4 I 117 j I r? Official Taper of Koi Butte County itte County VOLUME XXVIIL STRUGGLE IS ON FOR A PLACE ON NEW HIGHWAY BRIDGEPORT CONTENDING WITH BROADWATER. Apparently a Continuation of the Two-year-old Struggle for Con necting Road With Alliance. The Gulf-Plain3-Canadian highway, which was recently organized result ing: in reoDening the struggle In Mor Till county between Bridgeport and .Broadwater both of which have been for two years working on the Morrill county commissioners to approve a state aid road through the county which will connect with a road out from Alliance and will furnish this city an outlet to the Lincoln highway. When the new north and south high way, which will reach from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, was first planned a meeting was held at Julesburg, Col., -at which officers were elected for the Colorado state organization. The Julesburg meeting favored a route via Oshkosh, Lisco, Broadwater to Alii ance. A week or two ago, a meeting was Jheld at Sedgwick, Col., where a second Colorado state organization was per fected, and the highway, renamed the North Star highway, was slated to go through Chappell, Lodgepole, Sidney, Uridgeport to Alliance. A meeting was held at Broadwater lhursday evening, at which the inten tion was to perfect a Nebraska organ ization. A week ago a preliminary meeting was held at Sidney and today another meeting has been called for the purposes of organization. Alliance will be represented at both the Broadwater and Sidney meetings. A deegation of fourteen Box Dutte county good roads boosters left Thurs day aftemon at 2 o'clock on a two lay jaunt, during which time they will attend good roads meetings at Broad water and Sidney. The men met with the Broadwater community cub Thurs day evening, at which time consider able attention was to be paid to a route through Morrill county which will connect Alliance with the Lincoln highway. This road has been hanging fire for months, due to the fact that the Mor rill county commissioners cannot get together to approve a road. The diffi culty is that the east and west por tions of the county are pulling for different route. Eastern Morrill coun ty wants a road to Alliance to go through Broadwater; the other part of the county favors a road through Bridgeport following the railroad track. One Morrill county commissioner lives in Bridgeport; another resides in Broadwater. The third commissioner is a good friend of each and hasn't broken the deadlock. Both factions have been boosting strong for their route. The west road has been graded and put in shape by voluntary labor donated by farmers and ranchers along the route; but this is equally tru of the Broadwater route. For weeks adherents have been getting their road in shape. One day the Broadwater men are in high spirits, due to receiving a promise, and the next the sun goes behind a cloud. Alliance is Neutral. Alliance is friendly to both factions. Indped. this city would like to have a Toad to connect with both of them. The Box Butte county commissioners iiave agreed to meet any and all roads tnat me Morrill commissioners will build to the county line. The expense falls largely on the neighboring coun ty, there being but six miles of road for Box Butte to build. So far as this city is concerned, there is little choice in the routes. The road Up the railroad track is probably the shorter by a few miles, but it will be no better going, the Bioadwater men say, than the other route. Be sides, as many travelers will be head ing east as any other way, and in any event the distance factor is of little consequence. The main thing is to get the road through, so the Alliance boosters believe. A further factor has entered into the road situation the past few weeks. Scottsbluff, through its chamber of commerce has suggested a road be taween the two cities, which will offer still, another outlet to the Lincoln highway. While nothing has been done on this, the Alliance men are in terested, and as soon as the good roads business becomes more settled, gome thing will undoubtedly be done in that direction. The road between Alliance and Scottsbluff is admitted to be one of the worst in western Nebraska. The Sidney Meeting. The Alliance delegation, following the Broadwater meeting, will proceed to Sidney, where this afternoon will be held the organization meeting for Nebraska of the North Star highway, the proposed transcontinental Gulf-Plains-C'anadian route. A preliminary meeting was held at Sidney over a week ago, at which miny representa tives from western Nebra.-ka were Ireent. ' The North Star highway, or the Gulf-Plains-Canadian route, bids fair to start another row in Monii! county. First reports said the load would come to Alliance ia Juie-lurg, 0h- (Ten Pages) I 1 !,.. mi .-. . , kosii ami i,isco. i nen m nev trot n jthe game, as did Sedgwick, Col.? and me latter city announces that the route will start from Sedgwick, Col., north to Chappell. west along the Lincoln highway through Lodgspole to Money, men north from Sidney to Bridgeport, Alliance and Chadron. It was the intention at the Broad water meeting last evening to go ahead and perfect a state organization for the Gulf-Plains-Canadian highway. At Sidney tonight the same thing will be done, unless the newspaper reports are in error. The Broadwater people, following the Julesburg meeting on August 4, have been selling member ship cards in the Gulf-Flains-Canadian association and a lot of them have been sold. I Alliance will probably be just as neutral in the Gulf-Plains-Canadiao scrap as she is in the Broadwatrr Bridgeport struggle to get a road to Alliance. If there are to be two state associations, Alliance business men may join both of them. At any rate, the Alliance delegation will attend both the Broadwater and Sidney meet ings. The "delegation consisted of County Commissioners- George Duncan and Cal Hashman, and Ed Henry, Calvin D. Walker, R. E. Knight, Glen Miller, D. Foley, J. C. McCorkle, J. S. Khein, Lee Sturgeon, C. Schafer, J. W. Guth rie, W. R. Harper. H. P. Coursey will attend the Sidney meeting this even ing, and it is possible that an addi tional delegation may be present. J. W. Wilson of Antioch was in the city Wednesday. ALLIANCE TAKES A FALL OUT OF VALENTINE NINE WINS FROM AN ALL-SALARIER TEAM BY 7 TO 5 SCORE. Two Big Games for Wednesday and Thursday of Next Week, When ; Sidney Comes a Second Time. The Alliance baseball team took a fal out of the all-salaried team from Valentine at the fair grounds park Thursday afternoon, winning by a score of 7 to 5, The game was close for the first three innings. Both teams managed to slide a score over the home plate in the first, the second brought neither side a tally, and in the third the Vaentine players made three run3 to but two for the locals. The game was sewed up for Alliance in the fourth, when three more runs were added to the total, and Valentine put over her last counter. Alliance scored again in the fifth, and the rest of the exhibition was airtight baseball. Sidney will be here Wednesday and Thursday of next week for a return engagement. The Sidney team played two games here two or three weeks ago, losing one and winning the other. They were pretty proud of their record, and will come next week hoping to cop both of the games. The fans are particularly interested in these games and a heavy attendance is expected. Thursday's results. Alliance ab h 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 po 4 5 1 0 3 4 4 5 1 Butler, cf 5 Griffis, lb 3 Fenning, ss 3 Black, lb 3 Nation, if 4 0 Davidson, 3b 3 1 Edwards, 2b 4 0 McNuity, c 4 1 McKinney, p 4 1 Total - - S3 7 8 27 10 3 Valentine ab r h po a e H. Smith, rf 4 0 1 0 0 2 Besswick, lb-p 4 10 3 11 Carroll, cf 5 1110 0 Denney, p-rf 5 0 0 0 1, 1 White, ss 3 112 11 C. Smith, 2b 4 1 0 4 C 0 Provo, lf-p-lb 5 1 3 6 0 0 Porter, Cb 4 0 10 12 Curtiss, a 3 0 0 8 1 0 Total - - 37 5 24 11 7 r h e Score by innings: r Valentine 103 100 0005 Alliance 102 310 OOx 9 7 7 8 3 Summary: Three base hits, Carroll, Black, Butler. Home run, Black. Sac rifice hits, White, Fenning, Davidson. Hit by pitched ball, McKinney, 1; Provo, 1. Stoen bases, White, Nation. Base on balls by McKinney 3. Struck out by Besswick 4, Denny 4, Provo 1, McKinney, 7. Time of game 2:00. Umpire, Hailing. Attendance, 200. Business isn't so good in county court this month. Not only have there been fewer wedding licenses issued, but the county judge hasn't performed so many of the ceremonies. Twelve licenses were issued in July and Judge Tash performed eleven of the cere monies. So far this month eight cou ples have applied for permission to marry, and the Alliance preachers have got all the fees. Dr. Claude Palmer of Bridgeport has been seriously ill this week. He had been sick for the past two weeks Lut it was not thought serious until lat Wednesday when Drs. Bennett and V.'eyrens of this city were called to see him. The late reports are that he is slightly improved. TWICE A WEEKTUESDAY AND FRIDAY ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, CITY MANAGER TALKS IT OVER WITH FIREMEN VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT IS IN SYMPATHY WITH PLANS. Committee of Fire Appointed to Work With Kemmish in Reorganizing the Fire Department. City Manager N. A. Kemmish met with the members of the Alliance vol unteer fire department Wednesday evening, and presented his plans for a complete reorganization of the depart ment. It was a case of give and take for a time, some of the members hav ing some things on their chests which they desired to get rid of. After this part ol the program was completed. the fireboys and the city manager got logetner ana inside of half an hour harmony prevailed and the spirit of cw-uperauon appeared on The scene. A committee of five firemen, con sisting of President Chester Moore, Secretary Ross Sampson, Treasurer Fred Hayes. P. E. Romiir and O. R Hand, was appointed to work with the city manager in devising ways and means to reorganize the department. The rules probably will be altered in such a way as to provide for purely social members in the department, as distinguished from active members, ami 10 make it a more efficient fire fighting organization. The firemen will be given club rooms on the first floor of the city hall, their quarters in the upper story having been turned over to the A1H ance school board for use as school rooms to relieve the congestion this year. It is probably that the member ship of the department will be de creased somewhat, and the new quar ters will not only be large enough for the purpose, but will be more con venient than the old. The plan of the city manager for converting the arm ory into a municipal swimming pool will be held in abeyance for the time being. City Manager Kemmish discusses the meeting in the following state ment, issued this morning: Wednesday evening we met with "J . t"e 11' """"'K iu me ncuuic vi me tiepari- ment were freely discussed. It result ed in a clearer understanding of the problems before us. It was admitted that in the past some rules had not been lived up to as well as they should have been. It was also admitted that no doubt there were a few men who received benefits and were not strictly entitled to them. "We should not however hold against the firemen now the short comings of the past. We cannot go back and correct these. The men pre sent expressed their willingness to co operate with us in every way possible to reorganize the department on a sound, business and efficient basis. They appointed a committee of five to work with us on ways and means of bringing this about. Every man will be expected to live up to the rules and regulations of the department or be dropped from the list. This shows a fine spirit of cooperation. What more could we ask them to do? "Let us forget the past and put our shoulder to the wheel and help the boys along. No doubt they will make mistakes and do things which will not please everyone. They are only human. We have never doubted for one mo ment but that the good, sound sensible members of this organization will be able to place this department on a higher plane and make it a real useful organization for Alliance and of which we will all be proud." Alliance May Send Representatives to Tennis Tournament Tllll3 Anlllll cl'i tD in A Mi'nnAA n A ov...,; : lAi'vwiit rvn a, ucttaiiuii vi lull" tenders to the western Nebraska ten- nis tournament which will be held at Kimball. Auomst 2Q SO. n,l 31 n,!' September 1. E. L. Meyer, former , w- - state champion, and F. C. Prince are among those who have been urged to represent this city. The tournament will be quite a pre tentious affair. The prize that will be awarded the winner in the single con tests is a silver loving cup, to be re tained by the winner for one year; to be contested for annually and to re main the permanent property of the one who wins it three times. A silver loving cup will be awarded the runner up. Two Spalding Gold Medal rac quets will be awarded the champions in the double contests. On August 29, a banquet will be held at Kimball, at which time the election of officers will be held and decision made as to the location of the 1922 tournament Rooms will be fur nished free by the Kimball club. Re presentatives are expected from Scott-bluff, Gering, Alliance, Bayard, Chadron. M'natare, Mitchell, Oerallala, Sidney, Bushnell, Potter, Lodgepole, Chappell, Juleburg, Cheyenne Mc Grew and Bridgeport. Mr. end Mrs J. C. Moore, who hfve with their son. Lee I l.ern vi-itinar j Moore, for the past ten days, returned toJay to tli'jir home at Butler, Mo. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, AUGUST POETS WORKING OVERTIME DOWN AT HOT SPRINGS alliam-E'S CAM PFIRE GIRLS TAP THE PIERIAN SPRING. erse Writer Protests Against the Wearing of Khaki Trousers by the Maidens. The Alliance Campfire Girls have got Hot Springs going. The youths of that city are dotling their caps bash fully; the matrons are beamintr fami ly; father and big brother are running me umuy auio up tne steep incline to the city camping grounds when ever a bunch of those slim girls head in that direction. Worse and more of it the Hot Springs poets ar ' R1,nning to Enaw the ends of their pen cils. uunger ciaric, a ceietinty of more tnan local fame, came out one evon ing during the first week, and spouted poeiry ior an hour or so, and several of the girls, and a guardian or two, have purchased volumes of his verse and are reading them. This started a poetical orgy. The lads who have gazed upon starry-eyed maidens and felt their hearts rise into their throats can be excused for thinking up son nets, nut me worst is yet to come. W. A. Richardson, who signs him self as from the Battle Mountain san itarium, has been working his muse overtime. The last issue of the Hot Springs Times-Herald contains two poems from his pen, and both of them undoubtedly inspired by the Alliance Campfire Girls. One of them is a veritib'e fairy tale in version con cerning so:ne wicked cave , man on Battle Mountain who planned to cap ture the Campfire Girls and their guardians and start a harem, but was chained up before he had r.n oppor tunity to carry out his fearsome de sign. The other poetical effort is a pained protest from a sufferinc soul who dislikes to see "some fairy sprite trigged out in khaki pants." The poems follow: The Lotus Land. When those dashing Campfire maidens Trekked from sand hills' torrid heat. To the cooling Black Hills region iinung joys or me complete Where true pleasure safely nestles Backing at dame Nature's feet. Scorning trails, well, forgotten, In the Hot Springs sane retreat; There was glee on Battle Mountain W hen the cave man issued forth And viewed their charms in toto With their vast historic worth; From recess of his cavern He received a violent hunch To promulgate Wind Cave wisdom He must kidnap the whole bunch. From his Battle Mountain lookout All their charms he conned to self As they gathered round the campfire Tn fire play of evening's elf; And he muttered, eyes a gleaming, Heart stop beating ouite so plain One huge loss to old Nebraska But it's all to Hot Springs gain. Chaperones and campfires too, Have a Battle Mountain harem: By the time that I get through i wm issue cave men rations Water free and love for grub; Then he looked his weapons over, From them chose his choicest club. All his plans were bold and wary, Most presumptious, lined with gall; If successful, poor Nebraska Beauty, no per cent at all; Were his schemes by fortune favored; By the time that he were through Cupid down in old Nebraska Wouldn't have so much to do. But a bird from Battle Mountain . List the bold audacious plan, Ami he flew to tell the secret To the Hot Springs safety clan; And the cave man, in full fury. He was chained and chained to stay, T ill those gems of old Nebraska r-ll 1 a l c j Stilled their campfires and away, . ... , . , ampnre gins nomewaru ire I I if ere often thinking. Health to them in luck's escape in mineral waters drinking. To them may time cast tender lines, And many good years spare 'em Nor fate reveal a chance escape. From Battle Mountain harem. (Continued on Page 5) Judge W. H. Westover of Rushville stopped over in Alliance Thursday on his way to Rushville, and having a few hours at his disposal, consented to hear a number of divorce suits. A decree of absolute divorce was granted Elsie Van Granven from Paul P. Van Graven;Marie W. Wingate was given a decree of absolute divorce from Henry W. Wingate, and Mary J. Austin was given a decree of abso lute divorce from Henry E. Austin. The decree permits Mrs. Austin to re sume her maiden name. Whether the phonograph is un konwn in sunny Mexico, or whether Pedro Arroyo preferred to make the relection may never be known. The Mexican purchased a machine of the Thiele establishment yesterday and r :thin ten minutes the express office employes were looking up the rate, a Burlington employe. 1 Anojo i Official 12, 1921. S. O. s. The Elks committee, which has taken charge of the work of getting the Campfire Girls to their Hot Springs camp and bringing them home again, is sending out an S. O. S. More cars are needed for the return trip. Sixteen cars took the girls to the Springs, and most of them got caught In a rain . This streak of bad luck made some of the car drivers have cold feet. Others who had promised to make the trip ale out of the city or find themselves unable to go. The Hot Springs road is in the best condition it has been for years. This is straight goods, for the writer just got bark from a flivvcr Ing excursion there. Outside of throe or four miles, where the state road gang is grading, there isn't a prettier drive in western Nebraska. You can go up Saturday and return Sunday if the trip seems too stren uous, ami will have a good time yourself while helping the girls aril the Elks out. Ten gallons of gas will do it. Take some of the family along if you think you'll be lonely. If you can possibly do so, be a good fellow and arrange your af fairs to help bring the girls back. Call S. W. Thompson, A Gavin or Edwin M. Burr at the Herald office if you can go. At least eight more cara are needed. POTATO CROP NOT SO GOOD AS LAST YEAR THE STATE BUREAU ISSUES ITS AUGUST CROP REPORT. The Corn Prospects are Considerably Above the Average Winter Wheat is Looking Up. An average yield of winter wheat, a corn condition 14 points above the ten year average for -this date, lowered condition of oats and potatoes and a barley crop second on the state's re cord in spite of the supposed disuse of that cereal are the facts released in theiAug. 11 report o A. E. Anderson of the Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates and Leo Stuhr, secretary of the Nebraska Department of Agricul ture. Although corn lost four points dur ing July from drouth in parts of the southwest quarter of the state, the main corn belt shows an improvement. and an increased estimate for the state as a whole. The main corn belt with its good stands, luxurious growth and large drooping ears has seldom, if ever been more promising. Despite the lowered condition and partial fail ure of some of the corn within the southwestern quarter of the state, the ndicated production is 21i,!)'j4.000 bushels last month and 225,528,000 bushels last year. The par value of lOOvr condition increases 3.5 bushels during August and if the present con dition is maintained, the crop will rank favorably with last year. The potato crop lost eight points In condition during July. It appears that the high temperatures during the latter part of June are largely respon sible for the lowered condition and yields. The condition of 77 'r compar ed to fi7rr a month ago forecasts 7, (100,000 bushels as compared to last year's crop of 8,415,000 bushels. The commercial crop is good, although rot up to expectations. Part of the Ne braska crop has been selling on :h' Chicago market at prices ranging from fifty cents to one dollar higher per hundred pounds than the Missouri and Kansas crops. The heavy drop in the production of the total United States potato crop last month from 370,997,000 bushels to the present esti mate of 315,797,000 bushels has been reflected by the advancing prices. Winter Wheat Outlook. The outcome of winter wheat upon which there ha3 been such varied opin ion now approximates the ten year average. The preliminary estimate cf yield is 1G.3 bushels compared to 17.1 bushels last year and the ten year average of 16.35 bushels. There is an extremely wide range in yield-;. Kan red wheat seem3 to be leading in high yields according to many comments from crop correspondents. The prelim inary production estimate i 52, ,3 1.000 bushels compared to 58,029,000 bu.-hels last year. While the quality if the greater part of the wheat is excellent, some of the later threshed shock wheat was injured by rains and the average quality is 92 c. The condition of spring wheat shows further deterioration due chiefly to drouth in the more important spring wheat countries of western Nebraska The condition of 78 indicates a pro duction of 3,107,000 bushels as com pared to 2,451,000 bushels last jcar. The total production of all vheat is 55,S9s,00 bushels as compared to J0, 4S0.O0O bushels a year ago. (Continued on Page 5) The Alliance chapter of De Molay, or rather the baseball team repreent- jin git, went down to inglorious defeat Wednesday at Broken Bow, the score 'Leing 13 to 7. .. . . i. Taper of the City of Alliane No. 71 CHRIS VALLAS FOUND GUILTY IN COUNTY COURT FINED ON CHARGE OF RECEIV ING STOLEN PROPERTY. Three Colored Men Held for Federal Court on Charge of Breaking Into Interstate Shipment. Chris Vullas, proprietor of the AlIN ance Billiard parlor, was fined $25 and costs of $13.r0 by Judge Tash ia county court Thursday morning on a charge of receiving stolen property to the value of $17.40. In imposing th fine, Judge Tash admitted that thf testimony was not of the highest class, but declared that it was sufficientlv conclusive. The witnesses whose testimony r suited in the conviction were, with the exception of Chief Jeffers, mem hers of a colored trancr who wer Thursday afternoon bound over fo trial in the federal courts on a charg of stealing from freight in interstate shipment, by United States Court Commissioner L. A. Berry. Ed Linn, colored, testified that h arrived in Alliance ten days ago frora Chicago; that he had gone to the Alli ance billiard parlor and got acquainted with Vallas, the proprietor. He want ed to purchase some Camel cigarette9. he said. He declared that Vallas told him they were out of stock, but that if he should happen to get hold of some Camels, Vallas would buy then and ask no questions as to where thev came from. Linn said that Vallas told him he would take other standard merchandise off his hands. In company with another colored man, Dewey Brown. Linn said, he hn. ' broken into a freight car. A sack of sugar was tak?n, and B'own u-ed hi parlor razor to open another sack, which was emptied on the floor and the sack filled with coffee, rice, tea and other groceries. He had taken th stuff to the pool hall. Lester Smith, white, emploved at the pool hall, testified that Vallas had told him that if the colored man came- with some stuff, to Rive him the key to the back door. Vallas came to th pool hall, Smith said, after Linn had delivered the stuff and told him to get some blankets and cover it. Later th toot was placed in an excavation under the rear part of the building, which was at one time used as a bakery. Chief Jefferr told of searching th place. The first time nothing was found, but later the chief recalled that the cement floor did not go clear back to the end cf the building, and a sec ond visit revealed the fact that thert was a trap door in the wooden floor and a basement underneath. Tha stuff was found ocnccaled under boxes ind other rubbi.-h. It is understoo.1 tnat vanas win ap peal the case, the officers lelievinijf that the object of the appeal is to pre vent the city council from revoking Vallas license to run a pool hall. Complaints have been made of th place fiom time to time and it is known that the council is considering taking up Vallas' permit. Joe Myers, alias Dewey liryant, ana Ed Linn pleaded guilty Thursday aft ernoon ietore i.niieci states court Commissioner L. A. Berry to having broken into a freight car in inter, tata shipment, and were held for trial in the federal court under bonds of $1, 000, which they were unable to fur nish. James Johnson, also colored, whose home was raided by the police and sheriff's force, and a quantity of loot discovered, pleaded guilty to re ceiving stolen property and was also bound over. The charge against Anron Collier, colored, of receiving stolen property was dismissed. United States Marshal A. W. Wright of Chadron was in the city yesterday, and will take the prisoners with him, it is understood. A war rant for Vallas' arrest on a federal charge was served by Mr. Wright this afternoon. Campfire Girls Will Break Camp at Springs and Return Sunday The Alliance Campfire Girls, who have been camping at Hot Springs for two weeks, will break camp Sun day morning of this week and b brought home by a bunch of Alliance, residents, who will drive up Saturday for the purpose. The girU have put in two of the most pleasant weeks ia the history of the organization, but two weeks i3 a long time and some of the younger ones will be anxious to make the return trip. The Elks committee is short half a dozen cars for the return trip, and those who can arrange to drive up Saturday or Sunday and bring some of the girls back with them are asked to call up S. W. Thompson, A. V. Gavin, or Ed Burrr. Thiele's has a novel guessing eon test on this week. One of their dis play windows is filled with wheat from the farm of Alex Lee, and the person who makes the best gues as to the number of heads in the shock will be awarded an Ansco camera as a prize. . i l 4 V