The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 14, 1921, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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....The FiMp Is a ready reference In
frc'Knjt California oranges, according
to the nun mho is oon to talk lo
f Alliance business men. This may be
but what reference book do iho
i.true, but what refer
l&Mcl keepers use!
Ole Buck recommends that, as a
ro ;pective benedict, we consult Bill
Maupin. We would, if Bill had rgu
h.r office hours. , ' n .
! ; Conjtressmen Laughed rt Thi.
' " Conrre.'pnian Tom Williams. (Ren,
i 111.) was discussing: civil serviw in
connection with the postotTice depart
1 rr.ei when he was interrupted thus:
Mr. Garrett (Dem., Tenn.) Has the
jostmaster general (Mr. Hays) ever
stood a civil service examination?
Mr. Will'sms No. And while I
htve the highest respect for the dis
tinguished gentlemen who. constitute
the cabinet of the president, yet, in
iry opinion, if they had been required
n pass a civil service examination
such as thee rural letter carriers and
, fourth-class postmasters are required
. to pass, outside of Hughes end Hoover,
rone of them would have been able lo
pet on the eligible list. (Laughter and
v Bert Laing tells the story of a lanky
"cuss who came into his store rome
t'me ago. "I want to buy a collar,"
fie customer said. Bert showed him
the various styles, and the selection
was made. "What size?" Bert; asked.
"Oh, any size will do," .was the reply.
"But surely you wear some certain
size," he queried. "No, I ain't par
ticular," persisted the customer, "you
see, I got a collar bo. for my birthday
and I don't want it to be empty,"
' . -
This must be a brother of the man
who said he had plenty of collars, but
they were both in the wash.
Nebraska City Press: When a Ne
' braska City widower, who was making
, Ws third essay into the maze of matri
mony, sent out the invitations to his
wedding with a lovely matron who had
see t the matrimonial game . played
tw? from the inside, he was parlicui
1st anxious for a warm old friend to
beUresent. He thought a long time
be Pre deciding just what to say to
in'"c9 the friend of a lifetime to make
thtjoTtR journey necessary to be there.
Fif. dlj he took up his pn and wrote
th at the bottom of the invitation:
"B su)e to come; this is no amateur
performance. '
At Hot Springs widow, according to
the. (Arkansas Thomas Cit, says that
the Ma test proposal she has received
was from a barber, who said that after
worf ing hard all day he longs to go
horn.' to a face that doesn't need any
I thinj: done to it.
It I br- a'l rieht if he keeps on feel
ing J hat w-ay about it.
' 't ' ' 1 T I . 1. . 0 1
'i imiay iwm oiory.
Trii Drunk: "Good ol' privnt stock
frond muh Til ol' cellar. Whoopee!
Ho, Jnme!"
Tf Chauffeur: "That wasn't your
private Hock, sir. 1 saw you buy it
froMja bootlegger. You've forgotten,
Tht 'Drunk: "Aw right. Hospital,
Chauffeur: "And
a bootlegger one
it was a
you didn't
th im.rcniA!
Drunk: "The morgue, James,
effciency. We have the pupils coming
ito us fast but are not providing the
'teachers as fast as we should,
i" Some criticism from the outside is
heard because the pastor announced
i that he would preach on why he is a
Baptist and why he left the Catholic
j church. But wh criticise?
Surely a man that has i.o reason for
i his lelief must have a poor belief. Re
cently we attended a lecture by one of
the leading Christian Scientists of the
siave ami we ncaru no one questioning
the right of that man to tell why he
believed in Christian Science. The
irreat trouble with tha churches today
is that we have too many in them that
cannot tell why they are holding to
their peculiar tenets. Sunday evening
the pastor will explain why he could
no longer hold to the faith of the
church of his childhood, and in so
doing he will be fair with those who
disagree with him.
Thr re will be no carping criticism of
the Catholic church but an honest
Iststemenr of why he is a Baptist
I If in the course of the lecture he
quotes from records thnt exist he will
be doing what all preachers have done
I from time immemorial. We have no
quarrel with any one, but we insist
I that we have the right of free speech
and shall exercise it within the bound
of reason.
I Prayer meeting Wednesday. Fri
day evening choir practice.
journey forth equipped with shovels,
picks and spades, to do some repair
work on the Alliance SeottsbhifT road.
Chuckholes are to be filled, mudholes
drained, and other ner-ded road work
looked after by the "knljihts of the
grip," most Of whom travel this road
Rev. S. J. Fpler, chaplain of Tost M,
will preach his annual sermon to the
members of the Post on Sunday morn
ing, June 19th. The mombers of the
po.t will meet at the offices of the
chamber of of commerce at 10:30
o'clock and march to the church in a
The policing of the fair grounds w ill
be done thi sweek by memlx-rs of Post
M, fifteen of whom have been sworn
in by ShrrifT Miller as deputy sheriffs.
They will guard the gates, direct the
parking of autos, and assist in main
taining order on the grounds. Their
services have been donated. .
. Mrs, Roll Clark of Holland, and her Fred Cutts went to Hemingford on a
daughter, Mrs, Doris King, of trip Thursday,
ingford, were in Alliance Thursday. I Dick Strong has returned to his
Mrs. King is having dental work done, homestead ne jr Moorecroft, Wyo.
Herald Want Ads nre read.
Thl parade Sunday was a Fuccess in
every' respect, and it served to im
press ij?on the general public that
more eople attended the schools of
Allian ft than they imagined.
Sun ay .afternoon the Sunday school
board oted to invite the other Sunday
school to a general Sunday school pic
nic to e held at the city park some
time i the future, thus giving the kid
dies a well as the adults a chance to
mingle socially. We can not mix too
much ocially and the differences are
not as 'renounced as the outside world
seem tj think.
A chl nge in our young people's class
will so n be made in order to provide
more t achers and to attain a greater
A hall game anil picnic, to be in
dulged in bv the U. C. T.'s of Scotts
blufT and Post M, T. P. A. of Alli
ance, is in prospect for an early date.
' The date of the celebration by the
traveling men of the two towns is to
be set on June 25, when a delegation
of Scottsbluff U. C. T.'s will visit Alli-
' ance for the purpose of securing mem
bers for that fraternal traveling or
mnizoHon in this city. The committee
from Post M consists of Fresident
O Connor, Looney, Strong and Thomp
At six o'clock Friday morning, June
24, a delegation of Alliance traveling
, men, members of Post M, T. P. A., will
If you are troubled with pains ot
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For Delicious Food Zg&i5ZEl
Perfection bakes and cooks everything perfectly. It's th
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1 lie 'pest
. - j ; - . .
a Young Man of Today Can Present
When Applying for a Position of Trust is
A Well-Wore Savings Bank Bo
People are realizing that one good thing came out of the war the general knowledge
that EVERYONE CAN SAVE. It is the frequent and systematic deposits that build up a
bank account. We are quoting one of the soundest bits of business wisdom that we have
ever heard. It comes from the man who is at the head of the biggest financial institution
in this part of the country: The Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
erMr., Says:-
"A well worn savingsjbank book showing systematic and frequent deposits is the
; v best recommendation a young man can present when applying for a position of trust.
, - ....... V5 ' '
(It is -not only an evidence of thrift but shows a determination to live on less than the
.; income, which, in the last Walysis, is the road to a competence. Recommendations
i and influence i of friends ofltlie applicant fade into insignificance with the employer
when compared with the above mentioned characteristics."
J. Z. MILLER, Jr., Governor,
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
a. w
Above Statement
There is food for reflection, hfoung men just starting out in life and older ones already
started will get good sound adviba that will mean a competence for them in their old age.
It is worth while thinking over.
Is Essential
' You want to be sure that
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al every penny you have de
posited (together with in
terest) whenever you may
call for it.
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Do YOU Spend MORE or LESS Than you Make? Avoid a common error Do it by start-
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Savings Protected by Depositors Guaranty Fund of Nebraska.