EIGHT THE ALLIANCE HERALD. FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921 E. G.'s Column "Modem Clothe Tor Men" 308 Box Dutte Ave. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA n Ul L-il I puess that l m not a full fledged rditor yet, for I Ho not dare as much one of them, or I miffht put the jiamca to this little happening jester-clay. He live right close to the fair grounds, but the ornery fair associa tion have built a high board fence right in the way no that he can't Fee the laces from his porch, but they lon't control his household one bit and it wasn't their fault that the chimney needed fixing yesterday after noon, and it Isn't any of their business that ho had to go up to fix it, but after it was fixed, he just calmly Bat clown on top of his chimney to look around, and one of the races being on, just naturally looked that way. Well, his wife arrived home about that time, and the race being near the finish he was so intent upon peeing the finish, that he did not see his wife arriving home, and ho thinking it a Kood joke, she goes in and starts a fire in the range. Well, it didn't take him long to dis cover what was happening, but the "ornery thing," he goes and takes olT his hat and stuffs it into the chimney, and smokes his wife out. That was a imean trick of his. Well, I am pretty sure that I am not a good editor, or I should dare to put the names along with this happening the first of this week. that at the appointed time the crowd was so big that it taxed the house to the utmost to accommodate the bunch, but they were invited in, and a mighty fine time they had, too, and one of j those present told me that she never had a better time in her young life, and fhe said further, "We danced till next morning at broad day light" We are glad to see that home re established, but it brings us to say that we like to sell a wedding suit once in a while, and that reminds us of a story. Just at the present time we have a nice new wedding suit hanging on the "sold"' clothes rack, and thinking it would be a nice thing to do, and fol lowing our usual custom, we just cas ually slipped a nice white "four-in-hand" tie into the pocket of the wed ding suit, but imagine our surprise yesterday, when we got a telephone call, from a party who had just ar rived home with a new suit from our store, asking what was the idea of putting a new beautiful white tie in his pocket. We explained to beat the band, but as yet he still has the new white tie, and says he can use it at times, and is going to keep it. We are just out a nice tie to pay us for our mistake of putting the tie in the wrong suit. But I don't blame the man for see ing the races for they were good, and the wrestling match was also good, but the one tonight should be the big gest drawing card of the whole race meet and stockmen's convention, and I would hate to miss it ,but Joe Stech- Ver will have to be mighty careful or Pete Sauer will tip him over and pin him to the mat, and I shall be there for I like the wrestling game, but I want to call your attention to one thing in particular. They didn't get the divorce they were asking for so there was no use living separated, and at least one of them paying house rent, so they went home together, and the neighbors thinking that it would be a good joke, jihoned around, and agreed that it would be proper and fitting to put on an old fashioned charivari, so accord ingly they noised it around, and the neighbors for miles around got hold of the proposition, and it was so good, Have you noticed the preponderance of new "Sailor Straw Hats" that the people are wearing, well, if you have not, then pay particular attention to them tonight or try to remember them at the races yesterday. Well we sold a good many of them, and they are right in price, for we did not buy them till after the first of June, wheA they went down at least thirty-three per cent, and we are pass ing the saving on to you, and so we can seil them to you "Mighty Right." Come in and look them over and be convinced. Everybody ought to see the window full of ties that we are going to have this afternoon, and price is the lightest that you have seen since the war. These are nice new ties and priced this week to sell, thirty five cents or three for a dollar. Youra as always, "Modern Clothes For Men." PERSONALS The Misses Margaret and Emma Barry returned Sunday night from a two-weeks' vacation spent in the Black Hills. Mrs. John Bayne, of Aurora, Neb., arriver last week for a fortnight's visit with her husband, who is can vassing Box Butte county in the in terests of The Herald. F. E. Mesrfersmith of Anlioch at tended the races yesterday. Mrs. J. O. Bayne of Aurora is spend ing a few days at the home of Theo. Paschke, southwest of Hemingford. Mrs. F. W. Kynett, of Omaha, ar rived on 43 today for a few days' visit with her sister, Mrs. G. L. Griggs. Ilev. S. J. Epler will preach Sunday afternoon at the Main school hou.se, twenty miles west of town, where a union Sunday school has been organ ized. George Keith Johnson, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, is the mascot for this year of the Alliance Grove 19o, Woodmen of the world and has been presented with a signet ring in honor of the event. It is the cus tom of the lodj?e to appoint the first baby born of the year to any of its members as mascot for that your. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCorkle, ac companied by their daughter, Mrs. Inice Dunningahd Mrs. W. R. Harper, will leave Saturday morning by nuto for Denver and Greeley, Coio. They will spend several days there before returning. Mrs. Dunning will remain to take a music course at Greeley col lege. Mr. Hayden of Omaha is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Burlington during the race meet. Word was received by A. D. Rodg ers, secretary of the local Highlander castle, of the death of Mrs. Agnes Hamilton of Long Pine. Death fol lowed her rescue from a Platte river flood last Monday. As Agnes Elmore, she was well known to Alliance people, and her former husband is a resident of this citv. EM GO! Stay Here Saturday for AuiLto Races For those who like to sec a fast auto race we have "prepared the following events which will take place Saturday, June 18, at the Alliance Fair Grounds TSvi'TilS.' Starting at 2:00 P. M. Sharp. Program of Events ZTZ". 10-MILE RACE FREE FOR ALL & J' 3 5-MILE RACE STRICTLY FORDS EST. 15-MILE RACE FREE FOR ALL ' r - 1 Come out and see them bum up the track. Some lively races are in store for the spectators. j..u- i. . .1 ADMISSION -55 and 30 Alliance Chamber of Commerce RANDOM SHOTS Manv a man has been a marfvr tn scientific investigation, but the palm goes lo six bvanston, III., men who investigated the effect of home brew. What happened is tabulated as fol lows: No. 1 beat his wife. No. 3 walked through a plate glass window in mistake for a door. No. 3 insisted on sleeping in an al ley. No. 4 tried to water his automobile at a horse trough. No. 5 sang funeral hymns. No. 6 held the head of No. 5 while keeping time to the hymns. An unfeeling magistrate, who was almost totally devoid of scientific in terest, fined those men $10 apiece. Just how the country is expected to pro gress in the face of this unintelligent opposition is one of life's little mys teries. One test for the drinkability of home brew is to pour a little of the stulT in a porcelain fink. If it eats the enamel ofT, beware. If not, prosit 1 An Alliance man is said to be th testing ground for the stuff his friends make. They give him a drink before they try their own brew. Brewing may not be fraught with so much risk as has been supposed, for the tester is still walking around. It's been a dull week only two new scandals. However, they were good ones. Of course, it may be that we have been so busy with the races that we didn't hear the other six. Here's what appeared in the columns of an Indiana paper, when the reporter got in a hurry and handed in an un finished article, together with his notes for completing it: Miss Hattie Bray has resigned her! position as teacher. Her resignations will take ellect Wednesday. Mrs. Park er will serve as substitute. Miss Bray has taught in the Marvin street school for six years. Spill hot air on faithful services. Loss to school, popularity, characterictic traits, etc. and make other complimentary remarks. Thirty-five cents is a lot of money, judging from the number of people who parked their cars outside the fair grounds for the fireworks exhibition. The same fellows who get in free will be crabbing about mismanage ment if the race meet fails to pay dividends this year. Why not, if it happens again to night, pass the hat. Everylittle bit helps. r The meanest man has again been discovered. He spent ten cents for a toy baloon for the kid, and then took care of it so the child wouldn't break it. We learned something yesterday. If a kid makes up his mind he wants a sack of popcorn or a bottle of pop, it saves time, patience, perspiration and profanity to buy it right off the bat and not stall around. posit them on another bench was aa attractive young woman. Suddenly she reached down, pulled off her shoes, removed her stockings, turned them in side out and replaced them. One of the men, overcome by the curiosity that is as prevalent among men as it is said to be among women, asked her why she did it. "My legs were- hot," she replied quickly, "and I decided to turn the hose on "em." Do you know what Box Butte county farmers are doing. See page twp. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals offers a priie of $500 for a humane trap to be used in. catching fur-bearing animals. Ii any trap particularly humane? Today's Best Story. Two men were sitting on a park bench in Omnha a short time ago. Op- We haven't wen the "noiseless typewriter so far, but what would a noiseless typewriter amount to with out a gumless typist? In China the bride-elect sends her future husband his wedding clothes. And she probably forgets to put any pockets n them. i ill an v cm Let AL. take personal care of your car. Go over it once a month and tighten every bolt, spread the spring leaves, clean ajid grease them ; take out every squeak and rattle; wash and polish; prevent serious damages to car and you by seeing that every part is in proper condition. AL. will keep the new car new, and the old car newer, t It's service you want, and service you get at AL'S AUTO SERVICE Rear of Masonic Temple HARPER' S- H m. f'i.. h'vtvanwHinniv ktvii nnn vaiiiA.i.ivinw . - . r. Demonstration Saturday , ' Charming Summer Hats r COOL AS THE SEA BREEZES ' " IN DAINTY SHEER TRANSPARENT GEORGETTE AND ij? . SUMMER SILKS WHITE A N D DELICATE TINTS. ' For Light Dresses and Sport Apparel Exclusive in Designs Distinctive in Styles $5.00 $7.50 . $10.00 The out-of-the-ordinary values in this special offering are the result of a purchase from one of the leading millinery nouses in America. As is our policy, our buying advantages are shared with our patrons. .... ,4. Mtjtom RVRRY TTAT FRRSTT AND NEW. WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THE SALE PRICE. ..WE SUGGEST THAT YOU. - -- - , , SEE THESE HATS AND SHARE .IN THE -SAVINGS- v 07-,. r r SHOP EARLY. SATURDAY ' BIG STORE 1 mZHn3EUAd