The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 19, 1921, Page THREE, Image 4

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Police to Enforce
Auto Regulations
After July 23
The following reflations have been
issued by the department of public
"works and police officials have been
asked to pee that they are enforced on
and after July 23:
1. Two white lights are required
on the front and one red light on the
rear of every automobile used at night
2. Spot lights may be used provided
they project their light directly on the
ground and at a distance not exceed
ing 30 feet in front of the car.
3. Diffusing lenses will not be ap
proved by the department and thwr
use is prohibited. It is impossible
"with a lens of this tvne to control the
light so that with a sufficient driving
light, there will be no glare. Examples
of diffusing lenses are: Warner, More
Light and Perfection.
4. Gas or oil lamps need not be
equipped with approved lenses.
5. Electrical headlights using a
tmlb of more than four candle power
must be equipped with an approved
lens. ' No bulb shall be over twenty
four candle power.
6. : Plain glass lenses will not be
permitted, even though they are in a
"headlight which may be tilted by
means of a lever controlled from the
driver's seat.
7. Homemade devices will be pro
hibited. While these devices to a cer
tain extent eliminate glare, the driv
ing light as a rule is reduced below
the required minimum. Under the law,
the department of public works is
Tequired to approve every lens used;
and if homehade lenses were submit
ted for approval by everyone making
them, the fee for the examination of
the lens would be prohibitive for those
desiring to use them.
8. The Standard Ford Green Visor
headlamp has been scientifically de
signed and is machine made, and in
the test has passed all of the require
ments. 9. Frosted bulbs are prohibited.
Vith a lawful lens, they are not neces
sary. Every lens which has been approved
by the department of pubiic works has
passed the same set of specifications
which have as their basis the necessity
of plenty of properly controlled driv
ing light. The lenses approved to date
are as follows:
Raydex, Osgood, Macbeth, Liberty,
Patterson, McKee, Shaler, Violet Ray,
National, Bausch & Lomb, Primolite
-B," Ford Green Visor, Sun Ray,
dareless, Legalite, Holophane. Dillon
No. E, Conaphore Clear, type F.
All of the above lenses, for their
usefulness, depend upon optical prin
cipals. None of them are lawful un
less the bulb is properly focused and
the headlight as a whale is given the
proper tilt. A camera, telescope or
reading glass to be of any use, must
be focused.
When the chamber of commerce
members were discussing the Gulf-Plains-Canadian
highway, which will
pass through Alliance, one memter
said enthusiastically, when the splen
did idea had percolated: "We sure do
need a good auto road to Canada?"
not an airplane route to
Small boy was trudging along the
street, clutching in both tired hands a
heavy electric iron. Friendly business
man. feeling friendlv, called' out: "Be
careful, buddy, you'll drop that iron on
your toes." The kid made no reply
for half a minute, but finally looked
up defiiantly at the friendly man and
said: "We'll it ain't my iron." Business
man, grinning, said; "Yes, but thev're
your toes." The kid walked on. Ten
or twelve steps later he stopped and
faced around. "I guess I know they're
my toes," he said severely And this
as the diplomatic dispatcher would
say, ended the incident.
A Chadron newspaper is all fussed
over the fact that someone sent in an
unsinged letter telling about the mar
riage of Mrs. Ida Adams and Mr.
Abram Mills. Ida and Abram didn't
do it, and the editor, concluding that
he is the victim of a practical joker, is
pretty hot under the collar- Some
time, he opines, editors will earn to
place all unsigned communications in
the wastebasket. However, a lot of
good new3 sometimes is contained in
letters the writers forget to sign.
Why wouldn't it be just as easy to
verify news before printing? Some
good editors do that.
We learned our lesson some years
ago, when we had to hide out for near
ly twelve days. Some joker sent in a
birth announcement and we printed it
without verifying. All of us have to
live and learn, and the Chadron editor
who suggests handing it over to the
postofTice authorities to trace the
writer is taking it too seriously.
Nature Fakirs Again.
Montreal Herald: A large mastiff in
Bingham, Ala., incurred the wrath of
his master, who locked him up in the
bathroom. The dog whined piteously
for a while, then Was quiet. When
water began to leak from the ceiling
the man investigated. Rover was
found at the bottom of the tub, which
was overflowing with water. He
crawled in, pulled down the faucet and
drowned himself.
Herald Want Ada Results.
Judging from the way the nations
are asking Uncle Sam's advice, it
might be supposed that they were pre
oaring the way to approach him for a
Spain will be applauded for investi
gating profiteers in olive oil. There
shouldn't be any charge for it at all.
Alliance Land Office
Announces Reopening
of Ten Tracts to Entry
Official plats of the re-survey of
townships 27 ami 2S, north of ranges
39 and 40, west of the (ith P. M., will
be regularly filed in the United States
land office on August 22, 1921, at 10
o'clock a. m., ut which time the order
of suspension of said townships from
disposal, filing or entry, made July 11,
1917, will stand revoked and the pub
lic lands therein, will at that time, be
open to entry or disposal. Under the
provisions of the Act of February 24,
1920, honorably discharged officers,
soldiers, sailors or marines, who served
in the army or navy of the United
States in the war with Germany, have
a preference right of homestead entry
for the period of sixty-three days from
August 22, 1921. All such applications
must be made after actually examin
ing the land applied for, and executed
before this office, or clerk of the dis
trict court, county Judge or United
States commissioner of Cherry county,
Nebraska, and may be filed by mail
or otherwise in this office, during the
twenty days prior to August 22, 1921,
accompanied by a certified copy of dis
charge and the legal fee for entry.
Where there is no con.'ict, the ap
plication will be allowed as of August
22, at 10 o'clock a. m.
The right of entry in conflicting ap
plications on file at that time will be
determined by a drawing.
There are ten separate tracts of pub
lic land involved as follows:
In Township 28, North, Range 39.
Lots 3 and 4, SEUNWH; SWVi
NEU; W'iSEU of section 3, 229.76
SWViNW'.i ; W',6SWU of section 5,
120 acres.
I.otl of section C, 35.15 acres.
NEV4SE4 of section 10, 40 acres.
NWliSW'i of Section 12, 40 acres.
NEVi; NViSE'4 of section 12, 240
of section 18, 160 acres.
Lot 1; NEUNWU of section 19,
76.61 acres.
SEUNEVi of section 35, 40 acres.
In Township 28, North, Range 40.
NEUNWVi; NV4NEV4 of section 17,
120 acres.
The scientist who asks why, if ani
mals can be trained to exhibit human !
intelligence, men may not be equally J
well drilled, is pausing for reply. I
If woman juries were to try women'
the defendants would need to dress to
a new psychology. It would be in
teresting to see just what developed.
Tlio roster of draft dodgers, once as 1
nign u 49,000, has now been reduced
to l.'.;.,ooo, and evidently should still
be cut heavily if corrected.
An expert says the electric power of
a lightning flash is worth just 70
cents, lut you couldn't bribe it with 80.
The French have taken the watch on
the Khine, but the Germans have taken
the alarm.
Regular teachers examination will
be held at the Court House, two days,
July 22 and 23.
63-6C-67 County Superintendent.
' Need of money and house room is
causing the passing of the Turkish
hnrptn. Th Turkish Viath and the
Turkish cigarette still nourish.
That American who is barred a sec-
deserve to get away the first time. I out such a policy.
Every government in the world ap
pears to be willing to disarm after all
the other governments have carried
out such a Dolicv.
No matter how soiled or
spotted that suit or frock
may be, we'll knock those
stains out in short order.
"Often your favorite dress
shows signs of wear and
you hate to discard it
DON'T ! Send it to us
and you will be delighted
with the results. We guar
antee our work and want
your business.
Ladies' and Men's Suits
Cleaned and Pressed$1.50
Suits Cleaned 50
203 Box Butte Avenue
Haul Your Wheat
Fast, sturdy and economical. A truck that will deliver
the goods in a most satisfactory manner.
Thousands of enthusiastic users testify to its quality
and ease of operation. An ideal truck for farmer or ranch
man. On long hauls it proves its worth in speed and ability
to stay on the job day and night.
We are booking orders daily. If you will need a new
truck this season, see us at once,
A full line of parts in stock at all times.
Let your new truck be a REO.
mi mmi ii I I
The Speedwagon
Alliance, Neb. Reo Cars .and Trucks
Our stock of SPICER parts is at your service.
1322-1332 Lincoln St., Denver, Colo.
: 'T't c x ?r
pecM Announcement
Our Fall Term Will Begin Monday, September Fifth
We wish to welcome young
people to take advantage of the
excellent opportunities we are
offering in our - - - - - -
What will you do when you
find yourself upon your own
resources ?
The world wants you, some
where. It wants you in the very
best position you are capable
of filling.
And the best position you
can .''11 is open and waiting
for you.
Now, what can you do ? Can
you write shorthand, keep
books, handle a correspond
ence cepartment, manage a
Bales force what caa sou
As a matter of fact, you
must make up your mind that
you will have to do some
thing, and the better prepared
you are, the better position
irill be that you will get.
It is our business to pie
pare young people for good
positions, and if you will
come to us we shall Lc glad
to assist you.
Every businass man wants
well-trained employees. He
knows that he cn not get
good service from the un
trained. We know that if our joung
men and young women are
not properly trained for serv
ice that they an not held
their positions long, in which
event our school would quick
ly lose its prestige.
It pays the student to at
tend a school in which these
things are understood and
give proper attention for his
ultimate succes3 dep;nd3 ab
solutely upon the type of
preparation that lie receives
for the work that he will be
called upon to do when he
takes a position.
We are just closing the most successful
year in the history of the College, both in the
way of attendance and as to quality of work.
We guarantee even better service and more
efficient methods for this coming year.
As an inducement for early registration,
we will give a liberal discount if you will
make application during this month. This
will mean 20 saving to you, so do not fail to
send in your name at once. If you cannot
become a. resident student, then start your
work by taking one of our correspondence
To Get Ahead Mail This
Coupon TO DAY
Platte Valley Commercial College, j
Scottsbluff, Nebraska. !
Gentlemen: '
I am interested in securing a good position in business or
civil service; one which pays a good starting salary and offers
opportunities for advancement. Please send, without expense or
obligation to me, information telling how you can help me.
Credit me with $20.00 on scholarship.
St or R. F. D.
The School That Gets Positions