: . ............ . i fi; err- Y" ..,. . - iur luiKAi, jciji ju, ly-l Gene Byrnes Says: "Here'o the Music Write Your Own Words." CAMILLA By MOLLIS MATHKR. 0 0 J t ..JP- rz n n 1 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Want t buy something? Hun f people tita tba Want A column looking for hit you r others have to offer. Get quick twsslts by advertising; In Tba Herald Want Ad department. RATES One cent per word per Insertion. Costs no more than tber newspapers and we sruar avntee that you reach several hun dred more readers. Buy circuit Uea. not hot air. WANTED WANTED Washing. One day serv ice. Hand work. Satisfaction paur frnteed. Phone 502. Mrs. J. C. John- COtf ton. WANTED SALESMAN WANTED TO BUY A secon.l-homi header, 12 foot; first class condition; also two barges with running gears or will buy running gears without barges. Thone 813sl3. CStf WE HAVE a good opening in this vicinity for a live oil salesman, sell ing oils and greases. Liberal commis sion. Experienced salesman preferred. Address P. O. Box 1367, Lincoln, Nebr. 63-67 FOR RENT FOR RENT Sleeping room in an'all modern home. Close in. Call at 824 West Third or phone 343-W. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE Base burner, in first class condition at a reasonable price if taken at once. Call No. 515 at Herald office. tf FOR SALE Stacker rope. Almost new. Inquire of Mrs. M. Weibling, Lakeside, Neb. G6-(i9p FOR SALE Early maturing cahbf ge and tomato plants 5 dozen for 25c. Phone 813sl3. OCtf FOR SALE Old papers. 5 cents a bundle, at The Herald Office. FOR SALE Good used cars. A. H. JONES Co., 3rd and Cheyenne, tf FOUND FOUND Pocketbook south side New berry's store, Monday morning, con taining money. Owner may have same by calling at Herald office and describ ing same. 67 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Filed for record for week ending July 16: Arthur J. Welch and wife to Mary Vogel, lot 6, block 11, Second Addition, $3,250.00. Albert K. Lore, single to John A. Lore, lots 3 and 4, block 17, Alliance, $1.00. Oakley M. Stephenson and wife to F. G. Hitchcock, lot 7, block 7, Second Addition to Alliance, $4,850.00. Charles H. Fuller and wife to Char lotte Bock, lot 3. Block L, Sheridan Addition, $5,500.00. tawrv & Henrv to Lee Moore, lot 6, block T, Sheridan addition, $7,950.00. Hazel J. Looney to Charles H. Fuller, lot 3, block L, Sheridan Addition, $650.00. F. W. Irish, county treasurer, to Wm. C. Mounts, lot 8, block 11, Hem ingford, taxes. S. K. Warrick and wife to Louisa D. Lawrence, lot 5, block V, Sheridan addition, $300. R. M. Hampton and wife to Louisa P Lawrence, lot 6, block V, Sheridan Addition, $300.00. As soon as a good many people made up their minds to obey the in junction to buy coal, gasoline took a tumble. Truth is stranger than fiction. Largely because you do not meet ifras often. Herald Want Ada are read. LAKESIDE Will Arms was in town Thursday" afternoon. Ed. House was, an Alliance business visitor Saturday. Mrs. Frank Cody and children were in from the ranch last Friday. George Linclley and Joe Pozza drove to Alliance Saturday morning. The Carl Miller lamily got moved into their new home last week. A number from here attended the dance at Ellsworth Saturday night. Joe Chapman and Mr. Harris, both traveling salesmen, were in Lakeside on business Friday. . Pprrv I.nw- Kdwnvd and Gerp Ken nedy, drove up from Ellsworth the lat ter part ot the weeK. Clarence Leishman and children, Leora and Willard, drove over from their ranch last Friday. Mrs. Leo iserry entertained tne ladies' kensington club at her home in Vvest Lakeside Thursday. Kev. Charles Burieign went to wnu man Sunday on No. 44 to fill his regu lar appointment at that lace. Mrs. W. Hirhm-dson and children re turned Thursday from Dunning. Mr. Richardson will tlnve through wun nis team. R. A. Cook, Leo Berry, Joe Laua, Plvdc Simmons and ton Glenn, left earlv Sunday morning for Alkali Lake to fish. Cecil Buckley came in from the Aspen ranch Saturday night and is moving his family out to the ranch Mondav. P A. Conk. Dr. E. C. Cowles. Rav Westover, Edward Jameson and James Mcintosh drove to Alliance Friday of l&St VCClCe Mr. anil Mrs. Bert Blair who have been at the Hunsaker hotel for the last few weeks, went out to work at the VanAIstine ranch last week. Mrs. Ed. Young and children drove down from Alliance Saturday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. Roy Hudson. They returned home in the evening. A number from here drove to An tioch Thursday evening to attend the dancing party given by the Mesdames Jesse and Cecil Wilson. A nice time is reported. Mrs. Charles Bameby and daughter Ruth went to Alliance Saturday on No. 43. Harvey Whaley, Mr. Barneby and children drove up in the evening anil brought them home in the car. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Been and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Simmons returned from their fishing trip Thursday. Ow ing to a break down they were i-o long on their way home and their fish were spoiled. They had about sixty pounds. Mrs. Anna Hunsaker returned home Thursday evening evening from Alli ance where she had been with her daughter, Faye, who is in the hospital following an operation for appendi citis. The last report is that Miss Hunsaker was doing nicely. O. O. Fessenden and children and P. F. Gillispie and family motored to Berea Sunday morning to attend the ball game which was played there th Antioch and Borea teams. Glen and Walter House, Alva Ryland and Dick Hunsaker of the Lakeside ball team played for Antioch. ' BEREA The harvesting has already begun with the farmers around Berea. Robert Mundt began cutting wheat Monday morning. Mrs. Charles Cas3 visited Tuesday with friends in Hemingford and at tended the Rebekah lodge of which she is a member. The ball players from Antioch met the Berea ball team at the ball grounds Sunday afternoon. A very interesting game was played and Berea came out ahead. Another game was played west hv the other Berea team. I but the Snake Creek boys won. I A vvv pleasant evening was spent last Wednesday evening, July 13, at j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harve Ca.-s, j n .-o- of Vi . Marv Pool, mother of Mrs. Cass, it being her sixty-fourth I b.rthday. There wen thirty-six people 'present and all enjoyed themselves ifce cream and cake was served. Mrs. Pool received many beautiful and cost ly presents. All returned home happy and wishing this dear lady many more birthdays to come. Preaching service was held at our church Sunday afternoon. Pro. Kplei gave a very interesting sermon. The Ladies' aid society will hold a picnic at the church Wednesday. Ice cream will be on sale. . ANGORA Allan Lincoln from near Bayard,1 was transacting business in Angora last Saturday. Miss Dorothy Boodry returned home from Bridgeport Saturday night where she has been visiting with relatives for some time. John Burry shipped a car of horses to the Grand Island horse market Fri day. He accompanied the shipment. Misses Leota Henderson and Helen McCroskey spent Saturday with Miss Bernice Matera near Lynn. Mrs. J. R. Kelly was shopping in Alliance Saturday. Mrs. John Burry is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Kempter of Cairo, Neb. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Woods and daughter Minnie and Fred Houth of Gering were visiting with friends here Sunday. A very interesting ball game was played on the Angora diamond Sunday afternoon between the Angora -team and Bridgeport. The score stood 6 to 8 in favor of Bridgeport. C A. Geil and family are here to harvest their wheat crop. The expect to return to their home at Gering the last of the week. The dance wasn't much of a success Saturday night, the weather being too hot. A ventriloquist visited Angora ' last Thursday night and put on a very good entertainment. A large crowd turned out. Rev. B. J. Minort of Alliance preached to a fair sized audience at the hall Friday night. He will hold serv ices at the same place again next Fri day night A Washington man, realizing that women have quit the job, has invented a cook stove that is operated by the sun. Pay-roll bandits in Mexico got away with $(17,000 the other day. Very apt pupils! Herald Want Ads Results. M .i - .... .... IICT'TIE - .A Sasrsarx- I rra-"""aBBU UKCOLfJ SEPTEMBER 4-5-6-7-8-9 Ai NEBRASKA'S GREATEST EXPOSITION 'VS DEPIC TING t':fS- . J THE FINEST LIVESTOCK-A 6R I CULTURE-HORTICULTURE -DOMESTIC EXHIBITS OUV5 AND GIRLS EXHIBITS AND DEMONSTRATIONS) iBABY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. BOYS' CAI AMUSEM ENTS BEST AND CLEANEST ATTRACTIONS; HIGH CLASS MUSICAL PROGRAMS DAILY. AUTO RACES-LABOR DAY, FIREWORKS - CIRCUS-HARNESS & RUN NIMGR ACES OURV AIM OUR MOTTO A GREATER NEBRASKA" "SERVICE TO THE GREATEST NUMBER" LUlKflU'lBj ffV t i. IP.) A 1 j If H r r,,.:.'''f J till - : V . .1 'liA'"" ik ti , The quiet grandeur of the funerals conducted by this organization appeal to thoughtful people who expect real worth and dignity in a funeral without any untoward, osten tatious display. We have succeeded in the undertaking busi ness because we know how and because we are polite. Glen Miller UNDERTAKING PARLORS Phones: Day, 311 123 West Night, 522 or 535 Third Street The man who's always on the gallop isn't always the one with the wallop. REAL ESTATE Box Butte County Farms and Ranches Alliance City Property NEBRASKA LAND CO. J. G McCORKLE, Manager Office Gromnd floor First National BaaS The footh that used to rock the cradle now steps on the accelerator at street crossings. The new woman is opposed to con ventions in politics and everywhere else. Chicago's curfew law also should apply to professional slugger:;, bomb ers, et al. If your car is not working, let us make it work. If your radiator leaks, let un slop it. L. O. SMITH 211 Laramie Rear of Herald WELDING GEO. H. Bit EC KN KM 210 V. 3rd Painting and Paperhanging GRANT HALE Work Guaranteed. Corner Third and Cheyenne MOVING, PACKING, STORING AND SHIPPING SNYDER TRANSFER AND FIREPROOF STORAGE "When It'i Your Move, Let Us Know" Office I'hone, 15; Res. 884 and Blk. 730 F. A. BALD Attorney-at-Law Office in Reddish Dlock Let Me Cry Your Sales R. A. WYLAND Auctioneer 1232 Missouri Telephone 384 L. A. BERRY ROOM 1, RUMKR BLOCK PHONE 9 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Drake & Drake Doctors of Opton.etry Glasses Accurately Fitted Not Medicine, Surgery, Osteopath; DRS. JEFFREY & SMITH Chiropractors Palmer School Telephone 8C5 Wilson Buildinf Real Estate, Loans arid Insurance F. E. REDDISH Reddish Block Phone 64 Allitae Harry P. Coursey AUCTIONEER Lire Stock and General Farm Sal PHONES: RES. NO. ICS OFFICE NO. 1. Transfer and Storage Successor to Walla. c Traaa. fer and Storagt Compaaj PIANO MOVING BY AUTO TRUCK PACKING AND CRATING FURNITUE A SPECIALTY Howard & Allen "We Try Hard to Fleaie" (tel. mi. wtta Ktfr i.bihb.i Tlila la the try of a tnodrl ort Of t'lmlemlla mid I cr tt-p Istert, Tber It not a doubt that Camilla was au Meetly charming Hint the atep-at. tera above tin ntloned bud Utile chanc of attrition while In liri company; niHsrulliif Attention especially. Not tlmt Camilla put briaelf forward la any way, or tried for the adntlrattou that was InvarinUy her'a. Rather, It came to her naturally, aa oi.e benda to Inhale the fragrance of flower which whs, after all, Caiullla'a aw ret. Her ery peractmllty waa all fragrant with tmselflshiifs and charity and friendliness toward others; you felt Ills Instinctively aa you talked to her or looked Into her crystal cJear eyes. And If you were a man, weary of pre' trust iierhei s. or too much Inslncer coquetry, you appreciated Camilla' truth, when sou niet her. Bat tb stepsisters could not understand. CanilJIa's mother had died when sh was horn, which had In a measure placed her under her alster'a control. However, an time passed and the Thornton flounces dwindled, Camilla, who had not hcen fitted either by re lationship or advantage for The social life that nrnce and Gwendolen eu Joyed took up cheerfully the necea snry tasks of Hie houofhold and fell hpir to garments discarded. Frocks and furhelows for Grace and Gwendo len were aU.. and more, than tu Irlvea) father's purse could nianaje. Camilla secretly and laughingly as sured him that she didn't luluil a bit. As Grace whs taller than she, and Gwendolen fatter than she there was always material enough In the cast off dresses to Insure reniodellc;. And Camilla was very clever In the re modelling, so miich so, that the sis ters gH.Ing In wonder at the disap proved one, cIhiI In Home charming re incarnation of united blue btsd gold or perhaps of dainty pink and l vender, would forbid emphatically the young er girl's presence st parties. We are sorry. Camilla." Grac would remark decidedly, "and proba bly your own time will come luier. lint Just now you 'must not reflect up on our hard held position by appear ing In tlmt very appnreut muile over nfTiilr. You V III oblige us in this w lU you not?" . " And Hpiijn, Camilla did not mind. Ia fact her elder sihter's Impressive lan guage never fulled In Its purpose of Imbuing her with that siune Men of ku eilurliy to which she bnd been ii Ned. After hJI. what did she wunt with their hlli flown company? slio con fhlen tly nt-Ucd old father. And the two would snexk off gleefully together to ii hammock far buck In the garden. And sometimes, to sit on the gruss beside the hummock, cume the uinu from neit door.- -.---.. 4 He 'was a serious, humorous Inter esting sort of muii this, who had moved there In order to complete the wrltlug of his great book. Father told bet this, on one of their happy talklsx-thlngs-over-logether evenings. AiuftliH- iiihii was great, too. father said. Though still .vo'iug. his nuine wa known across the country, because of his hist success. CamilJa was Joyously excited about' It. She told the mini, us be, and fa tber and she, nit out under the star lit trees- together, how very glad she was that bis em-nest labor bad wou ucce.s. And the iiiui was pleased Htid grin I tied ibat she recognized the element of labor. "Most people," be told her smiling, "regard literary success ua mere lucky chillier." And as the evening hours beneath) the trees grew Into regular and ex ectcd meetings, the utitii of letters looked forward gratefully to the re xplte and Inspiration, while Camilla, listening to the inu!c that came from her household, felt no envy or delre for aught beyond her own small world. The sifters were giving a leu one af ternoon ; I bey told her about It. Ta bles were to be laid In the lovely old garden. A ceJebrlty whs coining whose presence was lnvs difllcult of at tainment. The celebrity rsltlvely n fused to be lionized, so they had calned bis content by the aswuraoce ttiHt the tea was merely a family af fHlr. They were, therefore, loo busy to be curious, when Camilla Informed them that she whs going that after noon for a drive. "l-ave everything ready before you go," Gwendolen admonished, "and have flowers on all the tables." "And Camilla," Gmee reminded her, "If you come IihcW before tlx, do not I ui s through the garden; your old straw bat is too shabby for public ditly. Later, you may have mine." It took painstaking planning after (hut for Camilla to fashlou a lace pic ture bat, out of Gwendolen's old lace ait, bill the bat was a delightful success, with a golden rose that Grace had discarded for garnishment. You see, Camilla bad to come Into the garden. In fact It was neceosary that there she should be the very ten ter of observation. -. Clyde Hummel'toli had Insisted that upon their leiuiu from the drive their engagement should be announced. And Clyde happened to be the celebri ty whom ber sisters were so trium phantly entertaining. And what fa ther bud coiitlded beueulb the trees was (juiie true; his nuiue was really know ut across the world. Camilla was very happy. "But, then," she radiuutly told ter lover, ."this always Ink Utu a beautiful world."