The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 17, 1921, Page SIX, Image 6

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"t iVip World firowlnir Hotter or
Worse?" is the question to I ilia
cusred both Sunday morning and eve
ning. In the morning the awful fnrt
f nin will he presented, and thin writ
er believes that sinfulness never was
to intense as at the present moment
It is a tiueftion in the minds of many
whether the moral standards of the
next feneration will be moulded by the
church, as in the past, or by the got
less theatre. One writer and speaker
of note asserts that New York at the
present time is almost completely
pnjcanized. Many city churches in the
past decade have been forced to ro
out of business for lack of patronaKe,
and the country church is almost un
heard of. So at present the hope of
America is in the villages. While it
is hazardous to predict what the fu
ture will brinsr, yet we feel certain
that as to the future, one of two
thin is bound to happen: A rreat
revival must change the life of the
nation, or sudden destruction will
come, like that which came to Sodom,
Jerusalem, Greece, Home, and other
ttf-nnlp whose morals decayed. In the
evening we will note some fleams of
hope which seem to Indicate that wet
ter days are coming. We invite all
whose duties do not call them else
where, to attend these services.
The petitions sent in to Washington,
D. C, June 5th, in which we Joined
in the national call for an expression
from the churches re(?ardinjr disarma
ment have been favorably received.
Senator Norris and Congressman Kin
kaid have both been kind enough to
reply indicating their interest and sup
port of the (treat cause of international
disarmament. The reply of the Hon.
M. P. Kinkaiir follows:
House of Representatives, U. S.,
Washington, D. C, June 9, 1921. A. J.
Kearns, pastor, First Presbyterian
rhmrh Alliance. Neb. Mv Dear Rev.
Kearns: I am today in receipt of your
Li LJ.1 . 11
For the little man who
wants to GROW BIG;
for the big man who
wants to STAY BIG;
for every man every
where; there is noth
ing like a Sure, De
pendable Cash Balance
in the bank.
The First
National Bank
letter of June Gth, enclosing petitions
urjrintr the president and -congress of
the United States to call a conference
of the leading nations on the reduc
tion of armaments.
Makintr response. I shall be riieasfyl
to file your petition in the House of
Renresentatives, which win result m
the petition being referred to the pro
per committee, and mat iact win oe
noted in the Congressional Record.
This cause is receiving my hearty sup
port. Yours very cordially,
11. i . fti.innii'.
Our services at the regular hours.
Our themes are geared to the present
hnnr with a irosnel to meet the needs
of the modern mature mind in his
religious thinking. All are cordially
invited to the services.
T1, PollcrmiiQ World Divided."
The pastor claims that the religious
world is divided into two camps; one
nrmnrr man in lpvplfir their Jodnrtven
faculties; the other seeking to stifle
them. ,
The one offering great reward and
inrinmnt far ileveionment. the oth
er discouraging it. The one resulting
in enlightenment, the other in dark
ness. The one the essence or pro-
nrrA a a tViA nther nreventinir it.
These and related principles will be
dealt with by the pastor in his eve
ning lecture Sunday at eight o'clock
when he speaks on "Why I am a Bap
tist and why I left the Catholic
church, the church of my childhood."
Come early and get a front seat
Children's Day Program at 11 o'clock.
uTh Lord is Kinc." chorus.
Piano and cornet duet, Gene and
Verne Laing.
"Just Boys," Herbert and Robert.
"1 nntr HnnninPKS." hv nine hovs.
Duet, "Of Such is the Kingdom," by
Arline Dobry and Grace Cahagen.
"God is Everywhere," S. S. choir
and chorus.
"Juno npans." bv Florence Stilwell.
"Seven Little Sunbeams," class of
"Smiling Sunbeams," by the Sunday
school choir.
Kplert readinir. bv Edna Hiles.
Piano duet by Ethel Fuller and
Helen Ifprhnuirh.
"A Thank You Prayer," by primary
"Smiles." by David Minort.
"Growing Like Jesus," by the pri
"Little Rosebuds," Sunday school
"Joy is the Message," solo, by Gene
"Because His Love is Mine," Sunday
school choir.
"Kind Wishes." by Forest Walker.
"What Can You Give," Faye Geb-
"Tell the Story of Jesus," Ethel
"The Daisy Folks." by ten girls.
"The Garden of the King," Sunday
school choir.
for your promise to be one of three
hundred at the B.ble school. Your
class will miss you if you are absent
and will welcome you if you are present.
The three C. E. prayer meetings
meet at the same time in the evening
at 7 o'clock. This affords children,
young people and adults the opportun
ity to grow in grace, by participating
in these services. Make next Sunday
a great day by coming to the church
with a message and a welcome.
German service next Sunday morn
ing beginning at 10:30. Sunday school
at 10 o clock. Service at Hemingforu
in the afternoon at 2:30.
At the annual school meeting held at
the high school building last Monday
the regular reports were read and ap
proved and the annual business tran.c
acted. The question of reorganization
was advanced and discussed pro and
con. There being no special advantage
in the way of increasing the financial
benefits for the district as had been
advanced as one of the main reasons
for the new organization, the meeting
upon motion proceeded under the old
organization. The term of W. D.
Johnson had expired but he was unan
imously re-elected. It was voted that
a special meeting be called for the
second Monday in August for the pur
pose of voting a levy of an additional
20 mills to erace the indebtedness of
the district.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hucke were
visitors in Alliance Wednesday and re
turned in the big rain about' 4 o'clock
in the afternoon.
The divorce case of Mr. and Mrs.
Luke Phillips was dismissed in district
court Tuesday, by Judge Westover.
The ladies aid of the Methodist
church met at Mrs. Cory's Wednesday,
with Mrs. Sailing as assistant hostess.
Notwithstanding the downpour of rain
that continued all afternoon there was
a good attendunce.
More than twenty of the Masons
from Chadron, three from Alliance and
the local brothers conducted the fu
neral service of Clyde Watson at the
cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Mr.
Cox delivered the sermon at the Con
gregational church.
The body of Jim Friel was shipped
here from North Dakota and arrived
on No. 42 Tuesday night. He is the
only brother of Mrs. John Kinsela.
The funeral was conducted from the
Catholic church at 9 a. m. Thursday.
Rev. N. G. Palmer, former pastor
of the Methodist church here was in
town between trains last Friday.
Robert Embree and Mr. Hewitt went
to Crawford on No. 41 Thursday morn
ing en route for Harrison on a busi
ness trip and will return some time
Miss Pollard who Is employed in the
Leckwood store expects her sister
from Broken Bow on Friday of this
week. She will accept a position in
the Wiltsey store for a time.
George Jenkins is out of town for
the week on business.
Miss Kinsela, a sister of Mrs. John
Kinsela is here from Canton to at
tend the funeral of her brother.
A number of the citizens went to
the wreck near Whitney on Thursday
The auxiliary entertained the Amer
ican Legion boys Thursday evening at
their rooms. A splendid time was re
ported and the boys appreciated the
good time including the tine teed the
ladies put up.
A large number of Mrs. Wm. Cory's
friends met at the Methodist parson
age on Thursday evening after prayer
meeting and went over in a body and
gave her a birthday surprise.
On Wednesday evening of this week
about fifty of the friends and relatives
went out to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Luke Phillips and gave them a glad
surprise which they richly enjoyed.
The friends wanted to show their faith
and good will to the couple after the
The Congregational and the Method
ist churches will each give a Children's
day program Sunday evening at 8
days of difficulty. Everybody enjoyed
the event. The guests tried out the
old time square dance for a jerk or
two, Mrs. Phillips participating and
Mr. rhillips doing the fiddling stunt.
The evening was spent in social con
versation and a general good time was
Thanks to Citizens of Alliance.
Resolved by the Nebraska Stock
Growers association that we hereby
extend to the chamber of commerce,
the Elks club and the citizens of Alli
ance, our sincere thanks and apprecia
tion of the courteous treatment and
entertainment extended to our mem
bers during our annual convention in.
Alliance on June 13 and 14, VJtl.
Thanks to Officers.
Resolved by the Nebraska Stock
Growers association that we express
our gTeat appreciation of the splen-
;I nnd effiripnt work of our officers
and employees during the past year.
(Signed) A. R. MODISETT,
At the Monday luncheon of the
chamber of commerce, Secretary Carey
announced that a reduction in express
rates on ice cream to Black Hills
points had been secured, thus enabling
Alliance manufacturers to compete
with Crawford. The rate formerly was
about 98 cents from Crawford to Hot
Springs, and $2.16 from Alliance. The,
reduction was ordered by the inter
state commerce commission after the
express company had refused to cor-
j rect the inequality.
I Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Martin of Lin
coln visited their cousin, Mrs. Chap
I man of this city between trains during
Wednesday. They were en route for
western Montana.
Clarence Johnson who recently un
derwent an operation for appendicitis
at the St. Joseph, is convalescing at
the Kent rooming house.
and Thpir Fate" will be
the subject for next Lord's day at the
morning service. Post M of the T. P.
A. will march to the church in a body
tn honr thia eprmnn from the chan-
lain. Mr. Shellenberger will sing. At
the evening hour the minister will use
the subject, "Babylon the Great is
Fnllon " Yon will dnsire to hear these
sermons for they will be soul inspiring
and neipiui.
Af Via nih1 rpVioo! the binior or
chestra will play and a demonstration
will be given by the Beginners' depart
ment under the direction of Miss
Schwcnson. We thank you very much
But it pours!
IT WAS "company night"
BUT WHEN I got home.
I FOUND the Browns,
HAD A sick baby.
SO I chortled "Oh, Joy.
WON'T SUE and I hay.
SWELL EATS for two!
BUT NO, Sue said.
"YOU DON'T suppose,
I'D WASTE all this food.
JUST ON you'.-
AND 80 I laid.
"LET'S PHONE the Smiths.-
BUT THEY had headaches.
THEN WE tried the Joneses.
AND THEY fell for it.
AND WHEN grub for tour.
WAS JUST about ready.
THE PHONE bell tinkled
AND THE Brotm baby wat better.
AND A minute later.
THE SMITHS changed their mind.
AND THE Missus fainted.
"OH, WELL," I said.
"THE MORE the merrier.
WHAT'S THE difference?
IF THERE isn't enough food
I'LL FEED the males.
ON THE cigarettes that satisfy
AND YOU women can talk,
AND BETWEEN the two.
WE'LL ALL be Satisfied.
WONDERFUL company.
Chesterfields any time, any
where. Just seem to "hit the spot."
Good tobaccos, good blending, (by a
private formula that can't be copied),
good-looking package with an air
tight wrapper. Un every count, am
all-around downright good smoke.1
"Satisfy"? All over the place.
; I THE PHONE bell tinkled I
Bigger, Stronger, More Durable
Than Ever Before
g" ""
For months, we have worked to make
GoodyearTires for passenger cars even
better. We have increased the size of
our clincher type Goodyear Cords,
made the tread thicker, the carcass
heavier, the bead stronger. Today our
larger size Cords are likewise bigger,
stronger, more durable. And fabric
tires and inner tubes, too, show
added value. Whatever car you drive,
there are improved Goodyear Tires
and Tubes now ready for it, at the
nearest Goodyear Service Station.
Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company
of California
Try Our Free 'Drive-In Service'
Recharging and
Rebuilding Batteries
A Full Line of
Schafer Auto Supply
"BUD" SCHAFER, Proprietor
Vulcanizing and
Electrical Work
Goodyear Tires and Tubes
Rumer Motor Company
1 i
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Liggett &"Mvem Tobacco Co..