THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, JULY 1, 1921 National Coal Strike in England is Settled and Miners Return to Work London, Knifland. The national coal strike, which has boen in rfToet since April 1 was settled on Tuesday. Official announcement to this effect "was made following the second con ference of the federation of miners and the colliery owners at the govern ment hoard of trade olficc. Prernier Lloyd George announced in the house of commons Tuesday after noon th:it an agreement had been reached between the strikers and the colliery owners and that the men would return to work at once. The news was received with cheers and there was the utmo.-t rejoicing throughout the whole country. Lloyd George will ask parliament to authorize a subsidy of 10,000.000 pounds to the mining industry. The povernment offered this subsidy sev eral weeks ago, but withdrew it after the recent proposition by the owners for a settled had been voted down by the miners. The subsidy now will be formally voted by parliament. The conflict has been regarded both .by capital and labor as a great test fight to decide whether it is possible for employers tc agree to enforce dras tic wage cuts after the war. When the miners failed to enlist the ther bifc unions in a sympathetic strike it was apparent that the country faced an unprecedented test of endurance. Mrs. F. M. Broome of Antioch is visiting friends in Alliance. lollen Doubhbery left Friday for Omaha. i'AV.V.V.V.V.'.W.W.V.V.V 3 i BLUE MONDAY IIEMINGFORD C. H. Lockwood was a passenger to Alliance Tuesday, returning the same day. Miss Delsing was in Denver over last Saturday and Sunday. She states that is was very w arm there. The committee on advertising are getting some good woik in ns we can see that most every car carries a big poster on the back an da good one on the wind.-hield. Mrs. T. M. I.ewens, wfto is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hardy is hrre visiting from Mot Springs, Ark. The two children are with her. Mr. Lewens may join them later. John Kuhn has about completed the addition to hi. residence which gives them the advantage of a bath room and a new kitchen. He has installed the city water and has a fine sewerage system of his own. A number of the trees in town are getting red with cherries and like wise the boys are getting breechy. Something might happen to the said naughty boys. Go in ami buy a quart and eat them and keep out of trouble. A little interest seems prevalent these days in mowing weeds and the cleaning up of the ragged edges of the yards and lots in town. May the good work go on and on and on until every place shall become a place sub ject to the closest inspection. ,Ir. and Mrs. Munsen who have been visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. O. L. Wynkoop, returned to their home in Elizabeth. Colo., on Tuesday of this week. They came out via Cheyenne and returned via Sterling on the O. L. D. highway. The Blue Bird organization held an evening party at the home of the Rohrbauchs last Tuesday. They played gleeful games, dressed in Mother Goose rhyme styles. This is good for the kiddies to have some interest dur ing the vacation days. Refreshments were served and all had a good time. About twelve or fifteen were present. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for the mnnv kind nets and words of sym pathy, and for th floi'al offerings, in the death of our father. E. G. ENGLEHORN, C2p HAITI E ENGLEHORN. Louise Lovcley Left Noted Criminal Band To Follow Her Lover 5 piled-up wash. There is ! i r j j: uu iieeu oi ueueiiuimr on uu- 3- l 1 5 reliable help or days of dis agreeable labor. Just step to the 'phone and give us a tall. Our wagon will take it away in a hurry and return. the clothes to you fresh and clean, without further both er to you. ALLIANCE STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 160 "JustCall Us Up" 5 I i I WAVA'AWJWJV.V.WW, i Mrs. J. Gurdis and daughter. Miss Carr, of Maple were in town Wednesday. NOTICE! To correct a misunderstanding on the part of the public, notice is hereby given that the grounds and property of the Alliance Country Club at Broncho Lake is not for the use of the public. It Is not a public resort. The club house, grounds, pier and north 40 acres of the lake are the private property of the corporation, and are for the exclusive use of the members of the club and their families, only, f The public must keep off this property at all times and this applies to children as well as adult3. Commencing at once this rule will be strictly en forced, and anyone violating this rule will be treated as a tres passer. Children and even adults have been in the habit of using the pier at the club for bathing, but this must be discontinued. By Order of: ALLIANCE COUNTRY CLUB, 61-63 A Corporation. - ivmiM t4W , w To Dine Here is Truly a Delight Amid such surroundings and such service as we offer it is truly a pleasure to dine here. Stop here before or after the theater or movie, at noon, or breakfast and have a good palatable meal with us. You'll find the food, service and appointment just as you would expect at any first-class restaurant, but with prices considerably lower. And it's the food after all that means so much. Pre pared by a chef who is an expert in his business you're assured of getting the best that nature has served to you just as you wish. N TiHE RANGER Circumstances control most lives and when a girl, plunged into an en vironment that makes her a thief, rises above her surroundings through love and determination, the world applauds. Back of the door with cocked gun was Louise Lovelcy's sweetheart, who had discarded her when he believed she had gone to the other man. To the room of the other man she crept, because she thought there was nothing in "going straight." Then "Fence" Mc Gee crept up the stairs and seized her. The next instant the tenement was ablaze and she was trapped. This is a tense moment from "While the levil Laughs," which is to be shown at the Imperial tonight. A keen sense of humor is one of the many appealing qualities of l'earl White, the William Fox star, who comes to the Imperial theatre on Sat urday in a pictunzation of George Goodchild's famous story, ' "Tiger's Cub." The exteriors of the picture were made at Arctic City, in northern New York. The interiors were con structed in the Fox studio in New York City and are exact duplicates of cabins built by Alaskan pioneers. Diplomat, war hero and actor, perr haps the most distinguished member of Wanda Hawley's supporting com pany in her latest release is F. Temp lar Powell. Mr. Towell plays the im portant role of Martinot in "Her Be loved Villain," the hilarious French farce in which Miss Hawley will be featured nt the Imperial Theatre Sun day. Other excellent players in the cast include Tully Marshall, Lillian I'ghton, Robert Bolder and Mar guerite McWade. Sam Wood directed the offering while Alice Eyton wrote the scenario. Bernreful what you say to a young lady when you're alone with her, es- jpocially if you're rich. Mayle there's i a dictagraph in the room and you may be haled into court to face a breach or promise suit or run up against the other alternative blackmail. The lat ter experience befalls a wealthy Ital ian signor in Dorothy Dalton's latest picture, "A Romantic Adventuress," coming to the Imperial for Monday's show. Miss Dalton, as the heroine, is the central figure in the scheme con cocted to relieve him of some of his lira, though she is innocent of the plan. Her unprincipled, luxury-loving mother is the real instigator of the conspiracy. Eventually, of course, the schemers are exposed, and Dorothy is allowed to marry the man of her choice. Scout Band Back From Alliance. Scoutmaster Hosteler and his Boy Scout band arrived home last Friday from Alliance, where they were filling an engagement at the Stockmen's con- , vention and race meet. The boys all report having had a grand time while at the convention. A bad rain storm put the races out of business one ef- I ternoon and it was up to lht Boy Scout band to entertain the large crowd which had gathered in the grand st;nd. I D:d they do it? Well, just ask some of the Alliance folks and hour what they think of the program ut on by the Chadron Hoy scouts ianu -mat afternoon. It would be hard to find a better bunch of youti fellows when t'ey an- away from home than tin so I .. Chadron can we'l feel proud cf them. They are doin wme mighty good advertising for this city.- Chad ron Chronicle. Mrs. Miller of Whitmany was la town Saturday. yTonifjln (I Tomorrow Alright I II 25c. K Van ALLIANCE DRUG CO. SHORTHAND?? Position, ar. plentiful for thoaa wh. Vr trained I Studanta may work for board. Tuitiaa low. Ath for catalog C BOYLE 9 BUSINESS COLLEGE, Omaha, Nebraska. Learn to Play Band Instruments For a Limited Time will take Pupils on Cornet or Other Band instruments. L. T. BAUGHAN Alliance Hotel -:- Alliance, Nebraska i i t ? g- m aa afahahafa aSk lime Vacation Makes Us Want to "Leave Town" How Will You Spend Yours? DO THESE PICTURES LOOK GOOD TO YOU? YOU CAN GO IF YOU WILL. This is the time of the year when the outdoors call, when work is doubly difficult and you want to yet away; when the beach, the lakes or the mountains beckon to you or you want to go home just "to see the folks". If You Lack the Money to Go Then We Have the Remedy 4MIIIIHHIHIIMHHIIWUHHIHHIMIHNII IHHIIIMMHIHMtttftMHMI7 Let Us Show You How Regular Deposits Pay "Constant droping will wear away the stone." So it is with constant savings. The results will astonish you. Plan your expendi tures, figure out how much you must have to live, and take a good percentage of the balance each pay day to the First State Bank and deposit to your credit In a Year or Less the Re sult will Surprise You You Just Salt Down Your Spare Dollars Don't waste time grieving over your inability to go this year, but START SAVING NOW For Next Year's Good Time. It takes only a few dollars out of your regular earnings to mount QtMmtMIMIMtllHMIIIIHMmtWttMHWtMM Put Your Savings Where They Will Be Safe. The finest feature about a savings account is the fact that it is there when you want it. You may have sickness or an accident in the family have you funds to cover the ex pense? You want your money bad when you need it Our depositors are pro tected by the State of Nebraska Depositors Guaranty Fund iup to a good sum. WE PAY FIVE PER CENT INTEREST ON ALL TIME DEPOSITS. THE First State Bank Your Money Is Protected By the Nebraska State Depositors' Guaranty Fund. i II III. f 4 1 ! I 'f SUDDEN SERVICE" CAFE -