.1 ttii'm-, EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD, TUESDAY, JULY 26th, 1921. ' ! il if i If: City Manager's Corner (By N. A. KEMMISH) The material for the w aler extension vas ordered through Newberry's Hardware company, they having the lowest fiuotation. This material f-hould hrein to arrive ahout Auirut 15 t which time f hope to begin on it. This extension will consist a fol lows: f10 fret of R inch main on Mississ ippi avnue from 7th to !Hh Ftreet in Ilclmont addition with a hylr.jt on the northeast corner of the interac tion. 780 feet of 4 inch pipe from Mh to 10th street on Yellowstone anJ Missouri avenues. "r,0 feet of 6 Inch pip on 10th ftrcet from Yellowstone to Mississippi avenue. 7f!0 feet of 4 inch m 4th street in Duncan's addition or vhat is commonly known as an exten sion of Missouri avenue from 10th to , 12th street with hydrants at 12th and 10th M roots. At some future date the fl inch main on 10th street will ronnct with the R inch mait on Box Hutte avenue and later 'be extended south on Mississippi avenuo to con nect with the f Inch mentioned above and also 6 inch will then Jater run along the south side of Belmont addi tion. There will also be later a 6 inch main on 8th avenue between Missouri and Mississippi avenues making the complete loop around these, streets, Mr. Kelly of the Kelly Well com pany of Grand Island was here and upproved the work we had done on the Kelly well. He is shipping us a pump today from Bellevue, Nebraska, and ue will do our best to make a real well f this, although Mr. Kelly does not . ltnow just what he can do on this in view of the fact th.H they were not as well versed on putting down wells in fine sand at the time they put this well down but since then they have had considerable experience and know how to put them down and keep out the fine sand. However, he is going to do his best to regain this well if possible. We have repaired the roof at the power plant and gone all over it with n coat of tar and gravel and put it in yood shape bo that we should have no trouble with this leaking for a number . of years. A BIG BUNCH OF rAMPFIRE CIRLS TO HOT SPRINGS (Continued from Page 1) Trespa Looney, , Elisabeth Wilson iioion Vonnor. Francea Grassman Verna Dow. Janice Adams, Frances Schott, Florence Baker, -Dolly Dailey -ohivn f.IHh. Josenhine Wright iota Becker, Ethel Trabert and Inez llajjan. I.ODKKA Guardians. Miss Avis Joder and Vera Spencer. Girls Flora Spencer, Evelyn Kuhn Porothy Hampton, Evangeline Ache wn, Estella Yarbaugh, Bernice Wil pon, Mary Ellen Beagle, Elsie Simp son and Margaret Schill. AKTATI Guardians. Janet Grass- Mm bo Mm. VL It. Harris former c-uardian resigned and girls elected jannt iwrmanpntlv. Girls Lucille Dickenson, Maurice Ylnltl A lira Prpttvmnn. Uuth Moxon. Vera lowry, Josephine Acheson, Ruth Schill, Ruth Wilson, Nell Gavin. Sarah Addms. Vivian Dow, Rosalie Denton, Esther Ppdmore and Hazel Young. ECN AIM. A Guardians, Mrs. T. A. 1 Mian Altn Younir. Girls Valetta Hacker, Ethel Fuller, Margaret Vanderlas, Esther Vander as. Miriam Harris, Dorothy Hirst, Vivian Corbett, Edna Hiles, Eugenia Laing, Geraldine Bradley, Jaunita t anA T'Vivltift Thomnson. I.illa Gra ham, Mardell Drake, Ruth Ale, Leota Whisman. Mildred Fate, Adrienne Harm nni Holpn HWPS. LEW A Guardians. Wilma Mote stnd Grace Rnacht Girls Dorothy Mote, Jessie Hiles, rarnlitiA Rillian. Thelma Dedmore AVauneta Robinson, Alma Watson and Mildred Best. Christian Team Takes Game From Methodists r By a Score of 7 to 6 The regular game was to have been between the Methodists ana uapusw, Vnit the BaDtists failed to show up, and the Christians were on hand so the Methodists and Christians game was substituted. Next week tne oap -ru-ts will play two games to even up the schedule. Results of the Methodists and Chris tian game follows: Methodists r h po Davis, e 0 0 Oihhli. n-rf 1 1 'Shonrnl. 2b 0 0 1 l,unn, lb 1 0 IvoidlofT, 3b 0 0 nr. Ralls, ss 2 0 Ralls, If. I 0 Colerick, cf 0 0 Wright, rf-p -' 1 0 Total - - - - 6 1 15 Chilians r h po P. Epler, 2b 0 0 F. Allbaugh, c 0 0 H. Vanderlas, lb 0 0 IL Luckey, ss 1 0 C. Wolf, p 1 0 S. Epler. 3b 2 0 IL Lackey, cf. 1 0 It A boar, If 1 0 A. Yaung, rf 1 0 Totals .-- - 7 0 12 sah hv inninirs: -MothiuiiKt 0 2 12 1 6 Christians 0 3 0 4 x 7 Thursday the next scheduled game K Ktacwt between the Presbyter ians and Christians, aid a good con test is assured. BIRTHS To Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Hacker, girl, Sunday July 21. If you need straw bats, we have them, at half price. . National Store. W-70 I HEREFORD MEN I WILL HE HERE ON AUGUST 6th1 (Continued from Fage 1) Commercial clubs, Community clubs, Rotarv clubs, Lion clubs and others along the route have planned to adver tise the coming of the excursionists throughout their section and a general oliday will be acclaimed to the people of the surrounding country to meet the live wires of the Hereford cattle business and hear the good talks given dative to their chief industry. Schedule for Trip. The following schedule is to be fol lowed bv the Nebraska Hereford breeders' booster trip. - Stops will be made at all of the points mentioned from thirty minutes to one hour be- ffwa iVttk Irnvinv titn crivpfl. Short stops may be made at other points! along the route by request oi commer cial clubs or breeders. Time haa been allowed for short inspection of pure bred Hereford herds in easy access to the main route. All Hereford breeders ami nthfra Interested are invited to accompany the excursion, which will be by auto. Parties may join at any point along the route which encircles the entire western half of Nebraska and the northeastern corner of Colo rado. August 1 8:00 a. m. Leave Hastings. 10:00 a. m. leave Grand Island. 1 :00 p. m. IiCave Ravenna. 4:00 p. m. I-eave Loup City. Night at Ord. August 2 8:00 a. m. Leave Ord. 10:00 a. m. Leave Burwell. 12:00 m. Iieave Taylor. 5:00 p. m. Ieave Bassett , Night at Ainsworth. August 3 8:00 a. m. Leave Ainswortn. Night at Valentine. August 4 ..... 8:00 a. m. Leave valentine. ' Night at Rushville. August 5 . ... 8:00 a. m. Leave Rushville. 2:00 p. m. Leave Chadron. Night at Crawford. August 6 8:00 a. m. Leave crawiora. Detour to Agate. Nirht at Alliance. August 7 Night at ScottsblufT. AnfrllQt K 8:00 a. m. Iieave bcottsoiun Morrill. 1:00 p. m. Leave ScottsblufT. 2:30 p. m. Leave Harrisburg. 0:00 p. m. Leave Kimball. Night at Sidney. August 9 8:00 a. m. Leave aianey. James Carmody spent Sunday with Ralph Worley in the country. 10:00 1:00 August X:00 2:00 4:H0 6:00 Auirust 8:00 1:00 August :00 10:00 12:00 a. m. I-eave Chappell. p. m. Ieave JuWburg. Night at Holyoke. 10 a. m. Iave Holyoke. p. m. Iave Wray. p. m. Iave Renkelman. p. m. Ieave Trenton. Niht at McCook. 11 a. m. Ieave McCook. p. m. Leave Cambridge. Night at Holdrege. 12 a. m. Iieave Holdrege. a. vn. Leave Mindon. m. Arrive Hastings. See our Aluminum week. National Store. specials this C3-70 to At the chamber of commerce noon luncheon on, Monday, a letter from the O.-hkosh chamber of commerce was read, asking the Alliance organi tation to send a deletrate to tha Wrnv Col., meeting August 4 of the Gulf- l'Uin.-Canadian highway association, which expects to mark a cross-continental road from Mexico tn Panail-i The route as outlined will pass thru Doin Alliance and Ushkosh, and the Alliance organization will be repre sented at the meeting. Lloyd Carr of Bloominfton WK U spending the summer vacation with his aunt, Mrs. Frank Ryckman. The case of Peter Carney vs. John Gillis was heard in county court Mon day. The cause Involved a promissory note given by Gillis to Carney in 1918 in the sum of $G!0. Gillis, in defense, claimed to have paid the note in May, 1919, at which time a settlement was made between them, but Judge Tash decided that the evidence did not show this contention to be correct. Judg ment was given Carney in the full amount sued for. The two principals are brothers-in-law and live in Garden county, south of Lakeside, but being old friend sof Judge Tash, wanted the case to come before him. LAWN SOCIAL Mrs. J. Benson, of Litchfiety arrived Sunday afternoon for a few weeks' visit with her daughters, Mrs. Ida Betts and Miss Lulu Benson. The Misses Frances and -Loretta. Collins spent the week-end in Denver with Miss Marie Howe, formerly off Alliance. A lawn social will be held on the lawn of the Catholic church Friday evening. Ice cream, orange sherbet.J cake, lemonade and pop served. Every- , body invited 69-70 Peter Weinell left Friday for Lan sing, Mich, the first stop in a trip that will take him to his old home in Haingrueden, Krei.s Buedingen, lies sen-Darmstadt, Germany. It has been a long time since he visited his boy hood home, and he expects to find only a few distant relatives remaining there to greet him. He was twenty three when he came to the United States. He expects to stay in Germany until next spring. Soften the Rigor of Summer With Our Toilet Preparations Milady, needs dainty toilet aid3 to keep cool and com fortable these hot days. Let' us supply you with any number iu preparations mac win neip take the discomfort from the summer season A full line of TALCUMS TOILET WATERS PERFUMES t FOOT POWDER BATH POWDER SOAP -, ' Remember we will Deliver Prescriptions ' anywhere, any time, Promptly F. J. BRENNAN Druggist 304 Box Butte Alliance, Nebraska BASEM LlaJ AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, ALLIANCE Seoday, July 3 1 Alliance vs. Sterling, Colo. The Sterling team is as fast a bunch as there is in the state of Colorado, and has won from every team it has gone up against. It is an all-salaried aggregation, and has the reputation of being the cleanest and fastest bunch of ball players in that state. The Alli ance team is in shape to make them step some, and the fans will see one of the best games of the season. Game Called at 3:30 Admission 50c The Home Team Needs Your Support. ONE MINUTE STORE TALK "Paint across the sky the words 'Don't spend a dollar for clothes until you see Harper's values, " ex claimed an enthusiastic customer in our men's clothing section. Ke knew clothing values was a former clothing merchant. ARE YOU ENJOYING HARPER'S VALUES TODAY? HARPER'S- SHOP EARLY STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. SATURDAY 9 P. M. to Buy Your Summer Clothes WEDNESDAY-SAVE 33I3 Finest Clothes Priced One Third Below the New Lower Price Levels You must come, inspect, compare you must see for yourself the mighty clothes values Harper is selling., Costs have been entirely disrgarded to bring prices down to absolute bed-rock. ,,, Buy Now The Price Bottom is Here No Further Redu ctions this ; Season at $25.00 to $50.00 You Choose from Clothes Made to Sell this Season at $40.00 to $75.00 Including Kincaid-Kimball Good Clothes And Many Others No limit to the good clothes selection. Superb half lined, quarter lined and full lined suits." Every new single and double, breasted model. Every size and' proportion for men, young men, younger young men. Tropical Suits, Palm Beach, Mohair, Worsteds, Aero Weaves, Pongee and Shantung Silk Suits. Every suit underpriced one-third $17.50 to $25 Men's Extra Good E,xtra Trousers Choose that extra pair from the great range of styles and unequaled values shown here. We save you $2.50 to $5.00. Compare. . if km ! I. 1- A V 1 $3.50 $5.00 - $7.50 flllHii'pqrDcpt.Store BIG STORE 1 MWWIH WE SELL FOR CASH ONLY 'I 4