THE ALLIANCE I1EHALD, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1921 31 SIDNEY vs. ALLIANCE ase ba uiaaay p0 m. SILKNCK WAS DANCLKOt'S A merchant wa. recently persuaded to purchase an excellent parrot. ThU one hnl traveled fnr und couM jal.ber in pcveral forrijrn lingoes. He ordered it wnt homo. That same day his wife had ordered a fiT.!i sprinir chicken for dinner. On leaving the houe sdic Hid to the cook: "Mary, there' a bird rominar for linner. ' Wrimy its neck and have it fried hot for Mr. Richards when' he jreta home." Unfortunately the parrot arrived first and Mary followed instructions. At dinner he wnn duly served. "Whnt'B this?" exclaimed Mr. Rich nrds. Mary told him. "Hut, for poodness' sake, Mary, he paid, "this is awful. That bird could Fpeak seven lanRuatres". "Then, phwy the divil didn't he say Fomething?" asked Mary. Exchange. S V I'll CAUEI.KSSNKSS It was visiting day at the jail and the uplifters were on deck. "My good man," said one kindly lady, "1 hope that since you have come here you have had time for meditation and have decided to correct your faults." , , , , "I have that, mum," replied the pris oner in heartfelt tone. "Believe me, the next job I pull, tin's baby wears gloves." Many things are wrong, but the world must be grateful that the mov ies have not learned to talk. .V.V.V.V.V.VAVAV.V.V.V I MAKSLANI) Ktta Enyeart was in Hemlngford on Monday. Jack Kvan was in from the ranch this week. John Tacket was in town one day this week. Mrs. Claude Fleming wtnt to Alli ance Monday. Archie Andrus was u Hemingford visitor Sunday. Guerney fJretfjr was celebrating the Fourth in Hemingford. Frank Witowack went to Heming ford n No. 41 Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton SullenNei ?ci were in Crawford Monday night. Floyd and Art Bennett were Craw ford visitors on Monday evening. Archie and Jay Andrews went to HemirKford to spend the Fourth. Kermit and John Squibb were cele brating the Fourth in Hemingford. I.ydia and Karl Nabro were visiting friends in Hemingford over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. I.ou Homringhouser returned from Giraid Tuesday on 43. Mrs. Jack Kvans and daughter were trading i town Tuesday of this week. The sect. on men have neen uu.y Tollman, where they will put up the SEVERAL BIRDS, FTC. hay for this season. Miss Etta Enyeart entertained the j A Virginia editor threatened to pub ladieV aid to a delightful luncheon i n ' lish the name of a certain young man Wednesday -and ull present report an I who was seen hugging and kissin ; a enjoyable time. r J girl in the park unless his subsenp- I)oc Neff, the dentist of Hemingford, ! tion to the paper was paid up in n made his usual weekly trip to Mars- week. Fifty-nine voung men c;.!!cd TAKING A CHANCE land on Wednesday to attend to his dental duties here. Russell Miller of Hemingford made a trip to Marsland Sunday night, I bringinir Dayton Su'lenberger home aftei the ball game. Mrs. Alice Crane of flirard came !ovn Sunday and is visiting i t th.e home of her mother, Mrs. BtHe F.n yeart for a few days. Dr. Richards of Crawford was called to see T. H. who was not o well as expected. Tom, however, is at present some better. The meetings of the King's Daugh ters will be discontinued until cooler weather in the fall. The last meeting was with Mrs. Lynn Snow. Mrs. Leslie rinney who has been under medical treatment in Savannah, Mo., returned to her home Thursday and is getting along very nicely. Mrs. Davton Sullenberger and her and paid up the next day, wh'le two even paid a year in advance. The La bor Clarion (San Francisco.) trimming weeds off the right of way 'laughter, Kuth Ann and Clara Toll-1 lately. Dillion and Elton Furman are at present helping H. G. Furman put up his hay. Walt Barnes, a parage man from Crawford, was in Marsland on business man went to Hemingford Monday and remained until Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Belle Enyeart went to Guard Saturday on No. 44 to visit her son and family, Ross Enyeart and from there to Hemingford for the fourth. Mrs. Earl Gregg returned to Mars land Monday on No. 44, after spend- hw week. M.n f llnminrrlinilcfir -T T . U'nit in town visiting relatives and to do ome ing two weeks with her parents, Mr. chopping. an"' Mrs C" T Huss 0 near New" I f We are here to help you "Lady in Distress!" Why he bound to the disagree- S able task of the family 4 washing when we are ready to relieve you ? We do your washing perfectly and han dle the clothes with the most delicate care, insuring the minimum wear and tear. A 'phone call will end Ji your washing troubles. Try j it today. 5 Will Witowack who nas neen very ill, is now able to be about and back in the garage. Miss Ernestine Thomas went to Belle Fourche Saturday to visit friends for a few days. Mr. Godden and daughter Nettie were Hemingford visitors between trains Tuesday. Mm. Henrv Hollinrake went to the Coil ranch for Mr. Tollman's to cook for the havine crew- Mr. I.ou Hominchouser went to Girard Saturday on No. 44 to visit her dune-liter. Mrs. Will Enyeart Miss Helen Hus, a former Mars land and Heiniwiford citizen, is at the i-0ont enm'.oved at Crawford . !. : r... I i Rodney ihumur, a xormcriuaiMani castle. William Andrus has been mowing the streets and by his efforts all of the weeds are removed and Marsland has a neater appearance and better walk ing space. Miss Mildred Uilstem wno went to Denver to visit relatives, writes her friends here that she is thoroughly en joying herself and expects to return in Angu-t. Paul Bennett, Glenn Finney, Arthur Bennett, Floyd Bennett and timer Crane drove "overland to Hemingford Mondav to enjoy the ball game and other exhibition. Several cars drove to Crewford to attend the camp meetings which were held there, while several attended the Burlington operator, was visiting with chautauqua there and report the pro friends here Monday and Tuesday. gram as extra good this year. Mr Stoldorf who has been employed Mike Shimek our local horseman, on the section has been laid off on ac- won the race at Hemingford by a good count of another reduction in work, Phone 160 ALLIANCE STEAM LAUNDRY "JustCall Us Up W.VAV.VAVdWJWAVSV Tim Marsland hote diniiie room is clo.-ed for the time being due to warm u-Autlier and insufficient patronage Richard Bilstein went to Heming-fm-,1 nn Sunt lav and remained until Tuesday, cele bratinz the Fourth there " All; : . Georee Ureirg was an finance viw- lead. Mike has a very good horse and figures on entering him in races of several different fairs this fall. The Goddin family who moved this sDrinsr to one or James ion mans ranches on the table, has since moved to the Arrant a place and expect to make their home there for the.pres-' rotiirninir in Heminirford ent to take in the celebration in the eve- Durand and Donald Gregg, the two small sons of Charles Gregg, are viMt- ..... It il.:. a.. m Jack Mettlens or Alliance, lormer mn meir tsiaumimuwi, viij-j ui-nver resnuents were viitinjc ...v... w sv eek with their uaugnver, aira. uiai cxieniiKd visn. Dr. E. Baker of Chadron arrived on No. 44 Sunday morning and delivered If tlrv Mr. Glover is the operator who has been nlaced in the Marsland station. Work being heavy another trick was needed. Mr nn.l Mrs. Dick Furman were victors Sundav at the home of Mrs, Knrninn's nnrents. Mr. and Mrs. Gus HofTmnn. Dayton Suller.berger went to Mem a very nne sermon to tne iwarsianu congregation. He partook of dinner at the J. M. Tollman home ami returned on No. 43 to Crawford, Percy Tollman, a Chadron Normal student for the summer school, came home Saturday on No. 44 to spend the nmnin the hall eame be- Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tween Hemingford and the Farmers' J. M. Tollman. Perry returned Tues- '"10n 1B- .. .. . ,,.n:. I fc1.. ... n b ...oil eoticAol VrJJuv Lawrence Tollman,, nenry nomn- '.""Y rake Kenneth Hollinrake ami ueorge evenmn ui me nine iaui e ' rt . i. iL. 11m Ciii,Iiiit AfAninn Ai'Art'Ana uQQ Fleming, went to the con rancn on i. e v, - .V"'u"" table, recently purchased by James Success is a Stranger to the Man who would Not Save The man who refuses to see the wisdom of saving consci entiously is as near success as the two poles. If he thinks that it takes a lifetime to get a little of this earth's goods he is also mistaken. ' It's true that it requires many years for an oak tree to at tain its full growth but it finally becomes a great tree. You cannot see it grow but nevertheless it grows. It may take some little time to save a thousand dollars, but it can be accomplished by saving systematically. The First National Bank Alliance Nebraska rain ami it was a gieat neip to tne crops as it was a much needed rain. On Sunday evening the Marsland orchestra plays for the church during the song service. They will give you the be.-t so it will behoove one and all to attend church every Sunday to hear some extra good music and the sermon also. We are exceedingly sorry to write that James Eimek's daughter died on Monday evening after a serious hem orrhage. We have not as yet learned regarding the disposal of the remains. We extend our sympathy to the be reaved family. Mr. Stoddard and- Mr. Peterson of Chicaeo were touring the country col lecting photographs w hich the Chicago Portrait company paints in a beautiful form of a lifelike view. However well the work is done, Mr. Modilard in forms us that trade is somewhat slow as people are more on the taking in of money than soending at present. Dayton Sullenberger went to Hem inirford on No. 44 and returned lues day. Dayton was marshal of the day for Hemingford and also umpired the ball came, the Legion boys of Hem ingford certainly did their very best to eet up an entertainment worth while for this Fourth of July and everyone seemed to have an enjoyable time and in spite of the rain and rather cool weather, every part of their program was a success, the races, Dan game, boxinir. wrestlini and carnival were splendid, to say nothing of the speak ing which took place in the opera house Monday morning and was well worth anyone's time; also the dance in the evening drew a large crowd. STICKLER FOR ETIQUETTE He was the most down-and-out look ing specimen who had applied at the back door of this particular farmhouse for many a fear. The housewife view ed him with disgust. "My goodness!" she exclaimed, don't believe you've washed for year." "Just about that," agreed the hobo. "You see, I only washes before I eats." It is reported that in northern Que bec the destruction of wild game ii resulting ia cannibalism. Cannibalism is when the fats are on you. The slacker list will be the first news item the Congressional Record ever printed, and a good deal of that PLEASE OMIT FLOWERS A railroad crossing, A motor car, A brand new hearse And there you are. Southern Motorist. POLITICAL HINT ' He: "I suppose when all women vot? the party managers will have to put handsome men on their ticket Junior was in the habit of coming to the table with a dirty face and. of course, had to be sent away to wash. One time his mother, r.eariy losing j tor can'ui;-es. patience, said: "Junior, why do you She: "What maes you think wo persist in coming to the table without (men will demand handsome men to washing? You know I always yen i j vote for when joj look at th kind th you away." most of them marry?" Baltimore "We'l," said Junior, meekly, "once American. you forgot." Chicago Tribune. READY TO HELP 1 REVELATIONS OF MICROSCOPE Professor: "When you examine a "Oh, doctor, I am suffering .co much) dog's lungs under the microscope, I want to die!" jwhi do you pee?" "You did perfectly right to call "The seat of hi3 pants, I suppose." me." American Legion Weekly. The Pelican. 4 Let Us Tell You jiiiiiiii the Secret of Success Conscientious, systematic and regular savings tells the whole story in a nutshell. Plan your expenditures make a budget and leave a surplus for a Savings Account. Then never break over the rule you have laid down for yourself. That plan, if consist ently followed through life, will make you ' INDEPENDENT IN YOUR OLD AGE. See Us for Advice and Assistance. FIRST STATE BANK Savings Protected By State Guaranty Fund. One Way to get Big Mileage Regularly The importance of gasoline with a complete chain of boiling point fractions You wouldn't expect to light a green stick with a match. s Yet some gasolines are like green sticks. They neither ignite quickly nor burn up completely because they lack sufficient low boiling-point fractions for kindling, and have too great a proportion of slow-burning elements. puauouuy h dm BED CROWN GASOUNE b b n b a a n p n G E E C 1 D Straight distilled gasoline possesses the complete chain of boiling points which assures quick igni tion and practically instant, complete combustion. Every bit is converted into heat and power gives big ger mileage per gallon than slow-burning mixtures, or less carefully refined gaso line. Red Croun Casolina has m com. plete chain of boiling point fraction Red Crown Gasoline it straight distilled gasoline. It meets all specifications required by the United States Navy for motor gasoline. It has a complete chain of boiling-point fractions low, medium and higher boiling-point fractions which, in right proportion, assure big power and big mileage. It is uniform and dependable wher ever you buy it. How to get better resultt at len cost The way to get mileage and power economically, to escape carbon troubles, to have a spry, quick-starting engine, is by per fect adjustment of the motor to the fuel used. This can only bo secured by using gasoline that is UNIFORM gasoline you can get wherever you are gasoline that gives a lean, dry, powerful mixture under all weather conditions. Use Red Crown Gasoline. Authorized Red Crown Denier Everywhere Wherever you go you can al ways get Red Crown Gasoline from reliable, competent and obliging dealers. The gasoline and motor oils they sell make motor operation more economi cal and more dependable. They are glad to render the little courtesies which make motor ing pleasanter. Drive in where you see the Red Crown Sign. !Ti or ak for Red Crown Road Hap STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA 1235133) mmv (SASIUIKJIS wul probably not PO so. '