00 Boys' School Shoes, from 51.50 to $2.50 Men's Work Shirts in extra sizes; best quality $1.00 F. H. SMITH, Sale Judge W. H. Westover motored to his home in Rushville Thursday after noon after a phort session of court. DeLuxe is the most luxuriously comfort able bedspring made. It will give you a lifetime of satisfactory service and more soothing delightful healthful repose than you have ever known'. Luxurious comfort in the bedspring DeLuxe i a result of. special feat ures in the construction, among which arc the extra long highly . tempered conical coils tied together diagonally at the top with elastic helical coils. These helical coils are securely attached to the large coils by Patented S-Hook Fasteners which insure the integrity of the entire fabric and distinguish DeLuxe from its many inferior imitations. Each Lu4 it ktubom Cn.'aW in Rmt and how-fnt wod ll't the Bedsprinc, not the bed or mattress that makes all the difference." George D. Darling FURNITURE AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS 113-117 West Third Street Alliance, Nebraska g Opt Sale II. C. Smith, proprietor of the Pot ash garage at Antioch, wai in the city, on business Wednesday. QUALITV Titty genuine DeLuxe Bedspnng bearethe traie. mark on the aide rail of tbe iprinf . Look for It . it t jrout guarantee. coil is thus given freedom of action and the bedspring is made flexible, so that it follows thcltontour of the figure and supports the whole body buoyantly in a natural and therefore v healthful position. It does not sag like a hammock or pitch to the side of heavier weight when occupied by two persons. Tranquilized and made drowsy with a sense of physi cal comfort, you drift off into sound and refreshing sleep. Cray EnamiJ and wiJ fit mttrnJ or tvoi btdt btdt) without mmy canjt. Budweiser fey0 Wholesale and Retail Tobaccos " We deliver to any part of the City WM. KING COMPANY Phone 136 Murphy's Root Beer Cigars F. J. Brennan 119 Dox Butte Avenue. Alliance, Nebraska